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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  September 12, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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also yeah, it's about to do not go away after the break we off the bundle of dish entering lita mohammed eunice, when he plans to hold election. so exclusive interview coming right. got out was invalid for me and the news team here at the living independent, arise to our society is full of contrasts and inequality is a big challenge. many problems can only be solved by working together. yes, i think could be tied as a misleading. what is home? how do we tackle the major issues about time? because i think there is a significant risk of human extinction from advancing our systems and changes the
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new frontier. so from our series continued on d, w, the chief visit dr. moment doing those. thank you for taking a time for an interview with dw, so you're slowing in last month as a hit off the bottom of this interim government after farmer by mr. steer, custody now was forced to resign and plead during the following. a student led mass movement. what are the main telling this what we're facing? you know, new role, lots of challenges. one is kind of taking responsibility of the country after a huge exemption is evolution of the situation that the students have created.
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and would you let to the fall of the game which was combining the country and everything was in total, this order because one thing of the evolution of the activities of the young people and the fact that the, the government which was holding deposit before destroyed almost all the institutions this function of institutions economy wasn't shutter a or as inflation is at the high level. in banking system collapsed, simulated ministration wasn't totally directed to establishing the thought of the, of the government, which you wanted to look at the people. so you and headed that in a kind of a revolutionary transition. you don't know where to begin,
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because everything has to media started in a different way. so you don't want to follow the same or pops up doing things. and people that were running the country and officials and institutions getting a good in doing the things that the students we just go. so we have to redesign everything as soon as one of the one month back. so within one month, the, what we have to do now is to the bank order to the class and then improve the quality of administration and match the expectation of the people you say, did you think that the interim government or the undertaking of homes that people are holding elections. what kind of free forms are we talking about here? and how long will it take to implement them? when you talk about the form, this was the difference to kind of a wish list for the students and come on
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people who joined that evolution to reform everything because everything was done in a way to promote single person, single family, the whole thing belong to them. so we want to get out, we want this established citizens, right? human drives, democracy, and everything that the book that goes with are good governance. so we want to bring that. so this is understanding, by the way we do that. and that expectation has to be met. this is where we do uh, how long will it take, but we'll give it a best. we could just go to the 1st month. one is to bring order number one, this is the total order and we have to do that in of the methods in election before the election. we have to get all of the funds, i'd be more informed than everything. and the civil administration on reforming health care, i think one education issue,
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your form and your issue of the system before the 1st of all, you name it as a whole long list of the forms that you have to go through. so we have to go through the test quoted process. we just are now 6 commercials right now. actually today, a commission switch to work on establishing the norms for admin stations known for police, administration and on for just the system and so on. so and so many more to come in the, you know, the visit the for 6, many more commissions. so the phone so that we can concentrate and build up a consensus. there's a lucky thing for us. there's a tremendous amount of consensus, one, but it's very sensitive thing. reformed the configuration. so we have been, uh, we have been uh, requested and we have been feeding that this demand from the people that we must and then the constitution to make it to do
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a vote. because if it's been amended in the wrong way. so we don't use this institution anymore, so we have to go back and pick on distribution that fits so emotions fits out of prison supervision, so that never again, we go back to the old way of the things that happened to us. so there's a long list of new phones before the good the election. so this is way to get, i guess the next question is that critics say, uh, the interim government is always to hold the legs, so it's not to embark on administrative refunds. what is your take on it? i don't think anybody said that in bangladesh and me if you're here, probably somewhere else. cuz we have been meeting all kinds of people to check with that. all supposed to go to the bottom. it says we need your phone. so there's no disagreement about the phone among all set supposed to go by the civil society. they have been competing for that. so this is one area that we have
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a total of consensus when you must agree on amending the constitution. this does is a disagreement on that issue to some says you help to me create a new configuration. so it's a complete consequence in if drake, this is one view this and then here's don't do the whole thing just. and then the most important thing that you need back now, rather than these ident that construct. so this is the only disagree. the differences in our own view is that we should not go to disease. i think of when you're going to cities, we should be focusing on the measure of issues of institution and build a consensus. we cannot do anything without a consensus. because out a student comes from the consensus. if we can establish the consensus, we go ahead and do that data, having incidents off, quote unquote, mob justice with some minority groups and members of the x m house, you know, spotty, you put the living at that. how we use. what did mister, so i'm trying to control the situation. one is both revolution situation.
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yesterday, people have been killed in this thing tomorrow. you said everything is calm and quiet and civilized. it doesn't happen like that. it's a, it's a kind of a, as i said it up. so during this little transition of some incidents have happened. yes. and our government is trying to make sure that it doesn't continue so that there is no violation of law. so you'll follow stick laws of your field, study, inspected police, or inspect it to do the right thing and so on. and i think we have we have reached the point today. i don't think you'll have to really hear a on june of september 11. you will have those kinds of things. these are the 1st to august early august when the things are very unruly to get that done. so i hope
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it's over and uh, we'll move on from here. so my next question is it the engage butler, this, the biggest uh, neighborhood. and also when you go to mac bald hose, uh, both countries depend on each other economically and are linked to culturally, while the previous government to maintain close dice within the easier to administer. so in moving in the opposite direction. and i don't think in bangladesh, anybody can go in and dump as of today, so it really comes, it can go and then all of us have direct. some of the neighbors been in there is not only the biggest neighbors, the only neighbor, because we are indeed all around us. so there's no question about having another neighbor is good that you have and there is a neighbor exhibit a forward looking come see, we want to shake hands with each other, move on together and that's what the future is. so, but of all the countries in the world, the most of the best of the relationship within their own mississippi and out of
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his own acquaintances and the similarity of the things that we do together, we share each other. so history. so there's no escape route for bangladesh to do something else. so that's what the, any government will try to do that and we'll continue to do that. we have best of the relationship. but as you, as a neighbor, you old with some problems. what a problem, problem of intrusion from people moving from one country to another country to young citizens have been with a zip code in the border. and recently, i don't think of the contents of the government of india, but somehow this, this, this happens. so it upsets people, but they were white enough to shoot at the most and people, nobody's affecting those kinds of things. so these are skirmishes, these are things that you have to address and there is no difference of opinion.
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india doesn't say that we will go into it again and it's, it was able to say that no civilized government would say that. so how to avoid citizens situation, what it is a problem. and it's always a problem. and i thought it be under water vivian, even within india, they have problems with that, but it being delivered. so it's not the, this is the soviet problem is a ticket thing. so we have to work together and the international ways of solving back, but we'll follow that up and make a very happy submit. happy solution. economics is one of your to mean 80 yourself expect dates. what made those type of taken to reveals that you couldn't make sense taking the reins of the country. it's not about expertise and making that makes us simply think order. the economy was not done in a way that it can function. it became a kind of an opportunity to make huge money, money safe and go from bangladesh to government channel to bank channels and so
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on. contracts are signed, not for the benefit of the people for the benefit of a family or family members in some way bank that so the ugly thing that the, you see when a government goes in the wrong direction, things happen. terrible things happen in the economy and so, so this is where we have starting to be ordered and the thing. so you don't need a big economies to solve. it is simply method of a good governance to follow the rules, follow the discipline central bank. never play the role of a central bank is supposed to play banks and i'm not playing the rules to put in the role of the banks as opposed to play the rules. so those are the kinds of how to being order and make institutions follow the policies. follow present policies, which i've already laid down. violation is not accepted. so those are kind of the
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environment we have to the bottom of this course. so what a 1000000 of uh, rowing uh, refugees who played man not risk of violence data now reports that more willing to most claim. so want to take the fuse in bottle of this as a civil war to have this started in men. most of all kind of that we knew a government lit review just in and how we did with the rolling got issue or disagreeing as a tickling in as a trouble begins the kind motor in motor prisons of the items conflict in the nearby area. and that kind of everything is trying to find a way to escape escape that they're coming towards bangladesh. a, we kind of stopped them. we kind of push them back, pushing them back, being so pushing them to get a i don't think any country can do that. so we will to people who come let them come in, but it creates a problem for us problem for us because we already have nearly
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a 1000000 ranges living in the country. we don't know what is the future of that. and then on top of it, we have 200 to 100 people, and most it'd be him every day coming in this numbers built up very quickly. so this is the addition of the back. so we're worried about it. we're trying to draw attention of the international community, how to handle this. we don't have a solution right now, but we keep the door open, we cannot push them back. that's the sort of down acceptable. but we'll be discussing this with our friends around the world. have to make sure that they're, this is shared with them that they've been with this and not be the only country taking care of the ranges. and luckily, many countries have offered to get some brain goes in their own countries. they'll have this, not a large number compared to what we have. but if you start, if you feel comfortable, even probably each,
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every country share some buttons. but with this, we can of debate the find a solution in that and also good time to bring pressure on man letter. going to take them back is this, it is a z able to give them so that a piece can just a place for them. and the government demand, so these are our efforts and we have been very grateful to him, the national community for helping us to take care of those that ring us for some of those. thank you so much for your time. thank you. thank you for coming. the ukraine says that its recent incursion into russian territory has made a mockery of fruitless red lines, and that the west should go all in to help him with the war. i discussed the options with the finish for administer alina vault holding on conflicts down. finland knows a lot about red lines from russia across one.


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