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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 26, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and drawing our services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by from bought the the, this is dw, in news light from the israel says, is completed, it strikes on a rock we conducted targeted and precise strikes on military targets any wrong forwarding immediate threats to the state of israel. thoughts as roused army spokesman, who also said israel would respond to any further and rainy an escalation. the
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object park high that i'm welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news. israel says is concluded, it strikes on military targets in iran. light explosions were reported arriving the capital to ron. the id said it hit a wrong missile. manufacturing facilities surfaced missile, a res, and of the aerial capabilities across several areas of the country. is rouse, attack is in response to a wrong ballistic miss barrows. earlier this month in which arrived $200.00 missiles were fired at israel. how about you? and it was fun, but the light explosions have also been reported near the syrian capital. damascus is really ami spokesman. daniel had already confirmed the the strikes had been completed. i can now confirm that we have concluded that he's really responds through ron's attack against israel as we conducted targeted and precise strikes on
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military targets. any wrong forwarding immediate threats to the state of israel, they is real defense forces has fulfilled its mission. if the regime in the wrong were to make the mistake of beginning a new year round of escalation, we will be obligated to respond. okay, that's bringing the w's middle east correspondence, tanya kramer, she's joining us. i'm following the story extensively from jerusalem. tanya, can you walk us through what we know about these really as strikes these really strikes on iran and what they've achieved? what they've done? yeah, we heard some more information early this morning uh, from uh, the military spokes person there, which is truth atanya dining and her gar speaking. then he said also that old plains, that were involved in this, in this operation, have now returned safely to israel. this always takes a couple of hours. this is a,
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you know, very far away. he also said that basically this around, that was in multiple stages. what we've been seeing is 1st around 2 am, the 1st reports local time here. we're coming in from iran, of explosions being reported that and shortly after we heard from the is really military. he is saying that they had started a retaliatory attack, as they said, basically a talking with precise strikes, military targets. and this is also the key word and this was now picked up again. we got some more information. what a that actually struck. so miss all manufacturing facilities surface to and me so system, the adjutants and besides systems and all that, as the military said that they achieved the goals with this to have broader area of
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freedom of operation. they also said to have a, a bank of targets olson, you, ron, we see this also in garza and, and living on where they can choose from. and because this statement also came with a warning if a wrong uh, what we tell you to this uh strive to this operation then uh, is wrote, well, also for the escalate and uh was try it again. also. uh we heard now of course now that we are waiting for a ron, what day will be what their next move will be of your hearing now from the military here that the home phone guidelines so far have no changed for, for waking up this morning here to all of those, um, these are usually giving instructions if there's an imminent threat to whether people should be staying next to the shelter. obviously this could change, but for now it seems that this round is at least for no concluded if i it's no
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surprise the israel ones to reduce it wrong is menacing capabilities and would want to strike these targets. but it's got a will going on and gaza, another war is sizing on another front in southern lab and on was the x ray the strategy here to, to do this right now. what, what is the strategy that, that pursuing? well, i have to say that uh, this uh, operation uh, what we've been seeing tonight had been carefully planned and it was not really coming as a surprise actually it was more a matter of a not, you know, if, if, but when and, and what scope and scale, this will actually happen. this came as a retaliation now for a ballistic missile strikes by iran. the beginning of october were about $200.00, the ballistic missile, so launched at israel from wrong. and so that at the time,
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yvonne said was the retaliation for the killing of a, the ha, see to is my honey into around, as well as a, the are coming off. as well as, you know, how send those relo a proxy of iran. so a, some of this was expected we understand in the course of friday, then the green light was given here by the cabinet to carry out the strike. and this comes, of course, you know, he's been seeing an escalation between the 2 countries. iran and as well as right he said, is a war against has belie living on we have the war in gaza was devastating consequences also for the civilians. there that is going on. we have been seeing strikes some of the who sees the old proxies by iran in german as well, also from iraq. so this has been doing for quite some time. and we've been seeing these tit for tat. you could say a escalation of bringing those 2 countries of
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a closer to a to avoid a conflict un office the right now is one has said it has achieved its goals. so so it's basically saying to yvonne, this is it from our side, but we still have to wait and hear how yvonne was now respond to this. have we have we have any reaction, a tool? what do you think we may, maybe we'll expect from the wrong. we have the warning from daniel, a gallery that they, that these ladies would respond this, that well read the escalation. what do we know so far about what, what might be done into wrong as well? i mean, this has been discussed here, of course, as one anticipation of a such an operation and you run and you know, the 2 ways of looking at these whether, you know, both sides will say, okay, we have concluding this right now uh from as well as point of view, it has probably from where do we understand that shift for now it's goals as it was said, it's determines again, another question is how he runs
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a seats that and we haven't really heard an official reaction, but we heard from some of the state media, they're saying that the air defense has responded successfully to the attacks of by israel. that there was a limited damage in certain locations, but you know, it, it seems a bit that there's not much, you know, it's a bit like don't playing as well. what's happening, i think we will only know the really extend of what actually was targeted or, or the damage and on the coming i was how this will unfold. uh until then. but it's really now a question uh what iran will do and it's in the bowl is basically now, and it's court to see how they will respond and how the next hours will unfold. it's on your cramer and j. theresa then so dw, thank you so much for keeping us up today over the last few hours. is these attacks on folded really, really grateful for your insights and you're reporting. okay,
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i'm not going to bring in bradley bowman. he says as a senior director of the center on military and political power, the foundation for defense defense and democracies, great to have you on the show. so we've got a writing in media seems to sort of be playing dialing the effect. so some of these is really strikes. what can you tell us about that? what are you hearing so far? yeah, thanks for the opportunity john you? yes, it's completely. 1 predictable and powerful, the course frankly that the ronnie would drink regime would try to play this down because it's, it's embarrassing for them. frankly, you know, they launched about a $200.00 ballistic missiles at israel on october 1st. and most of them failed to reach their targets. and here we have a israel responding in a timely manner, but it's choosing. and while it will take some time to understand exactly what was hit and the amount of damage that was imposed, this appears to have been a quite
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a affective strength by israel. we impaired assessing dozens of israel aircraft penetrate ronnie and error missile defense conducting attacks around the country and hitting exactly what they intended. hitting the ballistic missile production sites, hitting a surface to air missile sites and additional air capabilities. the current of israeli government increasing our freedom of action for a future attack. so there's no wonder there's name is going to want to downplay this. and as are correspond to just said the balls in your court to decide how to respond if the regime chooses to start another series of attacks that might be strategically fullest, for them all be politically difficult for them not to respond, but maybe strategically for us because they have to wonder whether they're attacking israel again. fail simply given israel another opportunity to conduct yet another effective attack. and the next time they may not refrain from hitting energy sites, nuclear sites,
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and even regime targets. it's interesting what you say that brought the g things best strikes that we've seen from these radius. i mean from what you're saying, just you think it sort of achieved what it said i had to do. but from what you were saying, it seems that you, your think that this is a pre cast. it's a further strides to a further escalation. even from these riley's, i think for decades at risk of over certification these on the gold, ron has been implementing a symmetrical tara proxy strategy where they attack their enemies through proxies. and the advantage of that strategy for ron is that the counter punches are delivered to the proxies the proxy puppets, if you will, and not the puppet master sign, or rawlings unprecedented direct attack in april on israel. and then this and then the 2nd attack in october 1st, the mask is off, the gloves are off. now israel's hit back directly inside a wrong, that's a big deal. and so they're using now has to know that if it continues to attack israel, then it's going to feel the consequences of that at home. and so the decision now
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is up to a wrong, and meanwhile, you know, they are entering toward a nuclear weapons capability. so israel's been focusing on that, but a run has to know now and it is military leaders have to understand it. israel has the means to conduct attacks, basically anywhere in around that they walk with a high level of effectiveness that's concerning for them. so also a concern for them would be the loss of his military capacity is capacity to produce miss styles, etc. is, is this an effective thing that these ratings have done? high worried will be a radians, be that the sort of sites these production sites have been heads. a, it's a good question or wrong, has the largest ballistic missile program in the middle east. it's formidable, but it's not 10 feet tall if you will, and but they fired a whole bunch of them and it appears that tonight israel has destroyed some of their production capacity and maybe some of their arsenal and can destroy much more
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in the future. so i'll be surprised if iran doesn't respond in some way, but i think they're going to have to be, as i said, very concerned about what that response will give israel license to do on the next attack, which could be a more firm counter bunch than we saw this evening, is that any way forward in this that doesn't leads to much a much higher and more significant level of escalation i'm fee is of sort of like conflict in the region. you know, it's, it's understandable and good question that any reasonable person would ask be as more as a horrible thing. but sometimes, you know, you have to escalate to get to a better piece of that's what history tells me. and i that certainly does rarely perspective, right. now you have a routine pursuing a multi decade strategy. his purposes, extermination of the world, only majority do or state from the perspective of many israelis and some americans that this will not end until you see a different regime in a wrong. broadly,
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bowman with the center on ministry and political power at the foundation for defense and democracies. we're really, really grateful to have had you on the show. thank you for instance, for your insight. thank you. ok, let's talk a little recap now of what we know about these ready attacks on the wrong. this is what i was military says the a ties on iran all over. over off the 3 waves hit, the country military space pass and daniel had already said, precise strikes had hit the military targets in iran. the us as quote, the attacks an act of self defense. us officials say israel informed washington in advance of the attacks and the wrong has cancelled flights on routes until further notice and closed its asked bass in response to the attacks. can want to bring in the w report, the stuff in simon's, he's joining us from washington dc. right next. what's the response being from the white high stuff on the white house?
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the respondents in it. certainly what you said, that it is a of course, an operation where they are not involved. they take no part on any level in this military operation. that's israel conducted the emphasizing that. they also advertising that president bible was priest in real time, as well as vice president harris, who is on the campaign trail here in the united states. um, it is really big of most important for us and that is communicated by the administration that iran understands that the us had no active part in this. however, of course it is. the us knew about that this was coming. it was kind of involved in, you know, the forming or, or trying to, to shape this, this operation in scale and in, in a, the aptitude if you will. how so it to us sense more $165.00 digits more,
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a parts for israel's air force. it's empty.


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