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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  November 27, 2024 8:02pm-8:31pm CET

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san lans palmer various take home the laurel swamp camels proudly displayed their fat resorts in their homes. none of them give it a 2nd thought fund like us humans, doctors everywhere warn against the perils of body fat, heart attacks joint pain, cancer. meanwhile, we are told to eat lots of healthy fat oils from lens seeds, walnuts, olives, this time to make sense of it all. good, bad, bad fat. this time pond in good shape. the defense gets a bad rap, but actually we have a look to sign kit full of cents. cells tirelessly collects energy from the blood in the form of glucose or fatty acids. they convert these into triglycerides,
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which they store inside themselves. when the body is short of number shipments, they unpack the reserves and she as amounts. in addition, they also keep us warm. we have plenty of fancy or depos tissue. in most people it makes up about a quarter as the body's weight on average women half a little more, which is helpful during pregnancy and breast feeding 22. she consist mainly of white fence cells. it sounds almost everywhere in the body, but the largest deposits are located in the abdomen and in the bus to extend. hicks visceral sites also accumulates around the internal organs, especially the liver, subcutaneous fat tombs alaya directly under the skin. and then there are the brown fence cells, the store less fine than the white ones, but boast, numerous might country at the time like small ovens.
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so that comes to be working to build reserves to ensure us a viable, even when we don't have enough to eat. but when facts and sugar are in plentiful supply, these reserves get bigger and bigger. the brain remains oblivious to this it fast. that's why i thought to, to shop produce the whole 9, let 10 it send signals to the brain. when food intake consultant then, appetite decreases on the front cells can take a while and break one close to the base of t is when this regulatory cycle doesn't what properly. sometimes the receptors in the brain are insensitive to let 10. then some cells say that full, but there's no feeling association more food intake then leads to more fatty tissue and into more let 10. and the receptors go even less sensitive
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too much for each issue. can put a strain on the hoss and liver and lead to chronic inflammation. and diabetes. touchy tissue is highly malleable and changing constantly to household lives. it shape solver appearance like no other room. and it deserves just as much love as every other parts of the body. body fat in and of itself is not bad for your health. but some people like soft curves on themselves or their partner. but too much extra weight puts a strain on the cardiovascular system and the joints and increases your risk of developing diabetes. fatty tissue also produces hormones, so too much of it can throw your metabolism out of black. the end,
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it's not just about how much that you have, but also where you have the today, melisha has come to have a tool with a real x bet on for the 1st let's see, provides for the professor alex on the bottom. it is a pioneer in the fields of fibers such he says, that's bad. reputation is on set. for women in the mid forties like minnie is okay to have a body fat percentage of up to 30 percent. typically, closing muscles have just tough that much and that's less healthy because adipose tissue plays important roles in metabolism. billings, body fat percentage, however, is high. a 48 percent and such as in the wrong place is very fast, is more dangerous than fonts around the hips and bulk homelessness of people that's there's not much space in the abdomen on the fence cells that it gets stressed if you stuff them sort of extra calories at some point,
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that facts bills over and ends up in places where it comp be stored, safely, like the liver, the muscles, and importantly, the blood vessels. what's good finding a little confusing when you then have an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and other diseases that can put you 6 feet down to the blink. let me start mainly got it solved of august. it's not so much the number on the scales that, but this me as my guess. so the realization that it's no longer healthy is an item by cindy smith is owned as an overweight pass and stressed. abdominal fat tissue in some ways resembles a large chronic wounds that's constantly and mixing. inflammatory substances says less of a health risk and a path shaped vega, like michelle is. tom, however, is clearly more full shaped. the band hot looks much more athletic, his waist is
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a 113 cents and meters into a conference. well above the 90 full centimeters recommended. and then it's not easy to pin down how much fat is too much benefit because that exist as low. you find this way by running and by aging differently will be excess font cells actually disappear when i put the guns. because on this to that sounds a really great sounds because they can really launch up to a millimeter across which is huge compared to most of our other cells. and then when we lose weight off on the cells can really shrink to when done. and if you remain center for a longer periods in the numbers of stem cells fold leaving you a few of thoughts, cells overall fits. but some cells don't shrink through exercise alone. no, through short, spence have done anything. instead, food intake has to change in fundamental ways. it will fall by that. uh, you know, to the more um process, the more natural the food is, the more colorful it is. especially when it comes to vegetables, those foods can be eaten in abundance,
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sofa when begin to especially food that you have to issue filled up. so those that contain by, by they can also help you back to control your appetite at best. that's a story on one's on some alcohol is converted into fat, relatively quickly in the body. so you should drink as little alcohol as possible. move please clinton. and it's also a good idea to be exposed to cooler temperatures more often. so don't wrap up. so when, when joking, or trying taking cold showers, this activates the front cells that helps fun, calories. cutting fats from your diet completely is no solution because the body use is done to help build cell membranes for instance. and they enable you to absorb the fat soluble vitamins a d, e s. k from food to animal fats are deemed unhealthy, even though studies don't really provide clear evidence for that. and call contrast
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plan faced fast from royals. nuts and seeds are thought to be good for you, but it's not quite that straightforward. boils very greatly and what they offer in the, at 3 times, the right ones can boost health thanks to the fatty acid they contains. can be when we look at these fatty acids in the blood, we see clear relationships to disease risks by its type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. but not every oil offers disease busting benefits. so you have to choose wisely. unsaturated fatty acids like omega 3, considered healthy buttons. do they also make you house here at the gym and institute of human nutrition, epidemiologist mathias shirts is investigating what happens when you include these fonts and your diets. the progress thing, which ones like, you know,
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we've been looking at buying mach cars for years small because you can measure when the blood that reveal information about the diet 3 fact we ingest, as well as about how fat so metabolized, can still fix the defects of his teen studied blood samples from test subjects in the lab. these revealed that the subject to 8 more i'll make a 3 and i'll make a 6 fatty acids had a low, a long time. risk of developing dangerous conditions can be improved when we analyze these fatty acids in the plot. we see very clear relationships with the risks for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. and the higher concentration of these, i'll make a 3 and i'll make a 6 fatty acids is associated with a lower risk of developing face diseases miles made from lin seat rate sage. well, knox for him contain these important poly unsaturated fatty acids. sutton, omega 3 fatty acid 0, say found in or the fish, like simon hiring,
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met cause and sardines. but the latest scientific findings showed that the ratio of i'll make a 3 to all make a 6 is also key nutritionist. christina dev 10 ski has studied the relationship. she says too much, i'll make a 6 and your diet can have negative effects. the tenants end up to excessive intake, promotes in symmetry processes, and that can less than the conic inflammatory diseases i'm calling in for stats that this can be particularly problematic for people who suffer from conditions like rheumatism. in a study involving patients with the disease dep chain sky investigated, the effects that fatty acids have on inflammatory processes, participants 1st consumed. i'll make a 6 rich some that what wales to 10 weeks. and then on the guess 3 which algae oil
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for 10 weeks, the research has been measured the subject. so cold disease activity school has cool. i've composition distance of say at the micro algae, oil consumption significantly lower pain and reduced joint swelling. and having me, on the other hand, during the some several weeks, the effect was reversed. the school rose, which meant that joint symbol painful and swollen met. and that's half dornbush. why nigger length? according to the gym and nutrition society, the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids in your diet should be around $5.00 to $1.00 and the annotated missing elf. and we know from our diet trends report from us studies that it's usually more like 10 or $20.00 to $1.00, which means it's escaped heavily towards only the 6 fatty acids. we can see too much, i'll make a sick artist and fall to little. i'll make it 3 boils like something, o l. o, pumpkin. see the oil?
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i made up almost entirely of omega 6 fatty acids indicated here in orange olive oil, which is considered particularly healthy household. me any on like a 6 the tool, but also hardly any on the 3 shown here in green oils from lin seat. right? so you will not to have contain more on the history and only marine fish, also based impressive quantities of omega 3. a good chunk based source of the fatty acids is linseed oil. according to the gym and society for nutrition, just one tablespoon covers the day requirement of omega 3. what's about supplements? the omega 3 using them usually come from fish o l g. so this is a good idea to take the nutrition with such a mathias should sense. has a clear opinion missing. when we go,
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we don't need to supplement omega 3 fatty acids supplements. don't offer any particular health benefits. you know, certainly that's a gem and institute recent, the ones that i'll make a 3 fatty acid supplements. house it is contributing to normal hearts and brain function can actually lead to dangerous cardiac arrhythmias in patients risk. and in those with heart disease. so it's better to get your own vegas reese from natural oils. they taste great too. especially in a fresh color, full salads, the chase and satisfying courtesy of the food industry. just watch out for trans fats by hitting danger in many convenience and fast foods. they're really bad for your help. the trans fat surround saturated fatty acids that
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produced when an initially healthy vegetable oil is industrially hydrogenated and then used for baking. oh, when it's heated at high temperatures over long periods. oh, we used like in the frying that cold trans fats because a transfer takes place during the baking offering process, a hydrogen atom on the molecule changes signs. then the youngest, we can seem too much trans fats have for many years. our l. d. l collect, strolled rice, is increasing our risk of cardiovascular disease. that's because transplants can turn into dangerous deposits, you know, to res, cooking them up. if you don't mind, if that's it, and how many, many of my patients have had the time, trans fats, but often don't know what it means or exactly which products it refers to. combine some fast food already meals such as tips. pizza and bug does have a lot of trends, thoughts in them as do baked good site questions, pastries,
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and donuts. potato chips as well. every time it will adds up an average adult should limit trends that consumption to less than 2.2 grams per day for a 2000 calorie diet. with a single class on contains up to one gram of trans fence. a donuts can have as much as 2 and a small portion of fries as roughly a gram of them. in denmark, csra, cheese band boil products containing more than 2 percent trends. fence back in 2003 about said to a drop in heart disease cases. according to one study, i see my the to who it's not just speculation that the band on trans fats in denmark has reduced heart disease rates. we know exactly how many depths we're talking about your name, the $14.00 per 100000, which corresponds to about $700.00 deaths per year. the solution less false food
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and more fruits and vegetables. that's the only way out of the dangerous trans fats truck, the fed homes. you can avoid trans fats by not overheating vegetable oils and using clarified butter. g or coconut oil for high temperature cooking, and also watch out for co lester. all eggs contain a lot of it and too much of the bad kind in your blood is dangerous. that's given them a bad reputation. is it deserved? in many coaches, worldwide eggs have a symbolic meaning. for christians, they play a key role at easter time. and generally to their popular food, tasty, a nutritious bunch. when it comes to eating healthily, exactly how many eggs per week ero k $23.00 will just don't do eggs pose
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a risk to your health and just how bad all day when it comes to cut nestor, role exit. i called the food source from animals contained a particularly high amount of collect, scroll around $240.00 milligrams in a single egg. but they also contain lots of important victim ins, easily digestible proteins and minerals or so does the high cholesterol content effectively come set out all the other good stuff. should we avoid them? cardiologist, melanie, emma again says no, at least not everyone has i inherited guns tags containing really great compounds that we often don't get enough of, especially if we otherwise on the low meet diet. i'm with victim ins like beaver simmons and fairly tacit. however, if you're looking at way, you can come to class troll levels in your diet. and then of course we do need to connect to this talk some and speed. what is collect?
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scroll anyway. basically it's nothing, but in fact, all of all cells need to collect strong. the body produces it itself, and the live up there at different times l d. l tons volts, collect, strolled to the cells via the blood. the good h d l picks up the excess collect, strove and takes it back to the left where it can be broken down again. if this cycle is out of balance and this too much l d, l cholesterol in the blood, it can make you will damage your blood vessels. but whether you have too much home for l d. l clustered in your bloods has little to do with what you eat, explains metabolic specialist, francisco signing. let me talk this to him if that's something you can lower your l d l collector level by up to around 15 percent through diet. the rest is genetically pre determined, that means that a significant proportion of our total cholesterol level is already determined by
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our genes. marco's endo has genetically determined high collapsed or levels, although he jugs 3 times a week, doesn't smoke and tries to eat well. a few weeks ago, he had a heart attack type of when my little ones at some point i had my cluster was a bit high and that's i should exercise is, but i just slows. i do a lot of sports and then didn't think about it anymore. and then some part of the flipped. but the healthy lifestyle wasn't enough. macros, predisposition like he meant that he'd had too much collateral in his blood throughout his life. that's what caused his home to tech. permanently elevated l d l levels increase the risk of inflammation in the walls of the blood vessels. packs form the narrow the vessels a condition called atherosclerosis. if the in a role of a blood vessel grows, bush told you to the build up, it can rupture. the vessel can be occluded, which can lead to
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a heart attack or stroke ma, cuz on down now, take stuff to ins, medication that low as his class dro his coffee. ologist has recommended reducing collateral in his diet, including eating. few eggs really complicates in the top, although diet alone is not enough. such changes can have another positive effect on this is a mom initial muscle on these name. we always have to quickly lower the class to level after a heart attack dog really quickly. that usually requires medication. um we have strong medications or causes of button high doses. medication can lead to side effects, changing my eating habits may mean i can manage my class to levels using a lower dose of medication, and therefore avoid the side effects to push them. however, simply eating few eggs when selves the problem because collect stroll rises
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primarily as a result of eating too many unhealthy fatty acids. these include saturated fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in sausage, they can all log and also trans fats. the solely to a highly heated fatty acid. so from found in baked goods and fried foods. so it's important to cut those don't fit to you since our mission. well, it's not just about the voyaging, collect straw and animal fans. it's also about adding in good stuff as well. so really doing something good for yourself through your diet, such as eating vegetable fats, vegetable oils which have wonderful effects on the body and on your fat metabolism, as well as protective effects on your blood vessels to fix all cookies also also each as much flavor as possible studies show that, oops, for example can help lower class to levels papa and
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totes contain ingredients light b to glucose, which prevents collect straw from being absorbed by the intestines in the body. so x get the old clear on their own. they didn't cause high cholesterol, neither do they make you fat as these sometimes claims. instead, they can be a valuable source of protein and eats and in moderation. they don't pose a danger or a problem. if you don't have high cholesterol levels close by o, genes, you can safely eat 2 will 3 eggs a week and even enjoy some extra at east time. anyone wanting to lose body fat should cut their sugar consumption. the body stores excess sugar as bad in case food runs low. a rear situation for lots of people nowadays. along with your stomach and hits the liver, a can also get fat and you're on likely to notice. but if it happens and it's
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essential to lose weight, and it's low. so when i run, it takes my mind off the whole illness for a bit. i stop thinking about it and i feel free look on this quite a few common auto is 19 a year ago during a routine checkup he was diagnosed with the fussy liver. because obesity from eating too much unhealthy things shut down that my heaviest. i weighed 19. 19 that is doable. is just under a year late to an club in is training for half morrison. he plays sucka and eats healthily. he's back from the brink. the diagnosis a year ago, shoot, came onto his family in order to help help in his father and mother and brother, and made fundamental changes. and i know that just like it's not going to work. when you are ready, you can't have 3 of you each a pizza. well, rubbing sits that with assignment and that was black. so we agreed to do it
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together from one day to the next, not to me. it was the same day. we checked everything out and then went shopping for the nice thing. look to find the bad things were immediately band. i'll 1st meal was not that tasty because it was a new book credit you need to get used to. the family no longer eats 5 t oh, minutes to meet. they feel they nutritional guidance from the doctor. that means little font few cubs, lots of rule food and vegetables and no cereal products. so convenience savings. we said we'd all go along with it. and in the end it's been good for all of us. i've lost about 15 or 16 kilos and my wife is less than of the $8.00 to $9.00. like, you know, i've been, i'm tobin you've lost 25 to 26. 0 yeah. i just bought a joke, i didn't really want to take part, but i couldn't leave him on his own. and so i said i'd do it too. and i'm just, i couldn't have done it on my end. but halsey thing is on the positive call bins
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recovery a year of volunteering at a nearby hospital has also had an impact gets all the details and con, i now work in a hospital that you witness again and again how hard life can be. and i'd say that it was only then that we really realized that if i continued to live the way i it before, things could really go off the rails, movies slip. so i decided i had to change and lead to healthy life and sofa. it's paid on because the fuel costs visit. okay, sounds good. i was concerned about something else that always pays off watching in good shape. so see you next time until done. take care bye for now. the into the conflict. so with sim sebastian questioning, the government in russia is more dangerous. so the premium living memory,
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my guess this week was centers for 25 years in jail for criticizing the war. and ukraine was released this year and the largest west prison as well as tom was up and he's lost none of these ideas and about the future conflict next, on dw ubiquitous uninvited guest, rats can drive you up the wall on the never ending place. but scientists are now changing their to saying, we've gotten it all wrong. so what are these clever masters of survival? really like urban rooms, parallel or the into l is d w. the
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get treaties. really exciting. i didn't tell you to look surprised. hi, i'm shopping. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to have you as a one does comport card via and couldn't invest deposits from quarter key indians to keep close that even though to press the we've got to despise this pressure and unexpected sides of the bluetooth his dream was within reach, she'd become a star in turkey overnight. then a man took everything from her. with the help of his family and music, she rebuilt her life. and then her sister also became a family scout by hatred to mother and the daughters. i am willing to work for change. i will sing my song. maybe my voice will be heard.
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seeking justice for the victims of genocide this week on dw, the, there's plenty of evidence for questioning. the government in russia is more dangerous of it's brand new living memory. my guess this week was sentenced to 25 years in jail for criticizing the war and ukraine for it was released this year and the largest east, west prison swap since the cold war. he's that he may have car loans and he's lost . none of his idealism for optimism about the future. despite all evidence to the country, this british russian national insistence one day russia will become a modern, free european country. and the future does not belong to our kid for leisure and repressive one manual authoritarian dictatorship science dictatorship examples in the future of the last.


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