tv Como te afecta Deutsche Welle November 28, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CET
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bounds, airport networks, they're gaming new allies, willing to harbor their ambition. the manually videos. i mean, i mean yes, i'm on the other side. yeah. but i pointed to call me as well, may as, as to pass up those little who, yes, i don't know how to go on medicare, that'd be 0 to ask you. this is the problem to the goal muscled. i mean being the video simple him to my face as one a lot is i will st. louis on x real 1000 minutes. can you do that? let's go. yes, we can. so yes, and we're just really so be able to consuming use is a portal for k. i mean i bought a cv vs to them. so one of them is assuming that unless i lived allows you to sustain them in your own. and they may notice him, but i think we see a band you throw out hung and really doesn't explain that is was not
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a guy the i'm an artist and boy mood had been say you owe me your honest though. i mean, i think the oldest, i mean you own isn't us america's economic. and i'm, i go to. yeah. and i think gonna save me your honest and all, but yeah, it's just him, but i you, me, yours was a 1000 the same for us on what do not for me, just expand the name of my land and i many going to be a little ways they split up once you and i almost all the way to get it, but only my gosh only, but in the base. but nobody made them ma'am, or they get someone who looks like them. and so what are they just using the law? is that allowing fund the this i can get our local media for the you? i mean, you're thinking as soon finds here so both ends. yeah. easily and yet. yes. but who is? yeah. but also what is that all your basic? we think what all he mean you in the, in the us and the thought of this. and when you knows what it is telling you is that go more than one i believe, for the annoying thousands on being as an annual, but a lovely man to get it going as let me know x that i. so you're in the who is the
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guy who fell down, blessing pfizer. oh, that's the one that's media penny. you know south on file and i wanted out can, can see it. it goes oh castillo. is that all in palm beach? thing on the phone and then the we, we the the on the, the fact that, oh my last me yours. i may notice that it will seeing cool off. that will be just your daniel and i'm ready. go to the united go to you. say when the all event uniform, the soon only funding funds. you know, when you say that my, jody, i don't minarda. so now let's say in the onus e set a go and think they've been able to handle some means other things when to put a c in front of me and use of a lead. something hopefully, you know, somebody who is a little focused you easily and if that and say, well only say oh and i don't know what else to be. see alex, i expanded ok, isn't getting ready to add so more just move your mouse moving. go. not that about how does what i mean. they seem position me younger than me and use go reason the steps. you know, it seemed all there must be in my they told me that it should be sure, you know,
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they've got some producing assign years and then the studio of the academic goes around your guys, so we convinced them. yeah, yeah. so you might get rid of them and just give them a how do i it's just kind of almost like a sense of the youngest in america that the nothing at law unless they think they think on the under the news. yes. so and my role is i'm going to have you seen them and then what i'm starting with the title. now. yes, i want the meaning of the bouncy and let's go back. it looks like, i mean, obviously, so a most economic going to be in the united way or the equilibrium which also went advice. but as everyone are you the best interests in either on the highway or like on the app, it'll be looking a little bit. but i'll be saving advice and i've seen so many things that i'm going to go see, but also yes, it's built on the mean. so you may hang up on things it will you vehicle know? so you have him being up on this is me thinking is that man of was by 18 a month it on bundled in the middle top. so let me know my minutes, your mouse and inform us, let us know what i see. it may be better. oh, they don't then. well, let's say you think us and also in this thing in the us, the host name goddess was send me, your zip is a to get somebody when they went out. the gap is because of the video,
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but i don't know what i see on this misguided under some of these took the soonest . that guy and i have so many interest lobby. but in the middle of, you know, maybe almost 11 unit, but it was a boy thank by see out any of the oil and cheats and will be honest, i want to push daddy's house and whatnot. and most of fake i go to disagree, which is an old one the way i'm on the i don't and you end up, you know, many guns i q and i can be up at old dominion equinox anyway. i'm in the ica samples and on the on the america. so see, and boeing the single and the latest figuring out that he goes hoops idea, i'm not going to 10 base a little bus. ya see the bus easy because the same thing way is going to send something for this isn't this, isn't this open ended up book a fan of mine? yeah. and us being for our to see of course i tell you where it's as a part of it, but i'm like, i didn't have so many to so we can play it. has you my god, i like still does your name on the don't. so i mean, this will see,
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be able to get this established responsive at the end of that, it was a religious price for bodies just by you just import about us. a basic are in this on was basis because he at the out. but of course, i've seen the scene on the bus you in the, in their school for the truck because it's not the that's not enough to just be, i suppose, yours know, sam at frugal x with us younger than yours events. i think get, and you're not going to come and say, look by you should have to how many dental have i'm moving it on the actual it'll means each time you're not going up. what i see on a course of way. all said i can also in the thanks built on the manual basis of the summer. yeah. united system, the guy does go to what i see on the test. let's get the money when got a. so that means that it doesn't really embrace as you go to what i see on this, it's on a caching quite in, by single be honest. and ben doesn't minus the one the orders of whatever sending why it's a single b, you on this. some of them both in. okay,
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so do you send me guess cvs? yes. doesn't seem like metal work. i've seen that it's just guessing on the sub and for the it doesn't. it doesn't. but it's just based on what you're on this the beginning of school. so at the end, 7 just wrote this is caused by me. now those echo jimmy goes to work as close as e m b in summer. if you meant that last week, but you know that i 1st got it. all right, i got the money, you know, one of them, they may feel good. you got sort of thing. i'll set, getting them out for madison, who's the msn. w, correct. the, with the quote when i went up and the sooner the gomez old one was definitely afraid radio for myself, who is the city of that when it gets kept. but it ended in general, especially ethic. i split up on the, on the side, and then they will see of that 3rd grade comes in. but you know, it doesn't actually matter is having a set of digit got it. and cafe stuck out. he has that it must be but does it. but as you, yes, but as you really want, they fair great. it's only and mean those that i mean that and,
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but i feel the convenience that last time i was just gonna say that meeting our students, which is the best one for yeah. who's calling you from us? yeah. it's on a boyfriend who stopped e. oh yeah. mean say is so kind of i me said, yeah. let me said, i have the the. yeah, but you guys will get a shot in last month as soon as ever lose the music of it. it was a concept the whole still but isn't all, is that so happy with god campaign? that's what i see on it'll get me an e mail. i can mean usa sign, you don't like them, and then they'll send it by, let us know what are you, you know, it doesn't look just as protest, diagnostic stroke, se on it was, can know the soon as on that because i think i was kind of today of them as a whole, so know that a visa connection with the ceiling fan of the manual. so you will have a physical at that them and they both get put into the middle of kinetic on c, n, c one, the better thing that they cannot go up on that up. and then, but some of the more than bucket been blue though already. okay. if that's a feel, uh that, that'd be nice of the seo and they'll say, yep, we may not gonna end up on c, n c a. he need janitta informed muscle and didn't know it. or what could, i mean,
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thought no sort of what the cost will be, what i see now, the mean? what about the side of why don't i need to go see you see fit. ok. that means that you know, that it will come in for my goal, right as to whether the 8 of them as a whole or the band base up. i feel like the whole yeah, noise in palm beach need be, and i like what i see on the, on it as well as open. i wonder if i'm be of use a so can you see i look at the oldest the, in the, my judy i look by you say that, you know, maybe color meaning my leg. i, but i'll, how do i think i thought of. so can you say, i know it's been a while ago and he's gonna have to see because is that all but i'm in order to have you see on your stomach thing he like without completely c on it. but in order for me to get all sides, we salute as well. what i mean, any, i don't think seal sample, they range and if i need one oak hill, they don't say like, i don't know about the us development average the, the idea of the issue in this style lennox is through the news is to the she for me to get plot the hon the last time you used to be on that. i
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mean, will this, those on your display, your middle, the put them into the put the animal control, the thing that i mean venarsik thing planned and all them up the us and would have cost your in the a list by using this ariellas egos, patient that sort, no, i single could give me guessing. i mean the others. i mean just to see us do we don't have seen the property at the continues the onboarding span of this research service. yes. get they get the seat of the a in on by he's getting off when performing people see on any of those in audio can complete us. i ladies see i'm on the easy easy button and i'm the body to the it's not complete the, you know, the ways to mend taking this thing and he's doing better. so know they know the 5 boys. how many going to be in
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a 5 during the lessons you will see on and nogales seen the nope on throw along is that always on being if the domains out but i won't get your man voice bought a gate then put that on and bump into that many cars at the bottom beside the and help us out the keys, us yelling through us not but what a certain you know, i don't mean you're the media band and this one can ask us so adult and audio dollars that we prefer telling 7 to go read on the 2070 those and said it was of in the, this is the v as i leave also in did you know the but as he hello he called the lease of the bully of ongoing. yeah. and phases of the summer now. so you may see some of that
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on funding and also going forward. i kind of wrinkles the more, you know, the way you try to get a cheap leave me that won't be in either you today. that would be good. why don't you meet that or, you know, might have, can, you will be the southern chico, you're going to do a lot of, of what i need most sheet and i won't have the morning as of right, is that many going to be next? i will do that man does have the dog and then you'll see all the same place that i am that have been printed out and i see the as an equal us. how many out of the part of where double us do i mean a mutual that allow event, the c to k c and are in the people in session, this is and then go to go and the last, the police where so that's what i show up on the thing that came in and look like a c k, i'm to me, you'll select the g b c model looking math on their own us, all of us get some of these deals are from one of the go i. so my goal is to be
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here as a means to get a menu that allows what are you into the big gain? yeah, ones with being for you at a local a you mean your nice the manual help you know, many kind of problem for us. yeah. me see, i mean, you know, the so many good spanish being the only specific one on because media, which is a totally most look. and then it will say that on this pilot is looking, which is assessing it already and i've done side condo loans. and while you're in for media, and they must see also why they have, you know, many cano scales means that all i have where monica late for the and see and that again, i don't know. i yeah, well me and i'm is, oh no, no i'm but i mean, oh no, no it's, but i'm nice. i mean, i've seen a cheap uh, pretty goal is chuckles simple b as i say it, but i mean put on that little mass mass left on nina includes in the middle and i think the hunger is that a single policy entitlement artist or yeah. throwing up a lot of that last week because of a fee and a $1.00 that on the use on him,
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the hours of the most, it will be in this. and also that is malcolm. these your name spelled a seal better with a lady, not the only for them. i said we would have for the same that you the basic a little me. yes, we're not the lot of stuff out of the board. us any fund, any of those? all of us and that the general go me. yes. and believe, yeah, well, no, i got the, i'm in order to at least how can, i'll hoping to get also some insight over there. so when, when you say you moved to a just flossing and i got and, and, and does he have an allowance, almost ready to take it on the and the family to get the blood? is that i mean as own but only my san diego and will leave you going to allow him to center. he has in a while and always will say leg, but he goes, you know that he yes o. mendoza and mine, they me and i think i'm a lead. beautiful wise, lawyer. god. and when he pulled him up, i see. and in the box, i mean, thought at the tone is missing olivia on bus, on via you to go look them up by using a little menu, bought a pc for the next that i see on this one minute i looked at the company. yeah. i
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think i used to look into something new. yeah. the spinning. yeah. you wanna be a feeling good. cool. like i yeah. you got a hold of them. yeah, i can be in in medium. yeah, i said the yeah. and. and don't says you can't look to assess nothing for the same method feeling when she does that. i've seen enough. chevy. gosh, so any. yeah. okay. so any yeah. it can. this would be nice. i leave us on that on the quarter, but i see on us if you don't mind and also the customer orders that are going with the list and we'll, i'll pull you up with microsoft just so that it is not mentioned in the bundle. the model doesn't just be as young as that, but again, it will try to is that warehouse, we bought it monthly for good. it's not an extra event, but i mean, yes. in savannah, as we start off a gnostic applicants,
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as you've been in the alice or an envelope, a space is going to be going to be not the meanest. i mean that i'm going to accomplish as you gave me these, these are really good deals to come into the room or of this the think it can no, and they've been so good winded in the media this to less or to the island delivering in this and this, or to the language out up, i say most all don't know if i you single motto in front of the palace made basically don't you think i may have gotten lost? so what are they use today? go my see it, they me, you own a him in order another base. you the see then law my go to you that all i need to go to to josh and finish that we will picking what is asked. it should hold today,
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they in the picking up or quoted that and you're supposed to tell me the audit gauge inch look, see on this is just a right to the bottom. i do the album quoting you. oh, i mean, yeah, yeah. i think there's an issue, so it's easy as the s, as one of her eyes on the docket, so that i don't know the rest is to see it. see that are in my you're maybe that that me, but i did know should it be cubes? a picture of some yeah it's, it's lucky on chevy with executive team that helped me more in that. so not let me get you over to somebody that will open up guide you that might be without seeing the oh, don't buy easy. so in, if you send that off, i'm be, that means that it just depends on a, make it go for him. it's inclusive about associated with the other and maybe god, this helps use it is done with a ramble that they gave us kind of the eyes he made. it was done with all the gc most minute youngers, last name. i'm going to be as and they so which cubic events that i forget for
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saturday you but how are you able to come by so many people are supposed to use you guys probably, but keep a luxurious good company on a income. allow yourself some of those, give some cause as i make it work, i pay a lawsuit against us appropriateness unit because i don't think i did wanna use the full name. you guys quoted us, you may have gotten a little all of us in the bottom. i mean, the ones that allow a 1000 a year for the blessing for them and by salma has a be i'm going to gain the annual and make me more look around. and i go say, try but old. but from what i saw in my book here, what so it was something that i was out of the mob. you know, you know, a little we amended the name was under the years because on the others on the see on i believe that there are less see okay, ready, one on my for life. and so just bear with us. and does he talking about of the or he is still sick daughter, split up, i got a bus spent there. most kids us for the busy i got this, you'll see when your so i can't book at all, hon. yes. and but of course as dental my they will not. busy and i will just see you in cost us again. i mean, you know, we also had a minus
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e. oh i see the all magical. and so that means that i'll have them be. what do you know mean yet she get in the shop. he's under some should money. i don't want to go that way now. well, not be not what people are now. would it be like gosh, i know in my profession my, my boss never strikes you, but like, or need you shouldn't. yet they have a need at this point that, you know, they look like some of these, they don't like it shut me up, you should get a gosh, that's how much time you've done this. i mean the out in the now, what is it all that she can you gotta when it should have a one e, then y o x a. where about sending a gumple you? unless you up and ask you, i may, he kind of, i mean i moved to new jersey 10 years with that means that all the time, i'm also going to to the rain, the soldier almost as sort of those sort of little by use going good. i see that or name i have that i'll who funding on him being in
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the bills and years, but old to some of the funding say one of the domain, but the tone is so little that exceed 40 can blow e look at the government documents. when do less own us and to go down this way, but he said, yeah, why not do that? so now you with that, gotta finish because it can be getting see funding to see that. all right, let's do not let them know any point. so literally in florida, they don't want to see, i can only go ahead and be know i late or they can use that policy and put them in order to throw on it. i see and told them i will not go month, they me yona him in order to see how a would you be the, the, the, the us or guy you can, will she get enough words that you somebody can send it. daniel people though, i mean they, they have a new york and by the way, as i got out and see what i like, what about i get that i okay. and it'll do that to me because i helping him to look up your order, then he has domains that must be not part of the way of sending him be no, no what i'll, i will know. so on sentence, what i, what i see on its board
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a hamper that policy on that. and then i'll see, i knew that all who finding out more is that not a 1000, you know, said so this it will by equal to always on the the, the formulas explode on nino state them in selling munoz because it asked for the 10001000 names, so instead of them you get on think look them in 1000 me in order not going by now . good. you got a 1000 when you hit by using a simple america, you get on demand. no, no, no, somebody else mass mailing it also. and then i'm going to appeal to them at room for the thought spinning this rule, because i think i bet you missed that any of that. but on page up a side of this, i mean, the guys come in all the way i leasing at the point that is because he had a man that maybe your legally guy e, x you to pick a eco move cuz i'm going to be the same blank, the phone that goes with it hasn't been a while, so that is a got a isn't about this, you know what i mean? you're swilling comments that i fell out of the hills and yes and yeah. what else along the way in about a month and that's what i mean is. so moving it out and it's for me for that. and
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then also i have not got any that meet up wednesday in the i'm gonna just get you to this to me or send me your sean. so that's what i need to show me get on the east side. know some would need obviously, i mean the full day that someone would need, i just need but a shot. you talk to me that 3rd. yeah, that is not super mutual mean that though, yeah. like, why is this an a c, o know a quarter of the escal, the money i know 5 years, and that is the whole set of guys the and the totes. and they'll say one of the main, but though it's also neils can include you. that means that y'all or, or seattle, but when i go to the gate, says a warning and let's see, see how it goes. if they me cool. i 5, yes, good dollars in the most. out of a little who very to some of those it was yeah, they get those. let me get him know if i lease fee, it will be enough that this housing is not an actual appropriate but i need to. i less and, but it's just extra evangelist. you know, but, and i say to put the congressional then they have that does it. but i meant the to be seen that level one only goes out of it. here's what we see. and this will be
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sort of like just done with the lease. but the more i list, the youngest, you know, based on the style, if any of those is really the piece is good enough to keep those inspectors where that could be the advice. yeah, mean, is empress and they bought them and bought all out a photo mile. there were no mentors. why didn't they want the policy and the nino scan on the all the seo and then they just said alice saw it at that. all he's on be in the movie a message, and it goes to what they my let alone a they're not even see on the what the use of an export most mean use the style sheets legally split, but mostly just because of you and a spouse of mine yellows in the country that got to be really unless, unless it was so pretty. i usually forget his spouse and used to have always also when i thought of testimonials they asked, they had gotten out know s, you know, 6000 almost all available. so you to sort of see on the
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most of them and done as the bonus like born, and that's the only end, but i sent a forward or you can only use that i and this, let's see what yes i most of noiselessly it doesn't see. but i mean, i look forward answer as soon, but only my move these by 30 added so seattle, economical, believe me story, something i'll leave. i'm on the i guess he's already, most likely it's not a cable. one of the guys photos that out. and then also on him being a see of like the 5 level. so you know, that island palm beach or the hampton ice cloud. i can a movie, i don't know him, but isn't that, i mean, those, he's the one a guessing maybe. yeah, that's what we had along the side. yes. and for the last the on the phone it in, but i think up the muscle. seattle, golden apple is either on the side of that say is no because you don't think i yeah . maybe in science you're not in but a sec error. i'm not getting these, you know, just don't come in as a whole. the ones i don't know. so just very, i'm just gets the most to and go to the latest. but i think this is probably as consuming orders like, you know, it's been from, but i know they, but it just goes, i mean i'm in the, i'm gonna find supplements here at the house. that's anybody else. i have an assault battery side of the boss who go and ask so many omen. nothing else but
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a is yeah. for the 1st one. i think that as us. yeah. so media next the he because that's a wonderful so really, i think guys low on the, a guy in issue but she knew this and so he said i need to call them and the technician should pick up or not. definitely not giving me yes. yes. and the answer i get that i'll send it to attempt to use um, if it's the charity benefit of the next up, you know, he does, he has a really sweet your boy most up on the bees in a week. and then on the side of can also you see it up on the, on the, on the window you, most of those have been to go know see and press on. 6 less petals on the bus, or latex, you incorrect. dom. and it down knowing what, what on the internet went and i think a how do you pronounce what you're not getting into it? on my pacific, i'm into dialing from the top. i sent the invoice up. so if you see on a hit the default and we've seen a total of 4 by 4, but i see on us, but also united for today, you'll be in it, then the nano can also thrown the pro. now use this as an invalid. if i'm being,
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if i say like i happen to be, i'm and we are using also same up on seeing that. i mean i'm, we'll see and look on the do you, me, it was, it is through the was there to give me love, you know, i'm gonna try things on the video and know what the setup does to start on the post, probably a new study, a did we not as a combat in e that me not them, you're not covered up to 15 non quality. you'll mckelly gas it in the and jesus a little, but you can when you see a bad, you know, so i have but i can use of, i mean, if local med asking us about the boy with the liberty safety and also it'll be interesting fantasy theaters will do those is the see if i little see clip or days and i'm going, oh gods, yes, i most crescent but a since you know what we and also a little bit on this, i thought a little containing a few odds. they don't need to me you also want, but i see in this little that i see get no, boy, i'm on said as you know see him in order on this here and then you put down the bottom one is what will they, what the somebody at the end of the,
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the sharp and most of them i will sing my song as long as these injustices will not go unpunished. not from dc air, tons for use of charlie's tongue for any of the other murderers of women in the home. to me, my voice will be heard seeking justice for the victims of sam assigned in 15 minutes dw answered the conflict with tim sebastian
4:58 am
questioning the government in russia is more dangerous of the premium living memory . my guest this week was sentenced to 25 years in jail for criticizing the war and ukraine, which was released this year and the largest just west prison as well as the time was up. and he's lost none of these ideas and about the future conflict. in 90 minutes on d w. the so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect and one different things from life, from your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my saw on fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
4:59 am
unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to and then when generation class, which now dw documentary, hey you looking for something, welcome c d, w to so to channels pick trainers and clips from us docs. and in that story here, oh, just a click away, watched this video. see what's going on. hello, and a warm welcome to you. would you mess around? neat, unusual people. yes, i am very easy. describe this fascinating cases. you have a global perspective. explore great ideas. let me show you. check out
5:00 am
contains 9 dodge your journey. get inspired. the this is the building is live from the land 11 on sans its troops south to support the seas. 5 between israel and his ball of soldiers from the lebanese army. and moving to these ready border as thousands of displaced civilians attend to their homes. also on the program plus train the moves to band kids from using social media platforms like take talk, snapshot and instagram. we'll find out how the legislation will work. the
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