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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  September 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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the dreams coming through making money, having a sun when not fails, and so i'm seeing stuff, september 19th on d. w. the germany has a 30 little secret and no one really wants to talk about it. in the middle of the country, deep underground, there's a storage facility for radioactive waste from german nuclear plants. it's been leaking for decades. the barrels need to be moved, but no one really knows what to do with them. also coming up to c, o 2 emissions the storage underground to help protect the environment are long range electric trucks. the wave of futures and finland needs more workers. but where will they find them
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with us a to a former salt mine that was turned into a radioactive waste storage facility. i'm not enough to my mind works for the mines operator and it's giving us an exclusive tool. and we're ready. so here's, here's the dosage meter please, where the whole time about hardening on society does this measures radioactivity parts, if there were radioactivity, it would show on the meter, or this is our oxygen in case of emergency, not the best feeling to have to be this repair between 19671978, around 826000 drums of low and intermediate level of waste were brought here into the us a to microsoft. most of it is waste from nuclear,
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react as like filters or construction material. a small part as waste from research and medical facilities. but the, the also contains some uranium amplitude you, all of the waste was stored in 13 chambers mocked here in red. and it's all still lying around today. for our 1st stop, we're getting as close to the nuclear waste as possible. the neighbor shaking, this is the charging chamber. charging in that case means loading it's about on the crane used to be over there, the waist would arrive and they would open this shaft here, which it has the barrels would be lowered into the shaft one at a time and deposited into the storage chamber. that's directly beneath us, sometimes with enough right beneath us, then not exactly the highest point of the code is probably right under computer.
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these barrows were regular metal knots made to holding radiation. many may have been damaged wellbeing brought in and it's unclear how radioactive the inside of the chamber actually is a very strange you were sending 1213 or 14 meters above the waste and the dosage meter doesn't show any radioactivity going on as well. that exactly, you can see it's registering 0.000. my christopher, it's because the rub comes up. that's because the cells i act as an excellent shields that we don't hear. we're exposed to the next spring to ation up at the information center sold. also conducts heat well, meaning that one radioactive waste can cool down without damaging the sold will significantly on top of that contra re truck, it's can expand and slow ceiling and filling cavities of its own accord, making a talked to come yet so great. in theory, if they wasn't a, there's not so tiny problem with the water. because the biggest problem to us
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a has is that there was a lot of water that's leaking into the tunnels. they more than $500.00 leaks in the mind. the, including the team is with radioactive waste, could fill up with this water to stop that from happening. they operate a, b, g, e is collecting it. we're headed to the main water collection point inside the mind . and you can see the deluxe right there on the ceiling and there's thousands of dollars. so it's definitely what there before, it's over from the liquids that we're catching in the storage base. some of comes from up there. i haven't been offering today about 12000 liters of water pour in every day. it has to be checked for contamination. and this is water is uncontaminated, so it can be exempted by the radiation protection agency and it could be transported above ground to the opera. but the incoming water is not the only problem. when the salt mine was operational, nobody stored this would become
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a storage place for nuclear waste to maximize profits. many tunnels were close to each of the safety precautions and support structures were reduced to a minimum to mine as much sold as possible. the pressure of the rock surrounding the sol constantly pushes against the mine and causes cracks. that's why over 90 percent of the mine have to be filled up with sold and concrete to stabilize. and also why a total of over $600.00 people walk here to monitor. and so the secure was a mine the big question really is, how could this have happened on board to damo its own good officers back then? they wanted to save money by re purposing old mine just come to a dock. the mine was closed in 1964, it wasn't economically viable anymore. that happened to be exactly when the government was looking for a facility. in the end, they chose the assets on line,
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even though the decision was already controversial. back then, due to the local geology, the mines relatively advanced age and the risk of leaks when take a fall for the business. the mind costs $800000.00 german locks at the time, which adjusted for inflation would be about $2000000.00 euros today, seemingly a bug in the growing nucleus. it needed a dumping ground fast, so the risk sweat downplayed. the entire project was supposed to be a quick fix. with little 2 knows thoughts sped for the long term consequences. at 1st, also was declared to only be research storage facility use for medical and scientific waste only. but actually almost all of the intermediate and low level waste from west german nuclear reactors was then dumped here in the beginning of the waste was stacked. but after a while, barrels were latrete dumped into the mind to reduce the radioactive exposure of the truck drivers. dump trucks also drove over the waste,
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damaging many of the barrels. energy companies didn't pay anything to store, they waste until 1975. and we don't even exactly know which type of waste was dumped because the documentation was very poorly and vaguely done. in 1988, what stopped leaking in multiple mining soft collapse. but the public is only informed about the magnitude of the problem almost 10 years later. in 1997 to operate the suggests closing the mind with all of the waste inside. the plan does not mention anything about the long term safety and possible contamination in 2008 . the news breaks that water has been coming into contact with radioactive waste for years. pools of contaminated water had been collecting right in front of the chambers containing it and the operator had disposed of it inside the mind without permission in 2010, it turns out that 10 times more intermediate nuclear waste is stored and then was
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estimated before years of political mishaps involving nuclear power prompt protests across germany. finally, in 2013, the lex effort isn't acted. the government decides that the mind is too dangerous and the waste needs to be taken out. since many of the barrels of damage, no human can enter the chambers. they have to be surveyed by remote controlled cameras like this one and retrieved by remotely operated machines. and you shop must be built to transport the barrels out of the household on the some in the, off the back in the end the i the challenges the mind itself, which limits what we can do. losing sort hood did off is like the deformation of the mind is on going out and fix the leaks post some level of danger and time is another factor type is on us to box this what else case? and the worst case scenario would be a leak, is that we couldn't get under control and we'd have to close the mines and leave
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the radioactive waste under ground. that waste could eventually come to the surface relevant sites you got to target. and even if we ignore that frightening scenario, all of this is going to cost a lot of money. just preparing for the removal will cost an estimated $4700000000.00 euros. and that does not include any of the retrieval itself, which is scheduled to start in 2033. the waste is supposed to be sorted in an interim overground facility and then transported to, well, where exactly must have kaufman this. we need a final storage site where we can bring the radioactive waste and we don't have that yet. and so we need a temporary location. my suspicion log on us a. it's a symbol of a time when nuclear power have to succeed to come with me. and the long term consequences of the new technology will actually down played or ignored, of the harmful impact. the c
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o 2 emissions are also often down played or ignored. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and a true climate killer. one technology called carbon capture and storage could help make it different. the us in norway meet the world in carbon management, and the oil and gas industry to the master. great deal of know how. so could this technology also be used in the cement chemicals and steel industry, the y, or norway end the us ahead of germany and carbon capture and storage? and what is it exactly? both countries benefit from the technical know how of the oil and gas industries. and they're heavily investing in c. c. s. technology. the little region government has bosses. all of the projects was 80 percent funded in rapid norway hydro bag materials began revamping the cement factory. last year.
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they're installing a carbon capture plant without disrupting daily operations. the german company wants to launch the 1st net 0 cement produced using carbon capture and storage. here's how it works. an industrial facility like the one in a big separates and captures the c o 2 from its smoke stack emissions. the c o 2 is liquefied and shipped to a storage location. then it's injected through a pipeline up to 3 kilometers under the sea, back into deep sandstone formations. the c o 2 can also be stored on land and transported by truck rail or pipelines. so why is it so hard to produce cement without carbon emissions? is the main ingredients also an estimate. and then in the kill process, there is a lot of suited to coming out of the lives thoughts. this is john toilet. he's
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a 30 year veteran of the cement industry. we try to to reduce the amount of thinker in cement. that's a decreasing factor. but there is a limit because that was not the moment. you also meant to be a loss of the form anymore. you will not have to create the wish which has the forms that, that it needs so that there are technical limits. ccf technology is intended for use in hard to a page sectors like steel chemicals and the cement industry. industries that can't completely eliminate carbon emissions. but why is a german company coming all the way to norway for this? it's fairly simple, sees yes, technology is banned in germany. economics minister rule that topic wants to change that. he also paid a visit to the big, early adopter norway, introduced to cc i saying, 1996. now they're investing 1500000000 euros and the long ship project, which inks to show how vast amounts of captured carbon can be safely transported,
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and deluxe away under the c bed at a profit. i think this is a shift page that they are interested in. so you're trying to make money off the stars. this is very like shingo each case studies european climate policy. so they are really asking for, you remember, states do you want to export c o 2, we have the capacity here. we have the technology in northern lights as part of the long ship project owned by the show total and to use and equal north get some c o 2 storage facility is due to go online. in 2024, the companies have partnered with the norwegian government. they will receive subsidies in the development phase. and in the 1st 10 years of operations, the goal job creation and lucrative business in carbon transport and storage.
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industrial partner, how go back to materials is also profiting from the new technology. and so generally subsidies federal help repackage facilities. norwegian government has just bought it all out of the project was 80 percent funding. the only investment is a few 100000000 investments, but cash trust, one of about 140 facilities operated by hydro, back materials, one of the world's largest concrete manufacturers. and they're planning to invest some 1500000000 euros by 2030, including in the us. that's also because president jo biden's inflation reduction act offers financial incentives to companies that invest in carbon capture and storage unit 2023. the largest number of c, c s facilities were under construction in the u. s. followed by canada, u. k. china and norway and division map to fix the commercial ventures that are already in operation. but why is the us so advanced when it comes to carbon capture
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and storage is also important that they don't really have this discussion about how to evasions. at least not the way we have it in germany. so anything you'd ask you could also capture possible. and start underground to find out more. let's take a look at what's called enhanced oil recovery. a technology that's been employed mainly in north america for more than 50 years. high pressure c o 2 is injected into an oil field. raising the pressure on around the crude oil, it becomes more of this is and can be pumped to the surface more easily. but what are the risks scientist say that some 150000000000 tons of c o 2 could be stored under the north sea. a region that includes a number of a re protection zones. but what if there's a leak? because possible and the biggest problem probably the old waltz. so what
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we're looking at them all. see as an example, we have something like 17000 welts that have to be drilled in the past. both the last 2 traits most due to look for oil and gas. and it's also monkey what, what these old wells least of them was about maybe a or pathway for something that needs to be considerable. let's recap. countries like norway have been on board with c c. s for quite a while. they have a big technological edge and are subsidizing c c s on a grand scale. that's also true in the us under by your weight. and the us also benefit from the know how up there for oil and gas industries. germany still has to legalize c, c s, and might exports c o 2 to norway. one thing's for sure. the technology is expensive and it's not without risk.
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around the world. trucks are on the road day and night. there essential for all sorts of transport. but they're responsible for a lot of emissions. battery electric trucks are better for the climate. but are they ready for price time? german carmakers time. no truck says it's new truck can trouble 500 kilometers on a single time. so does it live up to its promises? this extra $600.00 truck is out on and delivery. it's the 1st a truck with a range of 500 kilometers on a single charge. so i know man is testing the truck for him on this. one of your ups largest recycling enterprises, the battery will be fully recharged at the depot overnight, which will take about 6 to 8 hours. romando group already has a fleet of some 250 trucks. one has the longest range. will the truck manage the
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promised 500 kilometers? by the mercedes dime? there wasn't kidding. we'd manage 500 kilometers on the road. no problem. let us look at shopping rates charged with ream electricity. the trucks are nearly carbon neutral during operation. but for the driver, recharging on the road is still the most important issue. after all, he also wants to make it home. a speedy recharge requires a high voltage current and heavy duty chargers. then it takes just 20 minutes to go from 20 to 80 percent capacity, but there still are nearly enough of these megawatt charging system. and i'm hoping that we need a large scale public charging infrastructure. the manufacturers are ready. they are building a lot of vehicles also in series production position, but in terms of infrastructure, we have a lot of catching up to deal with up on it and i'm not trucks. home based isn't south western germany. they're the world's largest commercial vehicle manufacturer
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. here on the test track, the truck is being put through its paces. several 100 experts spent 8 years developing it as a project manager. okay, we're going to break quickly. careful hang on. the truck retails for about 250000 bureaus over 800000 euros more than a comparable diesel model. time letter size mass production will help lower the price. top speed is 80 kilometers an hour. the speed limit for trucks on germany's autobahn and it's printing with radar distance sensors and innovative mirror tens, 3 battery packs, weight $4.00, metric tons and all, and generate a peak output of $600.00 kilowatt. the
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e trucks are also quieter than their conventional diesel counter parts and other manufacturers are getting on board dutch manufacturer dots. each truck has a range of nearly 500 kilometers suite. in sonia a truck clocks and a 350 kilometers. and m a n 2025 release will support a range of 400 kilometers. romando thought it's 1st e truck some time ago. for the company. it makes good financial sense, but it's called the affordable electricity in my home depot, and the total exemption are 2 advantages over diesel. and when i drive a long distance, it starts to pay off, get some doctor in early 2020 for germany ended it's purchase subsidies for e trucks. not long before though motorway tools for diesel trucks were doubled with the aim of encouraging the switch away from diesel. much to the annoyance of germany's trucking industry. back behind the wheel step
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and your mind says the switch to electric does take some getting used to specific. instead of my foot, i've applied the break by hand. there's a hill. so i've dialed back the seller reader my feet around the floor is nowhere too fast, so i switch to recuperation. it's just like taking the break on the electric motor . as a coast downhill, the battery charge increases from 82 to 83 percent. the trucking industry is that germany needs to reintroduce subsidies for each trucks to boost domestic sales. but the parent company of this restaurant s group been lens largest retailer, wants to make this country more attractive to job seekers and does not require them to speak spanish. one of the world, the most difficult languages, but elsewhere this is part of a divisive question in finland. this economy needs an estimated 44000 immigrant
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workers every year. that are they welcome. the experience of francisco marie to garcia a former lawyer from mexico shows how the situation is evolving. when he moved here with his finish wife 10 years ago, he couldn't speak the language and had 0 premier options. what har. uh, i would say that after i like, ponderous i applied for the times. i didn't even have a new single interview. read a garcia, learned finish and changed careers, starting at the bottom in the fast food industry. now he's a manager and s groups decision to drop. the language requirements allows him to hire people who situations he understands as groups human resources to kind of lift the body is fully behind this policy and the decision to future foreign workers, including money to garcia on the cover of the company magazine, praising them as valuable assets and urging customers to be more tolerant newcomers
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. we know in the future there will not be enough people to work in service sectors in care. and so we definitely need to improve on learn how to, how to bring people from different countries to work. if a lot, but the finish government is not on that same page, is currently considering a law that would force most foreign workers to leave the country within 3 months if they lose their job. pos yourself. and then is the migration expert with the city of helsinki. he laments that the current government pressured by the right wing fins party supports positions like the 3 months rule which confuse policies of immigrant workers with asylum seekers. the fin, spotty, is actually it's a very strongly against refugee migration bought as a part of that. and to bessie to us that form of migration,
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very much much harm is being done to our immigration policy. in general. this drop in spanish class is aimed at helping foreigners, both with language and confidence. accountant. we see a engine originally from indonesia is unemployed for the 1st time in 2 decades and says, every application still requires fluid to finish. the situation is not easy, but then i cannot just give up. so i don't mind reckon the 1st start of or painting or and with birth rates continuing to fall, finish need to get real about how they're going to maintain the economy and social system. in the meantime though, the countries image as an attractive place to live in work is suffering in a global survey of 12000 x pads. finland has plunged from number 16 last year to 51. now that's all for this
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edition of made with the look at all challenges and new solutions for nuclear waste and carbon dioxide storage to recent developments and electro mobility take care and see you next time the
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once we started going, they've developed 20 just because they have grown at them says vegetables instead of price. children in india are trying alternative 60 because rice harvest hills are following a consequence of climate change. mean eating habits are extremely important, especially for young people growing up. eco, india. in 30 minutes on the w. china war. it was one of the bloodiest chapters in french,
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own mind dw, made for mines. i imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually the hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. the w series about our complex relationship with animals and the debate watch now on youtube. d. w documentary. the
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. this is, think of, of the news line from the late dozens of wanted it in a new series of blossoms in living on just now was after at least 12 people are killed by exploding pages. thousands of the devices used by his beloved members. there's a nice security so says claim is rarely is responsible for the sophisticated attack that appears to attain months in the making of a non foreign minister is calling the bloss. it's an island of a wider regional also coming on turkish president bridge of time. 31 says he wants to be of peace make it in gaza. but he's also one that these ralph vs. this critics correspondent, looks at take these role in the conflict.


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