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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  November 17, 2024 10:15am-10:31am CET

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as president lensky says, russia has hit the country's energy infrastructure with more than a 100 miss solves and 90 drugs. some of them with down of the capital officials have pronounced emergency electricity cuts in kids and other regions. that's all for now. we'll be back in 45 minutes with one. he start with the civic the so you don't think the you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought was fired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port is not i want my son to become a dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to, to get from your generation with
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a sleep asked and then when generations flash watch. now on youtube dw, you mentioned this kind of when it feels like therapy, the to a robot that will make you a sandwich or a cocktail. it might sound like science fiction, but it's already happening. a shift and finding robots of changing how and what we each would you let a chapel tell you what to cook? well, i did using coal pilots, the i poet assistant from microsoft, suggest that i make the bone and fusion pizza pizza. i have talked with carrie both on humans, pep of sauerkraut and lost it, and a half to say it was really good for me. it was just the fun experiments, but goodness bigler from india takes the subject from all serious sleep. he's
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developed in a i elder with them for recipes, celebrity chef monthly deal. that's the one out. the recipe that's being tested out to you has been generated by artificial intelligence with an algorithm called that's up to a chemist, spotlight in the scientist and computational research. indeed, the india developed the tools but after doing is meant to be a creative counterpart of a chef. something which we kept chose, the legacy of committee legacy is that we have created order a long period of time to and then go to them. got a spotlight believes that's up to we can help people discover new creative ways of cooking and in the long to take of the challenge of feeding the global population in a sustainable way. after 3 can be made to generate recipes without a fitting to certain constraints. if i want to list a piece which are below a certain cost, imagine bought if i want that it should be which is having to set them calorie. if
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it value it was able to generate doc, once you get a popular indian shift, it's following in a i created recipe. he wants to see how clear the instructions and how it tastes. italian chicken was the recipe suggested by it, that's up to weeks. except for months, if you get to work, this is 1st for us with computational gets on the me, the computers need gusto to me is a new science that blends for with the data and computing data by creating innovations in the areas offer. they said piece playlists notation, health and sustainability. so you tell young chicken is now ready is very good. well, i mean, the great combination of media are fantastic. once you do then takes the turing test for ships. got a spotlight created this test to check with the ai generated recipes. come full
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shift and experts into thinking they were created by humans. so far in 70 percent of cases, people couldn't tell the drops of toys. recipes were created by a, i just get a however, the manage to be tech, most of the a i generate to address a piece to shift. do you think my invention is going to put to your job in jeopardy? not at all the make my job much easier, my desk, but i wouldn't be able to be more productive. great, and what size is made as of it's and i guess expediency defense, audio label a dish is something that only a human can do. i'm a, i can never replace a chef, but i'm a chef chef using yeah, we'll definitely the place or shift not using. yeah. goodness bottler wants to bring more variation to russell tweet so that the recipes meet certain criteria, like fulfilling specific nutritional requirements or producing a small,
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a carbon footprint. he's excited to share his invention with the wills. integrating a i into restaurants is a relatively recent development. but robots aren't, have you been served your food or head to a table cleared by a robot before? robots also being used to behind the bar and the kitchen? many unemployed for very specific tasks, like fine french fries making steel, fries, or baking pizza? no one can do everything right. but can we in good conscience, leave the entire kitchen to robots? these dishes are being prepared by a kitchen robots. this one works at the tubing in university hospital in germany. it can make $3000.00 meals per day to come team that can be hard time teams covers at each time. so me the busiest hours during lunch time. yeah. aware hospital that our staff works nights and on weekends and on hours. so above all,
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we want it to give our staff the opportunity to get healthy food quickly outside of canteen, hours from this setup and able to continue to offer freshly made hot mutes around the clock. something most come teams into him and he can manage the ones with emotionally coming to increasingly difficult to find employees and trained personnel for can stand the robot is a very practical edition for us on that. again, some fillings, the robotic kitchen was developed by the german started up good bytes once and all that has been placed, the robot gets to work and puts in, you know, that's a refrigerator to in the back where the ingredients are 1st portion of the robot stop by guessing 10 grams of oil, 60 grams on there, and so on. then it follows the cooking instructions, where as you can see that the ingredients are usually 1st pride in the panel. convert. customers can collect the dishes with the receipts. in that case, the vegetables are crunchy, and the pasta was open to. it was really good in the slot in. the kitchen isn't
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entirely robot drawn. however, humans are required to refill the ingredients as the robot can not cut them itself . and the pasta is pre cooked, or the robots. the kitchen does is basically mix and warm up. the food. in other robotic kitchen is in use at this highway risk stuff in southern germany. german ship photographs storm back is responsible for developing new recipes. even if the robots f as more efficient in some ways, he's not concerned, it will take over his jump completely done. i'm in the end of the day, it's comes down to taste and your senses. the way you combine ingredients, as well as how fresh they are and where they come from. even from within this hygiene and having a smile on your face, welcoming guests and promoting your dishes that guess still no. so there are so many things that shift can do. but it's when you're constantly part of the rep raising, and there's a no time for all that stuff out. feed on this on this needs to be have. so robots
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can take over a few of the more tedious tasks in the kitchen and deliver consistent results. still, they like pre activity, flexibility, and obviously a sense of taste in order to run a kitchen on its own a robot should be able to taste the food. and that's where it gets complicated. researchers at cambridge university are working on robots with census, to assess the salting us in different parts of a dish. a taste map of the dish has created to help evaluate if they have the right amount of salt companies that 3 the print food. i also work is amazing. the slave's law layer by layer a stake is being made using a 3 d printer. the so called bio ink is made from plant based ingredients. it's a mix of the goons. beetroot nutritional used as coconut fits this steak was developed by is really stop a predefined meet. there are many plans based meet alternatives to substitute ground beef or sausages,
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but replicating cups of meats with muscle bluff vessels. and fetch is more complicated. that's with 3 d technology comes into play. the 3 d printed stake was 1st presented in 2021. in tel aviv feels like the real thing. i'm a vegetarian for almost 30 years and the identities to meet for a long time. the fixture is right. even the smell smells like the real thing for me. revolution, today, the products are already being sold in several countries. in germany, price is about the same as for animal meats. worldwide the revenues will meet substitutes estimates of to rise from around $10000000000.00 us $1.20 to about $15000000.00 in 2029. meet alternatives, a rising and popularity as people try to eat health in most sustainably. other companies use animal cells and then bio ink at stakeholder foods, out of israel,
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group of sales, cultivated in the lab to use in the 3 d printed fiscally proponents of fish alternative say, the lack of antibiotics and sparing policies from over fishing are 2 major advantages. by the way, for all the candy low, most of them there are even 3 d printers for sugar. personally, i'd love to be able to print my own food like a pineapple bananas or berries. that being said, when it comes to food production on a global scale, the agricultural sec to is urgently in need of innovative ideas, climate change, the mass dying of bees, and label shorts and just just 3 of the challenges if faces could robots come to the rescue farming is a grueling business. the work is physically demanding will not send us an off flipped um in ex dream with conditions. a few of people are willing to take on these jobs. farmers up turning to farming robots like this one by us start up til 2
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got it can pick around 800 strawberries power. while this is slightly below, the average of human harvest of the machines can work day and night and pick with almost human like precision. vision software detects the color of the fruits fences . assess that texture slip. i grab a then cups to bury stem and places it in the basket. we have 17 different machine learning models. we look for the ripeness level by color, which is how most humans check for for rightness. sometimes weird conditions happen where they write them from the top down. sometimes the colors are very splotchy, is the very complex set of different decisions and observations that combined to form this a i very specific to harvesting for the berries are grown and specially designed containers that i'm only accessible for the robots. thomas like to use
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robots to perform repetitive and strenuous tasks such as planting, fertilizing and watering. there are even pulling nation robots, but mimic bees. the robot news a with an obviously inside the road and as soon as a flower is uh, recognize. ready robot sends a cavity braided air poles on the flower, the flower shakes, and then the pun, phones down in the stigma. and that's how you as a fruit fruit setting. the pollination robot is used in areas with natural pull, the nation is no longer guaranteed due to the changing climate peasants or the decline in the insects population as more crops moving to the sheltered environment of greenhouses, the number of tasks which can be assigned to robots would likely increase many
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experts in the agricultural sector convinced that the finding of the future will be dominated by the machine. so our robots, better cooks and farmers than humans. of course not. but they can be used in areas where there aren't enough workers. plus a i can help create recipes be wouldn't have thought of like the current will solve, crawled piece of them in a i, a system suggested to me, i would have not come up with that idea on my own. that said, i wouldn't want robots to take over everything. what about you? what would you want to hand off to robots? that's it for me. so next time, the, the, the, the 77 percent of the world to be shown, causing
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a disadvantage. a 140 years ago for good was carved up at the berlin conference, dividing people's destroying relics and plundering cultures. i was actually quite shocked. the terms in the i was just a completely independent young africans. we're looking back and there are still a lot of questions. this 77 percent next on dw, the, the joy of driving just got an upgrade in a station wagon that costs upwards of a whopping 200000 a year of the new audi r s g t. as in 60 minutes on d, w, we are all set and we're watching closely for him to bring you the story behind the
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news. we wrote about unbiased information for 3 months, the widest, something that happened a 140 years ago, still matter to you today on the 77 percent, we explore how and event that divided up africa and took started. colonialism remains relevant today. welcome to the show. well, i am your host. ok to english level coming up on the show intends on here. we need students to feel what they learn about colonial history at school. and kenya, the community a still waiting for the return of a secret drunk that was stolen.


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