tv DW News Deutsche Welle September 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm CEST
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the, the, this is dw news line from the germany and can you assign a new migration deal? it allows me to more easily become skilled workers onto the port sale of asylum seekers. made increasing pressure on building to tighten migration rules also on the program that they may have chosen goals the west of act on. and you've tried, russian president says, allowing chief to use long range weapons against targets inside russia would put native in direct participation in the will. this comes as us and purchase these as me to discuss the conflict on one of their end remote these main rivals as to leave prison of in decatur law is grunted and failed. why india supreme court was after
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months behind boss on he says a politically motivated chart will find that once because it's released the i feel ok. welcome to the program germany. and can you have signed the migration agreement here? and then the deal was over seen by canyon cousin william rudo and german chancellor . on our shots, it means work us from can you will be allowed to fill job vacancies in germany such as full bus drivers. the agreement also allows that germany to deport canyons who don't have the right to stay in the country is that you have a chance that here's the german chancellor that i'm talking about different. so give me another on come to the agreement, opens up prospects for kenyans because skilled workers,
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so young people can come to germany for training. this can help us compensate for the plates and shortage of skilled workers as my, the initial effects of which we are now feeling. and which would be with us for years and decades to come up with an idea that as one who does what county is present when a router said the deal was waiting, waiting for his country issue a germany, the kenyans returning a would be welcome to back i'm very excited about the we have today signed the lease agreement that was given opportunity for can young people and can people to walk in germany and with it as you have said, chance law provide or sign up with trinity for those who would have finished that do all duty or we're going have to be in germany for them to find their way back at home. i went to assure the people of this country, this great country that day. okay, now it's a very beautiful country. and the apple,
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no canyon would have any problem coming back home. let's get more on this for map. political comes at correspondents, hands. brands who is outside the chancery, and then where chancellor and peasant typing basic, definitely correspondent phoenix. maureen got joins us from the canyon capital. nairobi welcome both. that's something we do, hans attempt, some excuse me. i tell us tell us more about what do you have any get sides of this deal as well. there's 2 aspects to this deal. the one is uh that's canyons will have it to have a lot easier way of getting into germany officially if that have training or if they're coming here for training to enter the gym and job markets of that to is going to be facilitated by a class a cooperation between germany and kenya, and then that's the 2nd aspect of, uh, people from kenya that are in germany illegally. that's no longer well come here.
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that will be facilitated by kenya for those people to ro turned back to the home country. so it's a double sided agreement, and it tries to all caused a emphasized that it was important for germany because of the fact that to the gemini society is getting older. younger people. um, not so many younger people are moving into the german job market from germany and definitely necessary to find people elsewhere in the world to contribute to the german economy. so it's something that the german sides of the seas positively in both of these matters and feeling spring in nairobi. how this can you benefit? so 1st things 1st uh the population of ken yas, uh, they used for population on 67 percent of them do not have jobs. so this particular agreement opens the adobe for them to get the job opportunities in gemini. and that
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would also less and the by then if it came down to me about my kids. secondly, they, they'll put, you need to, for vocational training, where by gemini, will be sharing the curriculum with a kenyan or with that can and codes of parts. and that's and that's we can, those can be able to latin, what's skills that are required in gemini and, and be ready to feel that my kids got suddenly 10 now. so we also get ease in assessment and studying of the german language, which will enable them to communicate better when they get to the gemini. and also lastly, ken knows we will have the opportunity to, to get a loan to stay visas, which will enable them to a that take their studies. or if they've gotten a job opportunity in gemini, then they'll be able to walk without much restrictions when it comes to that residence visa a series. how will not road be stopped? this deal from causing a canyon brain drain. the cost of doing business
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in kenya is quite high. so fasting fast. the can government has constantly promised that it will reduce the cost of doing business. but that has last happened a william roots or when he was complaining 2 years ago, said that he will be creating 1000000 jobs for canyon's on an annual basis. uh, the i know systems yet to create that. uh, those kind of what you need to use. so 5, the government has assessed itself as a very valid created 160000 jobs. so the government has also been called out to kill corruption in order to create more opportunities for the young people and government. critics have called out the government on seeking job opportunities for ken knows abroad, saying that they are treating the symptoms instead of treating the root cause, which has been corruption, which now makes the cost of doing business very difficult for and direct investors have also found the can uh, business environment to be very tough when it comes to doing business so they can
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government with how to do more in easing the cost of doing business. overly so that they're able to create a employment opportunity for this cues and then skills to walk as he and can now. and cons. brands at positives agreements allows germany to be patrick rejected canyon asylum seekers. even the can use not one of them made countries of origin of asylum seekers here in germany. so what's the point as well? yes, that's true. they all any about 800 kenyans illegally in germany. that's at least that we know about at the moment. and repopulating them will now become more easy, i imagine, but it's not really the major part of the major reason for this agreement. it's the economy, the economic benefits for germany and also for ken. yeah, that's the both the, the president of can you and trying to solve, put into the center of the discussions today. and in germany, of course, there is a domestic political aspect to this as well. there's
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a very heated discussion going on in germany at the moment about how to deal with the rig it on migration into the country with tens of thousands of people coming from countries such as syria. and i've got his son and the german government just trying to say that it is a trying to impose a put in place, a measures to control this without killing the opportunities of people coming into the, into the country. so such agreements have been made with the country such as morocco, for instance, or georgia. um, so the german government is trying to say a part of dealing with migration is putting in place piece by piece of these kinds of agreements that will put in place a legal framework while at the same time giving more control at the board. us to prevent paper from coming in and regularly. that's a very important political move on the part of the german government at the moment . thanks. hands, deputies, hans brunt and then feeling spring in nairobi,
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talking about it's not to your crime. what else are, as you say, a russian attack in the northern region assume he has killed 2 people? an injured 6, the regional administration says a guided bomb damaged homes on the clinic. ukraine has long calls on western allies to allow its forces to strike inside russia to prevent such attacks. the water, new cray will be top of the agenda during the visit to proceed. 5 minutes, the sexiest on to washington to meet us president joe biden, and they're expected to discuss allowing ukraine greater control over western supply. besides, russian president vladimir putin has warmed the west against allowing ukraine to use them longer range weapons to strike target. steve, inside his country, if this decision is made, it will mean nothing less than the director of purchase a patient of nato countries, the united states and european countries in the war and ukraine waiting. and this
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is a direct participation in this, of course, and is significantly changes the very essence of the very nature of the conflict. with this one means that nato countries, united states and european countries, are fighting against russia. and if this is so, then bearing in mind the change and the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created for us . this isn't the 1st time russia has won the west over its support for ukraine. moscow has issued a series of so called red lines from the very starts of its full scale invasion west and countryside about entitled under international law to help any country under attack by an aggressor. so here's a look at some of the rushes warnings to this war. began with red lines. yeah, no, this is a real surprise not just to our interest,
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but to the very existence of our state and its sovereignty. but this is the very red line that has been mentioned repeatedly. they have crossed vladimir boots and was speaking about ne, to potentially expanding into ukraine invasion was his means of preventing this possibility stands. the kremlin has repeatedly drove new red lines threatening the world with war. so hold red lines a so called red line red line, is it the range me sell supplies to ukraine? the use of me sales outside the combat zone. and finally, attacks and rushes territory in the kremlin, had warrant that these red lines should never be crossed. closing on the west and the could hope to be re elected if he or she brought that country into a wall with russia. so it goes down to the doesn't want anything to avoid that. so
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usually is the concept of red lines. the threats to mask nation and especially due to a threats as a way of intimidating. the less than saying to them, you know, just be careful. hold on because it could be this cause you problems. ukraine has been using these western have 16 fight to jets in the war for about a months now. and ukraine has been striking russian military targets on the occupied crime in opinions. so for about a year. ukrainian forces have also led incursion into rushes coast region for more than a month. with moscow being enabled to ended, many red lines had been crushed and rushed. it has not delivered done. its threats of a strong response, ukraine's president full of demons. the last key says he believes that they don't exist. poor jim has already said so much blood that against the black drop of these blogs ross of attempts to draw red lines simply do not work at
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a meeting with the secretary of state and british foreign minister in key. if this week, the landscape was once again pushing the west for something he believes, we'll help you crane. and this war, or ukraine has only been allowed to use west and weapons to heat targets in these shaded area of rushes. brands, of course, can belgrade regions, but to reach the military base is the address that use us to attack to crane key needs the permission to track deeper into the russian territory. for example, using advanced attacks that would cross another red line, but some experts believed the west should need for further risk relation. we seen the rush is red lines are lost, they gotta be getting ready. there's no, there's no consequences for crossing them. there is no escalation that's clear, but on the other hand, we also see that the west,
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the risk tolerance is level or the level of risk is prepared to accept exceptionally low begin. even this restriction might soon be lifted. according to media reports, it could be the west, the response to runs, ballistic missile deliveries to russia. since moscow law and states full sky, the invasion of ukraine, european countries have scrambled to increase the defense capabilities against russia. among the states feeling most developable these lift the whitening which has borders with russia under the satellite feller, bruce germany as one of the nice of countries sending soldiers to beef up with you and use border security. the w has been to visit some of the troops stationed preparing for the rest and attack from the east. german soldiers have drained side by side here in this way, nia was about to colleagues for years. the missions have been temporary until now. by 2027,
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some 5000 german soldiers will be stationed till permanently as posit the new dom and heavy maneuver brigade list waiting. yeah, it's the 1st time and unit to be station permanently outside the country. visiting the base earlier this year, the chance less stress did significance had to give you the isn't on not afflicted, we're connected to one another. that's part of the understanding that we the members of need to have. and it means that we protect one another to the all states to rely on us defending every centimeter of that territory. type the convent stationing soldiers abroad permanently is a big deal for gemini, a country that to suit a pacifist pass with decades of to the atrocities committed by the nazis. during the 2nd world war rushes war of aggression against ukraine. ticket, the re think it's from to nato allies to grow closer nature. allies, light clicks away, and yet, and gemini in april of this year,
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the 1st soldiers left berlin, felice wayne, yet to lay the groundwork for their comrades. the new brigade will be operating in 2 locations of deployment, routing and k and brooklyn recruitment. so this mission is on the voluntary basis, the sol, just feel it's time gemini stepped up and played its part in the west security. the for, for 2 years we benefit from neutral soldier station with us. that's my view. i was going to mention glad back into the piece. there were 15000 british soldiers stationed there. i think now what i want you to do just the same on the eastern flank 5 months in and the come on to says preparations are well underway. the phonetic, i believe, i think the security situation demands that we act quickly. you've just got to look at how arch and series the reasons offer as being here. and that's accelerated. the
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process of course, and the never the less germany's weak economic situation triggered fees about whether the government would reduce funding for the project. that's why germany and lithuania and now signing an agreement in berlin, doubling down on the commitment. it lays out the operational details. but also provides the framework for construction of deadman schools for children of one disband military personnel, as well as medical facilities between the mines. um, i'll get that we're doing everything we can to ensure that the german brigade members arrive safely, feel comfortable and find the best possible conditions in lithuania on fluffing. it will still take 3 years before the future brigade is fully operational, but it is taking shape. lithuania will welcome the next spots of german soldiers here. soon. another 100, at least, are expected to arrive in october to india, where the supreme court has granted failed to one of the prime minister in their engine. nobody's top arrivals. dallas chief minister often came through all the
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house, spent nearly half a year in prison on corruption charges. this ruling will allow him to fight the case against him, which the i'd me party leader says is politically motivated. now correspondence shelby, we get, dive a daily, talk me through the background to his release, a just a reminder here so that he was jailed in relation to an alcohol teams policy that is now being scrapped. uh, the investigative agencies basically accused him of, uh, saving liquor of barons and exchange options. tomorrow's kickbacks. uh, his party of course. so the nice these allegations and uncle is his arrest are politically motivated. in fact, they call it a which hung up i do within ruling b party, which was led by a prime minister during the movie, the b j vehicles. a denies these accusations as well and said that it's only going off to the corrupt leaders and the mr. gauge of agencies are just doing their job, but just mind you. just
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a reminder here that the investigative agencies in india has often been accused of being the government's yes men. and why the which the government has been in power in the country. and you've seen other opposition party leaders also being arrested in the same fashion in recent pasta will meet the same allegations of that said his spot to use the i'm of the party gives us body reacted to his bail by saying that truth can be trouble. but not be defeated on his release, but shortly. and i'll boost the policies more all as we have for the upcoming student elections in the state of colorado. as well as the capital city of denny, which is his best and to and why is the supreme court granted him bound? now 6 months after his arrest as well, the judges of the hearing today said that they decided to gone to be uh, since the charges have been uh, basically framed against him. and he cannot be, uh, you know, put to the uh, prolonged uh, incarceration. it cannot be justified, a lot of the judges also came down heavy on the investigative agencies and said
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that it must show that it is not a government se tired of faith. as i said, governments critics have often to allege that it has used investigative agencies to unjustly target opposition be does a charge that it denies of the court also question the timing of the arrest. you might remember when he was arrested just a few weeks before. uh, india went up or uh its general elections. and there was a huge amount of hue and cry, especially among the opposition of popular leaders. who said that this was a witch hunt to which, which was basically stopping them from having a level playing field during the elections. and mind you of this move had also drawn reactions, strong reactions from america, as well as the gentleman a and a quick word about the response to his release. well the, i'm going to be party of course, is a overjoyed and it's really a shock in the, um, uh for the, for the upcoming student actions. the be to be, they're willing to be brought to y'all's school. so it says that the,
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just because he's been, he's been going to be a does not mean that he is innocent. the congress party, the other opposition party, who is actually in alliance with all might be brought to you as part of the opposition of put them. it's of a tricky situation because even as they, they're happy to see him, they'll be glad to be of they are in a bit of a to give his position because all might be bossy would be fulfilling. it's candidate against the congress spotting in the upcoming state election school. ok, so that's the actions really. thank you. shannon, i shall get back in debbie. thank you so much. i as to jim and navy vessels of science through the taiwan straits of the 1st time in more than 20 years. china, which considered as democratic government. taiwan has its own, also claims jurisdiction over the straight. so the chinese foreign ministry described the action as a provocation. that endangers a china secure thing. germany says the straight is an international law says that the roots was the safest for the ships,
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given the weather conditions. history on the defense minister bodies for stores. that's acknowledged messages, simple. what we are rather, i have always advocated is the international waters, are international waters. it's the shortest and given the weather conditions of the safest route. so we are passing through 5, i'm good with the www. southeast asia correspondent to james chase a in taipei gave us, gives assessment as well. just to reiterate. first of all, the deep significance of this transit, the 1st time john enabled vessels have transitive. through the taiwan straits in more than 2 decades. the german vessels we understand were taken pots and military exercises with allies, invoices of south korea transiting to other exercises. jude's take place and engine easier in the coming weeks. the john, the defense, when that's the one common thing on this transit said, that this wasn't as smooth as in foss, this pos for these vessels to say to these next drills. i'm simply emphasizing that
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he believed that the time on straight was an international voices that international was his international voices and the context. so this is a course that china has been applying much more pressure to taiwan militarily over the past couple of years, but particularly in the maritimes, remain china of course, believing that the taiwan straits has its own territory. awards is given the silver and the claim that it has over taiwan. internationally. we have seen other countries take uh, transit of this nation of the us and kind of there are countries that have undertaken similar types of missions in recent months. and what's really behind that is enough, it's on behalf of us and its allies really is to dissuade the china from taking any type of military action against taiwan. but also to remind china of the critical was the way that the taiwan straits is in terms of international trade. remember, some horrible global container ships will pass through the taiwan straits each year as it relates to responses. china has already warned against this transit taking place. it said it was an infringement on its sovereignty. so i want the ritz
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positive as praise and move thing again to the taiwan straits, has international waters, again, a testament to just how split screen really these 2 sides of viewing this issue. times a chase, a inside by 2 civilians, a building that an engineer have made history by a successfully completing the 1st commercial space for each of them spends about 10 minutes outside the crew. drunken council, as ponts of space x is pull our as don't mission. this is the moment jared isaac men and sarah gillis made history back at home. we all have a lot of work to do, but from here to look for the surface of the we're doing the 2 private astronauts have now joined the elite club of those who have completed a space walk outside of their protective craft. until today, astronaut from only 12 countries have managed the feet and now one company joins
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their ranks space ex. this is a major step forward in terms of space travel for humans. it also brings with it incredible risks because there are a lot of the technology is new. a lot of it has not been fully tested in outer space, free breed. of that technology includes the space x star man suits. and parts of the crew drag and capsule, they're the only things protecting the ser, notes from one of the most dangerous environments imaginable. the vacuum of space but space has an empty during a space walk, astronauts have to contend with radiation impacts from dustin debris travelling at extreme speeds. and there's also temperature swings of over $250.00 degrees. this is very much an experimentation is really trying to push the frontiers of commercial space, travel, and space tourism. so they do have some scientific aspects, particularly regarding the space travel. but fundamentally what they are doing is
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having a bit of fun, fun with a purpose, the little says the knowledge gained by space x during today's space walk could help paved the waiting for future generations as they reach for the stars. just wanted to remind you of that top story. is this our gemini and can you have signed a new migration deals? this allows joe we need to more easily recruit skilled workers from. can you onto the pulled canyons who are not authorized to be in jeopardy? russian president vladimir putin has stated that allowing ukraine to use longer range and miss files against targets inside of his country would mean nights a is directly involved in the crime. business british prime minister sexiest dom arrives in washington. the tools on the account of next on the w have see we could boost nutrition at most levels of benefits in the environment.
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once we started doing the development interest because the, the city is highly citizenship. so i'm saying and still place telling us 32000000 people live here. many of them i understand you are so big and has so many people. there must be a way to do business here though, except my parents wanted me to become a civil servant, but i didn't like the idea of getting such an old fashioned job and being stuck with the dream coming through, making money. having
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a sun when not fails, and so i'm seeing stuff, september 19th on dw, the we all have to wait, but the important thing is our, our choice is good for us. good for the planet. i'm most of was stacy. hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the body annual watching e going to we have all been that we grab food on the goals that is cheap medians and even fun, often nutritious and sustainable in going full. i've not really our 1st choice.
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