tv Charlotte Knobloch Deutsche Welle November 9, 2024 9:15am-10:01am CET
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you're watching dw news from berlin up next. we have a documentary on the remarkable story of sharing lots of economic only survived the holocaust because a farmer's wife passed her off as their own child kept her hip. that's after short bracket, he'll be back again. something extra. the why do humming does not get drunk. why do go to tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need per day press stop hans, praying for help. find the offices, get smaller on dw science and i'll take 10 of you to do with every survivor has an unbelievable story and for this is a true story. so this is the view is usually the difficult interview for us.
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found out that they were expecting a child of the assessment last looks about the hitler had just come to power. but as well. and it says to india and the must come on the hub, eric, my father could see that the country where he was born. this is london, which he loved deeply because of all the was lost to jews of a few uniforms. and he certainly didn't want to start a family at that time if i'm really indecent. so basically what the
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situation and can, if you say he switched vendor to, to his very religious parents were of course against him soon he was their favorite son indeed. and imagine how they felt that he didn't want to follow the path they'd seen for him instead of getting hurt. isn't about my name with the interest of. so my mother agreed to convert to judaism. you just have to be sure and she did. and then they got married and see i'm then okay, i thought that the
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who should i try to advocate scene to set my father made him see that it made no sense to run a business during those times. cute. sat down to submit a gauge and said i couldn't. he could tell his regular customers felt uncomfortable going to a jewish store, even if he hadn't quality products. the mishap wasn't enough for him to keep going . school devoted to keep him out. of a dis, a rough image can you could also give me up despite it's a few of the nicholas, what do i have done to get a bundle with my grand mother then gave up her beautiful apartment, rosie, i still remember the big clock with such a nice chimes or shootings lock up there. it's can children have all kinds of
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memories that you wouldn't imagine would last, but they do the same completely. couldn't do this when it was just a normal middle class home and for her include the conditions, hose even with him. but this of a c flush that then come that these and then my mother gave in to the gestapo is pressure to magic this minute. and we'll talk to some folks to get supplements though. so i can come to see my father told me they could stop or brought her in a few times to let her know that if she stayed with a jew, she would suffer the same fate. as she did say that found to be a perfect could be different from what was planned for the jews as it's a 350 looking forward to the scene to see if she missed. she did so much for me, let me try it on you. but i of,
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she made learning religion fun, i see one message and also took me on little trips and excursions for income and have to do with me. she was an excellent substitute, might actually be on to them as a supervisor. so those are finished and hopefully i'm going to with us. let's see what i noticed recently the she was a real lady at the time. i didn't say back then she always wore a narrow black velvet ribbon around her neck. small is some front here and then i would skip the slip to she was even wearing at the last time i saw her, the domain. it says that this is this, the children from the entire neighborhood used to play in the big front yard of an apartment building across the street. girlfriend. i'm in the front defense of it. isn't that guns and gigs even though we tug? she helped it's a visa event, he's thinking back and see guns,
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but i don't think they even knew i was jewish. they were, at least it wasn't mentioned that since gordon is too much to see it with this lesson, that's up to there was a really big, heavy gauge. but it was actually a, she had a student open and i thought it was stuck. just going to open it up. good luck gets off. this is, it would be a game thought of us as it was, but the caretaker, who i knew then came up to the gate or the check. you come thomas of, of, of, of the store to the sector. she said, you know, go home. our children are not allowed to play with a jewish child. of the 6 though he couldn't have been having it. i saw all my friends hanging on the bars of the fence looking at me. how many so cool finally gets us be hanging. so and then i thought they wanted to play some kind of game with me. few more then they went away the same done vicky gun. and then when i realized that i was alone, i started crying hysterically and then on the phone and went home. so the key to
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the kick, i mean, my nichols, my grand mother didn't see it and didn't know why i was back the over the most to see me a chance to explain it to me, the average. and that's the 1st time i heard the word this would you? i didn't know what it meant to me so that this can be good if you always hoped to move forward. you should just, i guess i thought that everyone was the same so that there are no differences, this se mazda sees. that was the 1st time i realized we were different. and were seen differently than the people around me read. you mentioned them a might in some single home class, the to some of himself at that side. once get psyched of my father, what to do? my father was disbarred as an attorney and became what they called a console ent. he could only defend jewish people. judy should mention naturally, it was just a charade of joke. initial jewish people no longer had any rights. you didn't
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mention of them, thomas from kinder to shoot me a the, to the nazi era. when the number of laws gave the nazis free reign to terrorized use for them or to hassle them into or for the gestapo to torture jews. in the know the anyone who was summoned to the gestapo didn't know if they would come out alive, pollutants who valued at the end of it a little have didn't because because stuff of it's equipment was to me still believe them to be that i was come there comes the in the, in the they always came in the early morning model still when it was still dark and rang the doorbell loudly. i'm sure i'm delighted if, if some of the 1st time we were very scared, it was the men short of it. so the next time we knew who it was seemed, i think the clay always came in their leather coats and their military hats. i guess to picture it, exactly. do you see it happen to seasonal hard? this is kent. this is victor. you should have to, you know, as a special ed,
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this is done so, but it's with us as an inside pickup. what was it then they came and took the men and the families in front median up the whole time. sometimes just for interrogation is not so hard. so sometimes to send them to the how quickly the name, the how was already known among jews because they knew what happened there. we didn't mention that norman fulton county. and my once they came during the day and kept ringing the doorbell though it's, i can't say if my father knew or just had a feeling, so you have to have the skills to as well as he probably needs. we would turn them around. heartland had to x x here, he went out the back as they were coming in the front. and because he did, he didn't say anything, but we'll be just vanished. and so quickly session, that official at the should be the hope is when i asked him later where he went on, he said he was in the caretaker's apartment and see on it a little. they were very nice people, i'm right. but the gestapo came in and my grandmother told him,
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he wasn't there. he roy, me through. so if this was an issue was a nice middle class apartment with lots of rooms, i would say search them all and saw me standing there on time. they asked me where my father was saying 5 days before i knew, but i didn't say a word and then he's gone. excuse me. he was when i didn't answer one, slaughtered me twice across the face and asked me again, a gets that i guess i can get so as to what then further i cried because it really hurt. somebody must have realized he wouldn't get anything out of me then you can leave me on phone with us and then they left the runners with them and everyone was very worried until i come down again. but it's just, i was just a child. i'm just saying we say a good, we never forget that terrible pain, like in the b as in terms of i said one day we were walking on the test. easy and visa should
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know time. nice day we had lots of people around looks on his clips. his green car suddenly just stopped in the middle of the road. thanks of meeting and meeting the from the strasser to man and leather coats got out. and demanded id from the people who were walking. the took it up to come and sit on the d moment. i felt a hand pulling me away and putting my hand on a stroller of these, a 100 of them came double clicked. a horrible situation. this is a new 1st. what is it to it? so what if anything is done, i looked at my father who signaled that i shouldn't look at him with. so for staying the same as you me. so if you consume 3 of the men, we're writing something down i know for this i'm to show time, but i'm going to skip says that it's been done 10 a married couple letting me away. switch the immediately asked where i left wanted, and they told me to run home quickly and explain what it happened,
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lotion in the house, and so it goes to see if this is happening, vicky and seeing. i saw them take them away or maybe get done prevention so does reach me and i really didn't think i would see him again. it could be so be to see by proof because i knew what was happening to ship to. he denied her too much with at least had experienced too much of what people said that she needed to lead . our family was affected by these things to the oh, hold on. the other families suffered similar fates for the year. i was getting them, no jewish family was fair to through the comes to mind, felt them, it's getting them. they took my father to extra rasa to the police department in the, in the extra us able to this will have this done all again. the police had helped quite to you, and another set of the it is at this lucy is cookie, later tells me what happened in the fields. he met a lot of well known men,
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their only men a minute. and when it was my father's turn, he said, his name is eke sleep, 9 months and automatically selects a secret island, and showed the in, on the man sitting in the middle, looked at him, and told him to step out of the line. if the employees thought that was going to be his death sentence, he didn't know why he was supposed to step aside. and so, i mean, i'm the none of the others had to not have to accept my the man said norland, because you don't recognize me. and my father really hadn't recognized him and the man said, and i'll tell you why you should recognize me. so i don't see what you're interested in. so i see how much i'm writing and i'm getting have you once represented me in a legal matter. and as he should write news, i should, when i didn't have the money to pay my bill, you told me so much so. okay, then pay it when you can see to make it sort of kate until august is when she
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couldn't. and now i can repay you, it's kind of go home to the house. things like that also happened that's. that's okay to the camera, not doing the same as an actual deduction. then came the 9th of november 1938 estimates. my father had been warned to get his family out of the house is something was being planned against the jews this other than
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a 2 foot michael didn't hesitate because i wanted to take my grandfather with us. it's this is fair to go see, but she wouldn't leave because it would attract attention. she stayed at home, it was november and cold. i still remember her putting my cap on me and tying my scarf. let me see what this said for and he wanted to warn his friend counselor, which it so we crossed the valley and saw the broken windows in the roof in a department store. there is a new phone cove. there were a lot of jewish businesses back then she could shift. some people were looting things, but some were standing and watching the scene of a we didn't stop. i think we just kept on walking until we reached the area around sampling. i tore square. oh then where counsellor would show lift the gene forms, same thing the top let's to bon it does it does uncommonly,
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i'm sure before we even reached his house, we saw a green police car. and grandpa rode shields came out just as we arrived. and he wasn't my real grandpa shoot, so he's me, but i always called him back because he had so much white hair and i had lost my own grandfather for you. but i say i didn't have that on the come of those. usually if he came out or was dragged out by the arms by 2 men to the left and then um, get going on with the bandage here on his forehead. and it was soaked with blood as difficult as it seemed to shut about the applicants. it had been scuse, and he saw us through the 4th and immediately looked away. it was nation with those contacts. he didn't want the man to see that we knew him see nothing pending, and they shoved him into the car and kicked him in disposal. and the assist me sure
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. do you have the meeting, susan laska, who i've had the use of that was the last we ever saw of him. as my father said, we had to get out of there quickly to to relief as i get some of this, i'm just you see i watched him thinking about what to do next scene, but then he said we were going to go to where a good friend of his loved helps the name and something that he didn't want to take the main road. because he loved nature. he knew his way through the country from the image that we walked all the way from the city center to counting to the castle months, 4 months, a married couple and an epa. when we arrived, my father told them what had happened to him 1st because she is on mister kasselman said without hesitation. you'll stay the night with us except it's and that was that. on this one of them. oh, the far next the next day we went back in this way. everything was back to normal to normal as the
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the duplicate ceilings. so the 1st deportation trains of the people were taken out of the trains and led straight to the pits and all shot the fall of them. that's a of a eat. but the ones who did it, the police or whoever. they told their families what happened. do you have this in for median make it to because apparently they didn't like seeing small children.
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and so i mean, so toddlers is eating, the youngest was half a year old, so was sore on the train. 1961 was simply shot. it's been thrown, split to the info, it shows the dc they put the 2 on in the home, the, the gustavo didn't organize the deportations themselves. and then for us it's it, you, did you get minded? there was no jewish community anymore. just an office in the back of the house and they appointed a jewish representative. there's nice, i guess i missed your call check. oh, never forget him. i forget your name, but i can't forget his name. you can reach me for case a see, i can see him. i knew him and he had to fill out the list with people's
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acquaintances problem. although he knew it was a death list or this one did is the let's. those were the last minutes with my grand mother used to for us, or i can still see her these and those horrible official of mine for like is he told my father there was a childrens and adults and a seniors transport. and he had to put someone on a list of the and most of the lease visits and decided not to spend money. my grand mother volunteered, of course a to suspend and he can touch base of some point. she said good bye to me and told me she was going to a spa and would be back to. is this what the word spa has sounded dreadful to me ever since? cut this for this would help so fresh, but you're by sobbed. and so did she to this can you can imagine
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that the end of my childhood, the impact of a fridge better on that. my father had become terrified, seemed just because it had come so close to his family. gotten so close to his family that he was looking for way to get me away from it all of a sudden consent to infinity. industries with a v as he didn't know how, but he just didn't want either imaged. uh huh. it is a he later said that if anything had happened, he would have sacrificed himself on the sea,
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called my uncle's former, made in a village near nuremberg, new and back to the someone from the little village post office had to go to her home and tell her that a mister norland wanted to speak to her, but this guy had something that's hard to imagine today in these days of modern technology and do some a lot of easily. so when college of to, for the big mistake the, so 1st to be hard to get to actually decision that she didn't know why she was being summoned and that with what she knew the name norland, you must us and know her lunch. and then she asked if she could take me in for a while because of the proof on the and i'd like to set up submission if you're in a good side of name of it, that brother is having fun of the very sick. and so we took a trip that we didn't where the yellow stars needs to get. so my father told me to sit in one carriage and he would sit in the other day to start the soda. and that i
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should look out of the window at every station of in let me see him. if i eat a bite, eat i just stated something instead of ocean of energy. and if i saw the s s getting on the train, it could come. toby, british deed, i was to get off immediately and wait for him at the station, stating when he found hope of seeing about how much weight that you fact i asked him later what he'd been thinking of of dish. well, i was supposed to wait for him in the station if they had these meet to get the p s . s, had come to know some of them if they had taken him yet, what would have happened to me at the exec decides? he said he didn't know either. this is easy to say, but people went through a lot of. it's kind of him about home, but the train wasn't being watched as we arrived in nuremberg and walked for 2 and a half hours to little village in indian ending jane and left this one special. there were 2 sisters,
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one of whom was my savior. and an 80 year old father via the the sons were fighting in the war, but the little creek and my brothers and my father kept pacing back and forth in the room. i still see him back and forth, back and forth from sun com to take the homes and then they came back and said they had decided to take me in for a while to name and over the phone. so, but if we couldn't find a legal way, i would have to leave the move just, i wouldn't be allowed to stay this message. we did sort it with a young boy and as a thing consideration, which means that these is is said, if i can't describe my feelings when i said good bye to my father coverage to, to come. but i thought i would never see him again. ready to be off, luggage to the top. this is my decision. see i think was
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a terrible feeling have a good go to these, but it was good that this woman, her name was in z throat, said cvc. she was extremely pious, but she was very, very religious as okay, i'll be sure of the task in manchester. village women saw me of course and said she had brought her bastard to live with her. that's what they called. and so legitimate child it's, that's the bunk category. pressed. that's not enough to lease it to a stroke fear and also a, she was cute. she wasn't married, she'd never had a husband give up and they said it to her face so it's can see she gets on that. is that too much way to accept this is this kind of what she felt that had come from god above on her. so she knew she could take it. this is what she said.
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yes, she told everyone and they threw the word bastard in her face. all of those years, the bulk of them didn't cook. that's how people are choosing mention of them. what's the issue? so that's phone food. i had to go to the villages rationing officer and i came to still see the swastika. he had on his green uniform, grew the older phone. and then he had an office in that so and he got up to meet us as we were walking in seen is 1st soon. so you must have seen us from the window that gets in. uh huh. he said, oh, so you brought your bastard as a good deal at the bunker. he didn't want to know anything about me, leaving somebody coughing about because he was just responsible for issuing ration cards and the matter was settled and so forth. and so that, that was legal each while because the
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destruction opportunities that bridge the leading, telling the village priest everything health less than her burden the city mothers . that's it. but when i think back village the he did a lot to help to look at the a 2 to thank you, had to see if he could list it. he had to take me in to the church here on the putting in india arranged everything. so nobody noticed on this, i don't chief of a soul, this k not give me a to new issues and tuck. but when i had to go to the church early every morning and stuff until an s s battalion occupied the village from the for the for them is a spot the young they were retreat reading from the americans on of links to clouds
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. and then i'm going to already here the shots, and or tillery fire, and the distance or the template from, from the fan to get a does. monday, the sunday the priest was afraid because he didn't know how long they were going to stay. and she loved the common and nobody knew what was happening on a piece for how long they would stay for when the americans would come on, come the on that kind of the common. when i went into the shelter, forced labors from poland were already in there, frozen, and main women and men. the women were crying. they was so scared and scope to steve, the semi s s left pieces and the americans liberated the village. the i'm, i kind of have those stuff be fred on. so they went up the hill and sat on their tanks and threw gum to the children. i seem to, just like you see in the movies in
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a few ponds and can say something to the kogan with. so he will discover he as evinced, it's hard to imagine them as well. so and then the war was over. the degrees of the, the pine, shopping leap in my heart. i had already buried my father. i had known about all the horrors when i was still with him. as he spoke with into someone that was convinced that i didn't have any one left about the phone, but soaked the associate's name on the main shop. i'm not sure, but my father came some months later get up from the house that we're going to take
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. and he'd been in the hospital and wasn't in any condition or anything, but not for anything. it's going to be a lot. everything had been destroyed. no news, no post office dot com, then there was nothing left. i just got out of a vague and with and made. and i was driving a wagon with a double team of cows when he showed up shipping of block. they don't move very fast. beginning of the social, you know, then i heard a car coming up behind me and he always doesn't alter. he gave me a comp, the link to the left cow hated cars the you have to and she had to act out. those are the is on the hudson and in the temple is because it's so this will have as i got down off the wagon student front of her and hugged her so she wouldn't see the cars out at least the bottom and then sees it passed us and she said, i see me and then stopped about 2030 meters in front of me. thing. i've got houses for god's sake. now i have to drive past that car with this crazy cow the what she
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hated cars. it's, do you want to she would have hated this modern world as a because anyway, as i got closer, someone got out is why my and it was my father. oh, my goodness. it was, you can't imagine the ship that you had friends there on the farm. all the animals were my friends, this one, many, they knew my secrets, everything. and then they listened to even for some reason was at least i pretended they did. on the 4th, which is likely for me, i didn't want to leave my friends. is this what that was? the worst thing i could imagine, but she said i had to do flushed it and couldn't think most of this of a tune this way. i didn't want to go back to munich, just me thing i didn't want to be with the people who had ostracized us, so insulted us like which is bad at us,
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who hated us. feelings have some. and i knew they were still there. seen honey. and that was right to the one on the, even the caretaker. they were all there and the other one. so, and everyone was so friendly and so nice and so kind to be happy and gauge ones and thanking god we were back. unhealthy is going to be flushing. you wouldn't have believed it. come as this is vicky surely if you hadn't known what humans were like before you did that. i mentioned to people as they really are to mention the discharge many issues that was my 1st question is where's grandma owns another minute and he told me that she hadn't survived to believe that for
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china did them as no one who stayed wanted to stay here to every couple. every person who did stay had their own reasons. somebody said, have to say i loved my children and wanted the best for them to make. so we stayed 50 just based on to susie mcgee, please. the receipts, understand your name and you know you're a young person and you have such anger of the physical gets transferred to various people, research like people who lives that she could manifest itself in the people you meet when you live in the country that did that this was, that was very difficult. so a very, a very difficult you didn't mention tv,
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the jewish people who re settled did not resettle in germany. these, but in the land of the murders land. basically this was the land of the murders and get settled that way of the jews lived in a kind of self inflicted ghetto, a. d, d i'm. there was an unseen bond between us, at least at the um, the other mail that we were connected on just wanted to see what was given me that we were on the one side, the victims. and he said, this is what i decided to do. and the murder is on the other, so it's even decided that the . ringback the not see ships get touched,
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you have to lie to yourself beat. and as you pretended to be a person who had never actually existed, that this most of the, most of what you had to live with. it might have says you tried to find people who had nothing to do with it within the scrubs. if you've got these people that exist and they did a great deal to see if he could last it. you tried to find people for whatever reason, who had not supported the national socialist system, 3 of us the, these are these, they were your support associated cc me me to get that. they were there is warranty from people and it's got, it's got they were simply afraid. it's got c as in this as soon as i can remember it very well. so couldn't i hear you say i clicked on it. some of them were even in official positions in the neighborhood. no, it was, but we knew that every sitting judge there had a colored past and this is my father, knew it to the
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happenings prevent destruction. so nobody talked about it and it's neither amongst the victims, nor amongst the culprits that either nobody spoke about it with a next generation. he said he couldn't get another 2 shots each. i need a long time, many years until my children were much older occlusal than we lived amongst ourselves. study it too, but isolated from the rest of the world until, excuse me, my older children were never allowed to bring school friends home and sure we should for the short losing. and i felt so pretty and the younger ones did. but do you had a a that was progress that's that's,
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that's what an intake to the shooting young. this is, it's many years later and see perhaps 20 years ago, hadn't i got a call from a man? so this, i'm so and so, and if you have time, i'd like to talk to you in the end about your past and hopefully with different kinds of case visitors. i agreed and we met the live on the when i arrived he had a pile of pictures. he taken in a camp over the years, but he didn't say what they were before. he says he introduced himself and told me he had been the head of the new that's whole from deportation campus loc as well where people had had to stay for a few days before their deportation. the pup, i'll give you the tab, says you into westboro who is here and why do you need me successful in?
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and so he told me he wanted me to know that he felt very guilty of research, showed that 1st he had been enthusiastic and did what he was told, but he had felt guilty, unexpressed, his remorse. my name's all he wanted to tell me personally, that he couldn't undo his crimes. and he gave me the big stack of photos that he had taken over the years at the camp and seeing that a supervisor. and that was it on the that's with the she, i mean it really affected me. i am a because i knew my grand mother had been there. it was part of her, the life she then had to live there, leading to sit down to and was still at this the. it was the star test. so begin. this is this camp in mid that's whole from the way the jews were put into the train cars. do you wouldn't think these buckles as it gets you to
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the ground? it's any, any we now need political education, starting and kindergarten. obviously as i think it's very important to give young people political education, but then you know that they grow up together as i've supported should be don't people with us as our kindergartens and elementary and high schools have both jewish and non jewish children, grandchildren, given us whom we usually should be with me soon as you can. now it's so important that the children grow up together. that's the kingdom and that both sides see that the other is no different from themselves. listed under the cottage on this, it says $16.00 desktop dead. another one with the ton of remembrance has already
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been passed on to you. do this all the time of eye witnesses who can still testify to what they experience. what people experienced will soon be over any good side for by. yes, you are the ones with the duty and the task of maintaining these memories, the making. these escape, not only that you commemorate, but the people know that's one good thing that young people know what people can do to other people. as, as mentioned, mention i'm talking and you can only do that by remembering the, by commemorating the, by putting the facts on the table on to the and the next generation of the non jewish population is very important in maintaining this collaboration and remembrance together. and by that's a field that's helped me with the police, let's not to recount what happened was, but just to guarantee that it doesn't happen again. that is very, very important to me. this is my assignment to all of you, but i've got most of the
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in good shape. excuse me, can you repeat that? experts mean hearing losses on the right? the main reason is excessive headphone use and the young people are especially interested. how should we take care of our hearing? story using q tips is not the solution. in good shape. in 30 minutes, d, w. and the diesel closest to my demo underneath that
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heroes with a big round eyes are driving tanks and shooting live ammunition. why are militaristic comics so popular in japan? and what does german history have to do with it? in 90 minutes on d w, the the, the dream was within reach. she'd become a star in turkey overnight. then a man took everything from her. with the help of his family and music, she rebuilt her life. and then her sister also became a family scout by hatred and mother and the daughters i en route to work for change . i will sing my song. maybe my voice will be heard seeking
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justice for the victims of genocide starts november 21st on d, w. the this is the the news life from berlin. the united nations condemns the high number of civilians killed in the war and gaza. it says almost 70 percent of people kill so far and the conflict of being women and children. it's accusing israel's ministry of a systematic violation of humanitarian law. also coming up is really under european leaders express. i rage after is ready funds are attacked, following a football game and such government fighters, the perpetrators will be prosecuted and report suggests donald trump is preparing to withdraw the us from the powers climate agreement. again, this comes as more signal to merge of watts to expect.
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