tv Trans - Three Generations Deutsche Welle October 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST
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just join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w. i hope the video will tune in the so fee was born in the body of a boy. but the ginger, she was assigned to earth, never felt right. as i started feeling something was wrong as a child and the human that got much was and few between extreme. then once i left home, i made the decision. i'm so fee. now spend the old name their number cuz they have nothing. get this voicemail we are accompanying the 13 year old on her journey to her new self look, almost 16 is trans. he experienced
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a verse reactions when he 1st came out of the term sense for me. so if it is being trans isn't really socially acceptable and good enough to get put down a lot. i can lift up, they'll always be people who once accepted this, you know, it's almost half a century since nora discovered her true identity or transition to a new self began in west berlin in the 19 seventy's. at 1st i have a 1000 questions. how would it will work? because it's not just about selling yourself up and heading out on the town. so shaming ones, the ones who stop living your life as trends steps. when the problems come on, you have to be just to put him on 3 trans people from 3 generations. what moves them? how do they want to live? these are their stories, the that
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is a fee lives near frank foot. the cashier has been living as a woman for several years and has no decided to have sex reassignment surgery. the operation is due to start soon have as often opiates and i've been waiting almost exactly 6 months my operation date. and 6 weeks ago, i called the letter saying the operation can go ahead. i'm going through with that to us. no compromises kind of, i'll be seeing it through to the end doors. it's what i want. that's all the 30 year old finally has an appointment for her 1st of 2 operations. until now she's be making to with hormones which is the 1st stage of the actual transition for most of those concerned the crazy what the whole names do. i've been taking them for for years now, and then lots has changed and there's a point where i don't see it myself anymore. which office do?
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they say things like used to come to keep them and then you look at the stream, the good. it gives me a real basis on an answer for the 1st few weeks after the operation will be up to 0 fee to make sure that turn huge and the tools retain their ability to function, the necessary stretching needs have already arrived. ok, hope college. now it's getting serious. it becomes really sinking in now quite most of these. i'm looking forward to this appointment. no, i'm looking forward to my vagina. it's good for him to be glad when it's all behind me sent him. yes. the good news of fees be managing by herself for years. she certainly doesn't want to spend the days before and after the medical procedure alone, her best friend pascal will be keeping her company on the way to the university hospital. and as of may have happened, it's really important to me that my best friend is coming on because he's being
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that from the beginning. i didn't think i had to cope emotionally on my engine. why specializes? i'd probably cavan and blackout. really good. see, i'm awesome. and that's the last thing she wants. she'd have to wait months for another appointment. as lucca will be 16 in a few months. from a very early age, he felt he was a boy born in the girl's body. his family have received psychological counseling and they support his transition. in addition to vibration, prof, i take a. com, didn't go through a female puberty because it's what i was put on. hold on blockers, as soon as it started and that stopped everything. and then after about 3 years, i started taking testosterone, very low doses, so that i could grow my outbox it. the testosterone will make his body increasingly masculine flashback. we start with accompanying the 12 year old on camera back in
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2019 luca was being treated by hormones. specialists don't serve as tough experienced. and why don't you stand over here and we'll see how tall you are. it's an important stage and with this journey was the name change. oh, my old id card still says leo needed, you know community. i'm leaving it here at last and it will be deleted. 2023 luca is once again on his way to the end, the chronologist doctor. first off, we specializes in the treatment of children and adolescents, and handbook, and view of the risky procedures is crucial for dr. first health. the patients be thoroughly informed the incidental from the incidents of transport as has risen significantly in recent years, quotes and 70 percent of young people who come to us are transported from early childhood. luca was a typical trans boy with typical voice behavioral patterns,
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and i'm much more confident with that. and then when somebody suddenly discovers this trans issue during puberty at the age of 12 or 13 and comes to me saying, i saw this youtube video and then everything was clear to me video because in, well, that's when the alarm bells go off in my head so i mean the alarm clock and the expert works closely with psychologist and psychotherapists to reload snap judgments. good luca and his mom are also accompanied through the process type of phoenix by 5th farner. i had a lot of doubt, especially when it started with the woman blow, cuz we didn't start with the test just room, which we gave home and brokers quite handy on it. and funny because the oldest sister started puberty early on. and that's exactly what i wanted to spend my child out of everything he was expressing. what's your it was just boys clothes and actually use no more dressed as
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a short have an intimate to go into the boys toilet to let the i'm so they will face is where you could see he was getting happy. mclaughlin had in the mid seventies that was all ready cleared to nora, that she wanted to go through life as a woman. but it wasn't too many years later that she fully came out. today. her trans identity is an important part of the 69 year olds. life is i make sure that you speak for steve google docs and everytime important to me relatively late in 2018, 2019 when retirement was approaching. and i was planning this new phase of life for it. i wanted to become visible as of trans pass and discovery added, being visible or domestically became linked with activism by that. so i mean something up for the interests of trans people because it's even, this is just to educate mainstream society and that's very important to me and it's making my last stage of life feel quite meaningful names of shit and guns present
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once. and nora was 19 when she moved to west fairly soon she was working in a night club, the legendary shave whom you have they are surrounded by other trans people. the young woman is freely expressed or so. yeah, i know we all have tremendous self confidence and as far as mainstream society goes, we didn't see little, well they might have seen those, those freaks. but that wasn't all problem because it was that problem with this, right? so all as the tools to pull things, they've no idea um to the costs for the biggest disadvantage in the seventy's was being excluded from the regular labor market. so it really was the case of trends women mainly left at night stuff. so with various options, but of course i just like to have continued in my day job as that has been possible . i was working in the large book shelf at the time so that there was no chance of staying that of a as far from our 6 floors that supplied 6 years after her transition bureau
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left the night light behind and no covertly trans started working as a secretary, she wrote several books as an opera critic to day. the activist seems to dispel prejudices about trans people, closer to i think, and lots of people outsourcing from a false premise when they say that trans means living in the wrong body. and i say, i've never had that feeling how to use it for all the body we have and it's all posey and we can never leave as a cub. i've never had the feelings on. i'm a decision being that not something on the contrary, i felt i was given something in addition to my body's gender, a different gender identity. so i am body humidity. i'm to masculinity at the same time. i mean, i think that's pure luxury for ronald says it's october 2022. so fee is on the way to a new body. tomorrow the trends will undergo sex reassignment surgery.
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i'm supposed to report somewhere i'm a good time for well and just a moment here at s and university hospital sex reassignment surgery for trans women has been a routine operation for years. the fees, best friend pascall, who has traveled with her for emotional support is still laurie's field citizens and even for them and sophie's a very loving pass and quarter semester, he's not my big is, this is, i mean we've gone through everything together. joy fear pretty much everything that's in itself. 05 here. i think she's my best friend of the fees. main concern is to have a body that sexually female or she also hopes the upcoming medical procedure will lead to more acceptance in everyday life. se display stuff when i did so,
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so those who knows the every day instances where yes, your try me. i've been the most a woman, you'll never be a woman. kind of find a bit of makeup plan to make one on the quotes. as i've heard a tool i think is once i've had surgery, been this trend thing is done with the good to me. so that, that this, even if a lot of people will probably still say, i'm transgender on come spend that step is the for my, for me, the word trends agenda or trends one to exist anymore. it's listed on the summer in the afternoon to feed, meets her surgeon, professor has or do you have any questions before the operation tomorrow, how the i'm really worried about being able to feel then yes. how difficult it is i can best be on my own. well, we've asked our patients about that after the operation, when that is phones with us, the about 96 percent say they had some feeling and the quite a risk sampling infinitum helping directory and around 90 percent say they were capable of oregon. and i probably got the most recent. okay,
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that's reassuring. there are various theories or why increasing numbers of people are identifying as trends. the doctor has a simple explanation for funds which on 20 years ago, many people didn't even realize that this existing comp, i myself had little or no contact with it before i came here to the clinic 15 years ago, glen. so i also had to learn how to deal with the topic of video. i think social acceptance has improved and people are more inform me to think about them. that's why there are more people who can find the words or how they feel it and look as though it's a new school where he has to repeat his high school diploma. so we todd, how was school? good. yes, that's that. okay, now. okay, what time look our newest, there's pressure test against trans people. when it gets to enough english kit in
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public, i'd never say i'm trans. didn't say openly at school and please you just have to be careful who you talked with most people. it's better not to say anything because once you cite you'll the outside and then your multiple bullet 12 and all that. i list the ones on luca already experienced this in 2019. when he came out in his film the you'll have to take test of june for the rest of his life. does not bother him. smile, it's close to us. ok. i have asked me to us and i have to take my asthma spray every morning or so, and it's exactly the same, but it's just normal from age done. so i can't imagine life without it not. and it just upsets. if i stop taking it, everything would reverse in my body, and i go through female puberty truth and legacy perverted on. and then you certainly don't want to not do that. no, i don't want that nice for luca at the moment is all about his
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identity and having the right body body. he's becoming more and more comfortable with my nice looking, one company, my ice hockey team, some notes and sometimes you know, concerned it's no more commit to shower with the team. just in my underway is not a problem to help. and, and i think it's really great how they show consideration for making this name. ice . hockey is a constant and because light flashed back back in 2019 we looked at was 12 companies him to training. there won't be much time for sport over the next few months. luca has to concentrate on school and leaving exams . the doors committed to the rights of trans people. a loss of her self confidence den some her job in the seventy's, the cloakroom attendant at the berlin bay club. she will meet her
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at this time. of course there was a sudden and security in the beginning, especially going to work in the evening and coming back home in the morning. i'm from at 1st. i tried to ignore the looks, but at some point i actually switch out i contact i wanted to be looked at, looked at gender reassignment surgery was never an option for the trends with nor i loves her body exactly as it is finished. awesome. that makes pin house on the street. i mean, it's unlikely any one would think, i know some women open, but when i'm standing naked in front of the mirror, i know my body's not by entering. this is always labeled in congress, going as if the comp be female presses with male sexual characteristics, respect i don't see any contradict and not the see if others see as well. so that'll be the problem, not mine's especially 70,
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and popular one is minds still feels connected to the queer community tonight. so to are these days where she enjoys them all. the more of this feeling of being amongst equals try, i was the i never really played the exotic role with all my difference. i felt that i needed to live a normal life. that was always the goal is different. as i am, did should always be no sooner mine, so it did us. and most of the reason i'd like to quit community to be seen this the although by main screen, so slowly see but rather as a positive society, we belong in a multi faceted present on lifestyle as normal as any of them. and i'm really surprised that all the div gender reassignment has come for so fee the night a short is a fee hardly slept a wink. we can do this
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so so i'm already terrified. so don't worry, it'll be fine. you'll wake up later and think. yeah. finally, so you've been called great. he's been wasting more than 6 months for this moment. you'll hear on june. i'm here. now her best friend has to wait 2 hours. that's how long the operation usually takes the final try out there for me. yeah, we were here about 2 or 3 years again and already made all these preparations and the registration, the procedure waiting list and so on. and now the time has come. now we hear the size of small, now it's plain vs here, respect to the operation. how will it go?
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well, everything be intact, food, all right, well that'd be feeding down there. sorry. so that's the biggest thing. so fees, operation which is fully covered by health insurance proceeds without complications . and the doctor's prognosis is also favorable. the patient has a good chance of filling sex life and we know from the follow up surveys of our patients that there are also holistic changes within that open. and even if only the genitals have been operated on it, obviously a lot happens before surgery are far from the essential things happen before the coming out, the psychological aspect of that. and also the hormonal situation, the surgery is only a small part enough one, but it still gives another boost to the holistic female feeling vipers, hampton. summer, 2023. look at has graduated from high school and has already been accepted for an
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apprenticeship as a piano meeker. well done on your graduation dining with his grandmother remembers his childhood. it's a funny feeling when you 1st have a go on and to do the switch, he has style the praises and so on. but then you just accept him and that's it. he's a boy. and the rental isn't the pos just, i'm because i'm not, this is from the split up by developmental and it wasn't something you gave much thought to just in vic, it was more of a gradual process of development. it's one of my part. i saw him as a very strong person because he always knew who he was. but despite the obstacles in his way, of course that will always setbacks where you thought to yourself as a big sister, i'd love to give that person a piece of my mind. because it was hurtful, of course, as i know, just touching on what were the setbacks
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among other things, pulling at school the flashbacks lucas group. ultimately i put the trends and a silver item 4 years ago. get spots. so it does. how do i to find him to comp time? so a few people, so my film done, and they handled it really well on the verge of them. i know mr. can i ask me, of course, on that i thought i shouldn't deny it or anything to gain just admitted openly. how do you have on the team? but then we talked about it a little. it was a huge relief. done. could be any kind of phone to bone at the noon. ok, now, like with uh, being around people who know about it. and then the ones who don't luca has achieved a lot. the issue of sex reassignment surgery is still on the table as being fund discontinuance of chance of who is definitely good. that the option, because then you can decide for yourself whether you want it or not kind of course,
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you can't do it till the 18 and i think that's a good thing i'm looking at. your body has to be mature, of course, and it gives you time to think again, i called and i say you don't rush into anything. can you give us that? so that sounds he goes many of know, most friends identify as clear body and as one of the younger trans man comes from a different generation to know they are both familiar with the problem space by trans people he's crime against minorities has been on the rise for years to sudden this is, so for me just it stops online and social media. see it then the verbal harassment spills out onto the streets to spend a tons volume and physically volume and speaking of and trans people are a prime targets from the call from being visible and taking a stand, a balancing act for many of those affected because like everyone else,
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they also need privacy anonymity. let me go to office because there's tons been. people don't believe that i'm trends and i can be covertly and anonymously trans anywhere if i want to. but i also think it's important to take a stand now and then and say, i'm trans, by the way, many of them as long as people are still being beaten off out, then it's important to draw attention to ent, profile facts and some friends are concerned about current political discussions, which poetry trends, people as choosing their gender and when and then manipulating children you all feeling an instrument education in schools is of course super important because otherwise trans children will be bullied and marginalized. then when parents come and say, don't drive on children, crazy. yeah, the children can't be made crazy. sometimes discussions on needed, assigning,
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and the patterns probably don't want to look at it and that so they say, leave on children alone. and then i mean, if a child is unsure about themselves, then you should discuss it when they come to flash. okay, let his van as a ton, we soon become friends by invitations listed on this. this idea that of times people are constantly being talked about and reported on, always present in the media that could be this copycats offense or would you does become trends by reading or watching something online. that's just not the reality for an excuse anything. it's the, it's got me and i never struggled with being trans, not for a moment. on the contrary, discovering my translate density is the best thing that could have happened to me by truly i'm an absolutely happy trans posts and something might sound stupid, but it's true. so almost a year after her sex reassignment fee is on her way to her hair dresser to get here
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extensions. and there's news, the 31 year old as in love for new partner doesn't know that so fee, as trends have to have some time for that week. he's such a frank foot, boy, it's all football clubs, united. and if it's never been part of your wells and you know nothing about it, really we have very different play. so i'm going to keep it to my little see create as a stop hold. i don't know what i do not, but i me as if he doesn't have lots of people saying i should tell him that i'll just say, don't tell him what if it came out some other way that's happened to me. i thought about that my number or to help him then he'd probably also why didn't you tell me your cell wrestle except this month and i did bring it up in directly. and the values are set. and i said, you might imagine you met someone like that who was a man before the hard to, i mean these days anything goes,
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nothing's up norman. anymore normal, i'm not sectional going on. i'm happy for you. enjoy it. you never know what's going to happen. these days a minute. well, if he finds out then that's how it is. but then if he rejects me, i'll know for sure. it was, it was a big line for trends. people like sophie, there's no one right way. there are lots of different options. the memberships you must have someone else to me now and said, i'm sure what, what do you do? my tape would be listening to you in the south that look inside yourself to see what you really want. okay? so that i could just say do it. but then you might end up on happy because it really is a major intervention. so it's also very painful and not can go wrong. yeah, because much math, so subordinate, i didn't regret a single. thank you skin. nothing. it tool kind of thing was you know, that the
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this is dw news, live it from berlin. tonight is real, says that it's ground defensive in lebanon, is taking a heavy toll on has beloved is really air strikes, are pounding hezbollah strongholds and southern bay road reports and say that they're targeting the likely next leader of the militant group. also coming out of the european union, pressing ahead with happening tariffs on chinese made electric cars. but germany is warning to move could trigger a trade more. the
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