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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  October 28, 2024 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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not christy's, that was the deputies your research was speaking to george and president settling me, is that obviously in tbilisi? that's one use up next candidate looks at possibilities in houses without air conditioning. that's kind of change continues to keys. i'll send it to you at the top of the next hour. i'll have to use the issue. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these are modern men because if we do too much,
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we did it all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary, take a look at these building for thoughts and single forth, and use a new daily, new york and hong kong. noticed anything. and these parts of the world life without air conditioning can be uncomfortable or downright dangerous. more than a dozen people have died and then during the last 2 months, due to a severe heat wave, 5th wave waste heat rate. but that brings us to our dilemma. technology needs lots of energy. in fact, cooling, building accounts for 10 percent over global electricity consumption, and that's bad news for global warming. so viciously, we call the indoors, but we want the outdoors, therefore,
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renovating the need for more cooling. but there are solutions, some traditional, some modern that don't have massive amounts of energy. so can they help us break out of this vicious circle? the, the story behind this conundrum begins in new york city in 1992. that's where the engineer will this carrier leave the foundations for the modern air conditioner. he designed an engine to control the humidity in a printing class because it was working the paper. simply speaking, the system blue air over coils filled with cool water. not only that, the humidity condensed on these quotes, but the air and the plants also became comfortably cool. over the next decade, more developed versions of the primitive system needed into businesses and later into american homes. this monkey baby will sleep quietly through the night. he has no manner. suddenly resting, working, living during hot weather was not only possible. it could be pleasant. nowadays,
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americans are still some of the most prolific users globally 90 percent of us households on an air conditioner and some of the hardest parts of the roof. it's not even 10 percent, but other countries want to catch up. just look how much more energy some of these emerging economies are projected to use in the coming decades to colder homes and buildings. this is 2016, and this is 2050. if you see in the air conditioning market, it is growing in double digits on good, clunky is working to open up the global market for high efficiency. air conditioners in the us population is growing, is getting even more of like that, but also a large portion of the population as part of the nice thing is moving to cities and all that together wants to do it is to a huge demand for the air conditioners because of trends like these global energy demand for space cooling is projected to triple by 2050. the question is how to
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meet the during demand without exacerbating the heat? because and much of the world, the energy goes with technology is powered by fossil fuels. these limit lots of greenhouse gases, which made the add the scanner hotter and nowadays is use have refrigerants running through their coils to absorb heat from the warm air. some of them are literally greenhouse gases. you don't want those leaking out of your unit. on top of that air conditioners, cool indoors basis, by pushing out the heat, that refrigerants absorb, that means they make the immediate surroundings hotter to, and people who can't afford to suffer most from that. so you go to 3 for the effect as a result of air conditioning on that musket and be able to reduce it down to either efficient, holding or to cooling without air conditioning is really a smart solution to get that this is per side by the an expert in passive solar design, he says there are 3 steps to quit sustainable here. first, we need to reduce heat at a city wide scale because that is access for everybody. you may have heard of the
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urban heat island effect. it's when the urban areas like these get warmer than the surroundings, because all of this concrete absorbs and retain seats. and there's also lots of waste heat from human activities like transport or, well, air conditioning, creating more spaces with shady trees and other plants less than a specific. like here in berlin, the colombian city has made a gene, was able to reduce average temperatures by 2 degrees celsius, only 3 years after planting green core doors. the inter connected network of greenery expense does most of the waterways and busy polluted streets and minimizing heat. expelled by cars also makes a difference in spain. parcel on a super blocks prioritize pedestrians and cyclists that scale matters. the cities institute for global health estimates that $117.00 heat related that could be avoided every year if hundreds more blocks were introduced. the next step is
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designing buildings that aren't as reliant on air conditioners. and this is where we can really learn from traditional architecture before technology or piece to runs awards phone solutions to, to show by the preferred chunk of, of dime leads bio climatic architecture projects and countries like vietnam and mauritania. that means that designs take local climates into account. so we have to study jeffrey, or he's got to be an extra dog teacher on some modern buildings already doing this, such as come to the university which uses wind power. so keep its buildings cool. this method has been used in iran and other middle eastern countries for centuries . the so called wind captures are designed to trap fresh air and directed indoors. the hot air it gets pushed out. you may also have noticed that houses in hot climates are from light. some countries like india are bringing back this approach by painting grooves with line based whitewash,
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which absorbs less heat. this can reduce indoor temperatures by 2 to 5 degrees celsius. when designing new buildings, bio kinetic architects tend to combine different sources of inspiration. but they will all tell you. location is everything. you have to pay attention about this an orientation and make sure your best sides of those exposed to the direction. and then we use registered the chip probably the wind direction. knowing the wind direction is important to design openings that encourage cross ventilation. other features that can help save off heat or shading devices that keep the facade cool. and insulation prevents heat from traveling through your roof. for example, of those says these methods can reduce indoor temperatures by about 5 degrees celsius. well, ceiling fans can help circulate this cooler air. issues may still need to be used sometimes, but to a much lesser extent, the problems in many countries going through a construction boom,
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new buildings often look like this. but it does tend to bid them with floor to ceiling glass and the backs of your love problem. because every time you put a glass into a building, you've done it basically into a hot box. it's like a solar eclipse. the architects and engineers say this, acetic is popular because it's perceived this week, modern and left a natural life changing that would require more rigorous building regulations around energy efficiency and a massive cultural shift to actually get the men forced on the ground. most of the object you score is not uh we on the train for the when you input in that into there sort of business as usual approach you will get this is uses another big obstacle is that this approach tackles new constructions. so what about all the old, badly insulated buildings that already exist? this takes us to the next solution, more efficient air conditioning because there's no technological reasoning for ease
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to use as much energy as many commercial models do. now the ac industry is included in order for the 100 in order to acknowledge the so it's been working convenient, you know, at the switch of a button, we get cooling. this may have such or she works on a climate friendly cooling work festival. there hasn't been a lot of motivation or market factors that have spurred innovation and you really see how wasteful, if these can be in places like india, singapore or parts of the u. s. because this was word often gets human. a lot of color of the energy is used for managing too many well, some modern models have a so called dry mode to target humidity. kalonski says air conditioners are still pretty bad at measuring how much moisture is in the air. and consequently, how much moisture they need to remove for optimum comfort. so many people simply bl
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after a seas to over cool the room and get too many down to a desired level. in 2018 and innovation competition called the global cooling. pres, showed that there are ways around this r m. i r u. s. non profit dedicated to sustainable energy use. cooperated with the indian government and a global initiative called mission innovation to elect to winning team. they used that they've been tools, they had the biggest ends in capabilities and they weren't able to just in both of the temperature and the humidity. and that's how they weren't able to optimize the performance of an air conditioner period with other technological improvements. the 2 groups came up with models that had a 5 times lower climate impact. kolowski says one of the teams wants to put its unit on the market and 2025. but that comes with a set of challenges. the markets testing standards need to be updated, so the performance review takes into account how efficiently the air conditioner
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controls humidity. large buyer is also need to come on board to bring down the costs. and consumers need to be incentivized to buy more efficient models, even though the sticker price may be higher. while the more efficient air conditioners are mostly upfront and you will see much more energy or any your lifetime of the air conditioner and therefore the total cost of ownership is, is about half of the standard products. but that's where the challenge lies. either consumers don't have that financial, a melody to spend that money upfront, or this thought about it. but what if we thought about efficient mechanical cooling on a much larger scale system like this is already functioning, and singapore here and underground air conditioner towed it as the largest in the world quotes, residential buildings, bags, balls, and this iconic hotel. the technology is called district cooling and it can save up
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to 50 percent on energy and emissions. that's because having one big plant cooling an entire district makes it super efficient. the water is chilled 25 meters below the ground before its pipes across different buildings. the challenge for district cooling is, in terms of infrastructure, right? it's, it's, it's a, it's a big capital investment connect requires a lot of infrastructure. so these, like toronto parents and hong kong have already taken on the can last the task of cooling thousands of buildings with one system. in some cases, district cooling makes use of networks that already exist. most of the system and terrorist runs through the cities to which networks. but for the most part, district cooling is better suited for new constructions. for example, would you write international finance, tech city, also known as gift city buildings and you hyper dense engine district. developers had a blank canvas to implement any cooling solution they wanted their choice,
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district cooling because it's more efficient and cheaper to maintain. this may sound utopian, but like all other solutions, it requires lots of upfront, capital. know have, and of course awareness. still, experts say this type of investment is urgently needed, whether it's on a city wide or neighborhood scale, or in broader and technological innovation. especially in places like india, china, and indonesia, where is the usage has projected to sore. you don't have an option. we don't have enough energy in the world to be able to do all the building that's needed even as we try to do it has to do with energy fields like slow steps and, and sometimes they are. but we are certainly making our lead to with a better way to cool or visit environment. the good news is cooling doesn't always have to look like that. but if we don't move and we're sustainable directions, fast enough, we risk thing trapped in a solution that is actually part of the problem. i know i wouldn't have survived
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the summer without my trust and phone, so i'm wondering how do you pull your home and with any of these solutions to make a difference in your life? let us know the comments and don't forget to subscribe to our channel. of the, the 77 percent on our special show on the great outdoors. we'll hear what you guys like to do when you need a break. it's a heavy and make sense to hiking that's cool. don't emptiness. one something by as opposed to the moment, the 77 percent of the living plan in d. w bought. com. how to make greener choices in your everyday lives. but honestly,
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try to move. you're going to working 32 hours a week to be better for the environment than 40, but of course we shouldn't be 90 the. the living scientists just hit subscribe. whatever you listen to 100 costs the hello and welcome to the 77 percent. i'm able to money, and today we're at the iconic gong hughes on the outskirts of new will be on our special so on the great outdoors, we'll hear what you guys like to do when you need a break. here's what we've prepared for you. my colleague, samsung takes us 3 teams with the full service of gotten us
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we navigate to the right people, the great for the nile.


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