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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  September 28, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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it runs shortly after his speech is ready for us is destroyed several residential buildings and a by roots about claiming that has bought a central bank route headquarters was beneath the rubble of the obliterated apartment buildings unfilled gale in berlin. and this is the day, the country is at war fighting for its life. as long as his bonnet chooses, the path of war, israel has no choice, and this one has every right to remove this threat. i want to assure you we will not rest until the remaining hostages are brought home to have a message for the tyrants upstairs. if you strike us, we will strike you. well, i've come here today to say enough is enough. the
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also on the day african leaders pushed for a permanent place on the un security council saying the present structure is not fit for the challenges of the 21st century. the consul is by all intents and purposes, dysfunctional and democratic non inclusive. i'm not comfortable, autocratic a and a best peak. welcome to the day israel says it has a it has ball as central headquarters in an attack on a densely populated by the neighborhood is right. the media reporting that the target was, has from a leader assigned master rolla. it's the biggest has ran the attack on by roots since the 2006 war in that been on the runs embassy. that has one that the strike is an escalation that changes the rules of the game as well as backed by ron and
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has been finding rockets into israel since the october 7th terrorist attack by it's a like a match. probably this month, israel shifted the focus of its military operations from gaza to nap. but though the baby bombing happened shortly after a prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the un general assembly, where he vowed to keep financing hamas hezbollah on the route. long as his bonnet chooses, the path of war is what it has, no choice. and this one has every right to remove this thread and return our citizens to their home safely. and that's exactly what we're doing. and we'll continue degrading, cause blah, until all our objectives are back let's pick up some of the missed and then yahoos points with that. daniel levy whose presence of a us me least project. he's a form is ready to diplomat to help negotiate the oslo peace accords. welcome back
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to w. good, we stop, we'll get to it, mister netanyahu short minutes. can we stop 1st with your thoughts on the idea attack? what they described as the at the center of has the last era in beirut. it is, yeah i, i think the company, pasting of, of was like terror. all right, helpful. yeah. clearly there are things that the access to resistance forces have done that have violated international law. clearly israel is violating international law every day that terrorist groups and he's read as a terrorist state. so i would encourage the system from the use of that language in terms of the action itself. clearly this has been a major strike on a civilian neighborhood. in bay root, we will see what the extent of the damage is. we will see who has been killed in
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this stripe, what we see fit in the last 2 weeks. i think this is the degraded and clearly there's been an intel success bias rather than infiltration all to useful and the degrading of useful capacity. something inside that israel failed to achieve, we've in almost a year against how much in dollars i think we should distinguish between degrading that capacity and incapacitating a booth. and so i think that there is still a dangerous, very dangerous directory pos that we are wrong. and the thing that we're seeing tonight is these rating miller tree cooling on neighborhoods in bay roots to be effectuated. that's what we saw in gauze. i hope he does now see a copy of the want to destruction that happened in 2006 by is really nothing. and that has happened for the last year to have a greater extent,
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plausible violations of the genocide convention distinction between the buyers. well, are we going to see these 11 and now my fear, what we heard, nothing yet in new york in the general assembly today was very dangerous in many respects, but there was one sentence that stood out for me. so he said about 11. there was a me silence, every kitchen, a roof kitchen, every garage. now that is clearly not true, but what it is is an invitation to see if we catch and then every last to use. okay, this proportion of the top seat of civilians we have seen however, i will be out again is that has by law law, thomas consistently put themselves in a civilian infrastructure in order to protect themselves. so if a country like these rally slicing a will with these groups,
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how does it take them out without as damaging, without injuring as civilians as well let some pipe what you just said and not to stop by the question i'm going to be honest with you felt i used to work on southern use, ready ministry, the office i served was very much in the center telling me, does that make tell of the legitimate target? now, are you seriously considering the notion that $40000.00 plus date, palestinians, the vast majority of them, civilians? overwhelmingly women and children as to begin men by the way, that is acceptable. that is, the reason that the international court of justice is called for urgent provisional measures. there's the rescue by that, the various 8 and just to be clear,
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nobody you or i in this discussion as described what you have said that as acceptable. all right, so just so now i appreciate that. i appreciate that. i appreciate that. how does this laziest escalation between israel and has been law not and in all out war israel says it was the clear has belie from its northern border and return. it's people, as the law says, it will keep protecting israel until the as a cease fire. a garza which neither side is signing up to or which a besides, i'm sorry, is read is rejecting. is expiring. garza lost his position has been very consistent . how much his position has been, if there was a full ceased by, we accepted the americans know that mediators from cops, our egypt, know that he's ready, defense establishment. know that the whole speech families know that the protest is in israel. know that it is prime minister and nothing yahoo and he's color. they should know that. and i'm afraid they are acting in a rogue manner,
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whether reaching dogs or really itself supports elsewhere the able to act in a rogue about that. because the united states and other western allies in europe, germany and offers are continuing to provide political and diplomatic coughing in the case of the united states, the weapons and positioning that warships and getting directly involved. to enable this to happen, it is reasonable to have a comprehensive ceasefire. i feel that the slightest escalation in that will not lead to a cease fire. what you will have is a huge block capacity. and all the actors are likely to join in that since he's already involved, a rocky militias of letting him go, as long as they continue to send me solves into israel. israel luc itself, as it has done elsewhere, up the escalade to relapse all that is likely to lead to a ground operation is to, to use then the dynamic will switch because both of attrition,
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all not wears rel dogs well. and then you're going to see is around more in a corner. let's remember that a country with an extremist leadership is also a nuclear power. that's how dangerous this is. one would expect the country that has leverage with each route, a 2 step key, and he says it's not in the planning it how it hasn't happened. it has tried that we've, we've seen the, by the administration at cautioning and israel, ignoring. but here's what i just picked out. i think you called caution you called caution and provide weapons at the same time. and as the americans of the americans, wednesday evening, the americans reach the press. it's off on the white house website. i'm sure you've seen it, so they give this background briefing and they say, this is a breakthrough. we've reached just by waiting for the parties to announce these 21 day pause. in bay were apparently nothing yahoo was either leading them on to marry
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jobs or he got cold feet. is ralph announced is that it's not going along with this rule design cool that out. rather than say they'll be a consequence the same day. these ready defense ministry is spanking the americans, the periods more than military assistance. so the americans are not trying, i, they want to see this disruption. all they all embarrassingly amateurish and politically constrained. i think it's time for all the settings. yes. sorry. so ok, that's fine. so benjamin netanyahu is the space of the general assembly to play it safe and then get your thoughts. i have a message for the tyrants up there on. if you would strike us, we will strike you. there is no place there is no place to the wrong that the long arm of israel cannot reach. and that's
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true of the entire bill at least. then you'll leave it. who do you think this speech today from the user id prime minister was aimed at? it's a really interesting question and i was asking myself back a lot when i was watching the speech felt it was clearly for domestic or would it be on switches? understandable when most of the just go to new york they, they want to pro cost the message back of this is of the moment obviously when prime minister, nothing you always trying to revive is political for to use a out the is face the political crises. he's keeping his combination together. so that's one way. i feel the rest of the audience was america and the tiny bit of the west and allies. i don't think he was talking to the rest of the world. he was talking a language of 19th century racist colonialism when he speaks about all barriers and civilians. as if the country that is destroyed garza,
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the person who has an arrest floor request against to be using salvation as a weapon of war. war criminal benjamin nothing. yahoo is if he is speaking on behalf of the civilized nations. he uses a light which come on the left with a touch just that correct direct or the no, no i will. criminal varies, told about a potential a full on the rest of the order, but let's not get ahead of us so well. there was a request, there was a request from the judge you to. ringback interest words by the chief prosecutor. the arrest warrant has not yet been issued. i to not a war criminal. let's just be clear about that loss of proven ball criminal. a man with a request for an arrest. floored by the cheapest. you to the eyes. you see it sort of small thing, right? which brings us to my final question. maybe. how do you same venue been nathan yahoos? a few j as in broiled in to was possibly a why the conflict waiver around. as you say, illuminate a ras one from the eye,
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so you see that code making up a sound and don't draw. so like a lot of effort to look feel and i think he so he said to share this, this is helping him in the opinion polls he's, he's actually got a bit of the booths of that toe in israel, prime minister netanyahu, in addition to all the things we've been discussing faces a domestic case, nothing to do with the international criminal court. nothing stupid posting is 11 these people over the he's own potential of corruption and violations of these radio. so he's very literal get out of jail called. he's staying in power, staying as a leader, and he, you have the convergence of a personal interest, which i just described, of a political interest, which is that he's trying to say, i need dispensable war time, lead to be able to, if i need you, you need well,
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this is how we should be building itself politically. and thirdly, it converges with the ideal. it's nothing yahoo or these television. what are genuine, the world to this is the state to play multi coalition policy plans. the policy is the government guidelines signed off on leg by not to you all, all the jews have an exclusive rights to all of the. so this to good, what is it means that we are likely to seen yet more of what has happened over those awesome periods which kitchens and i showed up to everyone. i will. so that was one of the thing was picking up and i think from that speech to you, we talked about the cost and the blessing. and in that respect, i didn't mention, you know, who was all so you asked me about the audiences. i do think he was talking to that dispensation was christian, evangelical community in the us who are probably the most important bi, cuz most of them, the jewish community, which is quite divided on this. who was israel's mostly pulled back, is in the us. and in particular, donald trump's republican body must think about them. we thank you for it,
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daniel bailey, from the us middle east project. thank you so much. thank you. of the existing international security architecture, represented by the un security council, continues to come by efforts to maintain international peace and security 78 years since it's formation. the structure of the united nations security council remains largely unchanged. the consul is by all intents and purposes, dysfunctional and democratic non inclusive. i'm not comfortable, autocratic, and best will pick up the recall and it's 1400000000 people remain excluded from its key decision making structure. oh
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african made is the un general assembly this wake up in making that case for a full reform of the security council. currently, the council, which is supposed to maintain global peace and security, has 5 permanent members. none of them from africa just 2 weeks ago. the us a nice day which support the creation of 2 permanent seats for african countries for the push for shake up is fall from sun to succeed grains territorial integrity from a yeah, there's director of the atlantic cancels africa centers. she's as technically he's born french politician with years of experience and international politics. a welcome to the w. why does the security account so why does the security council need a permanent african presence rather than say, locked in american? as you know, i, i just return from the united nations general assembly in new york. we are of course, many off against a tool to buy these uh,
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willingness of the space to support the creation of these 2 permanents these for africa. i think it makes sense given the demographic rise of, of, of african countries. you know, demographically speaking, africa, we'd be in 13 years in a couple of the kinds of continents of, of people got the power and it has to be recognized within the general assembly. we have to note also is that often nations for 28 percent, almost 30 percent of the votes, it's the largest group ahead of asia, all of them there because of western europe and it has to be taken into consideration and is so uh, i think these 2 reasons are enough to explain this, this change and also comes down to democratic republic of congo. certainly, um richard foxes, the patients uh by africans is important in the resolutions of conflicts that in
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the security council with which brings us to the next question that if it's you follow the logic if we are talking about to a seats on the a, to permanent seats on the, on the council, if they were to be to african countries, which ones and decided how that is the most pressing question. i think, um, uh, before getting there. uh, i mean it's important to understand that the us announcement came with a strong invitation. these african countries would not have the own importance of visual power. um, but um, i think african nations to the 6th to come see us, the new member. i would require to select so as you start to select the, the white countries, should it be nigeria, the most populous country in africa, or south africa,
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the largest economy. um or if it's your job, because of these healthy bar is the african copy tool. that is a, a scary question for, for africans in i'm not sure they are ready to answer tomorrow. okay, so in principle, 2 african states will bit with the details later. let's talk about the, the point that you, you may bet about this american, america's backing for this, these 2 frequencies. if that happens, no veto power. we're talking effectively about a 2nd class and then the shape of this exclusive club. yeah, i mean, uh no, no power means that the united states, despite the strong statements, are less willing to propose a system make before that would up and the post world war 2, the order. um,
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i also think that so it's an important announcement because the us is the 1st among the terminals 5 members of this. it wants to come see welcome to explicitly, that's an issue for these 2 african it's already started. and as for china and russia, it's interesting to know that even if they present themselves as the champions of the sofa government sounds, they have never been so sure so far in their promotion of african voices in the, in the image of bodies or so it's a it's a bold move from the us. we can understand that because of the heart pumping. some petition that is, that is going on the i to consulting on between global powers and be the regional powers to but there's a lot of dimensions. do you think? uh, the united states backing for this idea is genuine assets or cynical because
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it's never going to happen or it's, it's certainly not going to happen during jo biden's presidency, so it's fine for the united states to signal. look, we're your best mates. well, knowing that the rest of the security council isn't that the rest of the permanent members, i'm not going to back this the hi. you want to? well, because even if the us was you the rest of the summit, i like the us estimate that took place in uh, december 2022 in washington dc. um, african nations felt um like some, a bit of frustration about uh, the washington policy to africa. and um, it's a clear about this match, or it's unclear how washington's commitment is competing both ways. it's previously
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expressed willingness to also support the permanent membership for india, right before germany and japan. um and you know, so they, they, they requested seats for the like in america, the caribbeans, etc. so if you'll, your question can be and just, and just, you know, it's, it's clear that the next president of the, i can say we have to answer the same question and it wants to be joe by then obviously rice. i'm so while we're above that, then that doesn't the whole system need roots and brands reform because what, what we're operating and in a post 2nd world war system. as, as indeed the, the secretary general said when it was a opening that the car into event, the general assembly a yeah, i mean,
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this job or she could order is a legacy from the, the cold war. and you know why 5 countries have been picked to present the sick you to come see me united states friends, the kingdom of russia in china. but the world has changed a lot. um and beyond the question of what was in taishan many on servers quickly and objects of the u. n. system prison are wondering how this system is system table. for example, just take your accounts, humans, and now i'm taking one usually takes the lead in determining through the, the, the threats to the pieces with the words to tell me what the patient's age code is . you've been to parties to disagree to, to, to settle this at the least by, by peaceful means. so, and in, in request adjustments in,
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in set themselves in only, sometimes it's successful. uh, you know, for an example of wash, a suspension from the, in the human rights compensate for example, is the or missions of office was also communion in somalia or missions. you know that in, in many, many countries. but the problem is, is, as you can see, every when toward the best of conflicts, the united nations can solve from ukraine's israel. so now you have all these people and actors and countries questioning the way the security company comes in works. so now the, the time for change is, is very wishful and that's why may be beyond often the presentation of us would like to take the lead a reform. but what will these reform the system make reform? i have a few dots about that. a good talk is your thank you for talk us through that drama
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. yeah. from the atlantic councils african center. thank you so much for one of britain's most recognizable actives dame maggie smith has died aged 89. in recent years, she became a widely known roles in the harry potter fields in fountain abbey, with a career began in the 1950s. she received numerous acolytes, what time is one of just $24.00 people to athens, the triple crown, and oscar, and emmy, and tony? it never does. and that's that i have a good day and a great weekend by the
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