tv Arts Unveiled Deutsche Welle November 26, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CET
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the hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of the gentleman who 2 of you have you have a one dodge, so do you need it from ford? the vehicle to the spot on the on expected side supplies. the monumental novel is a 100 years old, but still has a lot to say about the present facility to todd household tales. the disintegration into escape has them. a satirist goes too far. and then you have to investigate the call to book the guns and then it must be more than a tire joke has a host of eccentrics looking for their nation protection. i'm afraid of the reality out there and a pop icon from iran who lends her voice to the fight for freedom. the welcome to arts unveiled
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the, the 1st to a highly topical novel about war hate speech. the rise of populism a deadly pandemic, and society on the edge of a press. it sounds like we're talking about today, right? actually it's all in a novel published a 100 years ago. the magic mount bye to him us marshall's i'm just on awful addresses issues that still concern us today. issues we still discussed with great enthusiasm. oh, great hostility to the home on this novel come better explained to us problems. we're currently experiencing things that warriors can today. people are also taking a closer look at the books. we're allen, which have always been you can. okay, so i think it's a fascination read and a novels it has many interpretations. it has many layers in many things. it's also a 1000 pages why it's a literal literary,
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heavy weight. so what makes it worth the reading or even a secondary magic mountains? 100 year anniversary is being marked with an exhibition in 2 months, months hometown and flew back with stage production. even a sequel, not written by someone's mind himself, obviously. but 1st, what's it about okay, what's that the same? it's the swiss alps at a sanatorium. that's a kind of health resort or clinic where people think the fresh air will cure them of a long disease. and there was plenty of long disease at the time, 2 months, months such as novel and $19.00 oh, $7.00, went to merchant, los is still a leading cause of death in europe. and the best treatment people can get if they can afford it, is breathing good air and just waiting around to get better. and they can wait a long time, answer if the story is young here, some us months, main character who goes to visit his sick cousins. how does the people we meet this character, hans cast or 9 who travels into this world and ends up staying for 7 years and is
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confronted with all the ideological political and philosophical debates of the time? that's i. what's funny about the book is, even though has kind of stop as actually healthy, he really gets into the santa torrie, the people, their philosophical debates, and just the culture of being a patient there. strict health for teens, luxurious meals, obsessive temperature and taking he ends up living like one of them, the ones on the end thoughts, and then in an isolated hermetically sealed place, the questions of humanity are played out on all possible levels. even the con, building was progress, science love plays a major role, deaf is very present. and so all the big topics and so much fun creates to character patients at the clinic who really are polar opposites and their philosophies, sets and brittany, on the one hand, p stands for progress and individual freedom for enlightenment vendors, nafta,
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or she wants to see society dominated by it, so tell a terry and rosie to tell with her and resumes were starting to take power in europe at that time with the rise of communism, the fastest has concerns cast off is caught between these 2 that the whole novel revolt around the decision which site to take, but at least both these characters become his concepts, mentors and he's really torn between the 2 philosophies. eventually search most of debates turn violence to rival space, often a do. and that's just the beginning of the violence. the book ends in 1914 with the start of world war one has cost or disappearing. and so the chaos of battle. when the magic mountain came out, it quickly became an international best seller, translated into many different languages. and over the decades influential people have claimed it as their favorite book, like american critics, susan sontag, who said she'd read it 7 or 8 times in span. big fan clubs cropped up at schools, and universities are listening. you don't have to have 3 talk trips in nature to
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understand to them this month because there's a lot of iron in human in his work. no more. it's about very serious things. but the book itself is an enjoyable experience. and there was some really hilarious saints and the so in the event that you sent us and i see a c, c must one group of people who didn't think the magic mountain was funny. it was the tourism board and thought both switzerland, they thought the books may have the town looked bad. they actually asked another big german writer of the time college tests, not to write a novel, but pains of a town in a better way to almost my life. quite a while born in 1875 at the beginning of the german empire. his diaries reveal that he was bisexual at a time when that was not accepted. in 1929, he won the nobel prize for his novel vote. inbox later, the fled nazi germany with his wife katya. a jewish convert to christianity,
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and there are 6 kids. so let's take a step back in 1912, katya of mine had been diagnosed with tuberculosis and told my son went to visit her at a santoria, i'm and of a switzerland that became his expiration defense who fed up with mom. it's all coincidence. and so we imagined he must have sat there for years, thinking about how to do it. but it's all coincidence. so 5, originally wanted to write the magic mountain as a short story on. and it turned into a 1000 page novel insight. and it took him 12 years to write it. he was interrupted by world war one, but also he was going through a shift in his own mindset. when he started writing the book, he was very pro more said 15 in 1914 thomas mine allowed himself to be carried away by the and suzy as him for war that was driving. many intellectuals officers, writers and artists of the time appointments came out. so he was in the front line of advocating for it. and in 1918 when germany was defeated, it was
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a lost cause and he went to a very isolated amazon who must monthly hold, those mountains switch sides, and the 1920s he became one of the most eloquent defenders of the republic. and by the 19 thirty's during his exile and the united states a true believe it and democracy, it will come. when the nazis came to power in 1933 thomas mind left germany with his family move to switzerland, 10 to the united states. and later, back to switch to most mind advocated for tolerance and human dignity. and some of the dive in 1955, which almost month wrote the magic mount machine was thinking about his own process of political transformation. he puts a lot of the old pro war him, that he distance himself from into the character of nafta. leslie's hand to muslim watson price is the most about thomas man is honest and sincere willingness. i'm courage to change his mind. to put his views, the task again and again, and to arrive at new views or to stand up for those new views of tools until he
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revises them. again. i think of this some of whom do i have. the magic mountain reflects exactly that in this up when the magic mountain came out in 1924 european society was really on edge versus feeling like today. actually the restlessness of heightened tensions, existential dread, and the feeling that society could go off the rails. that's what i can do. what was in the air, he writes in the novel, you can sense of tremendous on ease of fear of the future. and suddenly there's the situation at the end of the novel where things are unraveling and fantasies to where they start shooting each other, where they're cursing at the steps where the craziest ideas of merch off and people are literally losing their minds, boston and as walters. someone's mind writes about total polarization division. people who stopped listening because now that she could not keeping point today in
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this time of great eligibility, or you have to do is turn on any evening talk show and you'll see that people are interrupting each other and not listening. like just getting else opinions that go to holland, muncie is politics falling into populace. and what we now call hate speech. and this information he sees the tensions and the dangers that are later going to lead to the fall of the weimar republic. germany's 1st attempt, real parliamentary democracy, ended with the nazi here coming in if you can follow it in vivid detail. he describes it with a tremendous aesthetic sense and tremendous psychological insight creates an atmosphere where at the end you just wonder who will shoot 1st. first in the jewel and then at the very end, the war in which the whole thing culminates, the pursuits 1st. even today we see people turning the violence and they can't get their way with work. they look at them, i think it's sadly current. we should keep that in mind a not in
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a good way. it's been a century a 100 years and was still at the same place. people will stuff and then use me. yes them or is couple see what at the end of the magic mountain to him, us mon asks, out of this universal feast of deaths out of this extremity of fever, tingling, the rain washed evening sky to a fiery glow. may it be that love one day so that we should be ashamed of humanity that we still haven't done since the books. great final question after this universal feast of death. may it be that love one day shall mount this question about the horrible 20th century. the 21st century starting the exact same way with the next universal feast of death and do crating them. the middle east with the models of mine was also ahead of his time when it came to sexuality. earlier. novella is 20, a career guy and death in venice at strong homo, erotic under the magic mountain contains motifs that are obviously clear best such
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as long as it gets one of the books greatest strengths that it breaks every cliche, especially when it comes to questions of how to talk about the body sexuality under rough ism fixed. the whole thing comes custom falls in love with a woman, but i'm so shocked. but she reminds him of a male classmates that he wants fancy. besides the, the question of what a man is, what a woman is, what's masculine, what's feminine, and what is perceived as attractive, erotically attractive? all of that is fluid here. and gender fluidity was not mainstream. thomas monster and homosexuality was totally tab boot for most of society. is i think was a criminal offense in the 19 twenty's thomas mind campaigned against paragraph 175, which criminalize homosexual relationships. and i understand tell us about the own desire for man was something she lived out and secret to the outside world. she was an upstanding, heterosexual citizen, with a wife and 6 kids. love,
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hates politics and passion. they're all here in the magic mount someone's mind leaves it up to you though, how you want to interpret that. i'm just going sometimes we have to find out own way you just like the characters in the story. you can, i think that in times of the fake news and everything happening quickly. this idea of having to read with critical lies and do that for ourselves and stay awake. that is the most current seeing that number and that's what i liked the best. ok, so i sort of myself do i. e s was located much mobile style and in case the idea of reading a 1000 pages seems overwhelming my document, you can always skip a hand these lots of readers have told me which parts they skip that on top. and then i'll some people may skip over parts of months master piece, but others give themselves permission to write part to the there's quite football is that the tool must mom conference, the magic mountain top to is about to be published. the also is not until last
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month writer and such high risk times told is the bold pretend the audience is skeptical because i me from canada. so it was clear to me from the get go that certain she will, a circles would suspect i was failing. the german nest state. go on the desktop, writing a literary relic by simply hanging to on. it's from the that's the junk. the hen dying of the sick, out of its time strong because no stranger to provocation. in the 19 ninety's a studio brown, he's thoughtful people with telephone products, fold them with a documentary about his band factors and landed in the best set of this 20 years ago. with his level flight, just mind to me is a me since my vegetables. and now the magic mountain to get up in front of i had the idea from the outset that the title in the cover would be in the type face of the arnold schwartzenegger auction, who to terminate or to in order to underline the identity of i'm some scared the small minded to even more from the be found longer if i shake of your own entrance
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and is it all just provocation, or does it reflect some of the magnificence of the original $156.00 original passages from thomas minds, magic mountain on moving into the new book and the cost of characters from the senatorial baton, in modified full hands cast up is now still supp 1000000 that having us psychological crisis, all united custom, the original custom was lost in the turmoil of the 1st world war. and my own as high drink is also last hyperlink, you know, for me, but i won't tell you how, how v, as long as they're today to the colors. this is killed with antibiotics. so hind total cost is patients suffer from burnouts, the new mass disease, to split the willingness to prevent a hunched old is aware of his responsibility as almost months successful. when he gets hot starting headed, we're on the risk of getting myself into trouble. then i'd rather not then heavy. okay, that will keaton. before i make a fool of myself and the other one,
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which one? if you have the audacity to call the book the magic mountain to the school system, then it has to be more than just accommodating the tar joe task suit themselves. when do you have to do with just a bunch? one thing that i forgot about his work doesn't do justice to the length of the original. the magic mountain to has a may of 280 pages, but strong coach that this will help his read just passed the via to the end. and now to an exhibition in munich that celebrates being different curtain up for eccentricity. disneyland. oh, must of cut on an unlocked little cotton. coney, eccentric alters and creations come together that she dissolved and exuberant and they delight in sell stylization. in shorts, i do protection. i'm afraid of reality out there. that's why i love masks,
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costumes disguise, as opposed with gestures. extensive sentences defies all conventions. they do have these kinds bessie, they have a need for ever more idiosyncrasy. yeah, i can send 100 percent drug personalities. don't want to exclude anything. i'm still not even i create a world where everyone is. welcome. that yes to all the different fold unconventional dice this. yes, to all that. so yes, to all that's preventative. open the borders. anything ghost other 2 visas that this sentence isn't manipulative sentences that tells you find your own way. and they're the ones that create isa, end up dealer, and passages happen and living work of all sorts. also events worldwide for over 30 years. then who is we going to cost all to use all our energy to change something to show even the smiles we put on her face has
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changed something so and that it was a life spent. and like on the opposite side of a scene, it's an invention as an art figure with our work of art is key and we really take risks and everyday life. i think on the one hand, it's a form of cedar and staging. but at the same time, it's also real life. i started this all. this is the village and leaving the world eccentricity comes from the creek, x country road to step out of the center. we distance ourselves from what we think of as normal because of its limits. because the polar band might not be a predator as whole, but withdraw the be a dancing beth. what that think it, except as a president, his guide and the, and i think are centric personalities, do take certain risks when they go out in public the, the problems are different or they stand out, the se,
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naturally attract attention to origin or even regression from others. and spot then on more thought off the i can still one for the undergrad. busy busy eccentric aesthetics of freedom, the title of the exhibition in unique western honda schools, a political dimension. people like sofia's do some issue courageously and even passionate, least of the social conventions you know, way and due to censorship, especially in my blood, sam, for example, my gold tooth is also a political act for me because 1st lead, suddenly i was interested in what happens when i make myself ugly on purpose, what does that do to me? what does it do to my life, to the people around me if i directly and quite clearly refused to even look at myself with your patriarchal glasses, with your beauty standard stuff. it's a personal statement that i don't even recognize your normal as normal guys as the eccentric can also be disturbing. like on the ordering books going, ecology,
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chad and instruments of torture and pleasure. oh chloe. my see men be pulling the graphic and yet strangely, blotchiness we offer us some to instruct god scandalously eccentric and current hail bodies are exposed, violated and turned into fetishes. the reactions of the audience were extreme dizziness painting, nor shop by phone into the drawing. turner, how senior are on it's not just about provoking for the sake of provocation, thoughts from so now what about doing something different, and that's us, and it's not something non normative. so it's a tool and eccentricity seems to stem from a deep and the need to need to express. and then trans, occlusal mentions the fluids are people who feel safe from the world that they have to find for themselves. and then in the world that others have defined for them. if
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you need a tab at the same time eccentric students need to follow is all just titles. it's enough recognition for them that we see there, dr. t and billions. monuv to know what makes the exhibition. and the suitors we see here so attractive. so they are who they are people and i'll kind as they don't want to be any different, but in order to search who they are with us and that gives us courage and we want to support that. but this exhibition he's always doing well with the steps and yeah, man and encourage people to become a little more colorful types of in the tv, the just we travel on to iran where senior goose was silenced by the state to be
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also sure everybody knew where the mega, mega, not just in her home country ever run in the 19 seventy's produce, was touring all over the world. now she's saying good bye. documentary, good goose made a fire. a company is the 74 year old at one of our last concerts in frankfort, on sales or story record over time. so will you listen to whether it be wisdom, musical, or ring and music to go? she was always the like, seemed like many of those i felt very close to the decision maker at the premier in this discharge center. the goose is their 2nd major film for center and the subject close to heart. this is me the
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fact that i was able to make a film with a person who spots an agent based on his childhood. and that i was able to know to need to tell her story. but the story of a people, she said, that's obviously capital for me. i'm something that will always be with me. one second speech on that in my mission mcknight, groceries father introduced her to the stage when she was just 2 years old. who made the lead from child start to international stuff. combining persian lyrics with papa john's last month is on this walk, makes good to special on the one hand, of course it's hot out doing her singing her music of her incredible presence on stage. and on the other hand, i think it's her incredible biography, the biography she says with many autism and around that people try to come down to somebody has to silence how to break hash, but the goose has never given the had i thought, you know, it's
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a cultural icons forced to live in silence for more than 2 decades, since the 1979 or sonic revolution in our homeland ever won them when you get this before menu item. but toyota utility, which you and showing you done a supplemental cab got or has in the sun have sufficient assume that but take care of them to the k. the google store has been missing a book portion. but the get cut overnight. but the did show them big on down the but it'd be stakes bush to 21 years. asterisk in 2000, she was granted permission to leave for north america. she gave her 1st concert in front of 15000 people in toronto. she has not returned home since
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the judge didn't get this. i think she also embodied the loading for freedom held by many. a rainy is the current situation. the political situation and the wrong has been a hosted situation for 46 years. i think so, since i spend the life and shelters of a unifier tardies a day came to germany with our family at the age of 17. a studies theater in film directing today. she runs a production company in heidelberg, but never let go for homeland. in 2006, she went to around as a filmmaker and producer, until the political situation became increasingly tense. i press college was destroyed and thrown in my face the spanish that's and that wasn't true . i had a lot of trouble that i was also arrested. and then when the pressure on me in the room became too much, i resigned and decided to come back to your own. it's back to most i actually
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wanted to do this, let's say i feature length films long. so i want to take a piece of voice, filming irena in june and mazda nearly died under suspicious circumstances after being arrested for not wearing a huge of the, the native sire. the feeling that a strong woman and an icon, or music connex generations. and stands for the hope of a free motor and run the goose dedicated the frankfurt concert to jean and mazda. i mean the
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a case in health and communities the to time for a moment please, i'll follow up us up to the news. plus the unified we did in the, in the o behind is get 3 devices to the in 90 minutes on d w. the i want to tell you something it today me, my house was a shop on amazon that this could happen to me raising awareness of h i, b, and on. and we're still in this cycle. shane assignments, we need to break out of it. i want to tell you something how to tell the secret
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starts november 29th on dw, the mountain increasing every so many mcdonough watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 thomas, is there another way off the rules? the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw, made for mines. this shadows. these pod costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score those farms and destroy livestock. what is the
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legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, history, we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the this is dw news life from berlin, negotiators inch closer to a cease fire in lab, and on after intensified strikes on pay route, southern suburbs, us lebanese and as rainy official site. there close to ceiling, appeal to hold fighting between israel and as far as ralph cabinets could approve the agreement as soon as today, also coming up supporters of pakistan's in prison, former prime minister in prime time clash with police. thousands have been marching to the gates of the capital as i'm about to demand his release.
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