tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle October 27, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET
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christian, so the outdoors is the cliche true that german simply loved to be in nature, come rain or shine and in the foot steps of an empress. we built into the history of the iconic sissy and austria's capital vienna. all that and more coming up on your on x, the in our series, small projects, big changes. we introduce you to people who are making the world a better place. this time we had to calabria in southern italy. stefano cub body has managed to become a national hero simply with the organic production and processing of flower. calabria is known for its stunning landscape. but it also has poverty for infrastructure and the mafia. an issue driving an accidents among the regions,
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young people. but this young men trip enough from some florida wants to see that change with the help of flour, bread and pizza, stuff. and we'll talk about it. i live in calabria, according to the you, we are one of the purest regions in europe. but thanks to the support of thousands of people, my dream business has come true. organic firms against organized crime. this episode is about stefano story. how we build prosperity and environmental protection to calabria. the region in italy's deep south is home to the calabria and months. yeah, oh, try and get. the power is as great as it's wide spread with diversified operations from drugs to illegal waste disposal corruption and it listed the trade. alright, spread and back to the top will be the island until the torch and at lee. we live in a dip called area with
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a large criminal presence as far as the mafia known as that i get the strong and not the very strong even for the, for the piece. because it relies primarily on family ties. it's not easy to betray someone or have a different opinion within a family. come get it out. in the fields of sun flora, around 20 kilometers south of customs out of stefano grows old grain varieties previously. last, industrial agriculture. the varieties with deliberately selected to ensure great to bio diversity, the grains of ground and an old mill. not with modern rollers, but tradition with stove. the process takes a lot longer, but produces a 100 percent to get a whole meal flour that is especially nutrient rich and has a rustic flavor on chatting with people in bodily bmw. this is no silicon valley, but we have beautiful surroundings that we need to protect and we still did it. that's what drew me to farming a phone. i mean, it is important for me in my farm to respect to nature tati. that's why i'm
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committed to organic and bio dynamic production beauty, not because the flower goes into bread, but also cookies pasta and pizza. the latter subbed in the mail in the evening, which doubles as a pizza. ria, stephan is found that these company will lean, which is license and mil 5 crowns funding. it was important to him to finance his don't up with clean money and not do business with the wrong people. the project praise more than 2000000 euro feel so natural monita model. so millennium isn't just the farm where we produce and so then my dream was to create a community. and that's why i used facebook to start the crowd funding, which became the biggest and most important in italy, in 2016 with the content. do me the said, did you need to i didn't want to be the soul alone or do you? i wanted to create a collective symbol on a petition about song. but the secret stars, the mill is stephane, is grandma, can check her role is essential, being one of the few people who remember the long lost flavors of traditional bread
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varieties. she tests everything. we do not know said she didn't know. not says that the color and flavor is right and which for us to she can't. andrea are head baker often talking to her. you'll know not content does quality control and i'm very important. what is that the on the do have even taking the bread to room to sub the pope himself. stefano studies business administration in his late twenty's, he planned to leave calabria and set up a 90 stopped up in the us. but news, but it leads law just landfill site was to be built right next to his hometown, persuaded him to stay and do something about it. that's when he found it, his 1st initiative, a community vegetable garden. no, no level if i didn't want the landfill and in response to it, i came up with a family garden project or a community garden based on a set of value that defending the land. according to the only thing was, when i told you monday, bennett protest,
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as well as the fact that legal papers will absent put an end to the construction of the landfill. stefano was even given an order of marriage by attending president central, not to rather try his innovative contribution. the mayor of son flora also held stefano in high esteem. you step on the place today. if you need to, you can call the national hero and to tell the whole community is proud of them done. if you had to be, he's created new jobs of domain. can we? and let's have pamela, difficult. we know the difficulties in our region and enjoying when they come in. that's why the politicians, we welcome all young people to want to do business in this area in face. so to thought you love that, but i still need to chat. the real challenge isn't the criminality which is everywhere in the world. it seems to me but not losing heart queen d e a level. that's why i work to encourage people to get involved this. so i try to inspire them to create something a wonderful moment. regardless of the legal environmental up,
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even even criminal promptly, i mean, legally i'm getting time. the most important thing is not to be discouraged. worked out until she that that little score dodge on it. the company is expanding. newly new has opened the 2nd location in tuscany, and soon a 3rd in a previous, an undeniable success story. when it comes to expressing opposition, most people only have their voices, but ballet, dancer vivian, a sound coon, of art, uses her entire body to convey her message. born and raised in sweden, roots are in a run. she dances for those whose voices have been silenced. there the vivian are so kind of our dances for freedom, not just her own, but for women and young girls any wrong who cannot express themselves openly.
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dance for me is a way of expression like language instead of speaking with your mouth and your time . it will be like my body will express all the feelings of the stories i have in my brain. vivian is a member of the strong spotlight berlin, where she has found a home as a professional dancer. the company has an over 80 members. so how freely can she actually express herself there? yeah, it's quite hard because bali has such a deep, classical core and a structure where we kind of want to keep it the same way because of the taking but i think with time there's more freedom. vivian was born and raised in sweden where her dance studies began. but her parents are from iran, dancing in public are generally forbidden there,
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especially among women. so what happens if you're caught the, what i know of is that people who get, for example, are arrested their instagram will be shut down, confiscated, maybe their phones. and that would be definitely trouble because the morality police would come after you. but lying is dance, proceed so negatively there. i guess it's because it's a way of expression. it's something different from speaking and involves with your body. and it's something that you need to cover in iran, in defiance of that band, from afar. vivian choreographed her own pieces with a strong message. stop the oppression of women any wrong the you can't
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silence her. i am her. and she use me. vivian has never been to around herself, but she's aware of the increased radicalization there. i think it all started around the time of coven. i had a lot of time to think and reflect. i was reading a lot online. and i think one specific thing that maybe really emotional was just hearing about this under killing about a father in the wrong got killed his daughter because she was in love. and she was ready to run away with her partner because she received any feedback from irena and women about her work or the message that she's trying
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to convey. i have been in touch with some students and also women that have escaped, that have come here and they're dancing here and i've been in touch with them and try to help them when it comes to dance. considering that oppressive regimes often limit large and freedom. does she feel her work might sometimes be perceived as a threat to in iran? i never thought of it. i never, i'm worried about it. i've, i just really focused about like, i mean at this point i'm at a place where i can speak freely about it and that's the only thing i think about that i have that voice the let me know cell phone of hard stance and with it
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her voice are becoming more powerful and hopefully helping women without a voice to be heard. the germans just love the outdoors, so goes the cliche, hiking, swimming, cycling, what ever the weather and most are well prepared for any event to ality. so what's the reality behind the stereotype? we take a tongue in cheek look at our average german. misha is the most secret that germans loves the great outdoors. the device is really loved leaping intense how long it's a gem and height and weight, and they all really assist in nature that the beach that's find out the 21 percent in german. occasionally go camping and over 10000000 of them own some
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kind of camping or outdoor equipment. a camping vacation is seen as a cheaper alternative to the traditional beach holiday. and a way to connect with nature looks like they getting the tent out. the indeed the need to strip back the complexities of loving life are important to job and the main reasons they pitch up a 10 is to enjoy night shift to switch off from everyday life. and to feel free. julia and michelle are a to camp site wild companies and legal in germany, so you can actually see a is a night in the middle of nowhere. the looks like you use. i don't know the
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looks like all michelle is going shopping. the germans, a famous, you know, put them up, apply for us. okay. not quite, but germans do the clothing, the practical basketball and ready to take on any alpine trucks. it comes that way because when you cycle pike and swim as much as germans, it makes sense that functional clothing is extremely popular. the 31 percent of german own outdoor clothing and $1.00 and $4.00 tends to see functional clothing isn't just sports and outdoors. it's become a way of life. the liking is the most popular sport in gemini,
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in 202339 1000000 jones when waking up the country. so hiking is more than just the full. it's a full natural michelle isn't worried about the weather. as the german saying goes, there's no bad weather, any bad clothing? the germans value the closest to make sure the hiking brings. they also use hiking as a way to see stress and relax. although i'm not feeling very relaxed right now. the, the seller's ideal height length is between $2.42 and $4.00. i was told it was coloma to need to pay rise
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lakes the west germans invest themselves in nature. but literally there were over $12000.00 natural lakes in germany and the t p. moving into the country, searching fabric like so generally free to use an open to the public because it's germany. water quality is taken very serious. the . busy specially in the north, germany has a history of went to bathing, which gain popularity during the last winter i'll michel tested his choosing hasn't been tried. i swimming. he didn't like. ringback the
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germans have a reputation to nakedness and 28 percent of german adults feel comfortable on a new to speech. the he didn't think we were actually going to show you that. did you the, the american dream in london from dishwasher to millionaire? well, it was white like that for each. ok, by cutting, but almost. she's the 1st black female chef from the u. k. to be awarded micheline star. her west african cuisine won over the testers. the nigerian born british f adage. ok, bach. i was awarded the michelin star for her modern west african cuisine. how did she do it? to bust him for london restaurant,
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she to serve colon every master piece. it's like any foul with carmelite onions and women sucks. but how is it different? the spice is the printer, and the style is a technique such as a black woman bucket, a is still an exception. in the white male dominated world of michelin. how does she feel about the award winning up coaching to attract person in fussing a sports west africa? food on the map. i didn't choke it back at a open cheese to do in 2020 originally as a pop up restaurant. 4 years later, the train ship has reached star status. i could send the relative dorm a freaking cause a teacher who is fine dining is making waves. you hardly see people like me in high end kitchens, especially in the country. it's nowhere else. so i think with what is happening now more people look like me were ones to say, okay, maybe there's
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a space for me. born in nigeria, i did okay. bucket a has had very different jobs in london over the years. for a long time, she only cooked for friends, her biggest role model. her grandmother, she is used to sell suite. one of of what's in my grandma out sits without just watching her. make the switch for you. so maybe that spots of rates maybe maybe something else. i've always been interested in. russ, someone else me to smoke, deal with sweet potato cream or crisp being fritters with oprah and candy chillies for bach. any, there is no typical nigerian cuisine culinary traditions in west africa, trans san, to the borders of today. before would be jane nation state. we will uh, uh, advise which, which costs across this present nation states. and because of that,
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most of us have the coaches, the similar being influenced by religion influenced by trade or normal are you see the similarity bucket is menus are bringing a new audience to west african was the she's a role model for others to the 7 people trying to do reports do when it's with a name on this tablet. um 2 things. i think now more more people move on the trucks and which is west africa on the place i'm presenting the word teacher to stems from the house. the language refers to that silence that spreads around the table when a meal is simply delicious and have a seat. now on to vienna, we want to learn more about the most famous and 1st of austria, elizabeth called to see the story of her life has been turned into many a movie. a reporter explains why she's still fascinated so many
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today i wouldn't be yet on tracing the footsteps of one particularly beloved 19th century royal and the empress elizabeth or stacy is famous for eccentricities. she had attached to work tired and drunk line to breakfast every day. the woman who went against the great, there's something enticing about this empress who wanted more than just to produce errors. but what is it exactly the drama, the traffic events in her life is a love affair. she was assassinated when she was 61 years old. all this is a mix, so for fascinations my 1st stop of the day is the whole sport imperial palace. this was the political center of the monarchy. and today, it fulfills the same role, the democratic republic, every former austria and imprison ampere and live here, including the city. of course,
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our old rooms have been turned into museum. and since i admit simply had never heard of sissy before, i moved to germany. i think i'd better start here, 1st of all, who actually was impressed elizabeth or sissy to him for his the wife in preference joseph. so she was a member of the house, but goodness to tell you, repeating a royal dignity which actually was one of the leading families of europe perhaps. but then pile 3rd time in germany and austria says he is an icon. her life has inspired several films. i'm guessing the feeling that people have this kind of obsession with her. why do you think that's it? the more we get distant from her actually lifetimes of the more she becomes zip of the cultural phenomena. because during your lifetime, she morris withdrew from public life. she poured all the conservative conditions of hops for court. where is nowadays, she's more that's a symbol of this so hops for dentistry. she's like the iconic hapsburg of all the
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time. although she actually was a complete misspeak during her lifetime. in the palace turned to museum, you can see the gymnastics after us, but she used every morning as well as her bath tub. since the apparently took warm box in olive oil, she spent much of her time in her private rooms. here. my next stop is vienna's empress elizabeth memorial and the folks got in here. i'm meeting also interest guide. we're not a whole fellow. and i think she was looking for a real often real personal happiness. but everything that she could find at the core, it was 15 this rules and she have to present and settling and to put for the children of course, male children. so cheryl has refused to to that, and she was criticized all the time for everything. and how she behaved to us on the rec, 6 nowadays we know it is rotating in unhappiness in not being understood in, in the psychological problems. we're not,
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it takes me to shouldn't one tell us it was the summer residence of the hapsburg family. so she spent a lot of time here. so did so she actually wants to be and in fact i don't think so. she loved she fell in love with francis joseph. yeah. and she, i think she wanted to have a good marriage. yeah. loving marriage. and she told her mother, oh, i wish she was a taylor. now that i've learned so much by the empress, her life or history. i want to see if i can get a taste of what her life is like here in vienna. for that, i'm visiting one of the oldest and most for 9 confectionary. cathy de male has been a v and these institutions in 178650 was very fond of their delicacy. violets the loss of the seas favorite sweets. my next
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and final self of the day is a very special one. this jeweler has been here for over 200 years and in 1858. we created a such a diamond star as for cities here. the cities christoph patient's family designed many pieces for the empress. she had lost jewelry and we were lucky enough to for life his jewelry. but these diamonds dies. see it was it became the comics because it was a very famous painting type. been to hide there, she's painted with a wonderful long hair and her head was adorned with these diamond stars. i also want to ask, do you think it might be possible for me to try the size myself? cars. pleasure. so here you have shared with the diamond stars. here you see the copies of the reasons i'm 27 and c. c had a case executive like this and they looked exactly like her to the stars
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the dare i ask how much something like this cost this g r like it is here. it's about $77000.00 cures. okay, so i'll just sit here very carefully. how's it being fun to death our toes is the world if this fostering empress? honestly, it seems like sissy was pretty iconic. i can totally see why people are so fascinated by her. and it seems like her legend will live on for a long time to come. and we'll still be here next week. but don't forget to follow us on social media for more from the world of culture and life style in europe. thanks for tuning in by and he does in the
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golf where the car has been sold, world was no other car has remained so to me, so we celebrate it's story and lift to the future. will the goals into the world? and in 60 minutes on d w, the, how many platforms can you help me to single attain usually without having the feeling that is just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern methods? because if we do too much, we teddy all wrong. we messed things up,
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