tv [untitled] December 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CET
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the do we had a distress stops on screen for help find the offices, get smaller on dw science, outtake talk channel the it spelling briefing time here on thursday morning and a rooftop studio right at the hoss of butler. and we're talking china today, just hours after the white house accuse china of hacking telecoms companies to spy out talk with us officials. and it's also in the week when they to secretary general mach router ones that to you cranes, allies must change the trajectory of the will in ukraine. i will debrief my dear colleague who's with me today. richard walker dw chief international editor who was on the plane with them. foreign minister and the bad luck on her trip to china and do the hon. the w's type, a bureau chief in taiwan. so great to have you with me here today to talk whether
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china rules the world. and um, before we get started, i just want to play in one sound bite from germany's concept off salts who was asked about hybrids attacks in german parliament. just 24 hours ago. let's take a listen. the visa mission was for, i'm good for the these are the main sources of the attacks that concerned our cyber security come, as we all know from russia until they come on every now and then they come from china and that must not be denied public. and the reason i'm saying this richard is because it was a real reluctance by germantown, so we'll have sold to actually name china and as the source of these attacks. now just off the, he said this a, we got news out of the united states, which is clear to go public, which is also an unusual step about this attack. so if you just just give us
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a sense of how much this was in the background or in the foreground as you were traveling with them, these foreign minister and the bad books to china. well, i suppose, but these points to me highlight is that within the german government you have a chance to low or i felt and a foreign minister leading a bad book who have quite profoundly different views of the relationship the gemini has with china and where gemini, is, should be going with that relationship and the trajectory that is likely to take and we can get into that kind of crunchy details of that. i guess that's what we're all about today. i'm telling briefing but, but in broad strokes, well, i've felt to somebody who wants to kind of steady the ship with china and keep relations good and keep, you know, keep it possible for german companies to make a lot of money and china, not rock the boat too much, i know lena bab bought for her part is somebody who essentially sees
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a relationship that has profound problems and germany needs to kind of wise up because it is potentially falling into a trap of too much dependency on china. and those are some kind of the 2 intellectual welds that those who inhabit, with respect to china. they have managed to find a common language with respect to china under these kind of banners that a lot of countries have gathered under with in europe. and this idea of di, risking, you know, you want to reduce the risk and the relationship to, you know, who could argue about against would using risk, you know, but they all have very different interpretations of what that means. and yeah, you can sense that reluctance way. he said, you know, you have to admit that the chinese were also behind some cyber attacks. why should that be so difficult to admit? yeah, kelly, and i just wanna bring in zulu on that. i mean, you were observing also from taiwan and a babel visiting among g, meeting him in beijing. and what do you make of the difference in how the united
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states has now tackling this very sony issue of confronting china and the way a gemini is seen and, and actually acted that the o. well, actually there is not much discussion here in taiwan. because in terms of cross tre relations between china and taiwan, we all know that the key clear is china in the us. so, um, sally speaking here in taiwan, people don't fix that one visit from the german. foreign minister would change anything, right? but we do see some extra interest in discussions in china in which like you can find that want a statement after um the box visit is not very harsh actually because we know like bare box you took a pretty tough stance on china. but then um, uh, football, the experts have talked to, they think that china has been taking this very pragmatic attitude towards
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a bare box. not because that they trying to change their a well we'll, we'll have an attitude, but they recognize that, you know, like they don't want to make the stage become like a like of how they can reach an agreement with the barrow bach from this kid. take a complement, but whether they want to focus on the economic issues. so if you want to hold a press conference talking about how she hope that china can mediate this rest of ukrainian war. so be it. let's be a one woman show. but from china, what they want is to keep talking about this trade disputes between the 2 sides. so the approach is very different, but not much percussion here in taiwan. well, trade is always the sun to, and i do remember from reporting on aguilar macro, that the one question she was most afraid of in that sense is, well, if you're a pass to decide between the us and china, which way would it go? now the united states is just for pace, china as the most important trading partner. and so durham, that is not
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a huge power in the region, but let's just take a listen to a which is reporting on what laid out to this trip that some background to this one . her last visit, she held a joint press conference, which accounts upon and then time she's done. he turned into a slanging match to gwen fly. they trade deductions ations by ukraine. human rights and taiwan and thoughts are stuck. babble and she had done by many in the west for what people straight to bridgeport, china, state media, absolutely condemned. anyway, la la c, a bad box, and i'm here to describe cj and p as that goes in the official complaint from the chinese farm. okay, so that was in our bad book, is back in baking. and now if anything, ever, even more reasons for disagreement, china is providing russia with more and more supports and that score against trade . there being fresh revelations about chinese firms basing up russian kronos
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soldiers from china is allied korea, a recent fighting alongside russian troops as a trade war unfolding us for electric cars. this just a sense that china and europe are and logan hits on the really big stuff. so they bought tubes about one of these with a new kinds of outlined facebook for 3 hours. but after that, that bulk had to do a press conference because by himself, chinese refused to take part. she spelled out the problem as she sees one and all the musicians, probably drones from chinese factories and north korean troops. that the type of peace in the middle of europe violates our european, close security and tech can visualize, etc. so no slanging match will dissipate. but i mean, because the chinese foreign minister wasn't, that's a slang back. there's no indication that china is totally inclined to change his opinion and about any of these things now, but about kate's home to an election campaign that could end up with a boost you down to the office. you certainly get the impression that bad but
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wouldn't be missed here. and badging, but the issues that she's been complaining about are still right the festering for whoever comes next to you with the, with the bad book. and clearly this time, the chinese with not having it to be called out on open stage. yeah, that's right. i mean, it, i mean, some even remarks upon the point that i mean about giving us so late and come as formulas to was even bothering to go and think, you know, he was receiving or, and, you know, the germans was saying, well, you know, they received us mm hm. we talked for 3 and half hours. they gave us a delicious lunch. i can tell you, like they were clearly that wordpress, well okay. say thursday impressed by the lunch. and you know, there was some chattering the drum and delegation, and i think that was a little bit of a maybe navel gazing, thinking like guys we have to offer a guest by the laptop a lot. yeah. precision. maybe the lunch getting when you come to visit belin is not quite so great as you get in the state guest house in beijing. um, but you know,
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in seriousness, i mean, they was saying babel wanted to go to take some pretty serious messages to the chinese. and i think, you know, ukraine is very much at the heart of, of things right now. you know, there are various reasons why europe has been going through this kind of, we think about china in recent years. jumping on this. yeah. i, i, you know, after all watching, which is clip i felt is such an interesting perspective. because you know how i'm being perceived bear box and her potty right, like cream party being very critical on china. so she's a portrayed and pictured in china. is this implied or somehow rude politician. but in contrast, the page you want to show their kindness. so a guess from a far is still a guest, right? like we want to welcome her was such a nice reception. so we will listen to her. but at the same time we will not echo
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why she said. so that's basically the attitude of from a page. and if you look at how this arrows analysis they, they put it, you know, add to words. yeah, that's why i find it very interesting. like agent knows, like the best, how, you know this, like political difference of all this political figures in germany and how they use it as a tech fix to deal with different officials in a different way. i think that's actually right. and, you know, for, for the chinese, of course, well, i felt is far preferable and kind of in a bad book. and for the chinese, i'm in a bad book. it's pretty easy to down, down play and just say, you know, she's from this, you know, a smaller policy within the coalition. we deal with the chancellor. you know, we have a good, a better relationship with him, a good relationship with him. so, you know, if she comes and she's rude or whatever, you know, like so this will give her a nice lunch. we'll talk to. and if she goes, you know,
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so i think that that's probably best today. but just kind of returning quickly to this question of that, this a strategy of ukraine. i mean that being various reasons why europeans have been having and we think about china and not just in germany, this goes, this was 1st sort of formalize in 2019, but is a european union came out with a paper that described china as a partner in some areas, a competitor in some areas and the systemic rival in other areas. and that it sort of set this tone of, you know, what china was becoming was not a sort of a democratize nice kind of like liberal societies that, that something i'd hope for earlier in the century when it started opening up to international trade through the joining the world trade trade organization, i just said they weren't happening up with the us definition of china on the drive over. yeah, i mean so, so basically that, you know, donald trump was in the white house and it was a he, he'd started to push and that's how the line on china while at the same time trying to kind of negotiate trade deals with them. but the ukraine war is and the through
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another kind of hand grenades. and so the situation and not just because of you know, what preaching was doing, but because she's in pain. and he's, chinese government has so closely aligned itself with russia. and he's supporting russia economically, politically diplomatically, and they're increasing signs that there is an effective form of military support coming in through the supply chain of drones to the, to the russian military. so this was part of the message that lena bab, what was bringing was like, you know, we're watching you, we see chinese pots and even chinese drones making, get into russia. this is causing a red line. we're going to take action on that. well i actually, it's interesting that to raise this because i traveled, of course, with the german town such as china. and the last time he went and clearly he is not
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as outspoken on that very issue of drones, but we know and particularly dual use goods. but we know that that is the key concern that he's been taking into his toll free season paying time and time again off the germans, about whether they feel it's made any difference whether they actually can see come some kind of reduction of those goods of being sent from china to russia and they will get very k g because they don't want to really have kind of a real measurement of success or failure. the oh that's sold supposedly takes credits for essentially pulling russia back from the brink of making nuclear threats. the 1st time around, that's when she didn't ping actually double down and and yeah, and no to that was unacceptable. well, what i felt was in china. yeah. and i, i was on that trip so, so it's great. we've been in all of these trips really so that was november 2022. it was just towards the tail end of the pandemic. so so, so it's fluid and we did a day trip from bad into badging. it was a bubble. anyone who interacted with us in china had to be in quarantine for weeks
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beforehand. and he went that and you know what he wanted was, this was the type of kind of peak of concerns that russian might use a nuclear weapon in the ukraine. bull and schultz went and, and she didn't pick and managed to get some wedding. actually, she didn't paying essentially saying, you know, guys, we done thing nuclear war is the greatest things you know, which of course is pretty much we statement of, of china is position in the international need. we position the war and you can walk. it must not before, it can never be one, but it was seen as you know, something with diplomatic achievement. but, and so i felt is always quick to get himself on the back for that. absolutely. but i was just recently in the us the selection and talking to some current and former administration officials to um and uh, when talking about about this you know, how they view. oh, ive schultz is dealing with the chinese. they said, yeah, well, i mean,
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its not bad. you know, you gotta get this rather than nuclear weapons, but, but then you say, oh, by the way, please meet my delegation of c e o 's of large gem and companies who i happen to have brought along with me. so you're going that with a kind of a tough message about the war and don't support pizza and, and all of that. but actually kind of behind you, you've got this backdrop of money to probably do some deals. so, and as the us perspectives this completely on the mind, any sort of implicit leverage that you might have towards the chinese to say guys, stop supporting putin. if what you've got is you're kind of money people behind you kind of thinking, all right, let's try and, you know, do some better business on this is attention that is um and shots a is on the knowing that the key caught industry has made its buffets over the past couple of years in china and mostly so that's kept that industry pretty much going
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here in germany and actually in europe. so to say, so, but i'm really not bad book. she recognizes this and this is the tone she struck on how trade interests meet strategic interests. while she was amazing, get auda inside benjamin as the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the world. it must alarm us in these times when some try to erect new obstacles. hen during the world trade, what unites us is that neither we in europe, nor china want or trade war or tariff as ends in themselves, seek without solar zip sick one and i want to throw that to 0 because this is clearly a not mentioning donald trump by name and, and with those looming terrace and concerns of a trade, how much will that really work inside? uh well, i'm not much. and one very interesting discussion i see about this is that,
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you know, there are some change extra thinking that they're bach. she's actually talking to the voters in germany, the how there will be this confidence vote and how they will be coming to elections . so really her message is not for the chinese audience or the chinese government bought the voters. they're back in jeremy. i don't know if you share the same viewpoint. well, like i said, the 23rd of february. so anything, any poll is there's no says right now is also for the vote. is that clear? yeah. right. yeah. so so, so if you ask me like whether that would really influence i, the beijing government, i, whether they, they would take a view point, i would say, like, you know, like in their statement, you see no rebuttal use the know like, as i said, well for a kind of a response, but you also don't see a concrete as far as that's child. chinese typical response to everything that they don't agree on that they would not say no, but they were just not responding to you anyways. so i don't see how it's coming,
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how he can be to use. so you know, for to solve the problem any time on here too. when people think of germany, people see germany is like pro china kind of stands. and then um, of course, sometimes germany was surprised this region by, you know, having worship selling through the tony's tray or having more friends coming over. but if you ask where the people believe that germany can play an important role, especially as trump coming in that you know, like this guy, he wanted to have less ties with them to say like the whole european union or may till then attorneys, people feel more and more that they can solely rely on trump and the american and the strange. and then like the general international framework of securities as give it to it. actually, maybe you can and have a prediction for us. where do you see under? cuz we're expecting a change in a,
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a in leadership here. it looks like the conservatives are going to make it. and if, suppose anything to go by right now. so what's your predicts and how would you expect china policy to change? well, so yeah, so the, the conservatives, the, the cd you are likely to be the, the biggest policy in problem at all. so the next selection coming up in february, so that probably means that lead to these mat will be the next john slave. so the leader of that party and to some extent, what kind of a policy you much on china depends on what kind of a coalition he ends up please. because as we, you know, we were just discussing that one of sholtes. he's from the social democrats. he's, you know, the kind of most, let's not rock the boat with china, person in the mix. the green, so it kind of relatively hawkish and the cd. you are kind of a little bit of a mixture i would say. so the cd you came out with a strategy of their own towards china last year,
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which had some kind of tougher language than you would hear suddenly from the social democrats made one or 2 recommendations which were pretty bureaucratic about how to handle china. but it wasn't necessarily dramatically different in terms of what the outcome would be. and that's the, one of the things that the party said in that strategy was that there should be a potty wide consensus on dealing with china. the china was such a big deal that it should not become a political football and the party should try to work towards that. so that doesn't indicate that, you know, you might have a, a degree of continuity with a, a bit more of a shift towards the whole case, attitude towards china. but i think the fact remains that germany is in a kind of a pickle with how to deal with china can note itself and said that in a germany has the whole german model is being based on. so the 3 pillars in res decades. it was getting cheap energy from russia. it was get to having a big business market in china. and it was getting security from the united states
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. and all 3 of those things a warbling or well, i mean, of course, the relationship with russia is no warbling is completely blown up. the relationship with us is looking boldly again because donald trump is coming in. and he's of course, notoriously skeptical about the alliance with your so what to do about china is one of the kind of big unresolved questions. and we've just got to discuss the reasons why, why it's so sort of problematic. but ultimately, it will remain the case that many very large and very powerful german companies, a firmly into don't run the boat camp. in fact, they're going well, much more or lean on china if and this thing pulling more investments. it's one of the fascinating things about that since the gym government came out with a strategy saying we need to de risk our relationship with china, big german companies, they've actually put more investment into china since then. well, there's different interpretations of what the risking actually means. and what that
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means producing in the company for the tiny market that's also seen as an element of diversity from where the companies come from. but the german government was also against the european commission move to impose terrace on the vehicles, chinese e vehicles. because of those very intrinsic interest and that, but even that you have to split within the general government. you have the readings of babylon in favor of that. but the social democrats, selves basically said no way we're going to be against those terrace to see do use the conservative by the way, they said that uh, they supported the tasks that you can't be naive about what, you know, direct quotation or the, the accusation being made by the europeans. is that chinese, the visa, distorting the market? they are subsidized. they coming into it's, it's a sufficiently low price, isn't that for you need the tires? the big question will be what, how that position might sift once the in government, but without doubt, it, china has a strategic role also with the arrival of north korean troops on the russian side
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in the ukraine rule. and let's just listen to what i mean. i know, you know, double cab to say about that link. that was a president of drug michigan. what one's russia is. your president isn't just destroying our europe and peace order by involving north korea in his word against ukraine is also dragging in asia. i see my chinese counterpart and i discussed intensively that this cannot be in china's interest. neither does these alternate statements. that's a huge loss lankin. so he did this didn't produce a breakthrough, but let me just ask the questions you of just to, to wrap this up, does china rule the world as well? not yet, you know, in so you can get an idea. you know, we have a lot of chinese, chinese experts i'm explaining like, also analyzing this leader all the time. saying that you believe ultimately know
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that the rise of the east side, you know, and also the fall or the west. i think that in history and you know, when he sees donald trump coming in all this will become like a more chaotic. that's a chance, but they didn't put china to regain the order. that's to put the china in the sand of the stage. so not yet, but maybe the day is coming and what was the, what was side of it is that whether he can take over taiwan or not? oh richard, i mean, what's your predicts and how much more is china gonna sift in the direction of where it feels it should be, it was well power that caused the political thoughtful. so in your what i think it is, it is certainly on his journey in that direction. and i think again, just having come back from united states, this is going to be, this is, you know, one person who works and kind of part of the federal government system where it was saying to me that competition some with china is becoming and this is by policies
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in, well, most the organizing principle now of the united states government. that it, it is the central thread running through so many things from the military to technology, to business, to, to almost every aspect of life that this competition is, has it is, is it the house of everything and even europe, it's not, you know, so there is the sort of simple difference that, that the united states cheat sees china is this absolutely enormous challenge to its power and influence in the world, and particularly in the asia pacific region. but also globally, i am for china in europe, that is simply not the case. the trouble for your pays that you are, is so dependent on the united states for its security, particularly at this time of extreme vulnerability towards russian aggression. that europe doesn't really have the freedom to just sort of say, okay, america,
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knock yourselves out, you go and have a fight with china. and we're going to do our own thing. the europe, de facto, can't do that because, you know, donald trump might be very well minded to say, okay, fine. well, then, bye bye nato. and you can defend yourself when russia has stopped smoking on the door. and so just kind of that to kind of point to, you know, europe in the us having different perspectives on china, but you're not really having the freedom to kind of completely golf into it. so i'm thing too many extra points for the united states. it's got some real if it wants to really stop china dominating an agent. it has some really serious knots and bolt issues to deal with. for example, it's navy. so the chinese navy is already larger than the u. s. navy, in terms of ship, the number of ships that it has gone and certainly in the quality of the ship. so the size of the ships, but she number 6 ships already bigger. how,
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how is that gonna develop in the future in the next few years? will this ship building capacity of chinese ship build is, is 230 times as large as us ship building capacity. $230.00 times this we came out to elite a us navy presentation. and i spoke to somebody in a position to know in washington st. coming to advertise this must be an exaggeration. and he said no more like 500. yeah. so that was a huge difference in terms of ship building capacity or how can the us defend taiwan? how can us defend alcholay, so from a chinese invasion, if in 5 years china has 234 times as many ships can completely dominate the seas. it won't be able to, so this is a massive priority for the americans right now. and they are going to need one
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expert was telling me they're going to need depend they can, they need to test career, they're going to need the allies, the major to support them with that. so that's gonna be an interesting task for donald trump. can he go from these his previous america, 1st to america, plus friends in order to deal with the challenge of china in asia. but those are the kinds of things really bottom line kind of like have we gotten of stuff challenges the us is gonna have to deal with it to face out to, to deal with china. well, clearly we are back in, you're also here in europe where military hardware is, it is just as important. yes. it's a least as important as old as a strategic tool that we're seeing. so clearly heading into new era that so um, thank you very much for it for your insights sticky from that trip. this certainly is something that we have to continue talking about off the 20th of january because that will be crunch time when we, when we learn what donald trump's plans for china and do also in type pay. thank
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you so much for being with us today. you've been listening and watching to biling briefing, you'll find us on youtube at dw news on dw, don't come by the end briefing, add on old meat of podcast platforms once a week from now onwards. so this week, thanks for tuning in the to the points. strong opinions, clear position, international perspectives. as donald trump prepares to take off instead of beat over ending the war in ukraine, with ukraine under intense rushing attacks, drums and void general keeps callout has a plan with will to team engage until the point we ask war and peace deal with bluetooth at the expense of your printer to the point in 30 minutes on
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d w the this is the w news live from the land. south korea's ruling policy says president, you in. so keel is dangerous and must leave office of the defense ministry of show us the country. it will not survey any new order from the president to reimpose marshall. also coming up in the program, the rebel forces in syria and to the city of hama. after pushing out government troops is the 2nd 50 to full as pressure mounts on the president, shaw offense. the french president emmanuel mcfall slams the opposite.
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