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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  November 20, 2024 8:02pm-8:30pm CET

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large we humans have thought of all kinds of ways to protect ourselves. but our best body guards for our m. use selves. they're always looking out for us. they wipe out potential perpetrators like bacteria, viruses, funky and tumor cells, and any damage they causes repaired swiftly to one of the fob your immune system. find out how here on in good shape the . the skin is the immune systems, 1st line of defense. it protects the body from external passages, it stick it in some places and then all those gone off one sort of how, how much is our dead skin cells that form
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a physical barrier against invading organisms. so keep that totally not on the mouth or the eyes of them that would cloud your vision and stop you being able to taste involve males making. so what we have there are mucous membranes to their spirit tree and urinary tract also have mucous membranes. the mucus laya helps expel pathogens to slime hard to function, you ins, or the mucous membranes are composed of cells that form a physical barrier. but these are washed with a lot of saliva and other fluids here by these have many components. and then that haven't antiviral or anti bacterial effect until the of odd on the back to the field. the intestine, it's be a mean systems grand central station. northern how far immune cells are locations in the intestinal world. this is when most defense reactions against pathogens take place the theme as well as the immune system and the
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god there is of course the micro biome, all of the microbes that are found there because this is, they are habitat. other bacteria can't easily established themselves. there's their fault office, there's no room for that. i'm from the time slots when the bone marrow is also concept gaming system. it's located inside the boons. this is when most immune cells are produced. they perform various tasks, not mocks. the bone marrow basically provides the so precursors which mature in the fight against invaders, and then produce anti bodies listening ones on, on to crop up here. the time is a small gland under the breastbone, a specialized organ that acts as a kind of school for special like blood cells called t cells. white blood cells travel from the bone marrow to the timeless and mature
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that pets are for this simulation by yourself. cool is quite yes, correct. in 1st grade, the teacher teaches the t cell students what they need to respond to was still they again, as of in mine on stands, they have to do it properly. and when does mistake, if they don't, they'll be kicked out of the classes. each must defeat central and i'll send them to you. so school getting kicked out means dying north in the t test for them on the t cells learn to distinguish the bodies own cells from foreign invaders, full and kitchens. after they've been trained, somebody used as kill us cells against pathogens, to destroy them. the spleen is also a key part of the immune system. it's still of defense, self the release whenever they needed. and also felt as the plot going down was fun, safety made basically you can think of this plane is a big blood st. as of that, but the blood is filtered through it,
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and there are also macrophages in the margins, which we call scavenger cells in the i to t t saying they fish out old t cells, old blood cells and pathogens, and then dispose of them done. and so on. the immune system has a huge off and all of health as that destroyed pathogens to keep us healthy. often without us even noticing. our immune systems are continually on red alert, and they keep on watch rely on the entire body even. so pathogen sometimes can get through, but even if you get several colds a year, that's no reason to worry. but if you're constantly tired and finding it difficult to concentrate, your immune system might be under par. smoking doesn't help. it reduces the micro flora in the nose and throat that normally stop the spread of harmful bacteria, nicotine and tar also we can the body's ability to kill pathogens. so smoking
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damages your immune system, but you can also do things to strengthen it. sonya does a lot to stay healthy and fit regular exercise and a balance diet. a role ready and intricate cost of her life is the more she could do to specifically strengthen her immune system kind of be trained. sonya is looking for answers from a nutritionist full scientist. her 1st question is about movement. ma'am, just with a single day at work. if i just do an exercise session in the evening, does not do anything for my immune system. sports scientists cost include is researching precisely that question. beautiful. every sporting activities
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stimulates the immune system. so we don't so activate, see mean system here. if you delve into the science and look directly at it and immune cells, you can see on a functional level that immune cells and athletic people function that's meant from best of them to be on the cell, move on more effective against pathogens or you go and that seems to be part of the cellulose of busy a logical basis for why they get sick less often than a concrete. so spoiled deuce the mean system. but how exactly exercise stimulates just circulation. this improves the transport of nutrients and oxygen via the bloodstream. which benefits immune cells, they then divide more quickly and when, well supplied also search more actively for pathogens in the body. so if you move this team is my immune system doesn't care what sport i do specifically what it is important that i stimulate my cardiopulmonary system,
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the cardiovascular system. because this mobilizes and stimulates the immune cells. whether i do that by playing soccer, joking or swimming is pretty irrelevant. ready the crucial thing is that i do it frequently because throughout my life it will always activate these immune cells and keep them in better condition once the m o claims long gun and i'm best on tooth counsel to prevent disease, the body's immune cells split up the tops and the clever way the a nate immune system reacts universally to any unknown pathogens. it provides a kind of basic blanket protection. but specialized means cells also develop over the course of a lifetime. as part of the so called adaptive immune system. they can recognize and eliminate specific pathogens fee is providing an added layer of protection. sonya also wants to help her immune system by eating healthily. but the victim in spite and trace elements really improves the mean system.
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how important is nutrition for my immune system and how long this service is for the symbols of tim nutrition is very important for the system that we need the various nutrients that we taken through food in for the immune system to function. well also i can just look at and it's also particularly important to drink and the fluids, mainly water and then sweeten table t saca. this is a g because the immune system is a fluid organ expired. that thing will just came on for this about a month itself. so in your blood and blood transport them to the places that need it. transported will even notice that express recommend drinking at least a lead to an a offer full to daily diet that contains vegetables and fruit, but also dairy products, full grains, which will need of high quality fat, a balanced intake for the mean system, and the whole body i said they bought food,
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should i definitely need to strengthen my immune system, stack it capacitor of to you, mike, for nutrients. so victim ins increase elements that support immune function. in particular, one of them is victim and seen the piece of it. i mean, it is good, i mean say like which as is commonly known, is found above all and citrus fruits but also in cabbage and bell peppers. for instance. the open public beecham in c, strengthens immune cells, can also neutralize free radicals. these arise, for example, when immune cells a working a lot code between c weekends of cells, a means high immune system. and of course the sink is also important. it's a trace element mainly found in whole grain products like home, wheel bread, but also in pulses. in defense was need sink in order to divide quickly and this effectively fights off infections. another vital substance to
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trace elements. selenium is contained in like use such as soil, other beans, but also presume not. selenium also encourages the formation of new immune cells and like 50 men see it combined aggressive free radicals, render them homeless. what if you died isn't perfectly balanced. sonya also sometimes snacks, a bench and again this, this has been obviously so i'm not sure whether i'm eating right or do i just take supplements? smith and then i'd have everything i need wouldn't i order? there's an industry built around immune boosters. the problem is the strong immune system, but how useful are they really that again, so some of the food supplements are not the best way to achieve a balance diet. we need complex fluids because they contain a range of nutrients, select the door, absorb together and the interact together, including within the context of immune function, which has to come out in the,
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in one full 2. so home cooked meals a good, but one of them you do is to is almost completely lacking in food victim. indeed, the time in the special thing about victim indeed is that we produce, it's all cell through our skin by sunlight invent. and when so you should have your levels checked, i mean the load and supplement with victim indeed, accordingly done and scratched him to victim. indeed, so foot victim indeed strengthens, and mucous membranes stimulates the production of empty bodies and active. they use the entire immune system and relaxing and the sun is good for you anyway. stressful new the hand is a real immune killer, isn't it? showing off stress of that, i'm often stressed that well can often really exhausted. how important is it for my, my own system to relax? some studies have shown that defense cells appeared to multiply and grow more efficient during deep sleep phases. if you don't get enough sleep, on the other hand, the opposite happens. so adequate sleep, a balance,
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diet and regular exercise. oh, strengthen the mean system. however, it's just as important to keep the immune system in shape through contact with other people challenging by confronting it with new passages. that's how the immune system runs to recognize and fight them off. so don't be afraid of catching something contacts, there's nothing the fuel mood, but also for your health. speaking of contact, sex is a good work out to that 1st your immune system in circulation and reduces stress laughing like why is helps to counteract the effects of stress hormones. a good kid go can actually increase the production of t cells and natural killer cells. and while our cherished children might have jack, there's another option when it comes to protecting the body against dangerous
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diseases. vaccination. ready a single job that can say you've more than just one life as we know in front of a 220 years, i've had no correlation in the form of pills injections will scratch vaccination. but come, there's lots to constitute physical home. even a salt 10 percent. that'd be based on the one in 10 you bones in the 18th century died of smallpox stink a. i'd say that the physical. com prevent something worse. are you dead? then maybe it is justified for life correct product. smallpox has play truman calling for millennia. the fight against a deadly disease began in earnest with edward gena and his 1st successful application of immunology in europe. in 1796, the english stopped to infect as an 8 your own. first with count pox. then with smallpox, when the boy proved to be a meeting to the lot. so he conducted test some of the subjects the i'm feeling
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that the introduction of the small pulse inoculation paved the way for today's vaccination programs that vaccines could now be produced in large quantities for the 1st time potentially for an entire society. in germany, the smallpox vaccination was made compulsory in 1874 with fines, but not complying with the new law. but that didn't prevents a series of outbreaks in the 20th century. meanwhile, the 1950s, so a research and supposedly of a disease that can attractive cells in the spinal cord and brain so via cases can cause paralysis and the arms and legs or even were spirit. 3, failure, the, the only protection against polio is vaccinations. the last documented case of polio in germany was in 1990 and many other countries,
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too. it has now been eliminated, thanks to vaccines and progress was also made on the smallpox front with huge news in 1980 the pumpkin concord beside me. i'd start talking to ya, hold on a guy. so dimensions is towards the front of it because on types of guns of ceiling, be how old feel else going to cancel. if 95 percent of a population are immunized, a pathogen can no longer spread. what kind of a sudden you could almost say that vaccination is a victim of its own success, or because you can't see what the situation would be like. otherwise, the smallpox was eradicated in 1980 on and from there or not after shot. let's go out. that was initial score. if that hadn't been the case, they would have claimed the lives of an estimate to 200000000 people since then we on maxima and those people didn't die. researches are working on new vaccines
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against h. i. v comes up and m s. the hope is that in the future, the success story of immunization, benefit count this more lives, the smallpox may be history, but a new generation of vaccines are being develops to eradicate other serious diseases . polio, for example, you know, self and other organizations introduced, global inoculation drives. the virus however, remains a threat to children in afghanistan and pakistan. and there are a number of other countries where polio is making a comeback despite having disappeared years ago. then there's measles, which continues to claim thousands of mostly young lies every year, especially in places where access to vaccines is limited. but the more people who are protected, the sooner we'll get, the better the disease and dedicated scientists are constantly working on new
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vaccines. h p v is a group of viruses responsible for genital warts, but more ominously, they can also cause cervical cancer, penile cancer, tumors in the mouth and anal region 2006. so a major breakthrough in the fight against the pathogens. i know i'm lia shipping, hama has a preliminary stage of civic who cancer cells have already changed, but not yet malignant. even so she has to have surgery to remove them. serious procedure layer wants to have kid some day and then know proration puts that wish risk. yes, my son is a 27 year old woman. it's difficult to come to terms with it was a big shot from the 1st. of course us talk so much. she was diagnosed with a human populum of virus or h p v, and easily transmissible pathogen that's alternately responsible for almost all cases of cervical cancer. the virus can also trigger other types of cancer like
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fruit cancer or cause gens towards dogwood of us on the other item. the then really realized what it meant and what impact the h p virus has before that it was never an issue. any thoughts about the same level of a knock, a desktop in fact, as being a vaccine against h. b, z for nearly 20 years now. unique in the fight against cancer onto your convicts. so people that are in we can now really prevent cancer development with the vaccine . we can make the immune system so capable that all party takes care of this viral disease on it. so wherever it pops up top here to uncomfortable and saves the use program to eliminate h p. v. and europe by 2030 requires 90 percent of everyone under a team guessing vaccinated for the sofa. and the $1.00 and $5.00 young men have done so happy. so quick street, so they asking whether these men have ever heard of h. p v provides a super in picture most haven't before lives,
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but one respondent says that's because he thinks it's not on the agenda for man thing to think about viruses that effect organs. if they don't have themselves content, that's the assumption is widespread, but it's also a misconception. is team on, you know, need a reasonable approach and education. on the one hand, if boys of vaccination, they also protect go see me because they can then no longer infect them. but boys can also protect themselves for a malignant throat cancer. and this should be a bigger issue because with the thought of, of pennsylvania getting it too much, if not, runs in information sense of focused on prevention. he says, vaccination rates can only be increased through education and campaigns. la, showing how much is no guessing of vaccination a 27 because action against h. p. d. make sense even after an infection like flight simulators for pilots, vaccinations give our immune system training under realistic conditions. they
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involve a weekend form of the pathogen or parts of it which arms the body against an infection . the cobra 19 pandemic also saw the emergence of a new kind of vaccine where it's time r n a technology. the body cells are given the kind of genetic blueprint that they use to construct viral components. they in turn trigger and immune response. cancer researchers were working on the technology long before cove it, however, and progress has been made on that front too. it had been 2 and a half years since and that it's in my mind at the melanoma skin cancer removed. she then had regular follow up appointments. then one day she discovered swollen lymph nodes from the hospital said i should have been taken out just to be on the safe side even except it turned out it was a been tested. this designed to be test thomas that in turn was removed but and
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that'd simon was now worried about the cancer returning. whether anything can be done to prevent it. when country sonya a show, you can say it's all gone smith the m r i n c t. what fine that used to mean that everything was okay. yeah. okay. and then the clinic told me there was a study going on either because it's a very promising m hour and a vaccine on and off and stuff on the head says a few such questions as a study run by christopher get pod from the hamburg skin treatment center where researches are working on new treatments for melanoma. the current phase involves over a 1000 patients world wide and the 1st results shows that the m r n a vaccination very often reduces the risk of a recurrence. dobbins is that for leasing the data is very encouraging, which puts overall 49 percent. it's
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a difference of the risk of recurrence and the prevention of discipline test documents up to 6. and the seems to sense by be so it's bouncing 6 points subjects and the studies are administered. ready to him you know, therapies. ready the 1st is a check point, and he brought to infusion every 6 weeks for a year. the check point it'd be the check point inhibitors, or if there was to take approach that literally run the tomb is invisibility cloak, at least into monkey tom cup from q most able to hide from the immune system is this team. so for sending a check point in hip it to the to event that on the 2nd not us. ready and then a new development, the patients also get 9 doses of an m r. n. a comes to vaccine they told me the info is in the cima vaccine. i can specify the target of the attack
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even so we can provide the immune system with the features that characterize the, to miss ellison the, the 2 months in cocktail as the the production of the vaccine starts with analyzing the genetic material of cancer cells. a has been deployed to crate the product that directly targets the specific cima. this is called a new entity and vaccine. and that it's in my mind is about to get to full m r, and then shopped. she's one of the 1st patients in germany to receive this new customized comes with therapy. as part of the study, the this to the board review and handbook brings together varies experts. the m r n a could be a highly effective treatment method in the fight against, by all accounts that says that arnold who was involved in and nothing new study so
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far. however, not many of his patients that eligible only those who are tons of free of the surgery would remain at extremely high risk of recurrence. but it will take a few years to find out whether the m r n. a vaccine really provides protection here. and the same applies for other forms of cancer from pancreatic to prostate and lung cancer. now, being targeted by a range of studies being conducted worldwide. so in our system is this stuff what's gradually becoming apparent is it vaccinations can be particularly beneficial with the low cima. the meaning that the button is minimized by surgery or radio therapy talk about it. what else this type of homes does is that's what we can currently see from the studies that have been conducted that can come to my mind remains anxious. also because like many of its kind to is it double blind study, meaning, but neither adult to no patient, no which subjects were given the actual vaccine in which received the placebo st.
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i'm with caution. we had some kind of, it started with headaches, aching, limbs severe fatigue and chills and fever. and i assume this, i'm guessing the right medication. but of course nobody knows come of us by such as china. she hopes that comes, that is no history. and if the study successfully completes this latest phase, the vaccine could perhaps soon be more widely available. so take care of your immune system and it will take care of you. and that includes getting some well learned rest and relaxation. how about within the next step is so does in good shape. see that the to enter the complex zones. among the many wars around the world that comes and seems to dawn is distinguished by 11 a savage or
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a guest in brussels as former prime minister. who heads in coalition, the political, some civil society groups trying to bring peace stars and framing. what would it take to step to bloodshed and unify these shots of the country conflict the next on d. w. any, so i use the basement plus, right. as far away, no c, a has returned to the baltic states, the fear of most of the power the modem says the here's a task custodians, nacia and miscellaneous, gainesville independent from rush. lots of people here expect from the future. a trip through the baltic states and shut down in d w the
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not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day in depth look at current use events on line by excess of critical thing. not just another news, so this is the weekdays on d w. i want to tell you something. it's a bear with me. my house. i don't think it was a shot. i never saw that this could happen to me. many people here are talking about it for the very 1st leaving here, you know, event living with h a, b space, a lot of this immunization raising awareness of h r d and on. and we're stuck in this cycle. shame assignments,
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we need to break out of a. i want to tell you something. how to tell the secret starts november 29th on d, w. the among the many was around the world. the conflict in suzanne is distinguished by its level of savage rate. the master goes the ethnic cleansing, and the salvation is for many of its victims. my guest in brussels is for my prime minister, bela who heads the coalition, the political and civil society groups trying to bring peace, trying and failing. in the last 3 months, the fighting is intensified and so as the involvement of foreign sites is something the same is on all sides. what would it take to step the blood shed and unify the shots of the country.


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