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tv   Prosperity Without Growth  Deutsche Welle  October 31, 2024 10:15am-11:00am CET

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just a new zealand stay consecutive pest, kicking out the boats out of the nests and coming the next. the documentary for you, i'm bank is open. i'll have more use for you next. now the, the 2nd the is, it is someplace apparently more peaceful than ever on the move world wide and such were based on life. i suggested in cardboard that the, the find out about bailey story. info, migraines, the hard working hands non stop production lines. the economy should be booming according to
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german lore. a growing economy means growing prosperity, the foundation on which germany was built we're trying to, i believe economic growth is essential to safeguard our trust period again. but now germany is doing well, millions of yours in debt. the economy lack luster. 2023 negative growth of 0.3 percent. but is that a bad thing? or could it be a blessing? at least for the climate? what would a world without economic growth look like the these people are angry. fall 2023 climate demonstrations and all of germany's major
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cities environment protests have become one of the great social movements of our time. the average global temperature continued to rise in 2023. apparently, it was the warmest year since records begun. the battle for climate protection has long been waged on the streets. the. we have not only a crime of problems, but also a social one. for some, the planet comes 1st. the others are afraid of high energy costs, social decline, or the loss of benefits. farmers in germany demonstrated against the evolution of
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subsidize diesel for agriculture. the and hamburg, on the other hand, people rallied in support of a new perspective. the job which is now it's about for i'm sick and tired of hearing about all the things we need more of me when actually we need less of everything. we don't need more energy. we just need to be using less of a job football. and i'm finding the item on my overall and above all, we should start to train our understanding of prosperity as the secret co heidegger . cool. that's listed here. they're giving it a try. hamburg, pull it off in the heart of the cities district, the restaurant, clink of dishes here costs between 15 and 21 years with several courses needed to satiate the appetite on house and push. and molly,
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on us one has to know the restaurant rat bracewell very well, in fact, both have worked in richland starve restaurants for years. 18 hour days, pressure stress. then they opened their own restaurant and decided we're going to do things differently. and the stag cushioned up in the kitchens, where we've worked your just a number staff or a dime, a dozen in the province to then working 18 hour days and the new on the basement kitchen on the head. mine goes from thailand down a burst from friends and fish from brittany, and who knows what house and for 2 stars that latania not so here at the kink in summer regional vegetables are preserved for the winter menu. sustainable good for the climate. and for people, folks just agree increasing sales and profits isn't the most important thing.
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dec i going to be the industry is the not the career path i saw ahead of me would only have been possible with a pushy mentality. and that's just not me. and i realize that all the people in the industry who i look up to are all pretty exhaustive and by the comforts and little danger of that here. fairway just for stuff. no unpaid overtime, only organic ingredients kind to the planet and people because you are sure we could get double the work. i took the best bike riding them down to here every day. at some point they'll burn out or night. it's nothing new only. so we just keep going to the, the most practical decision, the restaurants closed on the weekend when business typically peaks to my father. when i told my dad they were closed on saturday and sunday,
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you looked at me and said, son, you can't do that. it won't work, it doesn't spring, but it does. and the restaurants, particular nice at least an intentional foundry that the chef can and want to afford boss and it says, what are we passing up? we're passing up the chance of owning our own home in early thirties and having a portion of the park outside the door down. that's it. and it concerns that our world away from the life of this month. you can hang with the alarm clock goes off at 1 am every morning for more than 50 years ish. i does even talk about it. i work 7 days a week in to 1000 new other ways. we're at capacity and i enjoy my job. it's tiring like 7 days
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a week without any time off the site. so if there were 8 days in the week, he'd still be at work. his bakery and a small house in town has a staff of 26. here. no one's thinking about home ownership or a luxury cars, brother, survival in a world with discount of plastic wrap, supermarket bread and lysis fox to there has to be grouped in however small. then if we start going to happen, energy costs are speaking, the price of ingredients is rising. yes. again the, the uncommon got to absorb these costs some higher thing. if he close for several days, like the kink or restaurant you all can handle, which would be quickly wiped off the market. and if you have talk of always with some significant new 40 weeks, don't worry. i said we're a service provider toggle. if we did a 4 day week, a good many of our customers would just take their business elsewhere from the i'd
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still call them at the supermarket next store pretzels, cost us $0.30. but this business throw eyes on its customer loyalty and appreciation. lunch time. you all can hear him, which has already worked a 13 hour day doing the job. he loves comes at a price. does it show much by god, munch my yeah, well my done on fox and if i mean that can sometimes be a balancing act. yes. and the bus and you've got to give up on the family time because the business needs attention. which means i can go to the soccer games and often it's a shame i love watching my son play soccer. even every few of our customers are aware of what's involved because it's difficult to convey, having to get up every night with our fail. come and those should be a find me that y'all can handle it as often crushed has limits. the planet has also reached its summits, just like our economic system did a while back already. a burning issue for this woman.
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essentially my name's or rica harman, and i've written a book titled in the end of capitalism, my growth and climate protection are incompatible. and how will live in the future and even that gathering this business consultants. growing the economy is their professional duties. she's here as a guest speaker on time and i'm an interesting day you can't grow intimately in the only night world just eat it's just not possible. thoughts on germany is currently behaving as though it could consume 3 planet as of all home. and as we're all aware, there's only one or, well, i'm the ada capitalism is now the problem says, hammer and extreme times require radical solutions to get a handle on the climate crisis. our economic output must drink dramatically. none, essentially. so 45, give us most. indeed the question is, what needs to shrink here?
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and what doesn't portions dancers clear, particularly energy intensive sectors that admit the most of the c. o. 2 must be scaled down by the flane's cars, the chemical and steel industries, but also the construction of new homes are all problematic and should be phased out . i'm just putting the mattresses on the assignment ended fabulous this debate as soon as it goes on to unfold and, and so i can get, since it's fairly short with google and the rest of the world would look at germany and say, you've completely lost your mind to it because the emissions we generate overall are 2 percent of total global emissions of money. so we can shut down the entire german economy overnight and deal with a social problems that will entail the 4 day week won't help much there. and then on the other hand, realize there hasn't been any progress on climate protection guns. that's one of the kind of an amazon names lawrenceville time professor for economic policy at the university of fryeburg, director of the vaults or oregon institute inactive and various advisory roles and
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economic policy making. that even if we discussed this at length for germany, essentially the conditions must be imposed worldwide. and i don't really see how that can happen, which dispute as well? plus the answer back in the early 19 seventy's scientists led by dennis metro's war . and that's something had to change on a global scale. they report the limits to gross commission by the club, the phone, outlined precise calculations of the impact of exponential growth on the planet. continuing a business, as usual, the approach will lead to catastrophe. it said, 50 years later, the question is still the same. should our economy feel allowed to continue growing? it won't work, say representatives of what's known as the d growth or post growth movement. the economy must drink, polluting energy sources should go. we should do without unnecessary luxury goods, energy intensive sectors, such association,
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the automobile industry or new construction should be phased out, allowing for the expansion of sector securing sustainable future renewables, public transport, energy efficient renovation, guaranteeing jobs, and the process that should be the path we follow away from the religion of growth. but how do we get there? how do we voluntarily live with less? we wanted to find out the one family. one experiment, the research call. yeah. that's the ending us try it for 2 weeks. the rules. 5 regional products to limit imports
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instead of energy costing online, streaming offline entertainment, only other is the offline entertainment. i think we should do that. i disagree. more bike instead of car the square up for that, aren't we? lots of yes. even when it's raining? yes. yeah, less living space. what could we do with that loss at my desk? i never use it. and then could we certainly don't need to use the veranda. bevin from 1991 to 2021 alone living space per capita in germany increased by 37 percent . for the next 2 weeks, the family won't use part of their house. they plan a holiday without flying. leave the current home and cycle instead. for example, to the nearest supermarket. so off they go. seasonal regional products, only know imports. let's see what the variety is on offer. that's comes of that
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comes from from and then from belgium that from holland stops for most fam, which device will pop up with me? well, no, we can't get tab at the by the see, i think look, that's regional. and what does it say on the packaging? of the control clips coverage, those cookies will not do spilled cookies. we always have backed up my grandma since 1921. and so he's a, he's enough but mm hm. okay, we can take the bed from berlin and we have them back in the day. the lin, sugar mice, show we have somebody ma'am. yes. we could make a salad in a pumpkin suit and grilled fennel. uh cuz they defend sir. yes, that's good. how about county tomatoes with that? yeah, i'm kind of, we didn't get any tomatoes or cucumber from germany as
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of uh, it wasn't that easy to find things and in mid winter, what kind of vegetables can you buy a pod from cabbage and pumpkin in court. the pumpkin seedlings coming to an end o. and in any case, you don't want to eat, not all the time this. and so that's the question of what you switch to the long spring today. it's pumpkin soup for dinner. everything is checked, but not everyone's happy. and we can't just eat soup normally without some sort of issue the food isn't local. the doing without is difficult, but is the radical approach. the only way forward? do we really have to turn our economic model upside down in order to save the climate?
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and on this mountain side it has been but it takes it up to it. my name is martin idle and political editor of the frank for to oregon my nose contact cycle, and i write about energy policy hunter. i thought, you know, the german debate, it could be forgiven for thinking that the claimant protection and the economy are polar opposites. printer that's, that's unfortunate to fix, right? because an actual fact, a flourishing economy is ideal for effective climate protection commercial. it costs money after all. okay. it's a growing economy is essential for climate protection. it's if we didn't have a pro spring economy because even what would happen to times revenues i'm going to see. and then i reckon claim that protection would be the 1st thing to follow by the wayside to fate. environmental protection costs, money to, and titles view restrict to economic growth as the wrong approach should have already. mucus, kinda the end of germany won't be a role model for the world of everyone here is poor. going to write on bicycles and patched up fluids on we may well the claimant neutral newman is going to follow our example of men because in the rest of the world, a people one to drive
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a mercedes. perhaps that's what they find to appealing of it. the german model nice doesn't know that we're claiming neutral, but the claimant neutral and still prosperous since making money and running clean businesses. green gross. that's possible. suspend him. he's to attend these rallies regularly when he was active on fridays for future. he made posters registered demonstrations and took to the streets. but now he's distance himself from the movement as how pointing the glow earlier a speaker was seeing. she can't hear the words wells and growth anymore who's studying, but that's what it was. they all do you. because that doesn't sit with my assessment of the issue at home to people in my view, prosperity create so much if you, yes, many countries would give anything for prosperity like this. and so to be honest, i find it very strange to job today really has taken a side off the streets and onto the stock exchange. he now works as
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a funded manager and investing in companies that are making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon emissions. yet and as soon as i said indians, i mean we're investing in companies that may not be green yet that are in the process of turning green, so to speak. development green is of course on abstract concepts and they're realizing their powers complain, claimant protection strategy. we're investing in these companies because it gives us influence on that process. and it's his philosophy effect change where the impact will be great. just the have been a huge number of goods are exported here from the federal republic of germany that audit and there's a lot of leverage there that's about 4 to 6 times to reason that we can see much
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more c o 2 here on an individual level in the he definitely doesn't envisage the end of capitalism. on the contrary, that gets out. this is about the basis for human existence, and consequently, the economy must adapt to the altar condition. i just thought it must be a change. it's been about it because i firmly believe it will continue to grow and know my country much. what's going on succeed fine in time of protection and economic growth can be bedfellows because it will be essential for climate protection that carbon pricing incentivizes the technical progress was an innovation to assist in or an end technical progress is essential for economic growth. for the switch on flux of a flourishing economy and a green transition formula and felt the 2 things complement one another. that's the idea behind green gross for almost 200 years, it's been show when a country's economy grows. so does environmental pollution,
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but was green for us. this no longer applies. in fact, emissions chip ball continued growth in the green zone by way of new technologies, clean energy and market based ideas. a booming economy was decreasing c o 2 emissions a goal, not just with an industry, but also across the whole of the you. with the green deal, the european union aims to be the world's 1st climate neutral content by 2050 the auto focus groups, especially on metal parts for the automotive and aviation industries are manufactured here. for example, car, we'll rims an energy intensive industry that faces major challenges. this side alone consumes as much energy as a town of 40000 inhabitants. nevertheless, the,
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because a company, we're committed to the 1.5 degree target one time when we set our goal is accordingly in toronto. but it's one of your road, many 100 votes, and that means it's not a sprint. it's, it's a marathon where you need to be a company eat along the route, but not and provided with the conditions is to make it possible. germany's climate and transformation funds was established to do just that. but then came the bombshell from castle and november 2023. the federal constitutional court declared unconstitutional to reallocate unused corona virus funding to the climate fund jeopardizing its operations with a knock on effect at a to folks. we assume that we're funding had been approved. it would stay that way also. so it came as a huge shock a month ago. the projects are no longer financially viable and become best significant improvements. we'd hope for 5, including carbon neutrality and are now unfortunately much more difficult to
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achieve. we had a gun, the case of how many new climate friendly machines suddenly had to be financed without the expect it's subsidies. another purchase was cancelled altogether. new funding opportunities, unavailable, economic minister hold that. how big and march 2024 are the best? a drop in the ocean for the middle of processing industry. international competition is tough, is indigo of come with it, but it's not the job of politics to make our lives easy, but it's also not the job of politics to make our lives difficult. if you're getting investment commitments in advance and these are honored, and that's very frustrating. of course, you will see we're all fully aware of the budget's current state data house, and now we're having to see what we can do to get ourselves out of this dilemma. dilemma where we're still expected to tackle this transformation and so it was significantly less one dixon. and that'll be a major challenge for the entire industry. roles for china under cuts, price as abroad. and america heavily subsidized as its own economy in his view,
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without much more generous subsidies in germany. a green economic miracle seems unlikely when you get the sense that there is no concept myself and also a sense that industry isn't wanted at all. evans, and it will simply go away achieving the emissions reductions target that went through and i'll have, i've taught others where look here and secured their subsidies before the constitutional court turned off. the top like just called the german steel, long regarded as the backbone of the economy. the basis parts of turn, the pit to me of quality in the country, had a clear path to becoming the world's leading exporter and to unimagined prosperity . but this success has come at
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a price to hor, region as a case in point. afterall, 2.5 percent of all harmful greenhouse gases in germany are emitted from system clock chimney's alone. globally, the steel industry is responsible for 8 percent of all emissions. now we're not waiting for anyone else to begin. we're starting ourselves. we in the state of north ryan west valia, are supporting this project to, to some crooked, with one of the largest funding decisions to the largest funding decision in the history of the federal republic of germany. pope to the tune of 2000000000 years. but not everyone's able to imagine the screen miracle fitness box. did you break
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it down? i'd argue that green growth is macro economic, green washing bushing and other words for him, growth from mains, problematic. my name is marcia smith, so i'm in economic historian and transformation researchers. i've long been focused on growth and alternatives to groups. students who likes to the ecological transformation won't succeed, was further growth, says tremendous people, the screen growth isn't just solution to the climate crisis. management site uses the mid seventies. at least it's been claim that economic growth can be the couple from environmental impact. but that hasn't happened yet. and there is little evidence to suggest it'll take place to a sufficient extent also in the time that remains most and does have lives in site . here there, pondering different ways to do business the university of transport, the course transformation research then the in the interest of what
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we're basically seeing was the promises were made regarding efficiency gains or a greeting process through technology, gains, shipping the don't go far enough. nice. all sky schmidt says that, like almost all industrialized countries, germany would need another 220 years of the current rate to obtain climate neutrality. the other this in this dispute. so speed is one pit stop. we all know this is far too late in that by then. economy is like germany's will have exceeded their c o 2 budget many times over. in principle, we can imagine that trying to v carbonite as a growing economy is like trying to go down and escalator that's constantly going off. what types of the india has come on and not let him get studies show, then industrialized countries should actually be cleaning up their act 10 times
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faster than they have been. critics believe this isn't possible with even more growth because generating sufficient green energy as possible contraction is the only solution they say this is yeah, it is disconnected talking fee fee that it's been calculated how many wind turbines would be needed by chosen cooper, loan, livestock, and that's just one steel plans decision. so you want to be able to do that across the board for the entire economy. one of these as far as i'm concerned, it's absolutely clear that it will come down to doing without entry to have with either that will be forced by the climate crisis. the board will be smart enough to do it in advance, suddenly forehead support from the bottom was one that it has to be separated from the political debate. even individuals keen to make a personal cutbacks should definitely go ahead. and tyson, such a choice can only be applauded. most people got to and citizens wheels, great power here. i don't know. it says if most people suddenly decide to eat less meat,
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how does anyone go to have an incredible impact on our carbon footprint or to adults? what else? or if people want to plan vacations without flying, find then conducting dental test, him to my just warrant against turning it into a political program. and that's simply because that would start resistance and do that to failure once again in the side time and placed in our experiment continues living was less. is it possible? and would it be that bad the vacation without air travel? that's today's task for claudia, louisa. they want to go to portugal. news we need to get to the nova 2925 kilometers to mid. i'm going to 9. i was by come with public transport. casting. the 212366 changes. i never get. it's not at all easy to find out how to get them to come out. the so from dressed into paris and from paris
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to border. and now we've got to get from bordo to madrid. that should work here. and it's like fulton in or not as of the i don't i so according to this, those genies that runs back to take at least 23 days and was done. unless you can plan a 3 week holiday time. it's not, was that i guess it's just, yeah, and you know, kinda, you know, the 3 days there and 3 days back a few times if you've got loads of time and you can be relaxed about it. and then i think it's a great way to travel as i, but that's because i can only take 2 weeks holiday at a time. i can use this sort of trip isn't an option for me. translation size. and so it's not possible. oh, let's get me the living like this is really very satisfying. is it most of the off? cuz what you have to realize is that often individuals are trapped in work structures and they have time. so you don't have the option to save half the cheapest. i'm only doing a 30 hour week now and don't take
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a pay cut or i don't want my full salary. that'd be even better. of course the best . as soon as you come look at brockman, i'm. he says he already, professor, my work is focused on happiness within shawn, all tired goose, also part of larger structures and they can strain on and in mid life in particular, you have a lot of obligations such, you know, so your hands are off and tightened on of to him big appointment. but at what point are we content to as wellbeing always require more and more of everything just and if it could be any go back to him. the flag with this is less growth. really the question or is different growth, perhaps the better idea? and that's how it's a question that's also been addressed in happiness research. we need an alternative gauge and actually sent to human contentment or happiness. a very good gauge because it's something that people can judge for themselves. stuff good today. but what time con mosley?
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i know some of on the owners of restaurant kink found their happiness for them. prosperity has a lot to do with feeling well. hey, good to see. i'm saying that yeah, yes, great. the draw fine. we're not gonna mess but little to do with growth. in their past roles, there was rarely time to carefully select products directly from the farmer. effects my model to keep growing next. minimize the question of the size more stores, more restaurants, more acceptance or internally invite on. how can we improve what we do in our communication, social and moral responsibility? can you guess where we are in the sector? it'd be difficult to run another 10 businesses in the same way and some of the, or the guy that finishes goose is in any case quite different than the socially accepted
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norm of the business. so if i can ask myself, i guess what am i actually doing here? and why am i doing this a tall bookcase? me a bed in the morning and then to bed at night. that's the point because if i'm making progress there, then i'd say that for me to pass more meaningful than a growth is surely monetary. i'm going to tailor next to most of these a good time and we'll solve. we also have to break the thought patterns. he's been taught on this and we haven't yet learned to say that we define prosperity, which different ways model, unless definitive. and they took a leap of space contrary to broad economic theory, which focuses on one clear goal growth. after all, the economy has a benchmark, the gross domestic product. i figure that packs a punch. it measures the sum of all goods and services produced in an economy. but the gdp doesn't register the usefulness for sustainability of
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a service. no matter whether i buy an s u v or so hadnot, it sweaters. the main thing is money is moved on a 100000 square kilometer island and the cold north atlantic. they've devised a new economic formula for themselves, wellbeing and quality of life. instead of a blind faith in growth, it was their response to crisis. 2008, the international financial crash rocks the nation. iceland, financial sector was in ruins. the the countries 3 major banks went fast within a week. the nation's currency plummeted. the thousands of icelanders were drowning in debt and lost their homes. thousands lost
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their jobs, the result protest outside parliament and to call for new elections. at the time, thor, seek for sand, was head of a large insurance company and a top earner. but he too was caught up in the financial crash. i think in many ways it was uh, of course, a crisis for me as well. so i have to, i would like to re live that period again. uh, but at least what i, what i found out this, that we need to continue and need to look back to some of the ideas that i had and figured out what the could be, where i could really have uh, a stand. so it was uh, a time of sort of like, uh, uh, a re seeking my, my, uh, my existence, in many ways 6,
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your son found the ocean cluster in 2011, bringing together tech companies and the fisheries industry. the idea to use as much of the fish as possible good for value creation. the environment in the wake of the crisis. iceland has re organized itself and we defined its perception of economic success. for example, more attention is now being paid to health and environmental factors of peak for darcia used to manage a large company. now she runs a small store. thank goodness she says, i can keep it balance and just any way i like because it's much in smaller business. i control it much issue. it's much less pressure, much less stress. she's lost nothing through her decision but gain
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a great deal for example time and the willingness to use it. i love being and the nature you get more complex to, to the earth, to the ground, being close to nature. and the horses as they say in iceland, quality of life is also part of prosperity. not just money. just like clean air and social cohesion. we are also rather closely connected with our families and with friends, with small nation people know people and yeah, i think that's one part of it is close enough. so people between people, the and 2019 the well being economy was introduced as a basic political program. in iceland,
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the nation hasn't turned its back on economic growth altogether. but now whether something has a price tag isn't all that matters. the, the wellbeing economy focuses on other issues, just economic growth, which says, well, most nations are focusing on and the un collect data for but with a growing economy, that doesn't mean the un, my live natured or people have any sort of well being. my name is christine law. i like most of this, i'm a professor in the department of the sciences at the university of iceland. she played a key role in iceland is economic policy shift. it's important to
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think about the economy in a different way on economy, which is for people employment and not just for poor kid can to, to show that you're actually using more than more resources selling more and more stuff and people collecting what they actually don't really need 139 indicators have since served as a political basis, guiding decisions on the use of public funds. so all investments need to be shifted to to be good for, for people in climate. and last is very important. so basically the wellbeing coach, calling on me thinking is about re purpose and the economy the
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doing business, but differently. price alone doesn't make us happy. that's the idea. perhaps a model for germany to germany has one of the most important economies in the world . this is both an opportunity and a challenge and the battle against climate collapse. as a society, we must do something each and every one of us can do something. endless, life is certainly changed, at least for the duration of our experiment. this taking las, it is school by bike. i think that is true. yes exactly. we can keep doing that. i'm on the launch rough condition association. i already know the landscape because we always take the same route by car as has been. it is just a bit boring to sit in the car all the time and look at boring scenery long by the elantra funds from. you guys have some type of skills that come i use of media and
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available online media, media inputs and it makes you realize that these days are in need to be online or is this on the account manager every day life was hoping online whether it's for school or just for fun, what i thought so in the long run, so it doesn't work and they'll get dismissed for 2 weeks. the little bit skis have tried going without and voluntarily set themselves limitations as for me so. so okay. i think it's okay. i'd be happy to shop more at the organic store, and in any case, i'm the kind of person who likes to have more time for things. but in my view, the issue here is we just can't make the time of us as a, in a safe. and in general, i think it's really nice of a time to month something just fast paced life time zone from that to that, to them up from that not done of that. certainly possible by calm down was much more and then the food has to be cooked quickly. it has to happen fast and it's
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supposed to be honest, and i don't know how that would work in our everyday nicely. ellis does that the results of the experiment. it's doable. partly it's just a bit tricky with the offline entertainment's yeah, but i managed it for us for 2 days and something at least the more or less the definitive question for the future, the prosperity was out, gross or only with gross you can get a star centrally it's about differentiating between useful growth and less useful growth and having a social debate about that to happen. then because if we don't manage to build a climate neutral system in which we can grow economically and then the planet is
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doomed. being a longer term growth makes it easier to mitigate the distribution conflicts that can arise in a society. and if the take grows, it's easier to share then if it remains the same size like the ice cost lived. in a worst case scenario where we're giving up about 50 percent of our economic output, we'd still be as rich as the west. germans were in 1978. and as anyone around at the time will tell you, we were just as happy then as we are now, and it was a good life to sleep. i'm still keeping the whole box. we will turn around and put this on a better pos of the,
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the super vegetable team in here, every 6 inches on, on for harvest, to scan the stabilize governance. and they are occurring more and more often they don't want to say they didn't do that. i just wanted to send what is the coordination of the small can high tech help secure the onion harvest? because india in so seen this, d, w i in the mountain is them, is among the very few women pilots attached as child support over to kind of
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landscape. it's easy to see. she was born to fly. how does she inspire other women to reach for this guy? focus on here in 90 minutes on d w, the us presidential election coverage, trinity 24 on dw, we addressed the principal issue is and the 2nd asking the questions that matter to older and the world latino, the other fast. this growing demographic cruise in the united states, but historically that voter turnout has been known so which interest will motivate people to vote. the air and most of those are important for both the candidates, especially when states like michigan to how we would affect the outcome of the
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actual election to as presidential election. 2024 watts, the whole coverage on the basis, the doubles your years live from the land. the storm is a full cost to continue after a deadly down poor in spain. flash floods left the trail of destruction behind them . spain is observing free days of morning most are coming up to the days before the election. the democrats comma harris and republicans, donald trump, them back on a blitz of battleground states. the president takes to the campaign trail in a garbage truck. the .


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