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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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to use become close in a crude geopolitical country. when, oh, you lost the run. starts december 18th, on dw, the dw new years live from berlin, the reckoning and syria, the countries rebel leader says there will be no pardon for tortures. a serious new transitional government takes shape after the i'll show har is bowing to hunt down those who miss treated detainees under the ousted assad. prejean also coming up, they were some of the millions who fled syria, civil war to neighboring turkey. they're happy over the prospect of returning to their homeland, but they are also anxious about losing their protective status as refugee the
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golf is good to have you. with this, we'd be getting syria and the aftermath of the toppling of the sod regime. today the leader of syria's revel coalition said there will be no pardons for officials who were involved in the torturing of people imprisoned under a saw off mid l. sharah, previously known as optima. somebody el galani is asked other countries to hand over any officials. you may of mistreated detainees may have fled from syria. thousands of prisoners have been released and families are hoping to find others to have disappeared. the rebel leader l sure hawk has also held fox with the new interim prime minister mohammed el bush year. you will lead a transitional government to run syria until next march, and that's called for stability and call. and so i went across now the article responded still a mentor. she joins as from the syrian capital of damascus, sell a album, a hominy out. galani has said that the officials involved in torturing prisoners
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will not be pardoned. how are his plans for the transition? how are they going down in syria? what do i hear when i talk to people is that there is really a wish for clarity these days. we really have to understand that this momentum here is really of a mental of uncertainty from when day one day to another. the old rules that have been in place for many, many years, not valid anymore on people who are here a little bit, waiting for, for what are the new rules and what will happen in the future. so they really wish for some clarity. and so i hear from some people, but they are at least positive that things are leading in a force direction and that there are some steps taken by forming this into room government for example. but of course some people are all very concerned as well.
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is the steps that are taken at the moment of really leading into a better future or just a different future when i ask you about another part of the country in the town of cards. uh huh. the team of else did syrian president bush all sides. father, how fits to route for nearly 30 years before him. that team was set on fire. how have the rebels, how have they been dealing with other symbols of the regime that was just toppled? as we have to understand the could, the is the village where the former president last saw to and his family or from it isn't the hard to the end of a lot talk here and it is a region where many other ways of living. so it is a very or it was a very violent action then dividing that message towards the old regime and they have been many other actions the last couple of days. maybe even if they were
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a little bit less linens, for example here, and i must, those people are tearing down old uh, images and big posters with the heads of houses or the she, unless that uh they are really destroying these things. was there a couple of days ago, royce, off the phone is the reason people were storming the presidential palace here in the schools there were destroying the furniture and just taking things out and really expressing the anger to what was the old regime, the future of serious certainly at this, at this point in time is very uncertain. the people that you've been talking with do, did they tell you that they're confident that the is when this rebels will be able to bring stability back to the country? do they trust them to attempt it depends a little bit to, to who i talk and about what comes in like in detail when it comes to economic development. what i hear from people that they are
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a bit more positive and confident that things might lead in good direction. as the new prime minister had to has promised that that should be an open market. and that's where i should be connected to the global market again. so people are really hurtful for that. when it comes to freedom of expression of freedom of rights. some people do mentioned that they are bit worried because they're not very sure that this, the new complimentary really emphasized on rights who as they are promising. because we have seen is that h a t s and has uh, in its government and it live not often a or ways of photos of freedom of expression. and that has been some subscription of the of people use is still a mentor in damascus for us tonight. stella, thank you. well,
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one of the most important questions who controls which part of syria now the countries h t. s rebel group. see that they now control the city of deer resort in the eastern part of the country that after intense battles with kurdish lead us back forces. the city was held by curtis force is only for a few days replacing the else to the syrian government forces. there is or region is strategically important. it is home to oil fields and a center for oil production. each tiers fighters is say they also want to advance to other cities east of the euphrates river that are still under kurdish control or, or the bringing. now giorgio html, he is a little nice analyst and ceo and founder of golf state analytics in washington, dc towards you. it's good to have you with this. may i ask you the syrian rebels taking control over the oil rich town of deer resort from the kurdish forces? is this in your opinion, is this a part of the plan by h t. s to take control of the countries resources?
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yeah, thank you for having me on your program. good to be with you. definitely an important development as i'm sure your viewers are aware of this city is of immense strategic importance. and not only is it culturally importance to syria, but it's also an economic hub. and i think h t s taking there's or on taking control of the city is important for the sort of new authorities, the h d us authorities and their quest to seize power in the resource rich parts of the country. you know, it was just 2 days before aside this government fell when uh the cf dominated by the us bachelors, y, p g took control of the city. i think obviously there was a lot of resistance for many of the local airbus there who definitely reject sort
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of the ideology of y p g. you're very suspicious of the group seeing it as a foreign orchestrated organization. so definitely a lot of local resistance in for h t s. this was certainly a significant achievement. turkish bank for us is they've also been fund encourage in the northeast. how does that fit into each see us as efforts of taking control of, of different regions in series? so yeah, so obviously really complicated picture in syria. different rebel groups are on important players here. the s and a distinct from each to us is very much allied with turkey. some analysts would probably consider the s n a to be a group of proxy forces operating the has to have on grew up in any event. the fact that s n a has been fighting the y p g and as the forces in this
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part of syria needs to be understood within the context of turkey's national interests. everything that has unfolded since late last month in syria has provided turkey with unique opportunities to push back against the y p g, which is linked to the p k. k group considered in turkey to really be an extra central threats. so to get to your question about what this really means for h t s, which is definitely um, not as a lines, not nearly as align with turkey is the s n a. we're going to have to wait and see what h t s is agenda really is when it comes to the y p g and other elements under the s d f. umbrella. we don't know if h t s and turkey will reach some sort of understanding or not when it comes to these questions about the white p g group. but time will tell this new transitional government. do we know how it plans to rebuild syria economically as
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well? you know, the challenge of rebuilding syria economically is extremely daunting. my understanding is that the serious gdp contract is something like 80 or 85 percent. since this crisis erupted back in 2011 last year of the syria and economy separate from hyper inflation on many of the sectors, the important sectors and the syrian economy, such as agriculture, hydrocarbons, and really decimated as a consequence of not only the warfare, but also as a consequence of western sanctions that have been pose guns imposed on syria for a number of years. so it's going to be really difficult to rebuild syria. i think the important point here is that syria will need a lot of time. a understand experts are saying that it would take about a decade to bring serious economy back to what it was in 2011,
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but what syria really needs a stability and they need a lot of foreign investment. there are going to be so many challenges that the syrians face when trying to rebuild their country's economy. this brings us to important questions about u. s. foreign policy and also the foreign policy agendas of european countries. yeah. whether or not they're going to live sanctions. also questions about the sanctions on h t. s. gonna be very important when we look at the prospects for, for an investment in the country is coffee, or we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us a lot of big questions. a lot of unanswered questions about the future of syria tonight. thank you. thank you. well, the fall of the solvers, e means and millions of syrians who fled during the civil war. now have the chance to return to their home land within 3000000 across the border into neighboring turkey. that means turkish and service has been speaking to syrians in his temple,
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who were both optimistic and anxious about the prospect of going home. for always swati, assuming an engineer, it is just the best moment ever. play out of them is o dreams have come to think god best sealed it for 15 years we have been waiting for this day. you took or so we have been very patient. uh yes, it was very difficult. uh we suffered undertake. we became refugees though. uh our stay the same as the country was rude, mouthful. do they name words? can't express how happy i am the me a sentiments shared by so many with whom we spoke. refugees ready to go back to syria and how we are capable of returning to our country and rebuilding it, making a best of them. it was before we were subjected to assets, oppression, and many hardships. but 2nd god,
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we survived. we were allowed to live in turnkey assembly. i've known him and i shouldn't be 30. you have the for the for next. many here have reactivated long dormant plans to leave a route in that car. his mobile phone shop conveniently sells luggage to june. of course we want to leave in a month for 2 weeks. we're already slowly emptying, you know, shop. so we're getting rid of everything slowly. so then i'll go from a business, we have our land. so our house, that of the house is really the fact that he is also really into muscle. but i will start from scratch. i came here with a $100.00 on buses. i'm going to leave with a 1000 nobody. i got them use what is the same for them to get this up? i came up with nothing. i going back there with not for the i got the they get it done. so for the use of off bad hopes for the best of 2 worlds for his 2 children dividing time between his native homeland and his adopted homeland. the so i'm gonna go to really of course we have planning to return somebody doing this. no, but not just yet enough money. we have to wait and the,
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and the where is continue in, right? so there is not a complete government in place. somebody who commits so i'm not going back at this moment. think 10, the more that option to wait for at least 6 months or even a year. the all, if i go outside of the business there. but i would love to stay with my work here to get to that. what about the shit i'm definitely or beyond the practical, there are the emotional issues in play for so many syrian refugees living in turkey . who are considering a return home you, i mean your story and how being and then we serious 100 total on this. another part of us, the ones to say, we have become like family here. and bill comes with other people are the key. i totally, i couldn't was have many touch women married syrian man about, and many syrian men married to, cuz remember to share that sort of the, we are living together and points to select all. thank god. so let's now she, this is the spot where many syrian refugees expect across back into their homeland
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. one thing they'll have to consider before that moment, the fact that most will lose their temporary protection status and turkey. once they step over the board, are you watching? the news will be back at the top of the the, this is he is hungry for the future. so the same in southwest china says you to 1000000 people live here. many of them are young and 3 and it's coming through making money, having fun with nice pools and shown c dot december 13th on dw, the .


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