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tv   Kenya  Deutsche Welle  October 28, 2024 10:15am-11:01am CET

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member and the honors loved ones was past and that's the latest on the w news. this. our up next is doc film, with a look at kenya as a 1st elephant, fanny's, a mary, anna evans team from me and the entire news team. thanks for watching. the name is the calls back, said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay? like good, everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back the the,
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the vash pneumonia conservancy is one of can use most pristine nature reserves. and after decades under threat elephants are finally finding some piece on the ancestral lands they share with the assembly people. today the semi nomadic herders are determined to protect the wilderness and this wild life, especially the elephants, didn't sign up 1st. it was a bit strange and frightening as elephants the wild animals and can be dangerous. dissembling founded the rich elephant sanctuary to take in and care for a band and or injured elephant calves, naomi let them go and pauline, they are already on our keepers at the sanctuary. they help gives the counts an opportunity to survive in the wild retreat. the ellison is the stay we're our own children when a number. but that's a growing challenge. droughts are increasing least reckoning their very existence.
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the pastors are drying out water shortages. we can live stock and wildlife the fates of the country. it's people and it's animals are inextricably linked to edward t. t. naomi, pauline, end of their community are working tirelessly to ensure of future for everyone. the in northern can use some of the account g, as in the rest of africa. cultures have pushed elephant populations to the brink. over the past 3 decades. the animals are killed for bush meat and the ivory trade. and the alarming decline of these giant are before us has even led to environmental
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degradation. but the local sample population united in 1995 to create of local conservancy to guarantee the protection of its species and ecosystems the thing named it. number one. yeah. which means bless it, place the pneumonia then created an elephant sanctuary in 2016. that's unique in the country. the rich i p sanctuary is run and managed by the community rescued elephant cabs had previously been transferred to nairobi over 400 kilometers away today. their sanctuary provides care locally and gives them a chance to return to their natural habitat. reject he has no rescued more than 60 elephants. re introducing 23 of them into the wild.
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the sanctuary staff all come from the simple real community home to more than a 1000 families scattered over 350000 hector's naomi's i shall go, answered the call to work at the sanctuary. deanza richie was looking for a man and a woman when they opened or what well we do. and they said they needed to recruits educated people not. and i just finished my studies as an hour to an on there from the community eldest, selected me because i was a high school graduates who was and use of level was a looking at the i was the 1st woman to be recruited at the retakes. you century do so i'm wondering if someone will come on wednesday with it. she and her husband benson, leave a few hours away. i'm leaving my family for 3 weeks to go in one
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cuz i was with a long while i have 3 children. the eldest, disclosed for naya, my 2nd child is a girl named cooley. and my son, is she bella, the one i just need. watch. yeah, i leave securely and, but i are at home with my mother in law and my husband's again, which i take, she bella, to work. she stays the with me. she keeps the quality in the area and also decided to use her knowledge and training to serve the
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community. she started working at this sanctuary. 2 years after it opened the it's an 8 hour drive from her village. she to leaves her family for 3 weeks at a time, the by projecting ellison's so, community is following a new approach to conservation. one that benefits both people and wildlife. the cembura want to build a better future for themselves by focusing on education and empowering women. the sanctuary was the 1st in the country to employ a female l as in keepers. the,
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the richard t elephant sanctuary lies on the eastern edge of the num we conservancy nestled in the foothills of the matthews mountain range from a nearby forest as home to a number of species. and the immense territory is now home to the country. second largest live in population the sanctuary is funded by simple route county, private foundations, and the can your wildlife service. the government agency is in charge of nature conservation. more than 100 people work here every day. looking after the elephants around the clock, including the 10 female allison keepers, the pulling studied food sciences engine nutrition at the university of nairobi. and
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she's in charge of one of the sanctuaries, most important activities, repairing the milk that's essential to the elephant camps. health the, their feeding schedule determines the rhythm of life. at the sanctuary. the 40 young elephants need a bottle every 3 hours, even during the night. that means at least $320.00 bottles have to be prepared every day. the agent i find out from a phone, daniel equal plus a 100. we waive the milk form, you know, which is already be mixed supplements when we insure the formula isn't too harsh or too cold. we add nutrients according to the animals individually. me. i run menu and i look forward to, let's say a car. we can supplement these glucose carbohydrates. so proteins if necessary and
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gives us a night at the . busy the
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the ellison cast live in 3 groups according to their size, small, medium, and large. each 2 liter bottle is prepared according to the group. they belong to. different animals have different nutritional needs, depending on their age and development. the . busy busy the smallest scabs are carefully weighed every morning. colleen school is to ensure they gain at least 2 kilos a day. she keeps a close eye on those. okay,
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check the latest arrival. even the slightest error in the nutrient dosage can have serious consequences. she constantly adjusts the formula for each elephant before not in the mid dylan. and this is very important and the pro bios expense, living bacteria. and that's a very good the digestive system and also help combat blushing. what types of what the young waiting. this is the ring apologize. it's the only source of protein. so the youngest comes up in a protein being nice. i mean, it is a neat. we call this a 3 sold source, a moment here we have fresh water, but elephant and drink a lot of salt, most of what if we don't give them so most likely be released from them. they won't treat the salt or did they find the one that's going on, my dad. and that's what say is that, and they call it,
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it's very important for the health care to the smell. of course, if the queen, yes, in the same class with these other supplements include honey molasses whose bell bought fruit, coconut, and spirulina. the pompeiian is still the only one here who possesses this specialized knowledge, making her one of the sanctuaries most valued assets come. the 15 for news to me about that, but before the retakes, he sex reopened. i never imagined that one day i'd work with elephants lucky. but 1st, it was strange and scary to know because of the book and the number is an aunt on my father's side was killed by an elephant while she was carrying a baby on her back. bobo, now the elephants thankfully didn't killed the baby. the welcome william to the
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end of it. that story made me afraid of elephant d. i'm by any means because it was an event that had directly affected my family and they will if they should have the date the, the most recent arrivals are still babies themselves. naomi is particularly attentive to them. they have often had close brushes with death. she watches them every day from 7 am to 6 pm, observing their behavior and feeding them from the we'll see what kind of sign baby
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edison's onto course if, and they'll come and rub up again and you will touch. she says she can and that's how they bones. cool. if you're not around, they cry out because they need you. that's why i love this job because i've go and so you still living with them. emails with an hour the they only was entrusted with a little orphaned female cath, when the century opened in 2016, they named her chava. how do i? no, no, no. and so to ease into we and the one on a my i phones, i was like a little i ended up with this digital elephant and she got used to my presence invoice and really quickly had the pump put to and she began to accept me. i'm it's so much so that when i went away from her for awhile and then came back and she
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would sniff me, touch me and caress me and make sounds as if i will have maza elephant cubs memorize your voice and you will smile. they never suggest it's even 10 years later my the america, oh, it's a so would chavez still recognize they owe me. she was released back into the wild 4 years ago. 2 when new comers arrived there, traumatized by the loss of their mothers, they're in shock, and they're sometimes wounded and vulnerable. the team works to create a safe environment to ensure the young elephants don't give up and die. isaiah or low? dingo has a degree in veterinary medicine from the university of tai robi. he's in charge of
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rescues and 1st aid in the works closely with the san diego zoo wildlife alliance in the united states and invaluable partnership that provides expertise and infrastructure. he sadly has to rescue about one animal the month. the poaching and trafficking have thankfully decreased here in recent years, but accidents around watering holes, severe drought, and the natural deaths of their mothers, all threatened these vulnerable creatures. the 6 month old lo, patrick was found abandoned and severely dehydrated. he's very survival hangs in the balance. the
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2 is also the colleen is constantly experimented since she joined 6 years ago. she tried a new approach to feeding the camps after just a few years. that's out there. like that and dizzy me. sarah, was the 1st elephant cost to be given fresh. goldsmith was set up and when we took
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her in, sarah wasn't well, she had no strength and was always lying down 12 hours off to giving her this meal . she was strongly good, but she stopped having diarrhea stops losing weight because we only use good smoke . now we go through 600 leases a day. se system is quite a window of the century feeds elephant cost this way. we're the only century using goats milk. milk is available near the sanctuary and it's become a godsend for rescue baby. i live in the
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pauline, naomi, and their co workers meet with local farmers every morning to buy coke milk. the selling their milk to the sanctuary opens up new opportunities for the women of the simple route community. the my name's you know, i'm, i'm, i don't know whether that or i have so she goes in the volume when they, you know, would hear where we live. we don't oh no. who met? and when my husband was nice it's my children. i die to look off to the guy when i
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get you and the level and get a name and i. 2 the miss miller, when my husband used to say, like i said, he wouldn't share the money with me. what but now things are different because we have all right. milk milk is mine because i'm the one who's selling it. but another the many of them get the best. yeah. and i buy and money and can do it to shopping. now i can buy clothes for my children and myself. he gets the milk allows me to and a living thing. i think it really helps me remember that if i did it for my that my nose, my motto works 3 hours every day to reach the meeting place. many of the other women
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also spend several hours carrying their goats smoke to the marketplace. does not look no ma'am. well you didn't move, we call them milk. mamma is going to come because it's the women who knew the goats let them, they bring the milk and the money out to is to our collection vehicle and we pay them now. and then let them back up them, i'd be good to go now, but the thing that we have at the bed doesn't do to to not we don't give money to the men, but this only to the women, not so that's why we called them new moment when i get them to the end of a scientist and as if we've done the milk mom is good about $1.00 euros for each of the 10 leaders. they show every day. the money is paid into the women's own bank accounts, giving them a new source of independence. the
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the mix quality is closely monitored because of its role in the cab to survival. come at the end of the sticker. i'm gonna come up, let's see, is it a center? it does apply to send over, even if you boil bad milk, you can still cause diarrhea in an elephant. cough. so when a cough has diarrhea, it's very difficult for it to recover. that's why we checked the mill taste and smell po, it's the best way to verify that it's good quality. but the, the, the 10 i'm a do the milk quality also depends on the temperature that day to do if it's very hot. the milk 10 saw by 11 o'clock in the morning and the milks temperature can
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reach 35 degrees celsius. so more that, that, that the phase and the, the colleen and they only need to pass dry's the goats smoke at the sanctuary. but time is not on their side, it's an hours drive and they can't just go faster because then the milk would get chicken up too much the. but pauline's new formula is a clever invention. one that both cuts the sanctuaries, annual cost and eliminates the need to import can develop from abroad. the we have a loss of note today the,
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when the heat becomes oppressive in the wild mothers sheltered their young with their bodies and take them to watering holders they only in pauline fulfill that rule at the sanctuary, keeping their charges cool to prevent sunstroke and teaching them to stay hydrated the level continue to as high as the there's always something to do and it's always challenging for them. but one of my regular g cheese is to accompany the elephant. so my travels like when i follow the mouse in the bush, i sometimes stay close to that other times i may have further away who i think of as they get older, we gradually go our separate ways. so it becomes more natural for them to avoid human contacts, helping them. the keepers,
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reassuring presence and supervision hoops, the cabs become more independent. essentially, these elephants are ever to be successfully released back into the wild goose will you inform you it's important that i where am i uniform at all times, especially when i'm near the elephant, who i think is they can more easily recognize us all under one. it this way is not uniform, is what i have before you go my own home. i mostly proud and happy to wherever it we way uniforms. like the men come. it shows that we work together and the way it equals many school, because so away from the main enclosure surrounded by thorn bushes. another enclosure is for older elephants between 4 and 7 years of age. but it is gonna be a good day. a
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gina or is that 6 pm visa friends can hold the bottle and drink the milk on their own. the we and i told him what to do. his name is embodied to be a he was taken in and because he was found alone without his family. he was one months old from wood. now he's on full years old and kind of incredible comes to him. he's almost ready to go back to the wilds. he's a big teenage and now, and i did it with the foods that were trying to reduce the amounts of milk and make it less sweets than it was that the stones are. is it so he understands that it's time to stop necessarily cutting? yeah. quite losing it gradually. if he wants to drink the milk is much increased, they do it pretty much. it could be that says if his mother were winning him
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a stumble. and as i say, i said you are who are american national level, regional long google load. ok jack. the names are all inspired by the places where they were rescued. naomi and the other keepers are preparing the bigger elephants for their release back into the wild a long term project that can take more than 5 years. the the sanctuary is located in the heart of the bush and many dangers lurk in the shadows beyond its confines. jerry seemed like, couldn't. he is one of the for 10 days, 8 rangers who patrol the sanctuary at night.
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that's what might might be stopped at around 6 pm and make call rounds until 6. i happen to have some we check to see if any elephant semester or if any other animals to approach the century. one wasn't getting it. when we divide, when i, even when joe and m o g and keep him a t below, coolie patiently to the grounds together, ensuring the cab safety what that is. all i need more than we keep an eye on them because the animals we protect them and that's our, our most precious resources we watch out for predators like that's what we do here . what is good in the inter mall, out in the bush, and there are lots of hyenas, leopards, trim lions on these animals pose. a real threat this or
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the some of their mainly looking for water up open. i want to cut them. they are drawn to the water here. pleasure, one of the out of the they can smell it from a far or a family. it's an echo and before it updates the water we give to our elephant cabs . and when the kids with droughts increasing and frequency and intensity, many watering holes are drying up the sanctuary supplied regularly by tanker trucks, making it a target for predators. the but everyone is now rallying to save the defense. having realized the importance of the largest land animals, the,
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the, yeah, the, the, the, the, the okay, thanks, joe lang. tutors, off until i say a and the rangers who accompany him on rescues about trouble. elephant. elephant calf is apparently stuck in a watering hole. got gotten, getting somebody from a neutron view, a, a football in a cooler. and we've been told that the calf doesn't have any strength left to become a direct. i'm a vet and i've come to evaluate the situation and provide the elephant with water and glucose to help it regain its strength. when i go down, well then we'll try to find the mother and re unite the pair their mama together. initially it was stuck there, there is water here again for the mother couldn't free her calf. anybody was
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hovering around, but now she's left in the calf savannah elephant to use their tusks to dig for water. but that can get them into trouble. we were in the symbol real reason it was sandy soil becomes very loose during the dry season. right now. much the american uh, when that heavy animal like an elephant comes along its weight and stomping what can cause it to think the to, i mean, yeah, i'm not even the smallest ones over. what's funny because there's water in the sub soil in the sand, turns into quick sand and milk, and the elephant calves can get stuck on a, on a former co pay on chunk. let's go this way, the,
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the child to close and they bought this could get dangerous. not a category. you stressed out, the elephant calf opened the left plus somebody. it was bigger than we thought the problem more cushioned. uh, really quick. its tasks were out, both of them were already measuring 10 centimeters. ok, so it's not really a calf anymore. 50 meter. if he's the only but i'm his work done. the team must be absolutely certain that the mother hasn't abandoned him. the welfare of the herd is paramount among matriarchs, sometimes at the expense of its weakest members. did you see him? the
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know for the sign up with somebody in the media and i was able to make sure the calf wasn't turn, which is reassuring mobile incidents like this are bound to happen again and again with the as the environment and the climate change development clement the course of what we are you associated with adding water remains a challenge for everyone. animals and human. so like the quest for it increasingly leads to accidents all ended well this time the elephant calf was healthy and was reunited with his mother the after their 3 weeks at the sanctuary. naomi and pauline returned home to spend
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a week with their families on the coming down the steps on august. then we may not find it. we will send over
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following up on this and i my family really appreciates which i do the whole family eats well because of my job anyway. when i go to town, i come back with potatoes, vegetables, tomatoes i run in, and fruit like mine goes and i need to go online now and it doesn't mean that a foods call them and then and dizzy charge me, you know, when they use it, when i was 10, they know they going to eat vegetables from the city because know me is back and what they're saying, loving or unplugged. yeah. mothers and know tell us when we were young, we went to that to do anything on. all right, you have it and much back to nowadays and the for someone to come and i can now talk things over with my husband to send me today. if we want to sell some goats, we discuss it. and once we've agreed, we make the sale together. now you can pauline
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is returning to her village per family is settled in the house, is the river. the men in her life has been excellent role models. her husband celia slap we a p, we is actively involved in the risk type, the sanctuary project. her father jason la area on was a school principal who devoted his life to education and did everything to ensure his children could attend. university is still a respected community leader and was elected to the pneumonia conservancy is board of directors the
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and mumble call you now is that when you can apple, wiley, the 1st notice of climate changes need occurred in the 1990 sense according to gun the 1st new rightful began to decline as yeah. then came the age on. those continue to rise. when i get them windy the and there's a pro and them all boxed up and getting the can well imagine that the tournaments will disappear, might be and the people will leave in search of places where they can survive in our mutual to go. how many could leave to settle in cities? looking down by it was the, the next generation that leads to consider the climate change from vegetation number. but from the animals. we depend on the zip to the po and no one by and move . glad they get now so so the minute is windy. no ego, another kind of wines of what we need the young people in our community. i think i
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use good conservation practices to make a self sustaining within the decade well on that they give me a visual meal. but that's a huge challenge. given the size of the changes they face. for years naomi, pauline and their community have witnessed the devastating impacts of water scarcity. every day. pastors turned to dust entire herds decimated by hunger and thirst. thousands of wild animals wiped out the train. you had experienced an unprecedented trout in 2022. after 4 seasons of insufficient rainfall, the intruders reassured themselves by singing while they dig deeper and deeper for water for their live stock. sometimes more than 4.5 meters deep creating pits that small
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animals can accidentally fall into the of the no more than never the return to the sanctuary efforts to rescue elephants will require support from government partners, visitors, and donors. the team can thankfully point to it's encouraging successes to attract new donors. we have reintroduced 23 or from elephants into the wild since 2019 the very least into a protected area bordering the pneumonia conservancy, the
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discipline 3 years since they only saw shot or 1st foster elephant, the ship and then it shuts off. it looks like she's been crying. yes, it does. every one it protects. he has fought hard to give the 7 year old survivor, a 2nd chance to live with her family. tracking them is meshawn because language is the mission. the cabs are fitted with gps colors that pinpoints their location in the late afternoon when the elephants are most active, the monitors their health and observes their behavior. implementing this media
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center due to the information we gather helps a lot from that. we check that our elephants are doing well with, especially when the dry season is particularly tough when conditions or some can we install water points and even pull it out seem to help all the animals in the when and when do you know if it's excited to come to even us let's see where they were this morning. did they drink anything? let's look the piano. what do you mean? what we should see and be able to release the bigger elephants to, to split at the ritz ac sanctuary on which they need to return to the wilds. you can tell that happy because they're making those sounds. i'm happy to see they're in such a good shape. it's really touching place on the
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and they only police and their community are determined to protect elephants. despite the constant challenges every day, their work is a delicate balancing act that could crumble at any moment. the, these pioneers have community conservation. no, they'll have to keep fighting, to preserve their precious natural resources and secure the futures of both humans and elephants. the,
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or the people in india are fighting over fish the money in the economy or the economy. it's very important. i will survive, but he allows the company to him. so i know since a chinese fish meal factory opens here, everything has changed. now an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihoods of fishermen. what can they do? the co operate in 30 minutes on the w thinking as a network thing as one
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a show about vision range and bid project, the percentages that can be tackled together for a future. living, working for a more united way in 90 minutes on the w, the is increasing at reason many of watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled,
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the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw, made for mines. the this is dw news lie from berlin. donald trump host a divide of riley in new york city. pamela, your fire, donald trump levels, mortgage, connell and harris as democrats slammed the event over racist remarks. also on the show, the pro moscow party is declared the winner of georgia is parliamentary elections. but the pro western president projects the votes as a russian and special operations plus olivia's ex presidents. eva morales says you survive in assassination attempt as tensions.


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