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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  November 5, 2024 11:02pm-11:30pm CET

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spell which is in the us. so these are things who will leave the country for the next full years. opinion polls indicate no clear front runner. so who's going to be, i'm feel go in the lane and this is the day the road tomorrow we can fix every single problem our country faces that try to stick to my values and just try to pick candidates that, that aligned to those values. we finish as we started with optimism with energy, with show we show up, they can get a mathematically cancel it because they're so far behind election right here. and this is the temporal point for the future. whether it's going to be positive,
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but next, this could be, this could be one of the closest raises in the history. every single votes matters, regardless of the width of the day. i'm hoping that there'll be peace in america. hope that we'll accept the election results either way. sweet. welcome to the day. well, in case it's had a scheduled retention american votes, as i go into the polls today to decide who will be the next president, donald trump, and couple of hours campaigns right up to an action day. most widely expected to be one of the closest braces in martin us history. both campaigns hoping that a higher vote to turn on for the account because we'll put them over the line. that's 270 electoral votes allocated of a state by state basis. unless believe the concepts will come down to a 100 for the bottom ground states which are too close to the it is yet more than
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18000000 people cast their ballots ahead of action day. in addition to choosing the next present versus 070 siding, which possible control 2 times of congress web is elected president building congressional support to get and registration passed. julia is found, the law is a political campaign advisor and digital media strategist. he'll be with me throughout the show out. welcome back to d, w. i guess what do you think way this, this election campaign in contests ranking your top 10? well, i've been involved in a few so those are special. but i think from the, you know, just propensity velocity, everything that's taking place up to this point in the selection cycle. i would say it certainly historic a why, you know, a candidate big shot. of course, the leading candidates stepping down and then of course the pulse being this type of think we've had that in quite some time. and you've recently attended rallies from both past campaigns,
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including the case state of pennsylvania. what did you learn? that was exciting. i mean, on the one hand, donald trump, so you know, i went to his rally, i saw his supporters out in full force, half of them were in the red mancha hats excitement, you know, up to take a lot of young people. that was surprising. of course, it was a university campus university of pennsylvania that i attended the rally, but i would say half the people that showed up close to $5000.00 people young people. and that is a specific demographic that donald trump needs. and he needs to turn them out and record numbers again. he has a ceiling of about 48 percent, maybe 49 percent. so he needs to activate some boulders that usually do not show up on election day. i think that is the strategy to get those out to the polls. same of course is true for pamela harris. we just saw last night. that is, she's turning out lady guy in other celebrities having great rallies. great energy . and of course the question for her as well, can she actually activate her voters and make sure that they're turn out in the pulse moment? uh for move, adjust the us. the rest of the world is, is watching. right?
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i mean, it is a good, great consequential election. we always say that about the united states, but i think there is a significant difference in donald trump and calmly harris was sitting in berlin, germany right now there's a war waging in ukraine just over there. and there's specific difference in the positions of complet harrison, donald trump. so of course, it matters a great deal to us. it matters for free trade all across the world. and then of course, it matters. and with regard to foreign policy, especially also for migrants wanting to enter in the country in the united states. so a lot is at stake on a bare live for the different levels. okay, julie, stay with us. do this. i found it out. it's got to stay with us for the whole of best programs. we'll be back with you with just a moment. so let's find out now i'm from mother's a child who's doing b like and she'll college mass that will lead one of the candidates to the white house for comma harris. and donald trump, there are only a handful of states that really matter in this race were either candidate can build
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their path to the presidency, to win the white house. they need 270 electoral college votes. and for campaign strategist on both sides working out their winning combination, starts by mapping out the safe bets and likely wins the states that because of demographics are candidate affiliations. among other things, historically tend to always vote the same way. and that is, most of them. it leaves us with 7 so called swing states, still in play, also known as purple states because they swing between republican red and democratic blue. and it's in these places where this election will be decided. those are the states of nevada, arizona, georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. and here's the thing. neither candidate needs to take all of them
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for victory. so what winning combinations could work for them? let's look 1st at donald trump. to reclaim the white house, one of his easiest roots would be to take back the states. he lost to joe biden, by the narrowest of margins in 2020 places like georgia and arizona. add to that north carolina, which trump one in both 20162020. and he's almost there. it then comes down to just one. when for him, in any of these 3 states, to get him over the line, all one by trump in 2016. but re taken by bite in in 2020 pennsylvania is arguably his main focus. the place where joe biden captured the presidency in 2020 . with his 19 electoral college. both a win here would promise victory. or it could open up other routes for the former president if he doesn't win and say georgia or north carolina. okay,
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so what about campbell harris? how much she build her way to the white house through these 7 battleground states? well, her best path to victory is probably through what are called the blue wall states of wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania capture those and she'd hit exactly 274 the when. but say the democrats fell in the big state of pennsylvania. harris might look towards the swing states in the south, although this would be much harder for her, for example, georgia, a state that turned to blue for the 1st time since 1992 in the last election could be instrumental again, potentially offering an alternative path to victory if harris wins here, she just need 3 more electoral college votes. and even if arizona in north carolina turn read for trump, harris could take nevada, where the races even tighter. although by this point,
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you'll notice the swing states are all tied to claim a narrow victory. so there you have it, it's messy and complicated. whatever happens, we are guaranteed a very close race for the white house and with the margins and these crucial swing states to close to call. it could take days before we know who will be the 47th president of the united states of america. i. kimberly this a chime getting messy, uncomplicated said back campaign adviser and digital media strategies such as funds a lot. it's still with us. um have you been in the room when those sort of conversations are taking place? we need to do this, that in order to get this on them, is that like a big shot on or what exactly what it is? what used to be a big charge on the wall. now it's of course all digital, but we're taking a look at the numbers and, you know, if you drill down in one of those specific states, let's take pennsylvania. for instance, you have 10000000 eligible voters. now you of course, have to break it down. where do you actually reach your voters now?
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you have of course, philadelphia, and pittsburgh the 2 main cities. and of course this is where turn off needs to be driven up. you take a look at the numbers and joe biden, one pennsylvania by 82000 votes last time round. hillary clinton last to donald trump at 44000 those. so you see how close it is. now you're going to look at erie county. that is one of the main counties that is hard fought of. so donald trump is trying to pull off some boats there. joe biden, and calmly. harris have been campaigning out their job. i'm last election cycle, complet harris now and she knows erie county is the state that's not granular. it is that granular. you go down on the precinct level. let me break it down for you precinct level. last time around. it was 5 votes in each each precinct that actually made the difference between winning and losing the great state of pennsylvania and so be swing states. this is where so much of the campaign funds get, spend $500000000.00 just in pennsylvania just in the last 6 weeks by the harris campaign spent in pennsylvania. let me repeat that $500000000.00 just in pennsylvania. the
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whole campaign has been one of the spending go. a tv, basically tv. now all those rallies of course, cost a lot of money as well. last night come la harris was out in philadelphia and he's seen the movie rocky, rocky, balboa. of course, he runs us there, right? it's, that's where they have their final campaign event. music was playing in the back. the valve cover to be a coincidence. of course, that's the, that's the closing message for running up the stairs saying, you know, we're going to go up to victory. it's paul, the optics. it's the optics of politics and that's of course what she's digging in for. so lady ga goes out there, you gotta fly out her out. the roots, legendary roots crews out there playing the music. so it's a big show and of course events costs money as well, but the vast majority of the funds are going to, to be at, at the talk to me about the celebrity endorsed with how, what difference does it make and what do we take from the difference between the celebs endorsing the 2 candidates. i mean they're very different. um, just in terms of what the difference says make,
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we don't know until after election day. of course it makes a difference. if taylor swift endorses comedy harris writes a post after the election after the debate. and of course you get a bunch of viral signals throughout social media that the campaign can pick up and target voters right after that. but you know, donald trump has viral support as well, kit rock hall cogan ripping up his shirt over at the republican national convention . but then also, of course, joe rogan, one of the main pockets host with a huge falling, who actually gave his endorsement just last night, giving donald trump momentum leading into the selection day. so i think it makes a difference. but again, celebrities are the one thing. it drives of optimism, enthusiasm for support has been india, and they need to go out and vote okay, judas, i've thank you from now. so we've looked to them at the possible electoral college pass a to the wife has for donald trump a couple of hours. but what else should we be looking at helpful? washington correspondent, janelle, do monroe has 5 things. here are the 5 things to watch out for on election night.
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and number one, trunk tactics expect donald trump to claim victory at some point during the night. even if he's losing, the former president is almost certain not to concede in such a tight race way to get a pause, but we have to do it too big direct. he's already made repeated warnings about voter fraud, claiming he'll prosecute anyone found cheating if elected. there's a good one thing, you know what that one thing that goes to the that's the professional saves some say tons that rhetoric is, is way of preemptively questioning, accommodate harris victory if it happens. laying the groundwork for a legal challenge. and lawyers from both campaigns have been gearing up for months, actually years in anticipation the election results could very possibly getting wired and litigation for on that later. number 2, the jill sign effect. now obviously the green party candidate has no path to the
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presidency, which he is on the ballot. and to swing states like pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. and in such a tight race, a tiny votes here we're going to sign could tilt, develop more likely away from harris and towards trump. check out this attack ad from the democrats. you'll stein green party candidate for president. so why are counts close allies? helping her dine with keith. it's on 2016. wins in battle ground. she's not sorry. she helps counsel. in fact, by a vote for stein, it's really a vote for to find stance against us. support of israel's warren garza has also helped her gain traction among arab americans. this is a very dire situation that will be continued under both democrats and republicans. so we say there is no lesser evil in this race. number 3, abortion it's, the issue is also on the ballot in 10 states. and in most cases,
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voters are deciding whether to add constitutional protections on the state level to abortion. and some of the places involved like arizona and nevada or battleground states. now for his part, donald trump has struggled to find consistent messaging on the issue well, campbell, a harris has put the fight for restoring reproductive rights at the forefront of her campaign. and i promise you, when i am president of the united states and congress passes the bill to restore the protections of roe v wade, i will roundly sign it into law, the number for the senate and house, whichever party controls the house and senate will determine how much the newly elected president actually gets done. currently, the democrats have the slimmest of majorities, 51 to 49 in the senate, the upper chamber of the united states congress. while the republicans just about
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control the lower chamber known as the house. 34 seats are up for grabs in the senate, and the democrats can ill afford to lose any seats, especially since west virginia. senator jo, mansion retiring means for already down one. as for the house. well, that's widely considered a coin toss with both analysts giving the democrats a slight edge all $400.00. 35 seats are up for election with a few dozen races, considered competitive. and finally, a number 5 expect to wait for a winner, or each state has its own set of rules governing elections. for instance, the swing state of pennsylvania can't start counting absentee and mailing balance until election day. it's a big state, so that could take a while. suffice to say it is possible, we will not know the election result on the night of november 5 or 6 or 7, and with so much uncertainty that brings us back to the issue of legal challenges and litigation with experts warning that the longer the wait for
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a winter to be announced, the more opportunity for conspiracy theories to take hold and create doubt over the process. there's lots of reasons to be concerned when so much of the rhetoric and misinformation, and uh, sort of anti democratic campaign talking points are so prevalent and getting repeated so much out of mainstream party candidates. and that's not what you want to see. so there you have it 5 things to watch out for as low as 2020 for presidential election unfolds, setting you up for the hours and probably long days ahead for a political campaign advisor and digital media strategist, julia julia so found the law is still with us at judith, what do you think will be some of the wish? the issues to watch out for us both sitting on the phones. i mean, i've looked closely at the polling and the main issue seems to be the economy and the increasing costs of living. so a lot of people are focused on grocery prices, you know, cost of living, how much am i paying for rent and people are worried about it. there is
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a pole out in the field that's asking is the country on the right track or the wrong track. and people are responding and saying that's 72 percent of americans is saying we're on the wrong track on the wrong path. so that gives me a signal that people want a change. now do they want to change back to donald trump or change from back to from, from joe biden to cala harris? that's of course, a big question, but people are ready for some changes. now economy is the number one issue, inflation, number 2 issue is immigration, and it is closely followed by abortion. so both issues that, of course, drive republican or democratic turn out. and i think that's going to be the main battle. which one mobilizes the voters of comma harris or joe, by donald trump? i should say more that we don't forget the congressional races, the middle, the presidential hoopla, what are you going to be looking out for that? i'm gonna look for turn out again. i think bottom of the ticket is always influenced by top of the tickets, so i'm going to look at where is coming to harris performing. where is, of course, donald trump performing,
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we look at some of the key races in georgia. i'm going to try to figure out latino, turn out african american turn out down in georgia over in pennsylvania. and i think that's going to give me an index, whether we're going to see vast majority of turn out, and that's most certainly going to influence the congressional races. well, tell me about it would just tell them to about one of the, the trump routers that you attended, where the full, the president refused to go off on a mag ramble. but she found as effective. yeah, i mean he calls it the wave where he says, i'm going to go off on a we found there is one issue. and the 2nd issue, i'm gonna leave it all together. the specific thing that i have minded is when he talked about a lot of muskets. and he talked about the spaceship that went into space and then came back and it was captured. and he describes it in great detail. not this is just some rambling and excuse me, but nonsense that he's talking about on the final leg of this election campaign when he could be talking about issues. but then i thought to myself, he is describing something that is unique. and he's always talking about making america great again, and that is
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a specific example of american exceptionalism. nobody else can shoot a rock it up in space and bring it back. and as he was talking, i noticed i had vivid pictures in my head. now, other people might see it differently, but i thought there was a specific reason why he does, and he says only we in america can do it. the guy who does it is supporting me. i can be that guy who can do it again. i'm not saying donald trump is wanting to selection. i'm not, but i'm saying is the same. yeah. same way of communicating, okay. that's an it's it's, it's about the hot not just, that's right. that has a judas of stay with us. last section. we're going to talk about the international picture because that's what it says in the us exercise that democratic franchise giving germany policy politicians a waiting to find out the identity of the next us president with trepidation fell in, says it will foster productive relations with the web is elected, but a 2nd, trump presidency, could spell trouble. the kingship between germany and the u. s. is
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thriving. what may have been jo biden's last 4 in troop as president was in fact to berlin. here he was award in germany's highest honors. the grand cross of the order of merit, where germany, the french say whither united states has been, is now and will always be ex, essentially important. biden's lifelong commitment to the transatlantic relationship and focus on foreign policy helped us determine friendship. blue key in german chancellor shows see eye to eye on support for ukraine and nato. the us is germany biggest trading partner. and berlin stance on china has increasingly aligned with washington. expectation is that we've come a la harris as president. the report would continue on the same truck ease. i will probably play a more important role and,
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but i'm pretty sure that the trans atlantic relationship to the partnerships will remain full. it's a far cry from the days when donald trump repeatedly locked horns with former german chancellor on going to america's back. when he was president trump or regularly criticize germany's defense spending and bash, michael's immigration policy for his presidency can be considered a low point in the relationship between washington. number land. i was fistful. not only because germany, but uh, i would say the style, the government in style of, uh, president trump. um, but particular towards terminate because of, uh, it has like trade with isolation as trumps. threatening to cut support for ukraine and slab tariffs on all imported goods. it's hard to imagine a harmonious relationship if he gets back into the white house, germany's ruling parties, fuel berlin is more prepared this time for one having taken on more responsibility for its own defense. the conservative opposition disagrees on side,
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does not speak the frontier. the german government has to be blamed for at least for the past 4 years for not doing enough to secure a of a big a european sovereignty on security. in defense of topics, the german government says it will stay friends with us regardless of who ends up in the white house. polls show that 2 thirds of germans would prefer a comma le harris says us president. and then political berlin, there appears to be a consensus that with the president is carmella harris. the you westerman friendship for sans on more solid ground. that's a pick up some methods that transatlantic, with judas vandal. i'm just tired of. and the report that judas have is probably both ends prefer uh candidates. so for president the have however, being points of friction with the, by the administration of, of course. and look,
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you know, every american presence 1st can look out for the interest of the united states. and i think it is, you know, completely false to think that cala harris is going to be exactly like joe by joe biden. has probably the greatest trans atlantic this over the last 50 years. he's been the phone relation committee, he's probably attentive the munich security conference, more than anyone else. and calmly. harris, of course, has a completely different story. she's been a senator, she's been a prosecutor, but she has not been involved in transatlantic relationship building as has joe biden. so i think things are going to change. now when we look at specific policies, especially when we look at ukraine. this of course continuations with common le harris compared to what donald trump has been saying, how we would pull the plug 1st on weapons, but also on financial support for the ukraine. so i think there is a significant difference. so when it comes to tears, the things that donald trump has threatened, of course,
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is different from the policies that come layers. it's going to carry out, but it's not going to be jo bite and then we will have to get used to a harris administration as well. okay. so that no, no, necessarily, uh, know, necessarily continuation, but of course a come to presidency and it's going to be something completely different. oh, absolutely. i mean, starting with the rhetoric and we saw the pictures of angela merkel, of course, sitting with donald trump. there's a different buy button, of course you need sort of vibes and relationship building in the sphere of international politics and of course diplomacy. and i think that's going to be easier with kimberly harris. but again, if the economy in the us continues to be stagnant, the way it has been, people are going to look at couple of harris to turn up the heat as well. and she's going to put america 1st just like donald trump will be. it's gonna be a different slogan, but it's going to be tough for us economically as well. in less than a minute. i'm totally about how trump actually might be right. it is time for europe to grow up and take responsibility for its own defense and its own defense.
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well, look, when i'm talking to republican voters just saying why in the world shall we be paying for a war halfway across the world. we've got our own problems. i think they have a reasonable argument they're making. so i think we do need to step up. and if donald trump were to pull out all of a sudden there's a new frontier in ukraine. there's a new, a space that we need to extra actually secure and a europe that we need to secure, so we'd better step up quickly. okay, political campaign advisor and digital media stresses judas on the thank you so much for the last. uh huh. i found. so i'm not, is that a, a more on line of calls and is that continuing coverage of the usaa election? the oven heights here on the w, i looked at the,
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the 77 percent investigates kidnappings, across africa, fear and uncertainty in nigeria. why i sleepy the night and secret abductions in kenya is trying to silence us on the site for us of the mix on d. w. all that's left is a grave. and then slide buried, manuel saw that it was a patch on his wife,
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and soon he calls it faint. but the catastrophe was caused by blood for a new highway a chinese construction projects in columbia. with no regard for the logo in 60 minutes on d. w. the shows similar rents more than 6 times. this is what i have to spend right from 50600 currently more than 100000000 people worldwide ever before. you know, this is a very difficult journey and one's 3 is very hard to
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take everything audio stuff, find out about some on storage, info, migrant, reliable news to migrate the now i believe we do have save, most of some people now even may nibble to says below that banking update logos, these. thank you. my uncle lets see in the file. i can go up to my village and you'll see, but t a now would yeah, every n u a go everywhere visit. i used to feel safe because that a lot of community center here, that's right. but really, really most of the places and let's see ring back, girls. remember that rallying cry calling for the.


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