tv Global Us Deutsche Welle December 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CET
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the nose is a good everyone to ok. retiring into a microphone, sorry. check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back. the receiving move to levels in the caspian sea. dire consequences for fishes, surgeon, hunting, invasive animals, and using and species control or cruelty and hurdles to a happy marriage, loves stories from indonesia, the
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having sex before or outside of marriage will soon be a punishable offense. in indonesia, as well co habitation between unmarried couples. until now, common little marriage and same sex relationships, although from department were not considered a criminal offense and the well, the largest democracy mixed estimates the 2 couples also have a hard time in the multi ethnic state. but some still do that to mary. tell fun. well, hop and ping con, mangled will have known each other for many years. they were high school sweethearts, but ended their relationship because of their different fates, till fun got married to another woman. but in 2020 his wife passed away. then after more than a decade of living, separate lives, how finding pain can re kindled, then of be happy that i have a feeling of such a admiration for what tell fun has gone through and the 15 years that we haven't been together. right. if i really didn't expect that
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a high school boy who seemed ignorant, who didn't care about life, is now a father of 4 children. now, a man who's responsible and very determined that the boy, yeah, that's why my heart is full of admiration for him. me all father. yeah. in indonesia where belief in god as part of the national idiology interface. relationships have always been controversial. usually families disapprove of them. and the, the biggest challenge was my siblings and parent was that these are the degree and, and told us not to get married. it was to go down on the new day going, i'm going to, i'm looking it hasn't been easy for pain. can either who was brought up in a religious family. she doesn't want to disappoint them, but also wants to make her own life choices when it comes to choosing
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a life partner. support behavior. like telephones, father, my parents were clearly disappointed and opposed to someone, but pretty much they are very conservative when it comes to religion. these are things you see the okay, talk to you. good. yeah. in this case, i'm grateful for my mom. i'm on the one hand. yes she might feel hurt. yeah, you have to unload. on the other hand, she has seen that i sincerely loved cellphones children, but lot some people decide to come by young people cutting you some of them some more. the b service. what softball she saw that her daughter made hard choices based on the sincere love, pretty much what's where i think i think the today before the wedding, i sent a message to my mother. i said thank you for everything you've given me and tell
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fun. and she replied, my prayers with you on the lake. mamma notified us much. nicholas is an advocate for into faith marriage. he and his wife have different religions to for years. no college has provided counseling to enter 5 couples, including till fun and pin con. i'm running couple of us, i don't get them right on the there are more inter faith couples every year to get this out of meetings are subject to back then we started counseling in 2005. i'm telling you to be seen every year. the numbers grow up under, on the, on average there are no less than 30 potential partners per month. 70000. i guess i hear you for about 15. 20 couples who managed to get married. not but half of them still struggling to get their parents pressing the button. there's new data. the
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indonesian law does not explicitly prohibit into faith marriage. any marriage is valid as long as it's performed, according to the laws and the lease of each religion. telphone and pink gun had both islamic and christian wedding ceremonies. as other inter faith couples have 2 . only then can the marriage be subsequently notarized. for many years, indonesian interface couples traveled abroad or converted to another religion to mary. but legal expert petri suzanne t says, tying the validity of marriage to religion is problematic or did you we? i haven't but you can vehicle in for little. now there are also those who convert 1st to grab it about what up and then after they get married, like they convert that client id member mind. i got my we are delay in religion the god, and we're encouraged by the state to play religion in was i at effect and again,
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that is the negative effect of such regulations on because the right to have a family is enshrined in the 1945 constitution so it can be that the state dictates permission. a lot of yeah. do you think that more or less how does that sound like i'm saying to anybody? easy know how to get hi i'm spelling now i come from florida. i'm a catholic. i am moses, i'm from lots of data from the about the new stuff and i'm abrupt this then we are running. why still are now in the system for some who met when they were studying for their masters in london. the 2 face challenges for being an inter ethnic interface. couple with stella being older than moses. moses is 4 years younger than i am. it's still not normal in our culture. oh, i just said it was my own and them. so i asked her to marry me
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a new those challenges, but i would show that we can do it. i told her christmas we will be husband and wife, so they get it back down for me as it is. and then it turns out in december we're expecting our 1st child to me. well, i'm here. yeah. how do i? yeah, i mean i just like tone fun and ping, con stella and moses. his parents were against that relationship. good. my mother said, watch, let me know if you still want to be my child. i don't want that. you know that most is but talk and has a different faith from us. we are flawed as people, catholics moses is also 4 years younger than you. we're moving, put our faces. are there not enough men in the world for my welcome um, but i wasn't surprised because i knew my mom and dad would say no. in the beginning of that, i just ignored it. once at dinner, my parents completely ignored him, but he remained relaxed. indonesia is the world's largest
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archipelago, with over 17000 islands and a population of more than 280000000 people. it's a place of great cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity is diversity is a blessing and a source of friction. still his father once had a bad experience with a friend from the bad talk tribe to which moses also belongs to go because of that on chosen to experience. yes. but maybe not want to have about such a son in law. uh eventually i agree with it because i don't want to disappoint you through decision this. what's best for you know for me. yeah. what the parents duty is to give their blessings in consideration. the when i saw you really matched with
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moses, that was it. my last, i mean most of the leave, it was an elevator of them all, my friends and i were going to the gym. then he entered the elevator and it turned out he was my friend's friend. he introduced a, you know, to me, the value for this for this happened 10 years later. here we are. homosexuality isn't illegal in muslim majority. indonesia except for at your province. where is nomic law? the shy applies even so homosexuality remains a to boot topic in the country. in 2022, the pew research center found that 92 percent of indonesians proposed same sex marriage eligibility to plus related events have been cancelled due to objections from religious groups. but that didn't stop key to them, an insult from getting married so so they wanted to travel to america. and yeah,
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we're chatting before going to bid. like yeah. and what are we going to do in america? we're still making an itinerary and you said let's get married. yeah, yeah, yes and love. yeah. and also i'm a licensed agent and we would definitely happy. but the wedding was in the us. when we go back to indonesia. yeah, the document, the maintenance thing. on what way and if so, because for me the marriage certificate does not need to be shown to people. or for me to be honest, it's a celebration of commitment. you know, that we don't need everyone to know. we're married on the plan. the why. the important thing is that we are together on call get back to what the people closest to us and get them when they get. if it's a box, what matters if i think you might not get the debt to what samantha have something in the papers to celebrate our relationship stages. how about 18 living together ranch? then we have a many together that have
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a house in the apartment. lot of guy that i don't forget who my the bathroom take you to give me my money. doings. mother conroy who lives with them has accepted them, but she still wishes. keep them where heterosexual. emily and the important thing is that you don't start praying to god do i need it through my back later my, my english language and the view of the sad thing, my medi my, my message to other mothers is special and it will be as a mother you have to have a big heart. wow. and expect it tomorrow. maybe the child doesn't want to be like that. the amount of the information when the fits the will of the all mighty. yeah . if our event this thing, you know i am on a, i had to pay a lot of behind me. so she goes to the bottom. when i pray you ask the lord jesus. and by the way, i don't know if you pray for a month or 2, maybe they won't change a new me,
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that'd be me. why i liked it. it will take years leading both on you to do i for my child to be completely healed by the blood of jesus. and again that i accessed that if they're free from homosexuality, then thank god i can from different modeling. my less than coal couples. go through difficult times, but it's certainly been much harder for these 3 couples. and yet they're facing, each other persists been, but whatever. and however, we pray, we believe there is a power greater than everything. the wiles caps racks custom new zealand has a problem with animals or rather with the ones built over by the 1st european
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settlers around 300 years ago. the animals are multiplying rapidly and displacing native species. so what can be done? it's a debate further of controlled to see a picture book morning on south island in new zealand. mac, bailey, is on an outing with his kids and friends from the area. they all agree on their favorite past time. hunting. today, things are running smoothly. one shot, one dear, the bailey family is not the only one in new zealand with this hobby that the animals are killed doesn't seem to be a problem for the children. in fact, they're fascinated with hunting. is probably just like waking up early and going slow. i could drive around the phones and chasing up the day of and going full. so
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please do 11 year old if i don't even passes the test occurring. eating dear heart, freshly cut and still wrong, but she doesn't really like it. there's plenty of game to be found up here in the mountains a short while later, a wild boar appears an easy target for match but the bailey family doesn't just tons for fun. it's about protecting indigenous b c's. animals that had been introduced to the island threatening new zealand, birds and lizards. for example. a lot of these animals that are in the same areas as the night of spaces. so these pipes will be digging out pause and the heating inks and you know, just just doing beam and keeping the numbers down. so the more ways we can get rid of the data. so it can be the night of animals get a chance at law for the the kids are taking
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a long they want to practice shooting. and at the same time, learn a bit about life. good audience, short of guessing we're teaching them that there is value in life. we'll take this animal will acer. it's not just getting killed and gone to waste. that's doing damage to the bush, to the lane, to the, to the environment about where you will utilize. it's not a wasted animal. we're not killing for the sake of killing these animals or an even bigger threats to native birds and reptiles. and most of them are not turn on stokes wildcats and possums. but eggs of the key we in couple birds endemic to new zealand that can't fly and are therefore defenseless against predators. new zealand is using campaigns to encourage its citizens to help in the fight against invasive species. the government wants to have the problem under control by 2050 and we
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did the change in the ration and watch the language and the bed and 6 task one habit. every corner of the outset on again, this family also wants to help eradicate invasive pests. sean puts out traps with his step kids, elena and vicky. today they're checking the possum traps and they've caught a few. they believe that what they're doing is necessary, even when it gets brutal. and i forget to plug the blood drop so it doesn't go onto the drop down on that, you know, don't sometimes like you said, it's like it's not like i enjoy telling them, but also i want to like he always on awesome. and so, and i've done a lot so as it's not really said to me and the positives for also brings in a little pocket money on the local for market to this is just part of my upbringing
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. i don't know anything different. and so it's not something that i think about stuff and think how sad and more of what of like done. i think it's just part of a culture now. last all here and we raised with us. i don't think we savages, but i think we're trying to achieve something with what we're doing. so we're trying to help nature a lot of residents here in christ church, the largest city in the south island. strongly disagree with this attitude. animal rights activists will. and sarah regularly protest against the methods used by people in the countryside. they think there are solutions, other than indiscriminate calling such as sterilize ation and gene advertising. i absolutely can't deeply about i like this makes these and we have to protect them. um, but we need to actually look at this from us. it takes you parked around what are the like, what are the tools that are going back along team difference, and how do we do this without forcing me sort title districts. these kinds of
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competitions infuriate animal rights activists. once a year hunting and susie's travel to the country side to prove who can shoot the most on one day, there's an extra price category for federal cats. even children take part. this is definitely the wrong way to go about it. believe the activists should be jo, teaching young people compassion, and empathy and, and not i took the compassion and empathy to the, to the, the friends and the community and the family, but compassion and empathy towards animals as well. so encouraging children to kill animals, that's not a competition. that's not really. and my dear, i'm teaching young people good values. math believes that living on a farm is like paradise for most kids, including when they go hunting regularly. the feral cats are up next. these have been caught in cage traps during the night.
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it wouldn't hit the bank. there was a quick yeah. instance lots here. yeah. there's not a bit of why really the farmers here are aware of the activists concerns, but they don't share them. they're convinced that the only way to keep new sealants indigenous wildlife safe is to fight invasive species in their own way. the belief means, fisher, it's the name of the town and has been the main occupation in this area. for generations. we're in southern azerbaijan. close to the border with a run on the caspian sea, the world's largest inland body of water in the village. fisher. we meet many of
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them in the last 2 days. it's been too windy for them to go out to sea. they are full and other. yes or sitting in front of their house. both have been fishers for 25 years. and the so sometimes we are in the equivalent of 5 year olds, sometimes 15 months and sometimes we don't catch any fish for 5 days bushel. there's no way to save money. it's just enough to survive. because we have a great mind if we catch fish we eat. i looked on for the otherwise we don't even you have to over the above level on the younger to study him in the past, it was better. we sold as much as we wanted. now we simply fight to survive. following the fact that the seas ranking has an impact on the fish following so much to the level of the caspian sea has decreased by about a meter and a half. in the last 30 years, an area,
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the size of belgium is now dry. the rate at which it's falling has also accelerated climate change is hitting the ecosystem hard says environmental researcher russian a box of the temperatures. good things here to give you a higher depth reduce the oxygen level in the see the closest location of the, of the few. so happy thoughts has been good. i have you on the last, the almost a most important, the fact that it's got to be hot woodlands along the customer can see coastline this. vigilance growing. as a result, the storage in the very symbol of the caspian is also threatened. it's ro is used to make have your sometimes also called black gold. this days we don't have, unfortunately, due to most of the spalding grounds and the reverse. so
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a very valuable piece and source of the black cover. yes. so i then i read, they started color with the black caviar. it was very cheap. the even is how many? yeah. disney plus 3. we drive back to the south of the country to a fish farm where caviar is produced legally. here sturgeon's, our bread, the ro is removed, and thousands of young fish are released into the wild every year. it's a method for the preservation of the species. costs are rising for the maintaining of the outdoor pools. the fish can only tolerate the summer heat with the help of plastic covers, and the water wheels have to run longer than before. to mix oxygen into the sea water. you can see and see the site that we're using. uh, a ration a coupon for a reason for even though the to in reach. well it's always uh oxygen. so
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it's a laza. since and i was activity to address to the climate change issues . storage and production is demanding. it takes 10 to 12 years before the surgeon is fully sure. then the fishes normally slaughtered. in the meantime, it's also possible to remove the eggs without killing the fish. different types of storage and our bread here from the small stir lead to the large and expensive beluga sturgeon, once the ro is removed from the fish, if it's killed, it's clean, using metal sips, and then can't it's still one of the industries that feeds people here says l sugars, i a how much cab? yeah. can you get all your thoughts on? so the for the weight, for example, for the weight is about uh
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30000 from one good money, but you should wait for this quote. yeah. but waiting won't help these fishermen, their seat is shrinking more and more rapidly. at the same time, the tributaries from the 5 countries bordering the caspian sea, or carrying less and less water. climate change is a huge topic. here. they off off and the, the of meet up with colleagues in the afternoon at a location where there used to be water to talk about the situation. there was nothing else left to do. just stand it yesterday to try. but back when i was a, fisher times were good, we are money and there were many species of fish like sturgeon has been whitefish,
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carp, and others stuff will be there. now the food was now there is nothing left as people are suffering, a positive only goes on with them instead of destruction. they are poor because the sea no longer provides what we need. that's why i have my pension, but these fishermen still have many years until they retire. remember the more from us also 11 to 12. the trinity with a bunch of the homes have been told the young people in our village are going to buckle as unskilled workers after their military service. they don't go to see on the bill on see if you those ones that have been and we are old so tired from what i am 47 years old and i'm like kind of go carey stones or some such job anymore for them on the, on the back to legal the it seems the time is 9, when the fishermen will only be remembered by the name of their village. bullock july fisher, the
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the police special the mafia, the italians in germany, drugs extortion. the german police is pursuing the criminal. but the regulations are too low and there isn't enough monitoring. how can the mafia in germany be stuck against a hundreds in 15 minutes on the w. c. co india. cities is tackling it's garbage problem. who is in that group?
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i didn't see these huge number of 6 visitors produce funding dates, waste, disposal has been a complete mess. now supervisors are supposed to bring order to the chaos. 10 waste wanting move, mountains of trash, eco, india. in 60 minutes on the dw the yesterday about the video that goes to the other data, medium eagle, blah, blah, go up on the message, the message,
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get in by the this is data between use live from the syrian president, pastor all assad reportedly find the saw island in las go off to fling rebels, take care of domestic theory and celebrate the end of almost 25 years under size roof and turned towards what the rebels calling a new era for the country. they joined by millions of syrians living and ex all around the world. greece, france, u. k. n. here in june. any size though, return to the homeland. after playing series, 13, use simple.
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