tv Afrimaxx Deutsche Welle November 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET
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during everyday lives, but honestly try to do the working 32 hours a week to be better for the environment than 40. but of course we shouldn't be 90 the, the living scientists just had subscribe. whatever you listen to about cost the bus. so to and of course is go together, which course is providing reliable transport in the most inaccessible places. so it makes sense that horse racing also plays a part in but so to culture, the royal cup in the 7 town of my highest sublet. so to brings the glam to the national past time. but 1st, let's see what else is coming on the so today we get the low down unlike one got the famous cause stuff of bread is so beloved by the people of kinshasa. find out how to be now, it'll be on my from gonna celebrate individual ality, an african identity through his lens. and we may tell them our teams from angola,
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a fashion model who's taking up the fight against albina, them discrimination and see the commodity. and you're watching as the meg, the a talented south african saying pretty and a is taking the international, embarrassing by storm. she's now playing the role of keel. petra, a dream come to, let's see how she's gone from humble beginnings, to sing for royalty. the pretty and papa on stage something. she would never hook down to 3 months or little girl from south africa. discover how pretty young day became mold and just
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a queen on stage and sent for royalty. for me, performing is not really performing. i live on stage, my soul becomes alive. i smell like there's a smile. there's an in a joy that kind of explain. it's much more deep, but then just be an opera singer. i'm ministering sound. literally, a debut as the addiction queen. clear puncher in handles. the rock opera, julio, chase, that a is both a challenge and a very special role, but pretty in day to portray is one of the most legendary characters. and of course, she's an african queen and i'm from the tip of africa. so it is very, i don't know if it's something that, but just the me effect of see how have character is the trade competitor are the
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characters that have played from the european ladies. she was introduced to mass audiences in 2023. when she sang for the british king charles, the 3rd and queen camilla in westminster abbey. she's the 1st african soto it to sing at carnation. it was the on line so fall of princes international korea, which began with her studies at less scala in milan in 2011. pretty was born to a family of musicians in 1995 in a small town in eastern south africa. assigned many a company to singing in the school and church choirs, but she only had all problem for the 1st time at 16 in a 10 2nd commercial. it was 2001 with a home with family watching tv. and then i heard this music in the background and because the document you it and it was read the past, the music behind the positive voice that really invited me to this amazing form in
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world ok. mitchell. she was invited to london to record a studio version of sacred fire. 2 the titles looking jones assistance and queen camilla's coronation was written by composer sarah claus, especially for pretty and days performance to sing and compose it with personally chosen by king charles but his coronation to to continue to collaborate. sarah, claus records, another truck, the new album with pretty she just brings that debt to every note she brings the debt she brings the draws from the well with within her so beautifully. 2
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the transfer has and in frankfort, pretty un day gets ready for her performance and this tact in moments like this. she sometimes things back to her youngest. so discovering opera at 16. what would she tell her if you hadn't said yes. when you 1st heard those 10 seconds, non of it would have come true. so that coverage that you had in that small, unique moment of 10 seconds of your life and saying yes, thank you so much for that then for not giving up no matter what. whether it's clear, patrick o, as a soto, is that the coronation of king charles printing in day the soprano from south africa, has long been singing at the top leak of international opera. the,
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the a queen of the opera, who certain be hitting the high notes in her korea. the royal cup is list such as premier racing event. it is now and it's 2nd year and comes with all the glitz and glamour. were here was much that the rustle president of the so to talk except to find out more how and why did you decide to go into this event? there was a need to select this um call shortly between as you know of us. so to and hospice come a long way. there was only mode of transport into sitting. so this is part of our culture. and now that we doing this in the 2nd year, we just have a 200 years of, of the, of the country. that means a lot to us to so it does control even with it's not just where to from here we want the events of defining the says searching and we want to spend a bit that, i mean, also pens should be seen doing is going to think vision of using them in the, in new or for,
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and other countries. thank you so much for your time that. thank you. david king said the bustling capital of the democratic republic of congo, one humble this stands out amongst the rest, clung got made from cassava, this traditional bridge loved by many for its best activity. and deep connex, send it to congress, east coast. somebody who needs german brit when this quote go. well, in contrast to the capital of the democratic republic of congo, president think congress is better than the risk of staple foods out there is a performer quite for me. whether it's my chronic dentist for rice referred to in english as customer bread quan got can be found on every corner, often shuts up from small injuries to fancy restaurants. but what's so special about congo not to acquire? not only is delicious, be based in super court, can accompany any kind of food more about that later. but 1st,
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so let's find out how long that is made for the one that goes up to mixed longer. i stop by and keep the same think you can get everything is referring to a case of a tube is that was so in water for 3 days. this initial process hope saw from the cause of a tube is and may have initiated fermentation, which kind of hotspots, flavor and texture. so how difficult is it to make hunger, psychiatrist, because it's something that is complicated to make. i can easily see, but i don't see myself making one more secret one to make one guy. you only need one ingredient. this eye clinic and in the metric new of constructive color, the culture is made only from customer cubits customer by which to native to south america was brought to africa by portuguese trade is the 16th century and has since become a staple in many african diets, doesn't go off of this,
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so that's so you can start the process by watching the for maintenance and pound us to best buy, really, to remove all debt and impurities to even use a 5th to remove or, and one to the elements to keep only the top corners russell for the i need to take this to see it's to make sure there's no fiber limits inside. we want to know if we don't do this, compute, this will remain in that's so the congo was nice talking with the secret to after removing all and what's events. place the pace in a search for 24 hours. but why would you do that? and then i'll set of wheel watson to now make congress our to avoid it. i must place the paste in a set for 24 hours to mid to what's the gym out completely. now, this piece has done 24 hours. the next step is to put in there by scene, so that i can start looking at the
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as the paste remains on the fire, it gradually hardens. why does the cooking? you can begin meeting it much like the process useful for food until she's happy with it yellow. so with that, when you are done needing it on the fire, you put it again in a bus to mix it to some unclipped one secret 3. meeting the cook's dough mixed with some uncooked one for an extended period will help make out on the smooth at the end of the process and perform the mama. we prefer it to be very smooth. and even with your hand, you will see that it's nice secret for often needing the dough was placed onto putting on the leaves because these leaves at flavor and help retain moisture during cooking temples on valley view, wrapped in plastic like other people to you won't get that flavor because you must be dropped of face nice. and they'll be left to cook over the fire for one to 2
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hours. i'm like german brand, which takes approximately one day to make, depending on the type plan that takes a total of $3.00 to $4.00 days. to publish a procedure, which is why i appreciate we meant and prepaid one of us because it requires a lot of a 4th and time from them. secret 5, congo has regional variations. while honda is coming in, d r c and color brazzel is also found in various central african countries where it's brit probation and presentation varies. it's known by different names such as bubble on the ongoing come route on these ok. repeat that in the bone or the quantum equitorial gimme on this. most of the i'm sending you our is the base you ask on page 2 african countries. quantum, our form that is delicious justice our ongoing and you were telling me i was rights . one guy as a cultural and social significance. it's not just food but
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a part of cultural identity. it is also prepaid for special occasions, communal gatherings, and celebrations. found y'all's old buffet, when they put it up, it puts it in town. oh goodness. as for the congo from me is versatile and can be prepared with a wide variety of dishes, such as group neat and fish, beans or spices. choose not to qual, not our one that is delicious. the based in super we do, we update sites. have you ever tried conger, then go ahead. big start. when you come to construct that there's no need to carrier to them in breathing your legs, our condo, we'll do the job to case of the king says that if you're ever in town, get the usual try this. i kind of read for yourself. now this would not be the royal cup without being graced by his majesty king this the of the 3rd. why do you feel events like this are important for by so about so to love pulls for exists. so
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. ready that was racing event of this nature brings that people together with a column and celebrates and be happy. so that is the values and the importance of events of this nature. thank you so much for your time, your majesty. read sure. do i need to? thank you. thank you very much. now we're off tonight is area to meet welter, now and photographer. be now obama, who captures his personnel applicant stories. his unique in these red, white, and blue bags i'm noun, all of the world in south africa. as in bob way bags in germany as tuck and coffee and in missouri as gone, i must go. when he comes down to the story and narrative, it talks about migration. but did all be not will be on my know that this symbolism would be so cosmopolitan when he shot the series. i'm, you know, guy, we're going the project. got
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a lot of attention from it. some different positive was and i was so surprised because apparently it's not just the 9 year on, on actually going to be staying those bots of transcendent borders. now let's find out who this photographer is, who bolt the challenges, social norms while celebrating the complexity of nigeria and culture, and it stops where at home. of course, my 1st recollection of understandable photography was, was maybe it was about 67 years old or maybe younger. so we have this family tradition. my dad wasn't in to use his photographer who had an analog camera. so in every all of my siblings birthdays in my birthday, we would have a little photo shoots. so that was my 1st introduction to photography. and a couple of times i was in has a bit of another kid. i would sneak into my dad's room, my parents room and kind of fitted with the camera because also on these by a little small book elements being able to capture my siblings and i on
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a piece of paper. and i think looking back at it now, that's where the roots of my local photography were planted. been whose work focuses on exploring the human condition identity and the african heritage now lives in new york. what does it like to be in my gerry and in the usa? does he also have a hidden red, blue and white gun them was go bag, full of emotional baggage. been and then you're running in the us. you find yourself often craving for home and down to the food down to the people family of course. but you also create the connection that comes with the gnostic. then after the communal people. so i often find myself wanting to either create a work that is tied around my african heritage. i remember times way we would use the gun on myschoolbucks to trump. like i have those memories, you know, of my parents or myself and my siblings and my grandparents sending things to us,
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you know, using the gunner most go box to go to england or go to the us. or even on holiday, wherever we went slowly. now, the memories of happy days, but the band was given the name gunman. let's go with juliet expelled. 2000000 undocumented west african migrants in 1983 off of whom were from donna, this dirty red, white, and blue bags which they passed the belongings have since become a symbol of exclusion and intolerance. in his works. open the brakes with stereotypes, unconventional narratives, showing the diverse african identity in a global context. how does he feel when he returns to nigeria? does he still feel connected and that he belongs? does he know the comment trends in vibes? does he find inspiration here, or is his home country appealed place of memories? most of my expression i would say comes from
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a bit of both. sometimes it comes from the contrast of living abroad. so i see a certain thing that is not necessarily in nigeria, and then i want to talk about that. or sometimes when i travel here, i see something i want to highlight. um, so i guess it kind of plays back and forth. sometimes an african identity takes center stage in his works. why is it so important to him, to establish a new perspective on this? how does this origin changes motifs, and can his pictures also be read as an auto biographer, reappraisal? another thing i like to do with my work is because of my mother who i grew up with being a very strong independent woman. and you know, being very culture on our own right. i like to highlights women black women, especially in that same light, elegantly, not necessarily over sexual isaac, right, because a lot of the, the work fucking to day photography and video wise,
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especially for black women, a women in general is over sexual lives. but my work is more about bringing out their bravado, bringing out their essence, bringing out their confidence in imagery and video, and screen based art. and i want these narratives to pass on to other black people or other people of other races to say, this is what we are. we're not necessarily what you think the best people to tell. the stories are like an artist like myself, over the years open as work has evolved from simple portraits. 2 distinct images on society, deeply rooted in african heritage, will mix his work so special. i am 9 here in unable black mine. and i mean, i've got basically highlight these elements in the statics, which i'm are on a sort of this. all right, let's look at her look. i mean, so basically, my style of photography is recognized because i like to break down the elements
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when it comes to creating visual work, photography, the visual elements, right? but so in essence, you can't necessarily to read what it is about and you have to tell the story visually in this particular project, what's on it. so we're trying to tell the story of nigeria independence, the but it's a fusion between modern and old school. 19 sixty's right. time into that narrative of celebratory. so 89 zero's independence. but with the modern twist noticed that the visual elements and it is a green, white green but a little more than twist with the fascinated on your faces and best. so it's kind of tying to that narrative of old school, but more than at the same time, right. what makes it to be not so confident that he can break down pressure disease and barriers with his aut? how does he manage to invent images of a more inclusive and fair a society? while in reality, the opposite prevails. my work for domino the highlights,
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cartwright diversity as being able be nigeria and being black. and it's a wider audience. we're not these things to kind of have an appreciation and understanding of the work with every photograph taken. well, being that movie on my aims to splunk a deeper connection between people, reminding us that our differences, what makes us beautifully unique. we absolutely agree with that differences make as beautifully unique indeed. thank you. will be that over to and go with tell them our teams. a young fashion model is changing perceptions of all being of them by becoming the face of fashion. and i'm go lot and walking their regions biggest runways. he's all he's are set on the big fashion shoes in london, paris and milan. a stream is to walk with the biggest fashion brands in the world. so how is still the margins changing the perception of our business in in m gola,
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bringing his message of the varsity to the walls? biggest stages? let's check out growing up fillmore dreamed of becoming either a professional football uh, or a top generalist. but he and his brother had to become 2 challenges at one. firstly, his mother's struggle to provide for them with a good education. and secondly, the felt marginalized and disadvantaged by society due to be our business in demo, was often bullied during his school years. how did these affect he lives and above all, his lives, dreams for the because of building. i mean i had many limitations come to them in saying that i have low self esteem. by that i didn't believe i was capable of something. somebody laughed. ready that's when they decided to learn more about
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trying to be moved and lived more before we'd that'd been isn't. and that's when that was the fact that some scheme does different from the door. oh no. it's need to make some people bigger or better than others. i failed to be like all the same, regardless of skin color, to do on that. it was starting human resource management. so more pursued is childhood dream by joining media as that 3 need reports. then i didn't expect you to put you need the arrows when he's the buzz invited him for a costume edition. well, he sees the chance that's for the media being exposed to the media, changed my dream in. that'd be great again for them, and they'll sign up for that because it's made me understand that i am able to solve how far i should be towed to me. understand that when you have seat and focus on those things for things that happen it on by the, as in girl this,
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well actually the on this is we, distribution battery is broken down more quickly became an icon. and then go on slash and i'd be interested. he was voted, offered his best money can in november of 2023 in combat creek evening. and that it was at last del, lose tons to not only express themselves, but also be any duration to be useful over his name. or what i'd like to know is too much for the dentist. hostages like this in most special needs like bodies and midland special needs based on monday. so some of the more that the bodies in the lounge. and then i even sent it out to nick me for the field. and the political and guy because he and africa and really had the opportunity to invest money, came out at the international frequenting state exhibit from our seats within. i
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see my next focus being those do good special needs he needed the right part is to continue. he's rice, together with his brother, easy. tell mobile, signed by the biggest modeling agency, and then going to to what's next for the 2 of them. the, my dream is not disturbing africa, but walk on bringing the diversity. because dave, us, it is beautiful. don't move is the time in to use the same for a good course as an that would be an easy me in boston to for the window community in gold or low discrimination against people without being his lead me that gold is not as dangerous as the other african countries on goal and that'll be news deals. these problems with integration in areas of health, education, employment, and housing does down. we intend to do something about this with these platform when i believe this deal so much to do,
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and they will continue to watch the movies that continue to empower the lives of people. it. that'd be news of the content going for that feeder. yep. so as far as the models are continually change, be not expire, and what the video people living with and being isn't just the genes and they want stuff. they're the ones that i don't want to try and keep making steps so that you can fight for a more open suspense. let's see in the muslim, the boy who did not give up dreaming is now ready for the college walks of the biggest fashion copy tools. and we him as message of inclusion. and that's it for today. so and what a royal one, it's been, we've had a king, a queen, and a princess. almost a royal flush. i hope you've enjoyed it as much as i have. don't forget to hit us up and also so. so next time by the,
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into the conflict zone, among the many was around the world that comes here to, through don, is distinguished by his level of savage or a guest and brussels as former prime minister who heads and coalition political, some civil society groups. sorry. so brings the stars and say like, what would it take to steps the blood shed and unify his shots of the country conflict. in 30 minutes on the w, somewhere in the deserts between tanisha and libya, the objective is to have a whole list stick approach to migration policy. in the respect for human rights,
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our investigative research shows the realities behind the use refugee was, is happening to migrants on the african continent this year. it's deadly migration policy. in 60 minutes on dw, the, i want to tell you something. it today my on raising awareness of h o d and on and we're still in test shane silence . and we need to break out of it. i want to tell you something how to tennessee chris starts november 29th on dw,
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the mountain is increasing every so many gone up watching on black silver stars. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning in plastic white. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 thomas is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind dw, made for mines. the frankfurt a hard international gateway to the best connection, solstio road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers
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and strongly alice services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by from bought the the the state of oregon as long from berlin. germany marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. the 1000 gather as of running for a gate in the city center for a spectacular music. and later and celebrating democracy. freedom and unity also coming up dozens are killed as a suicide bomber strikes the crowd of railway station and pockets. don separatist group has claimed responsibility and growing angry and spain over the response to flooding that has killed more than $200.00 p.
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