tv [untitled] December 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CET
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is, was every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality, the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the we're all the same, right? well, most exactly, in terms of dna, there is tiny differences. genetic information differs slightly from person to person. that's why we will have different physical characteristics. in the social times, differences can be a lot more pronounced like between how women and men are treated. in gemini, for instance, mailboxes are paid on average. mold in the female council pods are such as looking at why that's and much more on this episode of dw science show. welcome to tomorrow. today the,
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this patient with obesity is undergoing a stomach reduction a common procedure, the 2 surgeons carrying out the operation, however, are exceptions in germany. as a, i'm seeing when i started my surgical training, i was the only woman among 36 man. it was still very unusual. i guess it was kind of like the mascot. i thought this last question maybe because surgery has been such a classic male domain for such a long time. and because of this idea that a woman can do some things just as well, but only a real man can perform the surgery. one wish to go month. according to the german medical association, there are 9 male surgeons for every female surgeon in the country. equipment reflects that the sanction damage and that it starts with the fact that for example, many surgical instruments are not made for smaller women's hands or that as a so back. and there was even in often the case that they had to order extra gloves
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for me. i need to have because i have much smaller hands. the man who operated alongside me, man id mcneil probably yet. can your gender impact not only on your career, but also your paycheck? figures seem to confirm that it does. in germany, there's a huge income gap between men and women in medicine. female doctors working full time earned on average 30 percent less than their male colleagues. but why? one reason is that female doctors often work in areas that require more communication skills like general medicine. and those jobs are often paid less than specialties like radiology or surgery, which usually draw more man. another reason is that lucrative top positions are also mostly failed by man. just 15 percent of all head physicians in germany are women. the 2 surgeons also cast a critical eye on the fact that women in medicine earned last. this is the furthest
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i see an opportunity to ensure contracts no longer contain clauses saying you're not allowed to talk about money. because you can only make comparisons if people are open about it and ask, why is it more here than there we go? the unadjusted gender pay gab across all occupation. so between men and women in general, in germany, this 18 percent, that can be explained in part by the fact that many women work part time and are less likely to reach management positions. but even women who do the same job as man and work just as long are still paid 7 percent less than their male counterparts. researchers call this the adjusted gender pay gap. where does this 7 percent gap come from? scientist sit the max punk institute for research on collective goods and bonds are
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trying to figure that out. in one experiment, their test subjects were asked to solve math problems. in the end, they were paid according to how many they solved correctly, and they could increase their winnings if they were prepared to compete against each other. this is x from inside. this experiment shows that men are much more competitive than women, which is remarkable because in most of our tasks, practically all of them, the men don't perform better than women. so if the gap is about performance levels, it shouldn't do that. this makes sense. however, these differences in behavior do have a considerable impact in some areas like salary negotiations. well, when it comes to applying for a management position, is this just so what is going on? so the fact is that an hour type of economy, hardly anyone's job, just drops from the sky. you actually have to throw your hat into the ring and compete. apply even though outcomes are on certain available. you have to want that
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and be ready to do it, and then deliver up perfect performance and build done know particulars to 10. that's where some gender differences also help explain the unexplained pay gap between men and women. and the different behavior isn't the only reason behind different opportunities for a career and a high salary. one phase of life in particular is decisive. starting a family. i think them if you've been away for a long time, you can slip back into a different role. and types and salary in general start much later because promotions become less likely to feel and being assigned to felt. they have to have it again can hold. you know, papa could not have held their own as surgeons in a profession. still dominated by men in germany. the 2 also share the position of chief physician. another unusual move for a clinic and the country is apply can on. i had 3 children
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bars again and i wanted to have a career. it's helped me if i'm going and i've had a lot of fun working for this career or working towards it or does the me and this part time option gives me that opportunity to try to go and get communities and move this kind of models like these are called top sharing ones here. they're a way of enabling more women to take on management positions during the kind of salary that reflects it. incidentally, in societies where women have the same opportunities and rights as men, male life expectancy also rises. the reason why might be that as the idea of risk, masculinity changes, man lives less risky, unhealthy in lives and patients. they're also more likely to recover well if they've been operated on by a woman. when you need surgery, the sands could be better for you, then these ones, that's what research and canada and fast the team examined over
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a 1000000 patients one year. absolutely went under the nice and guess what? the sex of the search and influenced how well they were doing when treated by a man. every for patients had complications when treated by a. it's called only a brief list. so patients of rated on by females surgeons seem to fair better than those 3 to by may search and other studies have shown that as well. one possible explanation is that women might take more time during the procedures, and they're better communicating step. there's more may surgeons the less harm when operating on med then when operating on women or female surgeons. that was not the case. however, the number of women doctors and surgeries remained staggering. the know last year 44 percent of old women and 68 percent of all men worldwide were in paid employment . women actually what mold and men though, but later in the household in the fields, ok giving is generally on page. in most places, women still ret,
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in management positions to early around a set of over such as a female on top science positions are still largely a male domain. that's partly due to a deeply embedded hierarchy. in academia. i said 1st everything was fine. kathleen started work on her dog to read and got on very well with our ph. d advisor. but when she decided to leave deposition in order to continue working abroad, things took a turn for the worse. she thinks mostly because she refused to leave her job earlier than was required by the contractual terms of her employment contract. and he pad, miles to me in front of other employees, bullied me and accidentally misdirected emails. and what you talked badly about me calling me brash and incompetence because i think that the best way to describe it is that i felt powerless to like many students and academic staff at
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universities in germany. kathleen was at the mercy of the professor advising her dissertation. he was her direct supervisor and h. r. manager all rolled into one. he was also so well connected in her small field of research that he could harm her professional life. as keeps the pain, you know, there are scholarships you can only apply for if you have a high grade on your dissertation about them. and mostly the doctoral supervisor decides what that'll be. and so if i get a bad evaluation or maybe one day find myself before an appointment committee, when applying for a professorship myself, she might be asked for his opinion and could then say that i'm not suitable guy. and bullying is not the only kind of misconduct in academia. some professors insist on up hearing as the authors and publications they haven't actually worked on an abuse of their power. the same applies that they exert pressure to falsify data or
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evaluate results in a one sided way. and there are even worse offences involving physical and sexual abuse. so is it easier to abuse power at univers, cities and research institutions than elsewhere? professor don utilizing is investigating this question, a professor who teaches at the dresden university of technology. he chairs a commission at the german psychological society on the subject. and his verdict is clear. one valuable thing comes in that we know from a whole series of surveys, that it's on questionnaire believe part and parcel of the scientific community that scientists search we didn't badly. and this also applies to other european countries like the netherlands as a switzerland and austria on mobbing bullying and exportation or comments. but what exactly makes it so easy for perpetrators at universities and research institutions to get away with it, as with cases of power, abuse in other areas of society?
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the issue remains, it's hard to topic for years. the biggest problem, the amount of power held by a single person, according to lising, the reputation professors have in german society, also plays a role. issues for housing if the physical behavior is easier in organizations that are reputed to be highly ethical. if you're sexually assaulted by a pastor or a priest in the 19 sixty's or seventy's and then came home and told your mother about the very strange things he did to you because you were probably set off to bed without dinner. because you don't say things like that about a man of the cloth. and i notice a similar inhibition when it comes to scientists, loss of a physical 70 percent off law professor stuff on show. it's hard to the german psychological societies chairman says that policing bad behavior is difficult. academic freedom and shrines and the country's laws guarantees professors,
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a high degree of independence in research and teaching, but also in the supervision of their staff. there's little monitoring and misconduct is rarely punished, abusing your power or can therefore pay off the commission depos. it's one gig. we need to strengthen the positions of those who may fall victim to power up years. we need better employment, conditionals and more permanent contracts, more reliable career paths. we have to change incentive structures, so it no longer pays to exploit others or behavior unethically loans. we have to pay more attention to research quality and not focus a purely on quantitative event. we need strong control and sanction body wasn't from, for example, we need to give on boards, persons and committees, more resources and the hour also must also preventing power of use in german academia and therefore requires sustainable changes among them. effective independent controls. the united states, for example, has
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a government organization for investigating scientific misconduct. kathleen contacted the responsible counseling center at her university. the results were sobering. monday day monday. but when you make yourself go there and open yourself up to somebody who's actually a stranger, someone who suggests that justice will be done about india and nothing happened, probably because in this case the professor was untouchable. and i've had the h r department had already received several complaints about him, but what could they do? he's a civil servant with tenure. he's the final authority and in addition to more monitoring, splitting scientific supervision from personnel duties. what, how, after all, being even an outstanding scientist doesn't mean you also have a social skills necessary to be
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a good boss. thing because during the age of enlightenment, which began at the end of the 17th century, cleared the way for new scientific depends setting the stage for mountain views of reason, but also human rights. but during the period to european powers will also colonizing countries around the globe. and often tearing icing native peoples. how did this fits in with the movement inside deals? the enlightenment also gave back to some ideas that didn't withstand the test of time. the term race is totally taboo. you won't find it anywhere. nobody says it anymore. instead, we talk about culture people, society of people are always trying to set themselves apart from others. but before we get to that, let's look back hundreds of years when wide spread concepts of race began to emerge
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from often who nothings because it's around 1800. what are called color models develops 1st ice, and there were the white europeans and those who had settled in north america, who were to a certain extent, considered to be at the apex. then there were what were called brown people's or orientals. and what we now call them, at least then there were asians who were placed a little higher because certain civilizational achievements could be attributed to them. and the group that was to some extent on the bottom wrong, where the africans let's try that. a couple of them just to kind of think of the reason they were placed at the bottom of this hierarchical model was justification for the fact that for centuries, africans had been treated not as human beings. but as sub humans are going to need, maybe mentions on the on temperature pumped. this is chris john, go island. he's a professor of modern history, who studied racism for years. the reasons for why africans were on the lowest
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strong involved the atlantic triangular slave trade, where millions of black people were trafficked from africa to the americans, europe, and sold the goods that enslaved people were forced to produce back to their home countries and invested high profits in more in slaves much the system didn't change even after the age of enlightenment or contacts are 9. the it'd be nice to say that after universalism in the enlightenment, arrive at equality, freedom, fraternity, these basic values that racism disappeared. but the opposite happened. and that's when racism became a justifying ideology, providing specific hierarchies of security and inferiority. and by the, on the one hand, racism, at least since the 18th century says very clearly, of course, all people are members of humanity, no one is excluded. but the cultures outside europe have less biological value, and that was why it was legitimate to exploit them. racial series,
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like these were wide spread among enlightenment thinkers like tons, voltaire schiller and good to me from his act. but i'd say 99 percent of all intellectuals or politicians believed it was. that's how people thought about the theory of evolution. and scientists like darwin and the la mark altered the intellectual landscape. their ideas made it clear that nature was constantly changing. so there could be no such thing as a natural, unchangeable order, not even among humans. that's a solution for that rolled over europe like a shock waves country. it meant africa could pose a challenge and south america could pose the challenge that we were all in a fight for survival and had to prove our supremacy of which until then had been a given devise. the racial theories propagated by the nazi party in germany emerged in the 20th century. the ones hitler and his followers laid out the ideas
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in his book mind comes, but they also focus the whole problem on a racial contract. namely that between ariens and semis, so germans and jude with the latter declared a kind of counter rates and tools and asking us that's not a darwinian concept, like with dar when the fight for survival is taking place everywhere transition. but hitler could have cared less about what biology or scientists were saying was for him, judy, isn't, was the enemy racially biologically politically and culturally? and if the german was to survive as a culture and state, then it would have to be destroyed. the nazis murdered 6000000 jews, industrialized genocide on a scale that remains unique in history. theories of race have long since been refuted. there are no human races. so what does racism look like today? like we said at the start, people still constantly seek to distance themselves from others. many will take to
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the streets to protest against emigrants because they feel threatened by them. and some political movements claim they'll free people from the threat that's done. so that's the whole thing, the whole ship bang no longer requires the concept of res. biology doesn't play a big role either. ization. instead we talk about culture, about people, about society and i stuff, it's a bit different in the us because race has a different status there. but even there, if you look at how trump and talks about these things, if we just repeat classic racial theories and an audiology is from the 19th century english. instead, he's developed his own language to talk about one that clearly has a racist under tons. but it's difficult to detect and you believe there's only racism where you have the concept of res thornton. however, there are a common things that you're going to follow and i think it's important to keep an eye on them. just keep in mind, that's the only possible if we don't focus on the future wondering when will the
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bad thing come back? i think it's taking on new for us and we have to watch out for what's disappearing and what's carried forward. well, that's what you have to keep an eye on with. the another thing to keep an eye on is a mocking kind of exploitation that still happens regularly appropriate thing and commercializing traditional indigenous knowledge about native plumps and other organisms without any payments or compensation. also known as bio piracy. many food spices and medicines produced on this basis the subject to pay tense and sold great profits. international agreements. so suppose to stop by a piracy not a simple task. this is candy leave the source of the sugar substitute steve. yet it originally comes from paraguay, but has grown scarce. there the plant is almost ext and, and the wild after being exploited by multinational corporations. agronomist miguel
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nevada has been campaigning for years, seeking re dress for the indigenous pirates. have you cut off people and they're fight against industry. the charge bio piracy. they actually relied on the traditional knowledge of the find the, that people and they want to need leaving there to show them more of the plants where they took it basically with no consent of the pines that we did that. that's the 1st thing. that's the 1st act of buy a piracy. the fact that they didn't consulted with them constituted by piracy bio piracy is the appropriation of genetic resources or knowledge about them from indigenous peoples and farmers without asking for permission. and without giving anything in return. even if the phenomenon doesn't receive much attention in the industrialized world, bio piracy is wide spread with a clear north, south divide,
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bio pirates focus particularly on regions with high bio diversity. and most of these are located in the global cells, regions like the amazon or those in india and south africa. what are called genetic resources from these areas include not only plants such as candy ladies, but also animals, or micro organisms. any of them can hold enormous potential for industries like food, pharmaceuticals, or cosmetics. profits from developed products, however are mainly generated in the global north. there is a lot of volume still. they have many, many options in the product line farm. i could be a traditional for american pie to treat many lumens. i absolutely, and many are being already in use under exploitation as we speak. many of
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them are had been, i think that by international or trim slash on corporations. so what's to stop the industry from just helping itself? are there any safeguards the international community has adopted various agreements to prevent that from happening? they're all intended to prevent bio piracy and protect endangered bio diversity while at the same time and neighboring research and innovation. one of these agreements is the negotiable protocol. it states that anyone seeking to use a genetic resource or knowledge about it should pay compensation for the right. the principal is called benefits sharing users and providers of
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a resource or knowledge are supposed to negotiate the amount and form the compensation will take. it's important to understand that the idea is not about the direct consumption of products like food, to about paying for the use of genetic resources or traditional knowledge about them in areas like research and development. instead of building out cash users could, for instance, also support nature conservation projects. so if a legal framework is in place, why is the phenomenon of bio piracy still so wide spread funds from my end back as a swift expert on c policy 2 is dealt intensively with the issue of bio piracy. the agreements he says are not clear enough and they favor the rights of industrialized nations. you know, all fucking, that's new. well, in europe,
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the rule is that you only have to comply if you go back to the country of origin after the indigo protocol went into force and start extract in the resource there. again, don't know, but countries in the global south interpret things very differently. they say no way any new use must to comply with the rules and the uses. no, no, it doesn't move. i don't have to pay anything. i don't have to ask, go, no, i can use it all freely and i don't have to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity with me. so, but if that really is the rule, then ultimately my benefits sharing will remain very small. there will be very little equalization of benefits if you follow the global south interpretation of the rule, then monday, then something really would flow back on the tickets us to look for these. but industrialized nations have more power and lack the political will to implement existing rules, meaning bio piracy will continue the
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sometimes 9 dodge your journey. been given by the . this is the w news, and these are our top stories, georgia's prime minister, roughly a couple of kids. a has said that president selling me is there. a boss really must leave office when her term ends this month. that's after through a boss really who is from an opposition party declared, she wouldn't step down saying parliament has no authority to appoint her successor . the prime minister also ruled out a rerun of last month's dispute at elections despite ongoing protests as well as insurgents and sir, you have taken over much of the city of a level in a.
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