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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 25, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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to send me some policy starts november 9th on dw, the watching c w news live from the lead. ukraine says north korean troops are on the front line in russia's coast region flooding. the persian isn't denying that north korean troops could help russia in the war with ukraine. an interview with dw whitehouse spokesperson, john could be says it shows the kremlin is quite desperate for manpower. and german chancellor, olaf schultz arrives in india, a key item on his agenda. he's recruiting skills workers from the world's most populous nation. the
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welcome to the program on jared read. ukraine says that north korean troops had been deployed to roches western coast region to backup russian troops on the was front line. that's according to ukraine's military intelligence service course. case where you cried noon forces staged across the border incursion into russian territory back in august, seizing a chunk of territory. this v. dear. according to ukraine, shows no screen soldiers at the training ground in rushes far east. they are wearing what appears to be russian military uniform, potentially preparing to fight in ukraine. keith says the 1st north korean soldiers have already been deployed to russia's best to course region to come to ukraine's cross border offensive. as this comes, as of russia,
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rectifies a defense treaty with north korea. the 3 to plot, just mutual assistance by the country, is attacked by the way in the struggle. say it's it, i'm not sure with me. my machine is for our relations with the democratic people's republic of korea. so as you know, to go to us to teach a partnership, treaty was rectified only today. but i'm just the to this article for dressing never doubted that north korea is serious about dressing corporation. see what i tell you, but what we will do most and how we will do it. and that is our business. uh no, i store when we didn't deal with it, it was, you know, should do. rush was president sledging the ports and has neither confirmed nor did not the presence of the north korean soldiers and russians could. i mean, he said to him, but she offered a vague comment on the satellite images, allegedly showing north korean personnel a russian military facilities. you images are a serious thing. and if the image is,
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then that reflects something that you should according to the us, this reflects rushed us weakness on the battle ground. or this really highlights rushes desperation, you know, 10 coming to the dpr, k to iran. so the enticing dpr k soldiers, you know, if, if they were to ever enter the fight, i think that shows that prudent has failed in his strategic objectives on the battlefield. and this is something that's like the middle point to strongly disagree. swift pollutant says it's an illusion that russia could be just hit on the battlefield. w spoke with white house national security spikes when john could be about the developments. our washington correspondent, benjamin all of our, his group began by asking him how the us would respond to north korean troops of joining russia in its war and ukraine. well, again, we're talking to our allies and partners about this very concerning development. i
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think we'll have more to say in coming days once we have a better sense of exactly what the north koreans and the russians are up to here. but look, make no mistake. this is a concerning development. the potential for north korean soldiers to be used by russia to fight ukraine, whether they'll do that in russia, whether they'll do that in ukraine, we don't know right now. the other thing it shows us is how desperate mr. put in this for manpower. i mean, he's losing $1200.00 russian soldiers per day. and over the course of this war, more than flat 530000 casualties russian casualties. and it's not like he's being very honest with the russian people about the losses that he has sustained in this fight. um, so it's a definite sign of sweetness. no question about that. but again, we're going to talk to allies and partners, and we'll have more st coming days about what options may may lay before us. are you afraid that this might turn into a proxy war because they also reported south korea is considering sending more weapons and as we see north korea and south korea getting involved in diversity
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greenwood to the degree, it's a proxy words on mr. poot. i mean, he's the one that's reaching out to a ron for drones and ballistic missiles, reaching out to north korea for artillery shells, ballistic missiles, and now soldiers mean he's farming out the fighting to a for an army. so that is to the degree. this is somehow roxy war, it's on mister booth. you were talking to partners. have you spoken to ukraine? because there are reports that ukraine has already said that the military units that happen, that have left the places in eastern rush and have already crossed into the, into the zone of war zone. yes, of course we're talking to our ukranian counterparts and trying to glean their perspectives, matching it up with their own intelligence assessments. but yes, we are in conversations them as a, as i said, also in conversations with other allies and partners about what they're seeing as well. with us this number come from at least 3000 soldiers. is it the us assessment or is it a ukranian assessment? the 3000 number that we put out yesterday is based on us intelligence assessments as we were seeing things yesterday. now as i also said yesterday,
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we're going to watch this closely and it's entirely possible that those know those numbers could change over time and could increase as well. but that was the number that our us intelligence community assessed was the case yesterday. so that was whitehouse, the national security spike. splendid. john could be speaking to our washington correspondent benjamin of iris group. i'm is some of the headlines and making use today is riley strikes, have heat by roots southern suburbs about half an hour off to be issued evacuation warnings for his beloved boston. that eliminates military, says 3 of its troops were killed as they were evacuating wounded civilians. lebanon's health ministry says he is roused military campaign is killed over 2 and a half 1000 people and to slice to move in a 1000000 over israel. some electricity it has killed. how most combined are involved in the october savings terror attacks and who also worked for the u. n. i,
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i didn't see on running casa the id. yes, claimed mohammed abo, u t. we had been over seeing the murder and abduction of several of these riley citizens on rock concerned that we had been a staff member and was killed on wednesday, that guard thousands of attend to depressed service in the us for the turkish and spiritual data for 2 and a girl then who died this week in sales, exile turkey had accused school and of organizing. a filed crew in 2016 once, an ally of president red chip tie, bode won. he liked it became one of the strongest critics, which i'm and john's level actual tests arrived in india for talks we'd industry and prime minister and render moody, chancellor as being joined by 5 of his cabinet ministers during the 3 day trip. the delegation will hold talks, i am but strengthening ties between europe because the economy and the world's most populous nation. on the agenda, our range of issues including climate security and migration. and germany is also
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hoping to attract more skilled young indians to boost its workforce. and increasing number of young people from india already coming to study in germany. and i am ready for germany. gee, and her friends are looking for warm clothes. she's expecting to experience sub 0 temperatures for the 1st time soon. so lots of good bad, lots of sweat goes on. my dad, the suicide, it's ideas are 7 layers of flows. the 21 year old, this moving to germany to do masters and user experience design fields that focuses on making apps easier to use. she hopes that studying in germany, you will give her better opportunities later on in the highly competitive indian job market. so many has a great reputation for education. they have great, quite a deal so so, so, so university, the veteran on another,
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the many thousands who had their heart set on studying. and germany is jacob, the budding engineer from delhi has been doing his master's in germany for a year now. at the university of chi bag, small town in saxony, as well as the 1st of all studying in gemini, is not about to expand to save the 2nd light. gemini is the best, couldn't treat automotive engineering. so that's why i wanted to work in the field . in production engineering and in the development of the automotive industry, they're going to have this. that's why i chose gemini on fryeburg by megan said jacob, welcoming the new freshman like him. they only have to pay 94 year owes in semester fees at the state university. it can cost more in larger german cities. but an india tuition fees can be up to $10000.00 bureaus per semester. this is another reason why the number of indian students has increased 5 fold in the last 10 years
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. jacob says his only problem is that compared to his hometown of delhi, the bus doesn't come nearly as frequently in 5 bag. cea had a different concern before her move, the rise of the far right and on to immigration, alternative for germany party, which has also attracted attention in india. i'm going the subdivision of the seems very unstable. so i'm a big lot about unbiased hood and racism that i might have. the jacob says he has not yet experienced any racism, but he says it's easier to settle if you learn the german language, the science, aka, wait and see. when we speak german, we people and they are so friendly in front of this. we can also speak english, but then they are not as comfortable with. unlike dia, jacob wants to stay in germany to work after his studies and new
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un report, he is warning that the world is on track for a temperature increase of more than 3 degrees celsius by the end of the century. that's off the global and greenhouse gas emissions rose to a re quote high last year. the u. n's environment agency said that even if countries were to follow through on their existing pledges, temperatures would still rise by a catastrophic $2.00 degrees nations and gathering it and as the buys on next month to work on new climate targets. rachel cletus is policy directed with the climate and energy program at the union of concerned scientists. earlier i asked her to spell out exactly why the world is on track for more than 3 degrees of warming the century. and it's really alarming to see the results of this report. why? simply because we continue to burn fossil fuels instead of making the clean energy transition and rapidly cutting because the conditions for continuing to pump out
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more and more global warming emissions. we are causing catastrophic changes. there's some staking a deadly costs, the total one people all over the world with floods, wild fires, keep waves and crowds. it's really, really a dangerous signal that we're sending. you've just seen to that day. but if the projections are correct, just tell us in, in practical terms, what will the will be like to leave in then to? well, i want to start by saying we're at about 1.2 degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. and we're already seeing that as profit changes, in many cases we're starting to see some reversible changes. also getting tipped off. so it's not like $1.00 is the knife edge. in fact it's a continuum and the impacts are accelerating. this is not a smooth increase, and if this is what we're seeing at 1.2, as because 1.5 and go up to 3,
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it is unimaginable. the kind of explain she said, we will see you at that point. it's just not going to be healthy for the human body in many places in the world. we're going to see lots of precious ecosystems die back of the amazon forest. we're going to see sea level rise, accelerate with so many people living on coast lines around the world. so much of the infrastructure and the economy located on coast lines around the world that will be catastrophic. but we do have a choice, and that's what this record is strongly pointing out. our policy choices really matter. well the, those need to step up right now. let's talk a bit more about policy because there's a, there's a key climate amazing happening. and as a buys on next month, is there any reason to hope that that something concrete and positive will come out of these talks or well the to really crucial things we want to see one of course, countries need to raise the ambition of their emissions reduction commitments right
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now, we're far off track of where we need to be, but the other key pieces for the whole world to make this clean energy competition richer nations really need to provide climate finance to help lower income countries also cut their emissions and cope with the kind of catastrophic climate impacts we've already banked in climate finance as a burning issue, a comp and as our by sean. wealthy nations have fallen short on their responsibility for a long time now. and it's time to step out. we need funding on the order for about a trillion dollars galvanized all around the world with a ritual countries meeting so that we can accelerate this clean energy transition everywhere and that the world can be better off for us. right. so thank you very much for that and that's rachel cletus, the policy director with the climate and energy program at the union of concerned scientists. thank you. up to date here on d, w a, but stick with us if you can. after a short break is
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a special interview with todd stood the full met you with special invoice to climate change more on dw dot com. and on all social media accounts that i'm john driebe, the why do humming does not get drunk. why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies? how much do we need a day? do i stop comp, claim for help find the office gets much on dw science, outtake talk channel selections just around the corner. climate change is not on the agenda. it's one of the major concerns.


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