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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 26, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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a russia is war and ukraine on person's front line starts october 26th on d, w. the . this is the w news lived from by the israel says, is low and rich color tree strikes against iran in response to months of continuous attacks from the regime in iran, against the state of business. right now, these real defense forces is conducting precise strikes on military targets. any wrong thoughts is rouse armies spokesman, who also said it's these countries right and duty to respond to a rainy in aggression. the
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power card that i'm welcome to the program. we begin with the breaking news. i took the wrong way. israel says it's being conducting precise strikes on military targets. night explosions were reported arriving the capital tat wrong is really ami spokesperson daniel a gallery gave a statement on the tax. the says they come in retaliation, so the barrels of ballistic missile has been the wrong 5 that israel earlier this month to bite explosions have also been reported near the syrian capital damascus. before the shima. let's have a listen to a bit more of what he got a gallery, how to say in that statement of the regime in iran, then it's processing the region has been relentlessly attacking israel since october 7th on 7 fronts, including direct attacks from
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a ronnie and story like every other southern country in the world, the state of israel has the right and the duty to respond. our defense event offensive capabilities are fully mobilized. we will do whatever necessary to defend the state of israel and the people of use. okay, so on this breaking story, we've got dw, use, middle east, corresponding tanya crating, that she's joining us live night from jerusalem. tanya, great to see, perhaps you can walk us through. what we know about these is these is riley strikes, which we've seen on the wrong as well. what we know at this stage is basically that the attack or the retaliation is still going on as it appears right now in the early stages of this operational shortly. after 2 am local time here and go to statement from the is really military and we just heard parts of it
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from a dining hall, gary that in the military the, the f was, is carrying out precise strikes on military targets in iran. and they have been reports of from iran, about explosions on explosions main, the entire on, but they more reports coming in also from explosions in other areas. and yvonne including as well from other countries here as in, in syria. we also have reported strikes that it's unclear yet how they are related to all of that. so we're trying to understand what the scope and the scale of this attack is and what exactly all these military targets. you know, that could be added sensors that could be military barracks or kind of a different targets. and that would also, of course then give us an understanding how evolved with them respond to that because it is said it was reported to you that there might be also very click
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a button response depending on the scale and the scope of this attack by israel yeah, everyone will be looking for that. we can see actually we just mean seeing live pictures from to ron on the screen that are all view is can take a look at them. tanya, what strategy is the israeli government assuming here the country is already fighting a war on 2 other friends and 11 on and then gaza? was the thinking behind doing this? not as well. this retaliation has been somehow expected. it comes off the uh, the ballistic missile, a talk by iran on is well on october 1st when it launched uh, several 100. but letting me size is ro and ever since everybody has been waiting for this retaliation. and nobody is right at that time. the attack by yvonne was also retaliatory action for the killing of
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a how mostly the entire wrong as it were on his side and also for the killing of how small a, a proxy of yvonne has full of lead to how soon as molar in baby boot so this has been going on like in a sense of a tit for tat, you know, coming out of a shuttle war between iran and is right in recent years, we had a 1st direct attack. and in a pro that was again, retaliatory action by around for an attack by is 0 on a diplomatic compound in the moscow. so this has been going on and i think the danger which we're seeing here right now is that this could become a wider region award. it depends really now to understand, we understand is a military target. so that is very important to understand. but of course, know the scope and scale of these military targets then where this is going. and of course, as you said, is rather, is a fighting
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a war in cause or against hum us for the policy a and of course against husband on the north. so we have several friends that are open here, or we are, we had any reaction yet from wrong tanya? of the we haven't heard any a reaction yet. and of course this is now the question that is being discussed here as well. i think as i said, we're still in the early stages of this operation. it depends certainly on exactly what targets is road has struck and in this strike and how yvonne do then choose to respond to this that have been you know, and the anticipation of this and the lead up to this retaliatory action now by a is ro, had been some reports expecting that the wrong might strike back or wherever we are quickly, but it really depends on the scope and scale of that. what iran will choose to do,
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tanya, thank you so much for joining us from teresa then for bringing this up today. if you are reporting is really great, have you on the show and we really appreciate it and i'll view is can continue to see will have been continuing to see some of those live features. i it's, it's a ron looks quite still at the moment, but we are getting those fees that video coming in of the city, the, the radian capital, uh, those live pictures and we'll, we'll keep, we'll keep an eye on them as we continue our reporting of this now we're going to bring in dw special corresponded abraham. she's joining us from washington dc. thank you so much for joining us. what's been the response? have we had any response yet from the white hi. say a to what we've heard. the national security and national security council spokesperson of say that is really, is currently conducting the strikes it targeted strikes on military
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targets in the key point they're being military targets because of this strike, this retaliatory attack. and it's been a long time coming. something that's been discussed here in washington for the past 3 weeks since that iranian attack on israel, on october 1st. and there was, of course, a lot of speculation, whether it was going to be targeting a power facilities or even nuclear facilities. so that is something that stood out to me in the n a c statement. and the other thing of course, is that the, the, this counter attack is happening within the framework of israel's right of self defensive. so that's pretty much in line with what we have been hearing out of washington a, virtually since the beginning of, of this work. and certainly since the beginning of the series of escalations directly with iran. but we know that there are in the united states,
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united states forces are not directly participating in this retaliatory attack. but about a week ago, the united states did send a side air defense system to israel, along with about a 100 us troops to operate the air defense system in anticipation of how one would then react to this a counter attack. so certainly something that will be observed closely in washington, and we know that the us president joe biden is not in the white house, but has been briefed on the matter. yeah, it seems pretty clear that deal with ortiz in washington knew that this was coming up as, as this, this side by israel started on the wrong. it's like 7 feet in the united states right now. how does this strike fit into campaigns? i know it might be a bit too early to start discussing that, but perhaps you can take us through what this might mean for, for the election campaign with the the vote coming in less than 2 weeks.
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the correct the white house has the was brief to a few hours was given. if you were told a few hours heads up before the strike started in terms of the fact that this could happen the election campaign. i think we can expect to hear more of the same from both sides. we will probably be hearing the republican presidential candidate donald trump, a talk more about how all of this never would have happened under his watch and the, the, the democratic, the democrat presidential candidates, and the current vice president continue with her calls, which have been pretty much in line with the current administration calls for the escalation um anthony, blinking was just recently in the region and she did address the, the, you know, the, what was been up, you know, and an anticipated retaliatory. a type is be
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a tech that is ongoing right now. and he said that uh that uh, that retaliatory attack should not lead to more escalation. so we can expect that we haven't heard from the 2 candidates yet, that they continue. um, you know, talking about this in the way that they have been at the right, but it's been a very emotive topic in the election. so i'd be surprised if we don't start hearing reactions from both candidates very soon check it for him in washington dc. thank you so much for joining us on the show and bring that inside for us. this is ro had promised a thoughtful retaliation off to a massive lodge. the failed and rainy and missile attack earlier this month with details of israel's respond is just beginning to come in. let's just take a quick look at what wide scale military retaliation might look like.
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this guys over tel aviv, israel's higher missile defense system shooting down some of the approximately $200.00 rockets and ron aimed at the country is we have responded to a smaller attack earlier this year and a relatively measured way. an error strikes on a rainy, an air defense battery. now the pressure is on to deal tear on a painful blow. you're gonna run made a big mistake tonight and we'll pay for it. the regime in the round does not understand our determination to defend ourselves. all our determination to retaliate against our random is been. analysts say that most likely response is to launch airstrikes on their runs oil facilities and infrastructure. it is real, has missiles capable of striking deep into a, ronnie, and territory an oil facilities including its main export terminal, cock island as well as major refineries are soft targets above ground and out in
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the open. this could hit the rainy and economy hard, but also drive up oil prices worldwide. something the us which is israel's main backer, does not want amongst before a presidential election. israel can also hit military airports and bases as well as a munition depos. any attack using fighter bombers or missiles would have to deal with around the air defenses, but it's not clear how effective they would be. the riskiest and most drastic step is real could take would be to strike it runs nuclear program . but a military attack would be complicated, the sites are spread out and some are deep underground. israel's fighter bombers and missiles can't carry big enough bombs to easily penetrate that far. any of these attacks risks, escalating hostilities into an all out war with unpredictable consequences? that's what's rattling the international community the us on to above all,
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to avoid getting dragged in to our regional more that might also draw in a runs back or russia that prior to the is really strikes on iran that we've just been hearing about the 11 on this government accused israel of carrying out a war crime when 3 john lis died in an ass strike and the size of the country is ready. the army says, have targeted has the fighters and the, the asked strike is quote, under review. the bloss happened in the early hours of friday morning at the comp time the douglas had been sleeping in in this guest holes used by jealous was their deals to debris often is it why do you strike in se, lab and on damage god's mocked with press illustrate deem density of d o one night attack journalist
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will survive. describe what he experienced. and this autumn i, i fell asleep at midnight named stop by and around 3 or 3 am, there was a loud noise. i didn't hear it clearly so i felt it. so let's look at the most natural this she had, she was lying on my left side when something very heavy suddenly fell on me. then i made my eyes that i couldn't move at all. i was pinned down on my left side and was breathing and just throw it on lebanese television channels. and my, i didn't say a camera man and broadcasting junior died in the strike of the output of my not run by his block. so you will know if it's video generalist had also been killed.


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