tv US and THEM Deutsche Welle September 24, 2024 9:30am-10:00am CEST
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least the best best is china. sauce, september 27th on dw, the they kicking us aloud. they're kicking out the whole community. i've been here for 50 years. here in mexico city. the value of my dollar does way for other things and they range air b and b or something they pay in dollars and then euro. i can't go back to new york because like, honestly, i can't afford to live there now. myspace stealing my space. i could be a part of the problem, but i don't, i don't really know we're breaking history here in canada of the
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largest 1st nation, land development and canadian history. when you build giant towers, next to very small housing does existed there for, for decades. people are going to be upset and they are upset. we're here in dressing the housing base, you know, in squamish nationwide, and we're back it's way too big way to talk a way to dance. you don't like it move on, missed an event, going to throw me out because of digital know minutes like you just leave mexico. leave. who gets to decide what happens to our neighborhood? antwan's, we all need a roof over our heads. but housing is also a big business and that means big conflicts. the
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news when i started this good afternoon. okay. okay. one bedroom. sinus long. this clip. uh sorry to bother you. i see you've got an apartment for rent. uh, that is for which i think so much. wow, wow. 60000 pesos. uh years ago i was paying full a 1000 pesos government this the, my rent is now 7500 pesos. a see?
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but if i wanted to arrange another apartment like the one i have now, it would be $4550000.00, plus, at least as minimal ink one. as soon as the pandemic ended, we were invited by digital no matter what it does is she found this property. i mean it started selling off everything. and i call myself a typical digital know that because i'm able to work from anywhere. my name is casey irvin. i work as a traveled lager. my company is called fall the fro tours. for example, i went to an article last year and i had $63.00 people come to me. i like connecting with others. i think that's the thing that drives me to keep travelling . when i am travelling, my phone is kind of attached to me at all times. i any moment could be an opportunity to create some content. i'm staying at a robot guy, which is one of my favorite parts of the city. there's the places i would consider
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to have as a home base and mexico city is one of those places i would consider. i don't feel like i outside or i do feel comfortable here and i feel welcomed people in the near home and i live in roma. oh, it's a very quiet, very safe neighborhood. it's which is a pretty red thing for mexico city. i'm physical fitness. yeah. luckily with the neighborhood used to belong to us. i mean, now we're at the mercy of the digital. no man. the think he does. a lot of that, you know mass life aroma. that's an easy place to walk around. there's so many kind of face to go to, i want to get work done. it's an easy place to live, especially as it is. so no man, see it was go to zip. i mean, nothing will, i've looked for other apartments, but there is nothing i can afford here. let's go to something procedure is that price is sky high with a ghost. mexico officially considers housing
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a human right. so why can't money pause afford to live in her own neighborhood? mexico city like most cities around the world is not building housing fast enough for its growing population. the competition for living space is fierce, especially in trendy neighborhoods like it on. and landlords know they can make more money with short term rentals to people like casey, then renting to locals. the deadline, i'd be at the i moved in here 20 years ago. that works for me. my home is, i mean, my refuge is mason's why this is been the center of my family life. maybe that's where i raised my son and don't get anywhere. i've had times of happiness some the also have plenty of sadness, some problems to at least they says, which fully
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a mess. but even so it's my space. i see my refuge as me is passed through as me someplace is on your area. landlord was a kind master, but he died a so see close to being in the see mccain. his son came through telling me they wouldn't be renewing my lease and that everyone had to live they going to turn everything into a, b, and b's. all my neighbors got some good and started looking for places. so unless somebody, i'm not in this neighborhood of cooling on the in other areas. so it's one of those . yeah. and the listener space left for us. the limit the if we weren't homeowners today, you know, our past would be completely different. we rented one bedroom before we had
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children. felt like 85 percent of our income went to rent. i love my neighborhood. i loved my city. i live in pennsylvania in vancouver and i am very, very fortunate to have purchased an apartment back in the 1990 is when it was still slightly affordable. and we had some help from my parents and we just put our minds to paying off the mortgage. we have a very lovely property and its gone up astronomically and value to the house was basically gifted from my father's best friend who had passed away. it opened many doors for us. we've got extreme competition for any housing, but particularly for affordable housing. and it's only getting worse over the last 30 years. this is the most expensive city in canada because we really are faced with some real restrictions. we have the american border to
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ourselves. we have mountains to the north, we have the ocean to the west. and then we have a long valley to the east, so that's the only place people can really expand. or you can concentrate and you can also build up know where to go. but up vancouver's population is growing and the city needs more apartments. but there's hardly any way to put them when vancouver was built, single family homes like these were the norm. now, these houses take up huge parts of the city and only the wealthy can afford them. vancouver has been ranked as one of the world's most livable cities. but livable for home. vancouver is an housing crisis. lot of people want to live in vancouver, but you basically have to be a millionaire to live here. my name's wilson williams. swift in his mind says file
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name and elected counselor for the squamish nation. if you were to venture on an airplane 2000 years ago, you would see just green and forest. they would the villages filled with long houses uh can use that, went for blocks on the beach, you would come across or people we have a sad history of the way that indigenous people were dealt with by settlers in the early parts of a 1st contact of centuries ago, you know, we can't go backwards and play it differently for us to be forced out over lands. it's still very wrong. you know, it's just over a 100 years ago. it kinda takes the way you're identity. where do you belong? and someone tells you, you don't belong here anymore. i would almost compare to our homelessness today,
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where people just have know where to go. and, you know, they land in these statistics where there's 30 percent of people, incarcerate, or indigenous the organization needs money. this is what we need to survive. we just open transitional housing in our community, which serves those who are coming in and out of incarceration. those with mental health issues. you know, homeless and addictions, jarvis, alcohol, whatever. it may be, even prescription drugs and whatnot. yeah. and but the safe place for them to be in for us to check on them. one of my distant cousins never had a place to call home since her childhood. this is a lady who's been displaced in couch surfing for 18 years. that's the nice uh for my head and yeah, super,
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super happy. yeah. a lot of us are struggling. i think. i mean, i imagine a place for people not struggling in poverty. the did they own that there's a home is the most important thing you can have is picking up with in the roots of your head and to sleep. you take shelter in the kid before she has. so what is home? it's a hard question for me to necessarily answer since i've been nomadic for 8 years. i love be additional know that you get to interact with people, let her new culture. i will eat anything. i always try everything at least once. nobody probably makes the world a better place just because it makes you more open minded. if you have the opportunity to do it, it's great to
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see the godaddy. god t nice like i never traveled outside mexico, the suburban anyways. so nothing is due to the as an act to this, to defend tenants, right? so that between the the see the 3 and without his help. i don't know how i would have managed to them if they knew the value and i thank you. of the size of those camino. so those are 2 ways this could go guess. suppose it is probably one would be that you manage to negotiate getting your lease renewed instead of in a while. but now that the electric with the other is the one you have to watch out
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for me is that they might send stocks. they should think people to evict you by force and going like they advocate in this. i've got a lot for us. what made this as a fight today with french from the landlord? never going to use von and to throw us out. unions. yeah. so put a body o told me, well, don't worry. there's nothing so you're not leaving. you stay not there was a sunday. let me show you the price. i was told, i hope the sick on my ass. i didn't tell them i put up cameras on this that's i've seen just to in this they want to intimidate me and give me that. feel that the so i'm trying to be brave and you don't just have to go to quotes in a few days of this is sending the seal the starting of trial to evict me. ready that is helpful, this should have never happened. we've never should have been kicked out of our own
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territories. our own village to knock was burned down. this was one of the last villages and bank hoover, we were expropriated from and probably the most hurtful indigenous people, our nation. we were an inconvenience, our natural way of being and living and surviving off the line was in the way of the future according to the government. so we were moved. but you also see the looks of hope, the hope for the future because there's plans in place. so knock is the biggest 1st nation land development of canadian history. it will have $6000.00 plus units housing over $9000.00 people. the $250.00 of those units will be for squamish nation members. my heart grew to size as knowing that we're back in our territory. i think a lot of people in vancouver,
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when they see the size and scale of this are going to be shocked and, and not happy about it. even if people are upset, the squamish can legally build what ever they want here and what is now the middle of an coover because the knock is their reserve land. the canadian government took it away in 1913, but the squamish want it back in court in 2001, and they got a 1000000000 dollar government loan to build the towers with help from a luxury real estate developers. prime minister justin true, joe called the project reconciliation in action. reconciliation is not simply putting up mass of towers and making a lot of money. that's what developers do all around the world. our people have been here for almost 2500 years now. we're revitalizing that history, but at the same time creating that economic wealth. it's built on 1st nations reserve light and so the city doesn't have any control over the regulations. don't apply the height limitations. it's still good to see the cranes, hey,
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polio. even though people are going to be used of it around here, you know, it's the new way of the future, right. it's no longer being out of sight out of mind in the city of vancouver, in our own village. thanks over. definitely needs more housing. but we don't need more expensive luxury, high rise towers and think over there are lots, we need cooperators, we need other types of housing. ultimately, i think governments are going to have to provide housing for middle income people for this city to continue to work in function. otherwise we're doomed. label, where am i going to go? because i things will be on the street. an eagle and i'll go to a hotel, fine old folks, homes. even those costs money. so the street is like, got you. here's the new,
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present mexico city. as someone who's been traveling for so long, find communities like the thing a year. and for the most, one reason i do like mexico city is i do have quite a few additional know that you guys are traveling back in 2015 double as just like how do you for do this? how that, how can you do this? my answer was always traveling is way cheaper than my rent in new york city. the us is very hard to live in. in any single city. our rent is going up to like, we can't live in our own country because of an affordable getting paid. the salaries were getting paid in our own currency. that's insane. my life before traveling was quite different. my goal was just to make a lot of money. my network as well as this level of overachievers finance people living in new york city, living their best life. when i left new york, i gave my furniture to some friends like, hey, you guys can hold onto this for
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a year. i have no idea of that. furniture is now established, you know, they'll be these to me. they say that is my neighbor. well, he was if he lives in the building next door or gateway throughout the last bag of trash today for the night the lease ran out and everyone in the building had to leave. and this is you have to be on because i do isn't them. and that is kind of gentrification. throwing people out and turning apartments into air b and b's. it's a big business. yeah. so i can't go back and start over again. i'm not 20 anymore, but i'm going to fight till the end to the end. a subpoena and i'm not sure there ever was a point where i realize i wasn't going to do one year. my travels kept extending by
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accident and somehow it's end up being 8 years. and what i realize is the best plan is no plan. i just learned how to live on a budget and seasonal work, but i was living probably offer $10000.00 a year for about 5 years now, my budget, i probably spend most of the around 30000 dollars a year. i'm pretty sure my friends in new york are working a lot more than i of the me is this. he knows when my name is still here. we would like a family. yeah. and we familia, we'd get together to celebrate christmas and new years, and i'd be as cool, you know, 3 kings day k together against me. i'm alone. nothing when the idea of anybody
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nice. my neighbors didn't come together to fight it because they cowards. mostly, you know, i'm not accounted this is a battle for the soul of vancouver, really what's going on. and it's not a battle between indigenous people and other nationalities. it's a battle between developers who put prophets ahead of everything else in ordinary people who want to see affordable, practical housing. that, that works for people for us looking at it through, you know, in indigenous lens. we are putting ourselves in a position of strength, the squamish wanna build even more towers, here on this former military base called the jericho lance, located on traditional 1st nations territory of their teaming up with 2 other indigenous groups and of the canadian government. the plan is to build apartments for $28000.00 people. the tallest 3 towers would be almost 50 stories. this
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is really just pure irony helpless shape. the future, the jericho and neighbors said this is too dense. this is too high. too many people . it's too tall and what happens? it comes back with more units, higher density, higher heights, that's shaping the future. jericho is going to be a huge staple for the future. we're changing the evolution of our people. we're changing lives. there's going to be subsidized rental units for our people. there's going to be a vibrant community where we can live, work, and play all in the same area. a lot of people live in vancouver because it house has natural balance of park and green space and ocean and mountain and sky and everything else. and all of a sudden it's like no, you don't have a choice. this is going to become one of the densest areas in the world. and there's 349 story towers. and there's 60 high rises, 13000 units,
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28000 people. well, when you build 49 story towers in this city, you're mostly likely to sell to for an investors. i mean, that's just the reality. certainly you're going to be signed a very rich people. i'm just worried, they're going to knock down all the affordable housing. and build up a lot of towers that aren't affordable as i knew is going to be big. i didn't know is going to be 49 stories big. so like as a young person, housing this place must be insane. yeah, it was good. yeah. so it looks like our neighborhood is going to be completely transformed in a very negative way. we listen as, as good neighbors, but you know that we're never in a place to tell them what to do. where the under diagram were david versus the lie . if you're not the other way around, also we've proposed alternatives. we worked with architects, planners, people who are very much involved in developing themselves to develop an alternative proposal, which is all low rise bills, part of a group called the jericho coalition. here's what they say. the indigenous
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developers should build here, all 4 to 8 stories know towers. they call a human scale housing, and they say it's more environmentally friendly. their proposal has apartments for 16000 people. that's about half the number the current plan, what house i i really feel strongly. my wife feels strongly that people have to stand up and say, this is too much. we're still alive and well. still have housing still have housing . i still put it in the middle of the jericho plan, so that's what size of the tower. i will be out picketing every day. if this truly goes ahead, i will be out every day on 4th avenue with my pickets sign me diligently. ok. yeah, i can do it, i will do it. hearing stories about people who are being pushed out of their living situations. so it might be like hard to relate because i've never been
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in that situation before myself. this it can be so thought associates. i certainly look at it as, as the situation with the house started constantly to him with 30 i go to bed. very like money for in the morning is places tossing ton is thinking, what am i going to do give? well, yes, it's going to happen today. give a pass, i really love the horrible depression, anxiety that i wouldn't wish on anyone getting to say that assume that he, it is been that the houses dear of mine, eyes dingle scan me of the i'm terrified of what you might have them to put up as a right is going up to get to know, mess have us back on this. i definitely think we do, but i also think it's a global phenomenal, and that's happening around the world. i don't want to be a part of the problem of making housing and affordable money,
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but isn't it? hello. can you see who is this the little window? it may come in think gays maybe seen. then i heard you, my neighbor in rome, i get the and says, the what do you think of the neighborhood? that is how you guys are inviting and kicking us out the 2nd. but some people like me as one of the old people, you're destroying our lives this weekend. but i mean, we just wanted to spend our last days here in peace to stay on the bus. i've been to instead with suffering, listen because of years when the book with posters. i see that your, your love for your home are you living? i see i see or your team. you see is my pain, but who's going to help me? i'm alone at this age. i'm not her age anymore. that's a. if i well,
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i wouldn't worry. but what am i going to do on my own? so just so now i've been crying for and that's why you do. is there anything that is there a message that i can share it to my calendar parts, buttons leave mexico. please leave the we don't know how the world's going to be 10. 50 a 100 years from now. we need to plan. we need to look at what it's going to take for our people to continue to survive beyond natural disasters. beyond further in positions of our people. we gotta prepare for that. we'll stand tall and proud back in our own territories for many, many years. the
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neighborhood should be allowed to have significant input in what happens in their community. we're trying to find a place where everyone is treated equally and fairly, and that's not what we're feeling about this proposal. indigenous people have been displaced and we need reconciliation. we need to try and fix generations of problems, but it doesn't simply come from profits. the one question if you're open to sharing your contact, i would also like to share some of your story with my audience. if you're ok with that goes to the issue. god, oh sure. see yes. you see that's what i see. see
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. this is the deputy news line from that level palisades. the case roland has been allowed to pull back from the brink of o l g 7, a u n. view inside the graves, they concerned about the escalating conflict they've been on size is rarely palms targeting has blocked of killed hundreds. monday's said to be, it's typically a stay in nearly 2 different will. so coming up the training and present a lot of minutes to lensky, holds a flurry of meetings that the un to show up support for you, trying to travel to washington live. the best way to present the plan to change the board with russia.
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