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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  November 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm CET

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right. which one is darren gold to health smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the and the end of a tooth cafe in japan, the most as people with dementia. i knew you wrote the save the do go in india. suffice is on to protect the gentle giant and was his mom's single poll shows how to tackle, to showcase the welcome to singapore vibrant multicultural city state right on the equator,
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densely populated around 6000000 people live on this tiny island. it's an international helpful trade in finance. it's clean, safe, more than wealthy green. basically, it has a lot of everything you'd want this just that one think single pool has no natural, fresh water resources. and the way its economy and population are growing. total water demand could almost double by 2060, but the thing up was on it. none of what they've done is magic. so that's, peter is like, he's an award winning what the expert he puts, think of pull success down to what he calls the soft pass approach to their problems. so the salt water is in contrast to what we have done over the last century in more, more than a century. look with a hard path to build hard infrastructure to take more and more watering out of nature to ignore the consequences of our water policies. for nature to build narrow institutions and the soft path tries to turn that around and say,
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let's use water efficiently and carefully. let's stop wasting water. let's look at new sources of supply. to understand how single pole can pull this off, you 1st need to understand where they're coming from. the single floor, the story starts with world war 2. that's don't judge the guy for water at the united nations. singaporeans would argue that the story goes back a lot longer. but 1942 is certainly when the issue rep there was attention. that's when and i troops, namely british australian and indian forces with best thing. specialists depend on single pull island, which at the time was a british colony. dns depended on imported water, which was a bit of a problem when japanese forces blew up the pipes transporting. that's water. the rich, the connex, malaysia, and singapore was bones. the result was lack of water in the city, a terrible episode of water scar city. the allies lost the battle of singapore.
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but after japan's overall surrender, the island remained in british. hence, it took more than 20 years until it became fully independent. but politically ration didn't precinct a pull from its water crisis. what direction and catastrophic sanitation and regular floods continued with its fate now with its own hands? seeing a pool, begin planning for the long term. to see that the, to spend almost 3 decades researching what the policy and innovations around the world. and it's estimated busing, a post pos c number beginning the base that they're going to be watching the band as well as putting the band in energy independence. but they are going to have she stance up kinds of things as tracy. that was in 1965 for 2016. the initial master plan was fine tuned over the years into a water strategy, which they call the full and national taps. first or the impulse, a 2nd diesel,
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the nation, 3rd, local catchment. and 4th, something they call new water. let's dive into it. firstly, singapore knew there was plenty of water right here to deals to input water from malaysia in the sixty's. got the types running again. it's cheap and millions of fleet is pumped over the board every day. but buying have a fuel water from your neighbor, isn't sustainable long term. on the country from the stock malaysia, i made threats to cut off the supply and argued over its price. the tensions have even led to warnings of the military conflict. single police has no that weak spot, so they want to stop importing water by 2061. so it's all more important that the other 3 types become more than a drop in the ocean. water planning is very important because they have so little water, they must single, there must make sure that this waterways use the lice me. and the objective of this
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master plan is to make the most out of every single drop of water. these means keeping rivers and drains clean, investing billions, starting to collect more water, cleaning it, and use what the island state singapore already has. for example, this, the ocean this underground facility, for example, is state of the art. normally it treats use water in terms of trout it, diesel in nancy water on top. people use it as a park today. 5 to study nation plans provide up to 25 percent of the entire islands water supply. single floor plans to increase this capacity to meet 30 percent of its needs in 2016 by which time warranty is expected to have doubled. but that's no way near self sufficiency. so what's next? bengal, right. a lot of it and seeing is a master of mixing that out to a 3rd of the entire states surface is used for rainwater kitchen. that's an
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extensive network of rivers, canals and drains channels. the what the interest 17 was of was the biggest. is maureen over us with an area of 10000 texas? it was back fresh water from flowing into the ocean and helps to control frequent floods. so does this underground tank that catches fluffed well, it's an extreme cases when the drain spill over. even this war that could potentially be treated and reused by 2060, the government wants to use 90 percent of the atlanta area for rain catchment. catching rain water is one thing. but what about the water already in circulation? o drainage water is, is collected and, and treated and reuse as much as possible. most countries they do not invest, not even a fraction of what a single pores invest in the water authority is billed the 206 kilometers, 2 inch pipe highway, costing $10000000000.00 that guides the city sewage into state of the reclamation
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and cleaning facilities okay, single post by some measure of the 5th, which is country in the world. so it kind of faults especially like that. it's also a lot easier to push through such projects when you have to sort of control democracy, run by the same party that sync up with that since independence in 1965 anyway, the entire city is underground is basically one big sewer network. but the pride of single pool is water strategy is what happens after collecting the water the treatment go 30, call it new watson. it's produced by microphone ration with us as most as into v radiation. the some of that water is so high quality, single pores using it in their ship manufacturing industry, which requires hold for pure water, which has an indication of how good a quality about water is. did you know that around the world?
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half of all waste water is released untreated at only 11 percent is actually reused in singapore. both 30 percent of the entire drinkable and non drinkable demand can be met by recycling use water. and they want to increase that to 55 percent, but 2060 most of it is used by industry. only a fraction of it is mixed into the drinking water supply. because we also squeamish it's controversial because we're taking waste water, which, you know, we goes down our drains, we flush it down, our toilets industry dumps waste water. and we typically think of that as of a liability is something to get rid of. so how do we get people on board using the flush save assistant bag and save with every flush make saving what the pay reduce the water consumption. save up to 10 liters of water per dollar. nationwide campaigns encourage people to install what the saving fittings and nicely, if you install those fittings to get the discount votes as part of the sustainable products. just to what time the district each household's water consumption and
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detect leaks and pipes, that's all single pull comes down to an incredible 5 percent. what are those from leaks? which is 1st class globally, the average is estimated to be 30 percent. what they've done incredibly well in my opinion, is on the side of water education. they've educated their community about their water situation about their water challenges and about the solutions that they've chosen to put as good as sing up was doing. it has the big advantages of other countries besides being rich and the type of the controlled society. the city only has a tiny agricultural sector and can focus almost entirely on oven and industrial waste water. so they have one problem less. as food production pollutants consumes enormous amounts of fresh water in many parts of the woods. despite that, they've shown a lot as possible. the
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country music is often seen as a white music genre, even though almost a surge of african americans listened to it regularly. but country office of color receive less than 2 percent of ad time. so is the country music industry, racist. this is bill cody, from the grand elaborate plaza. it's nashville, tennessee, sage, the $8650.00 a. w. as in nashville, tennessee, music city. if you want to make it in the country music business, you have to come here. and the julie williams moved to the city 5 years ago hoping like many others for the big break. the bolts i did go. i knew i
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the total case is neil i grew up listening to country music. my mom played country music in the car on the way to school. i always loved the story telling, not all said, oh no, she tells her own stories in her songs like this one about her after. oh, she carries her mixed race heritage proudly built. but a record label agent deals with the song is too specific for the majority of country friends or whites. oh, good. i know southern julie can't seem to get a foot in the door neither with record labels nor on radio stations. 96 percent of all country songs or by white artists. it's easy to feel discouraged and to feel like this the steps that people have taken before you just say, hey,
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you should do this this, this you're like wait, i don't think that's gonna work for me. because i can try so hard and, and, and really work to, to go about it the way that a white artist smell artist go about it. and just, i'm not gonna find any success in downtown nashville at noon. you can already hear live music playing everywhere with rock and country alternating randomly. country music fans have always been predominantly white, is that my black artist has few opportunities in this 1000000000 dollar business. scott collier is always on the lookout for new talent every week. he books, 400 shows, 4 kid walks honky tonk if they believe, and a newcomer here that talent is promoted all the way to a recording. we teach them how to address. we teach them how to saying we teach about what the say, all this stuff. so we build our artist from the ground up, you know, because most of these kids, you know, so most of these kids have come in to town. they have no clue. the talent of new
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comers scott has gathered today are almost all white. but he says that skin color doesn't play a role in scouting. mean i just listen to their voice as they blown me away and they look like they're marketable and there the next best thing and they're hard work. or if they listen to direction and all that stuff, we have no problem put them on stage is fingers have to be marketable. that's how the music industry works. and no jaundra has grown faster than country music in the past years. holly g had given up hope that the industry would change and become more inclusive. so she founded an organization that promotes black artists in the country. music industry she finds have been used for them to perform and helps make them visible. when you look at the things that move the needle and country music, there's still not black artist being played on radio. they're still having
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a really hard time getting like prominent spots on festivals. they're still not getting science and labels that are in nashville. and so our goal is to kind of build our own ecosystem, so we don't have to wait for the slow moving chain. the main stream keeps promising . s w s, and the heart of country music still beat strong and radio stations like this one. bill cody is something of a radio legend. if anyone can explain why country is still considered white music by many, it's him that we would try to recreate that moment. the music of the early days was of the, the farm families, those farm families far primarily white. now there were lots of black folks working on those family farms and they had their own music. that's where the blues came from. and ultimately r n b, his station plays more and more songs from black and latino artist he says, but change takes time. so i think every station is, you know,
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you need to be aware of who your audience is to your research. and then not be afraid to diversify that audience in cro, that audience we have this bill. if you would consider inviting julie to his show, he says his producers will look into it. but so far they haven't been in touch with julie. yes. the lipstick lounge is a bar in east nashville. julie and holly liked to come here to listen to live music . they look for their nations also in their own music. but julie would love to become mainstream, listen to by the majority of country fans playing music and talking about love and life, and family and, and not human ness that we all have. and no i, i think that that a lot of what people are like one to 3 is that like country music is changing
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a lot like come to show, come, watch what we're doing. and you'll see that it is the countries like that, that you love. it's just, you know, break loose, the why i have to be so vocal number. and the reason why we have black and the name of the organization is to ensure that that space is see. i mean, a lot of these artists have had times where they'll get books for show and show up in the state. it's only realized once they get there, that they're black, and then it's uncomfortable. the julie has just released for a 2nd dial them on her own and is relying on streaming platforms. but she still dreams of a record deal. and of one day playing on the big stages of nashville. the
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waiting up to 400 kilos. do go play, see related to manatees, of the only true hub, it was among marine mammals, imposing but gentle in language that's written with extinction. there's nothing to do them love mod, done to praise on see for us or on to me to as long as these learning memos also known as c goes, funds you chinos and key will fit the what you in the balls my area of seminar, of the population, so dwindling novel. and then when i was a kid i so many do going to see and i found my grandfather and i 30 or 40 years ago, then i used to catch themselves along those days are long gone environment to degrade nation along those lines. has destroyed the habitat of to go all over the world with vast amounts of sea for us, and that it was built in recent years,
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including anthem, and no bother to you via the origin. is a found or own car and, and you the aims to restore these equal systems open like the way as a shipment. before we start to the conservation work, we went to fisherman a local villages and told them that we were going to grow salt brush. but anything else why we needed to? it's everywhere in the sea, they set and everything on the i told them the in some areas degraded. so we want to manage the grow again. it was skeptical and said it wouldn't work. no, we can at least try. i replied, and i'm one of the one i was on. davis collect key grows from meadows that are still intact. then the speeds are attached to frames made by fishermen out of band bowl and ropes. these we would then be positioned on the sea bed of an effective and in the visor and i say we make these frames
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and put them in the water so that the seat rust rose. i do guns have enough to eat and what we tried to do this is we kind of fee to do things by hand, but we can feed them in direct and each one of this work and i live out of it by helping the store, the cost lined the fisherman know how the regular income again, they go out to see in the morning with a more c brush schultz for the friends the foundations here. ideally, the water is shallow. so the sunlight reaches the sea bed and the sea draws girls quickly. binary pulse declared value as well. we say we have to say 2 guns. we're not just talking about saving mess creature, which is protected under the wildlife cut on sort of like it is about protecting an entire marine ecosystem being able to and conserving the marine ecosystem by restoring. see, for us benefits fishermen to a number of only be mean i'm doing fishermen won't have to for us international
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marine board as an efficient sort lanchen, warranties in order to protect results in our oceans, we have to protect c gross. i'm maureen ecosystem, probably yet the but it's a race against time in some parts of the law and such as china. the cfo is close to extinction here in seminar on the whole f as the species can still be saved. and it's have it as protected. the, this is new sort of stuff and depends restaurant industry. i'm the organizer miss arise. here's the good cooperation. this elderly lady tells us a bit about herself for being so it says here that my name is kim schon. okay. i
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like to knit i have a beer now and that and i sing pop songs. yes, i think let me know if you want to hear something with that. all right. these are residents from nursing homes who have come to work in a cafe with a name. it's ok. the restaurant of forgotten orders in the city of mission. oh mia kenton. is 101 years old. her memory is not that good anymore. never the less she works here for an afternoon serving dishes. said wait, she's not really suppose to sit down herself. friendly helpers remind her what to do. some guests prefer to get their cut read themselves rather than waiting because the waitress is here all suffer from dementia. icon immediately forgets what she was supposed to do. bring the tray to the kitchen. but the come stores keep their sense of humor and it's all no problem
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. john suddenly finds her annoying walk are quite useful. but which meal was meant for which guest? oh well, let the customers figure it out themselves. the waitress is probably forget their job and what they have to do right away. so let us think what it is, but they might remember that guess smiles in the long term. chun certainly brings a smile to everyone's face. even her family, her son in law and her daughter, they ordered drinks, but they don't make it easy for her. and they don't want to mix up the cafe olay. do you understand of a plus 2 coffee and don't forget the game. john is so absorbed by her work that she forgets for walker.
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the owners of the restaurant make the rooms temporarily available. but kiko he ry who came up with the idea operates the it's okay cafe, a changing locations. her mother also has dementia and she wants to help others overcome their fear of the illness and over tea and coffee. it's not hard to find topics to chat about. thank you. you know, i'm also a grandmother. i have grandchildren. how nice are you even have great, great grandchildren. oh no, i really feel young. do you really drink beer? yes, saki to it's all good. maybe that's why you're so fit. and to prove it, she breaks into some of the
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after 3 hours the it's okay. cafe closes only to open again soon in another location in the region. dementia is a topic that concerns many emission on mia in western japan. more than a quarter of the population is over $65.00. the risk of getting dementia increases with age. it's predicted that $1.00 and $7.00 seniors in japan will soon be effected in national mia alone. the number of dementia patients is set to increase to 20000. it's a serious problem for a country in which there is not only a shortage of children, but also of cares for the elderly. and it doesn't look like there's a quick solution. but my kiko here right, is working hard to improve indication that we'll see what you're now done with work today to watch and see what i didn't work
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to did i work? i thought i'd just drop by if they didn't move that, that gets i to go to the memory of working end of the grid to see at the end quickly said connie, when dealing with dementia patients, it's the here. and now the accounts when i look into their faces, i can see that they are enjoying the moment that makes me happy to die. even before king john entered colleague's leave, they've completely forgotten the work they did. never the less. they've achieved a lot today. looking for more insights and solutions from around the world. if you want to meet the people fighting climate change visit tests on facebook, instagram, and take. so the,
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the, the
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indian professionals rate germany, highly for i like uh, someone technologies. the best thing is uh, 3 the society is set up. i mean, the healthcare system that you get into some of the work life balance and like the germans, they also dislike except for the adults on the bureau guessing it's, it's the weather. piano, 50 super slow made in germany. coming up on d. w to the point. strong opinions, clear position. international perspective. germany's government coalition collapsed
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the day. donald trump was announced winter of the us elections until germans voted in february, europe's heavy way to start composing a further problem for you freight. on to the point we ask a german, he's down, can you government turn things around to the point in? so 2 minutes on the w, the my name is the polls back said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud. this would have been, you know, say like good everyone to ok. retiring into the market for, i'm sorry, the award winning outcome don't hold back. the new will
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tell you what the story we have. it's getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force. yeah. and for the future feelings about what's going on in the story of dentistry. instead of being discussed across the continent, d, the news africa every friday on d w. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern methods. because if we do too much, we teddy all wrong. we messed things up,
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risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube dw documentary the this is dw news, and these are our top stories. donald trump's republican party has won enough seats to control the us house of representatives. cementing its hold on both congress and the white house. that means democrats will find it extremely hard to combat and you have the incoming president's plans that might expel migrant. so the standing tax breaks and to reshape the us. we're talking 29 years. israel's military says that it has hit roughly 30 targets in bainbridge southern the suburbs over the past 48 hours area is largely controlled by.


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