tv DW News Africa Deutsche Welle September 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST
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is simply something that, and also good thing to bring pressure on man let are going to take them back is despotism as able to give them so that a piece can vista place for them and the government demand. so these are our efforts, and we had been very grateful to him, the national community for helping us to take care of those that ring us for some of those. thank you so much for your time. thank you. thank you for coming. the city is henry for the future in south west, telling the 32000000 people live here. many of them are young and then the 3 and it's coming through making money, having fun stuff, september 19th, on the w. w. this is the,
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is available to them and it has instead of in some sense this is dw news, africa coming up on the program. for many, her face is the epitome of beauty. the ancient egyptian queen never tv reputed mother of the fabled pointing to an uncommon. she's been captivating all who see that face here in berlin, for now calls in egypt for her return to per ancestral homeland. we speak to the man who wants her best. we visit nigeria, where many young people see their future outside their country. russian visas are proving popular. we meet one man who is dead. stop is russia. and in cam rude, a traveling doctor in his own words. george would it travels his weekends in the
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countryside, providing critical health care to poor communities, free of charge, the i'm mike local. welcome. she is probably the most iconic african woman who ever lived. and she's here in berlin. the world famous bust of never td, queen of egypt, 1st went on displaying the german capital a 100 years ago. that might sound like ancient history. but her beauty spent more than 3000 years slumbering in her homeland, where she was entombed many centuries ago. now and egyptian archaeologist has launched a petition calling on germany to return the famous hardware. the painted limestone bus was discovered near cairo by german archaeologists. in 1912,
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it's the most popular artifact in berlin's noisiest museum. ever titi reigned in the 14th century b. c. and may have been the mother of the famed boy, king 2 can comment and we can welcome to the show prominent egyptian archaeologists, and former antiquities minister doctor is all he how us of joyce's from the cairo airport. dr. whole us. it's a pleasure to have you with us. why do men and much? why do you believe the death for tv bus should be returned to egypt after more than a century in germany? because b, b, we, we have evidence collected this evidence in 2010. the boston new 5050, was taken illegally out of keisha. and i sent a letter in january, 2nd, 2011, to direct it'll museums instead of money. they'll ask for the return of the bottle
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and if it a bulky i'm so the back that this the should be signed by the minister of culture in that time i became administered. but they did not have the time actually to uh, to think of a different date. but now i see that as a, with getting a money, got you to be and museums and even prison. mike gordon, of france and now and said that uh, they distracted dougherty. mr. patrick, it's a fine to return the money minutes of after to come back. and i feel bad and degrees are asking the pitch museum now to bring the odd effect back it this time this if a t p is unique, i'm not asking for all the artifacts from believe me, them to come to egypt. i'm asking only for the one out of the fact the boston
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university to come back to be shown in the bridge soon as the actually in the, in the go ahead and do museum. i'm sorry. but actually many people now all over the oregon are supporting me, maybe more think that the boss sort of in the home should be there around the museum. and the believe me, this is what the german saying. it's going to take me a moment. i want a viewer to understand all of that. the bust is here in berlin because of gyptian authorities allowed it in 1912 there was, you know, let me finish this up so that the viewers are with this or in 1912. they argue there was a deal one, a wealthy german finance, an excavation too. in exchange, some 10000 artifacts would be split 5053. not only that, but a representative for the egyptians selected their half while the germans went home with the other piece is among them the bus. what is your response to that?
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because they were those who would say is you're trying to renege on a deal that the point you don't have to time appeared to think was fair. i do have all the evidence to show the boss was found in 1912 by bought a car. in that time there was a lot that know, but only uh, statues. me to remind me story to be taken out of the ship at hearts. little in his biology. that is the only one can see this is a statute overnight for t t major live the store. and that is this 3rd book that everyone can see here. ok . number one and a statute made of gibson and 1913. that event, that with this last finch came to make the division 5050. you found that they bought a box contain 100. it's a lot of effects. and if a t p was hit, the inside,
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it never looked inside the box. and the hardest to set you and he hide it in his home for the muse. i'm 50 short, it's i think going to 1045 and to the americans who are the big thing. they should have been bane think that i thought it'd be easier to return it back because this was just calling about tip letter. and if you have to return it back, i do have all the documents, based on my letter that they sent to germany, and to have them live in that live boss to lift the egypt illegally. what you are telling me it's a little at all. so to be clear about this, how do you view the bus current status in berlin? you consider it stolen? of course, i do have document that this boss of different dp, lift egypt illegally. it should come back. what's been the response from
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german authorities and the noise varieties your petition did this petition has been analysed. it 3 days ago. right. and i'm waiting. i have to know that we've seen already in 2010, and the official letter from that zip send government approved by the by administer . but it took me the best of 50 back. what's your recourse if germany continues to resist the repatriation of the bus? i understand you haven't sent this petition out to the german government now, but there has been some discussion about this bus in particular before this time. germany has not come forward to say that they have any intention of returning this bus. so if they continue to resist, what will be your record? i really, we, we make an international popular awareness because
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we will, the people, how we should have money can keep us for the amount of the fact we were like. the scores in germany were right to everyone. that this is book fair to have a story and odds fact and you're museum. doctor was clarify something for me. we understand that you were having people signed a petition on your personal website. why is it on your site as opposed to some official egyptian government website? does no engine definitely support your efforts? this petition is complete the popular among the hip sion people and all the people all over the board and that ships and government supporting my uh my uh, campaign to a tutor just totally not affects back dfcs. i'm not asking for all the odd facts to
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come back from berlin. i'm asking only for this unique piece to be shown in the ground, give it to you. besides the net for tv bust, we understand you're also advocating for the return of the what we set in stone and the dera zodiac. why are these added fox a particularly significant to sir? let me finish my questions to you. okay. why are these out of the artifacts significant of egypt? cultural heritage, as this city pieces are very important, or is it the stone, is the icon of our exemption? identity did were sticking by a friendship thief deducted from the feelings of the timber of done the or is it the best or different dates you were thinking? how would you ship this pretty beaches are important to us as the ship them their home should not be the british england or france or germany better home should be
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egypt. first, why? let's look at the ashanti gold, the u. k. return, precious artifacts looted from gonna about a 150 after a 150 years, i should say. but on the long term loan, what do you think of that idea? you know, i asked could introduce, has been, didn't to have this bust of different people for the 3 months at the albany with the grand museum and the that extra, the museum refused. we had there before relationship. it is the museum will make us to be angry and to think that this is our mornings. how we can look to habits for long, for the 3 months at the opening of the guns and me see if that is a prominent egyptian archaeologist and former antiquities minister doctors all he, how was many 6, i give it back to the sur and for your time the thank you,
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the, if you thought rushes footprint in africa was expanding, you'd be right. it's military pledge to provide security assistance. has been felt from molly to new share sudan to central african republic. but since its war in ukraine, the kremlin has been increasing its soft power, investing heavily in education across the continent. home of the worlds fastest growing college age population, our corresponding funding for shar, report from nigeria, se capital. the russian consulate in apple job here in nigeria as capital locals, our queuing up to trying to get these us to leave and study in russia. russia is amazing when it comes as possible. those, they're willing to educate people next to nothing as basically the educational system. why do they also do section 2 for the students, except if their side,
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the building here is delicate. most of these applicants we meet, don't want to speak on camera. right? it might not be helpful for their applications. many of the people putting their hopes in russia are planning to study their now until a couple of years to go to more like if you're wanting to go to ukraine for food, education, buses, rushes full scale invasion, turn ukraine into a war zone. more are making plans to go to cities like most of the she was like language kingsley stewed in that consulate q last week. now he's got he's rushing visa loud. so so, so, so exciting that very be like i wasn't myself anymore. oh yeah. jumping. there's nothing to keep him in nigeria, the job opportunities here is very, very, not encouraging a installation. even if you get a job payments, you can sustain yourself with it. so i said to myself, do i didn't the kingston?
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he's getting ready to go to norfolk road in san for russia in a few weeks. that's where he will learn how to teach english to russian students. everything is paid for by russia, except for the flight c sense the scholarship provide the tuition fee you accommodation and then you have a statement monthly statement. so i believe with the month lease depend icon as my labor at the moment study, and then get into of this the number of students leaving places like this in africa to study in russia has tripled in the past decade. rushes education ministry says they are around 35000 africans currently studying in russia, including more than 1009 g o n. gali sheriff is researching emerging powers like russia and their influence in africa. he says russia is making it
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easier to get a visa versus also doing that to you to an advantage. you'll come yesterday. we give you scholarship, jane, minute minutes for you. you know, if possible, you give us the support of cause evidence that is update on mission and interest. so the interest of 14 is we need more people to come to russia help us achieve or goal in, in war or any kind of meet. kingsley speaks no russian, he source of information, social media, and then a jury and friend in russia. yeah. is there any tend, like, is making you worried? like in terms of the whole political situation, the arrows show you print i knew what kingston these were it, he scored about for a nurse who ended up using the russian military fist. if russia asked me to join
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the military at some point of the shop and as a person i wouldn't go for it's because that wasn't my main will to come into the country mind will to is to come started for me, i must us magically. so good of safe nigeria as being a strong ally of the united states. but the western powers are losing influence in the region. and russia is taking active steps to win african hearts and my and we are joined now by for the for sure. our senior international correspondent in lagos. welcome back to dw news africa. funny. let me start with this. why or african students so keen to take up scholarships in russia to for various pragmatic reasons, because sometimes this is the only choice they have to leave, not julia. that is currently undergoing one of the biggest economy crisis in
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a generation, pushing millions of people into poverty. but isn't really the 1st choice, many ways it's not. this is also a king. so you told us the protecting us, you know, report would love to go to the u. k to the united states or to canada. so very classic destinations with a significant measure in diaspora. but he also told us it's way more complicated to get there, get the visa process started even just to get a scholarship versus russia because he did not need to prove to russian authorities that he has. you know, if the assets just very practically speaking, to be able to financially sustain himself. and then of course, we need to look at history. it's not an entirely new phenomenon. of course, the 10s of thousands of africans are studying and russia that already happened during the cold war when the soviet union attracted a lot of african students. and it is happening again as the ongoing role between the washer and ukraine is pushing actually, or it is turning the, the for a political environment that watches in, into an isolated situation. russia is very much in need to look towards the global
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self and also to look at nigeria and trying to use this still felt what education to again, reactivate some friendly ties with countries that already had ties with during the cold war era. it's clear to me that young man again in your report, kingsley has some worry that once he's in russia, the kremlin might compel him to fight with russia his army. how widespread is that worry among nigerians? and is it a legitimate fear? you may have heard about those reports that allegedly nigerians, but also students from other african countries allegedly before the fight, or i could see allegedly being forced to fight for russia at the front line. now this is something we cannot prove. we did have received information from a jew and family who did not want to go on camera for security reasons. were told us that their son currently serves into russian military. but on a voluntary basis,
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because simply, he did not find a job. they told us after he was done with his studies. so clearly there's a ton patient or so to make some money out. the question of course, and this is something we cannot answer just how many students that only nigerians, but african students overall and for a students in russia feel attempted to join the russian military and very much so the jury is also king. so, you know, report is of course, very much aware of the ongoing war between ukraine and russia, but he says this is the only stick. it literally has, this is the only chance he has right now for a better life. and he's very much keen to take the tickets and go to russia regardless of the risk this may entail me. why is nigeria important for russia? of the julia is the country with the biggest population on the continent. it is also one of the most important economies in africa. so the speaking of manpower, the speaking of resources, so certainly advice, you know, to any russia,
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other countries as well. the russian in particular right now is very much interested in the jury, yet in fact, there is a thing. if you have influence over the jury, yet you certainly have influence in many parts of the continent. but we need to look at number see a, this a bit because currency when it comes to trade and economy. russia is literally only a foot snow t a in that area. the biggest trick partners of nigeria, china are india, the united states and various european countries. but russia is eager to increase this the, the, the economic cooperation, but also cooperation in the sector of education on culture, a corporation. in fact, various circles, russian houses and culture a census, a plan to be set up across africa. also he and julia, offering russian classes for free, like russian language courses. so there's a big question, just how much this investment into this relationship between russia at no julia, what that means looking full, but especially when it comes to the question of security. now julia,
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just like so many other countries in the saw her region routine of fossil energy, armada is facing insurgency, terrorism and all these countries i've just mentioned the old to interrupt your full help. the question is within the jew is going to be and there was quite some concern of an anti government protest or up to the in august and be a fee for the very 1st time the jury and some of the jury and waving russian flags . now this has nothing to eat or estimated football. i certainly shouldn't under estimate rush just so power tools and that goes way beyond just offering some scholarships right now. jerry has been target of various russian propaganda and this information campaigns. i'm here is depressed and just looking at how the into the future. what ross yeah is uh, is trying to do in terms of setting up the big foot step into nigeria as this country is completely out across the roads. we've got to it's economy, but also the politics and the entire situation. situation with regard to security. our thanks as always to funding for sure. our senior international correspondent in
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lagos to cameron. now we're for years dr. george booley has been commuting to remote villages in cameroon, on weekends providing critical health care, free of charge to poor communities. the w's blaze young recently accompanied bully and his team of volunteers on a 2 day trip from the capital young day to local, knew the cameroon, nigerian border. be aware that the next report contains real images of medical procedures do consider looking away. if you're sensitive about surgery and every judge, we have a given you out of the surgeon walk in the only central us we thought we had a suspicion of like here named escal him
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a group of young people on the summary said look, don't mix, i will create the team will leave you only the ever we can set up and will by hospital in the village. during the said to this of treatment we receive or the population of the, the on the privilege people of the few days. i'm give them free health services, least when the surgery. so we're still waiting patient is coming. all of our, the villages on the, as you know, even as of the weight of the 200, you have another 1201 to one down to 190. and then the vision going to nice, nice because some of them are in there from now from you. and they don't know about the program. my photos in for 3 years. he was having
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them in broad broadside to the brand. the only one you're suggesting, blah, blah, and he wasn't able to meet him. so we were like 2 or 300 people waiting for that new or so. john, i made that to me. when you bridget, i know you're in this of the doctor when you mean i gave you a specialist um take it off before they'll have to meet the specialist the way we create it. best for him not to stay in the hospital or we think vision, but the good deal they they, they, they, they are kind of places to meet the patients on the places and to trade them there. even while i do gloves, good. the funding sense of the process on the support that i've if someone ideas done with it, if i'm in the decision i'm, if i say this kind of vision,
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we don't the scanner, okay. show me that he's kind of 14 a t, they sent me the internet and this is girl. that's why sometimes you can see a position with the n. yeah. the patient us 44. yes. and you also for to, for years. because the was wondering on without means to take care. i. so you will have the scale fuel efficiency. huge, huge, huge back towards the home. and my lot is in is a global. i mean, they have said the will, they keep the lock come by. it could be connected to less complex 0. i'm glad i live out and then we'll say being fee in the area with the provider. they want to go to the hospital. maybe they'll have money to buy them as you get to
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to come in. they will see the for the stay for the long weed that in this. so the main thing you will see is that you will see the end of this. but you will see that in the last speech it's on my, i mean the hospital. so 3, my know, model of the 4 at 4 pm. i'm a teacher going to the university, teach to then to 7, and then at 7 doing my private clinic, this private clinic kind of finish and they meet at midnight. but this private clinic are very important because this is the main source of the work on finance, odd eskoville activities because we don't have at the amendment support. we have sports and your support, but not the municipal i'm the man who knows that this is what good asks me to do. and this is what i'm doing. i'm so happy to that's it for now,
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thing. and only a few level k, a 3 b a menu profit made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the shows similar rent $16.00 times to grease is bravo. that has to spend life from 500 to 600 currently, more people than ever on the worldwide in such a progress in life. you know, is a very difficult journey. and one is verify. everything. audio stuff,
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find out about some on stores in her migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be. this is henry for the future. i'm saying and it's still place telling us 32000000 people live here. many of them i understand you are so big and has so many people. there must be a way to do business here though, except my parents wanted me to become a civil service, but i didn't like the idea of getting such an old fashioned job as being stuck with dreams coming through making money. having a son when not fails, injunction stuff, september 19th on d w. the
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. this is dw news live from berlin russians invasion of ukraine and the fear that native could be pulled into the work ukraine accuses russia. it's striking a civilian green ship in the black sea and the waters of nato member romania is calling it a breezing attack on global food secured. also coming up in an exclusive interview with the w news, bangladesh as new leader mohammed units tells us how he plans to put his country back on the path of stability. plus, egypt wants its queen beth top egyptian archaeologists calls for the bust of never tv to be returned more than a city.
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