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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm CET

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a slowly dissolving after this experience and i'm becoming a more short version of myself. i'm definitely putting on the big boss lady. she was now with the harvesting olives in a hurry. we have to get a move on the goal from us last night. games of feeds their targeting, produce grown by farmers like antonio mazda. it shouldn't be not feeling frustrating. look the sacrifice for me, came over my family. my colleagues are part of it. after working all day in the fields, i know we're having to guard them as well. and tony feels powerless in this game of cat mouse one, where criminals rarely get caught in
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a battle over precious olive oil. which i think in the 60 years of all the farmers here will have given up. the antonio is putting all his faith in miss harvest. the 1st 10 picked yield after 2 disastrous years. more and more often these days he's considered giving it up altogether. which is, you know, a little bit of yeah. there's too much for your recruiting and way too many administrative items. i'm in the center of new generation,
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which the people don't want to know if this anymore, and i left him to come in. no, yeah, they will never done this. antonio's done cfo helps out where he can this use hard, this is expected to be better than in the 2 previous years when crops were impacted by extremes, drought to give me one day, i will tell you that everything is green here now, but in the last drought, even the trees were dry. all good, but how much is the 2nd i thought a whole lot of things on the farmers are grappling with a different problem this year. all it's div, that's why they're harvesting the fruit as fast as they can. the only work until the afternoon, unload the harvest and jump in the shower that little then we have to come back out to the fields and patrol them until 12 o'clock in the morning and the younger on
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the back of droughts in poor harvest our lives are more valuable than ever even if the trees are hundreds of years old, the thieves don't care the battle they sort of as well as i was in queue lose of all this was the look at the branches see on the roof. and so the while video can help you that the steves have numerous other thoughts, they've just hit them with this final or following feel size. so i feel like the it's a huge financial loss for upcoming years to damage trees. won't produce much fruit
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and neither the perpetrators nor their criminal network. what card that equals voters, there must be farmers who lives from the thieves and channel them into legal circulation. he doesn't. why. ok, there's no other explanation for to kind of it's how you might have faced with a recent state of stuff like these antonio is seriously thinking about giving up on every thing he's worked so hard to build up the he left madrid 15 years ago for a more peaceful life. returning to his home region of nevada, the to pay the
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attempted. i know for land. how amazing i really thought i'd be life on this on our here is booth an illusion. your and a great sacrifice for we're trying to see if you're seeing a creature like this makes it all worthwhile. what else can i say? this is life. you might be the, the, the merino lamps, are antonio's pride and joy in a 2nd income stream along with the olives. he and his family also make sausage and cheese. the dream of an idea like real life has long since been shattered. the in the wake of 2 consecutive drought years 2022 and 2023 olive oil production plummeted by more
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than half the pro failures in spain, the world's largest producer of olive oil. st prices skyrocketing across europe in spanish supermarkets, the valuable bottles are now fitted with security tags or lock to shelves. the at the olive mill antonio also gets more money per kilo. within a year the price of olive oil has more than doubled in stain the
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. but antonio has still made a loss because of the crop failures. and to make matters worse, now there are criminal gain strength to get to the of the, the center. since every year, the more this year because of the price rise, the stolen olives are shipped to other regions for pressing the but farmers aren't the only victims in this type of crime. oil, no operators are also impacted. jose medina had 4 break ends in 2023. they were highly professional jobs.
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ok? you can see it here. then they smash the stones and open the door. that way. when the crowbar you beforehand perpetrators cut the power supply to the alarm system. the cost of jose after 4 burglaries in quick succession. 80000 year rose how and doug got those 2 products. they sold a total of 14 pallets from up there. not all the way until they must have used a forklift truck is we're making a loss because of the brake ins and the email for the only because our insurers are refusing to pay out to go by the other pseudo leave with the little spider. because he's sick, they say our alarm system should have directly alerted the police. nothing you know
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most going to the police here. that's why they're not paying a cent. if you think the is a guess what nobody chose a has been running his oil mills or 25 years. here's employees, the staff of 7, but doesn't know if he can keep them on. his oil is derived from an ancient grove with good soil, as well as regular oil for restaurants. he also exports selected products as far as japan and taiwan. but the business now has an uncertain future they also stole from here and took the 5 liter bottles. i mean the other bottles to because of everything but the vinegar implemented. i feel so powerless and angry. honestly, i'd like to kill these guys. and i thought of all the effort we put into the oil for the adult and it's, we're gone now for
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a lot is worse. so the insurance company doesn't pay, then jose may go bankrupt even though the perpetrators at the last break in we're actually cod unit $17.00. i asked the police whether the thieves would go to jail and whether i'd get my money back. they said no. the judge won't impose the prison sentence for this kind of them, and you won't get any of your money back. it'll be taken on kind of getting on patrol with a special unit of stains, environmental police, a board, or checking the think it today run commode, or has been with spain's nature protection service for 30 years. his unit is on the all of thieves trail and stepping up the number of raids, partly because there's growing pressure on investigators to bring more of these
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cases to court the of the logos for us, i might say mostly still look nice, but it's safer here as soon as we, as i move on, but actually we're now seeing more day time rates, only larger. think us the uh yeah. how about from sign explains that it's impossible to be everywhere all the time. frankly, admits, even with the help of drones and motor bikes. it's difficult to catch the games the there are simply too many of them. on top of that, the police can only detain offenders for a short time. they've
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got to and we come to a maximum 10 percent of the saves. it's difficult and the success rates as minimal as meaningful on today's patrol. son and his colleague are looking for a legal bore holes. they're here to carry out an unannounced inspection on the property of a farmer for groves, olives, and oranges. couple. yeah, they've loved the gate, doesn't mean we can't get through by car, so everything's fenced off. they're definitely trying to block our access to put them off and they've got it from here, there's no option, but to continue on foot the see there might be gar,
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dogs running around fine and his colleagues from the water board can't be sure. then they find the 1st legal where they drills one here, but the farmer has taken the machinery away but he can easily reactivate the bar hole when the next dry spell comes. i know, i know my mom you guys are full so yeah, let's go look at the other 2 the things to tip off from neighbors. they know where to find the illegal bore holes. when i go through the
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on your left, one other spanish law is forbidden to have a well and such close proximity to the stream over there. this old house and its pumping station or illegal. busy that we have to prove that it's in use good as they move they quickly realize it's extracting water or in the for the event. but this alone isn't enough to slap the farmer with a fine. they must also prove that the seal a fixed on the left inspection isn't damaged in any way. no, just time we're in time. i do some of that to look at the name of the ceiling still
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and it hasn't been tampered with more money for those. but i think the inspectors are finding more and more boar holes on. so as a result of the drought, because some farmers will do anything to save their crops, even if it's against the law kind of, it's just the most our farmers are using the water every year, which means ground water levels are thinking about expanding all of and orange plantations need more and more irrigation uh, probably fit. so farmers are drilling deeper and deeper bore holes running the risk that eventually all our water resources will run out. because if i may not exacerbating the problem, drastic changes within the sector. more and more farmers are uploading their agent olive trees. the
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many are then exported to guitar and even japan before that can happen to centuries old trunks must be meticulously cleaned. the tree is more popular than ever as an ornamental plant in the middle east and asia. the are in place of the old trees, young ones planted close together in rows. intensive all the farming requires less human intervention, more water and more pesticides and produced a significantly higher yields, leading farmers with more profit in their pockets the
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but there are other gentler approaches the, such as organic cultivation without additional irrigation and without pesticides. one tie any are in organic farming as antonio point is campus and agricultural engineer, he's currently passing on some of his sustainability. know how to farmers from his region. their primary question. why he, let's grass grow on his plantation the only single minute when we start to spring the soil with weed killers. many people found it totally inconceivable. i don't know. ok, no say, but, but it actually makes it easier to control tests and diseases. the other formula they don't, you know, have, you know, we antonio spent years honing ways to cultivate the best olives?
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he's been a certified organic farmer for 4 years with an astonishingly simple recipe for success. absolutely for the fume that could help us plant growth on the ground hasn't boosted lace wing population of of these beat on past that attack the all of you mean? so if we see pat, it's not a problem. as long as we see enough lace wings, nature regulates itself and create a sustainable balance. so the, i'm the want to give you an update on the money. that's what the need. antonio shares has insights on micro biology and explains that his plantation is better able to withstand periods of drought than regular ones. this peaks, the farmer's interest, some of them you look at you and put it on it's a heads into small holders. think organic cultivation is worth while, but large farms don't around them. i'm putting in the need. they retained her intensive methods and in pocket the profit to treat him to sign. and the long term
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deal is i don't see the bottom of the veins. organic farming sector is growing, but it's still a nice market. i say king's annual, then it is when we started out 15 years ago, letting the grass grow was on thinkable side. i'm weekly, that's why people in the village asked my mother if we were selling the land. i love to be, they thought we'd abandon the gross income. but i bookkeeping this out on the, you know, you can all, you got to tell them i'm going out of the on the contrary, antonio has optimized the entire process right through to the olive mill stage and created his own organic brand. it's one him accolades, all over the world, the all that. ringback europe and union funding programs have helped
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financed the endeavor gets hold to the regions. conventional farmers will be encouraged to try the new approach. after all, they can so organic olive oil for a much higher price because the, we're not, we're stuck in our ways. it's difficult for us to imagine growing without pesticides fund or not, but we must follow the path that the young look. i mean over the over the the woods. back in nevada, the tailor. we did tony on master. he's giving up the cars for the night patrol because the harvest season is drawing to an end. he and his neighbors are only using 6 cars. at the peak of the season. it's 40 to 50 weather. yeah. and that they are they, there are whole gangs of people out and about stealing all lives. this man has been rob for several years in a row, antonio to, i'm totally let me see,
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the police only patrol the roads hits us. farmers were actually dealing with the problems and who knew the location of the olives thereafter every month on the bus and sometimes the thieves, the quote and the olive seas. but the next day they released and still again, i was guessing, and there are many repeat offenders as we don't get somebody to then to call anybody over the mobile solutions that are almost insane. it's only considered theft, upwards of $400.00 euros per offender. and what do you guys as long as the last don't change, we'll have to carry on doing this. i mean, the major, how much do you see and it's 9 pm time to get going. antonio will be driving around for 5 hours tonight. the,
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the book with, i mean this was so tired of it for the louder imagine doing this after a long working day and you guys tired of the that it costs us to time and the stuff we do on like so. but we truly don't have any choice, emilio people will they intercept any feeds tonight? how much is the way up to 10 days ago. we managed to catch a group, you know, the little already thought. and you'll have, you just have, you know, they tried to run away on a little part of that, but we weren't able to stop them to the most. i almost got what he then handed them over to the police with the
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a quick meeting with his own cfo and colleagues. so far, nothing to report that sort of all the trolls took up hours of our time of, of, of, of, of the, the few sandwiches for dinner. this is new life is so hopefully the harvest will soon be over and then things will calm down a bit. the cottage they must drive on at 2 am, antonio is finally done for the night the but the next morning, he's up early and back out in the fields. his neighbor needs help.
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the is the good what hurry on because they've been back and stolen on a massive scale during the night. it's really stressful. legal, 900 kilo stolen from my neighbors to despite being out on patrol last night, they didn't notice the thieves. now neighbor, one serrano has to quickly pick all the all lives in case they return the i'm so angry. we 10 the all the trees throughout the year and they still hundreds of kilos and one night and leave the trees so damaged. they won't produce any fruit next year. the he estimates the cost of $1200.00 euros. luckily one and his wife are able to rely on the support of friends and neighbors. anybody know, cuz i know,
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but my husband still recovering from an operation on his hand. so it's important that i'm telling you and the others are helping us today. oh no, i couldn't afford their strength and community. it also shows the thieves that our villages united. it might even scare them. that's our message to them. don't think you can come here and take a we our bread and butter. we'll show you what that goes by god, you are not me my life. on days like these. many farmers here think of giving up live, uh the know, the fine slide is as easy as it is. you have to keep on top of everything. and then along come these thieves and take our crops away. but it's a huge blow. the problem, i would say this battle is being waged with increasing ferocity. uh huh. farmers from the region recently caught
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a gang of thieves red handed and set fire to their car. the. the whenever antonio takes, does all this to the head of his cooperative discussions, always revolve around the same topic. growing anger, angry at you regulations at the thieves and at the spanish government, which isn't doing enough to catch those responsible if they don't belong to the game every year we remind the police that it's down to them to root at this step to probably look at it not just by monitoring our fields, but also by following the trail to the mills in with a sieve secretly center. all those after all. yeah, if they can sell them,
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if you think the olives aren't worth anything to the thieves, the antonio loves his profession. despite everything, the smell of freshly pressed olives. for him, there's nothing like it. the attractor attachment has just been delivered to the farm. it should speed up the harvest for the time being the father and son do. oh, don't intend to give up the file that somehow it's worth it trying this new machine knows my son. you can with the price on that little. yeah. the booming our country from but i would just give out
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the, the, the, the vacuum cleaner works. it's an investment in the future. i guess we must carry on that after all. i love this work. otherwise, i'd have given up a long time ago that really how do you the never get used. we see sick animals genetically deformed animals dying animals. we witness so much suffering there,
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more than you could ever imagine. bringing criminals, happy traitors to heal. dog trafficking market is, was 1000000000 euros. most of the animals undocumented and all aston mistreated. thought of the activation shining the lines in 30 minutes on the dw, in good shape medicine can be a grant help if it is taken correctly, stored properly disposed of in time. because medication can also cause some real stress, find out which ones. and if you're doing everything the way, just talk to audience in good shape. in 16 minutes, d, w, process categories is it's a lot say what? the
7:00 pm
is it say that we knew his line from berlin, francis political crisis, the deepest part of the one for paris, for a no confidence vote that could else prime minister michelle barney's government leave the country with no clear alternative. also coming up south korea's opposition begins impeachment proceedings against president young. so your while outside parliament, people rally against this brief and chaotic imposition of martial law. the battle for control of serial continues us for sar. all those thoughts forces him back against rebels. the findings right.


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