tv DW News Deutsche Welle December 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases in the home by applying the 5 keys to see for use them. you also have a role to play. the dw news live in from berlin jubilation. as the syrians marked the fall of president bush, i always saw tens of thousands joins nationwide and celebrations today. a week after rebel forces toppled the country's long time dictator. also coming up a grim search for the victims of the dictatorship, thousands of syrians to send on morals across the country, hoping to locate missing, loved ones killed by the saw regime. and the centrist politicians francois barrow is now the new prime minister of france, left us in parliament. they've already ruled out, working with the
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library, gone to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states, into all new around the world. welcome. we begin in syria. this friday, the 1st friday since the collapse of the assad regime, syrians and spent the day celebrating in the streets of damascus. huge crowds gathered following friday prayers. rallies included a video posted by the leader of the rebel forces who spearheaded the offensive it finally, top of a saw the insurgent leader congratulating the syrian people and urge them to celebrate what he calls the victory of the revolution. dw correspondent, still and mina is in damascus, as she was at the celebrations. she shared her impressions with young people with very unhappy, with thousands and thousands of people at the square. and we actually didn't make a toll because we got stuck in traffic off the rest. we just standing next to the
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big road right now. and people are still celebrating this still on the way to you joined the other people that have been on oh my god square. the whole off said it's really i cannot describe how many people are standing on the square. the thing is that them saying the waving menu here in the back there. so to gather together, syria, we need to hear every your night. they save us side by side pull down. so it's really an incredible mood and everyone is very happy and i think it's gonna continue throughout the whole nice. yeah, it looks like a huge party. what are people hoping for, for now, as far as the future is concerned, the most people i spoke to are hoping that the problem is, is the new government and produce
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a transitional government is making at the moment. but they will stick to these promises. an ex, me brought people more rights for the better and people are just enjoying the momentum as well because many of them are enjoying the freedom of speech for the 1st time i see for the 1st time they can say what they think close that they could use words that were like the world thought, i don't know if you would say that speak about the uh that would have the problem, rudy on. so people are really celebrating single mentioned right now. it just turn that thing off as long as they're on right now. at the savings they're not getting any worse. yeah. and lots of will leaders have been calling on the, the new syria to respect the rule of law to protect the rights of minorities. what kind of relationships are serious new rulers have being then to establish with other countries, the finality they need to offer
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it's the speeding of the rebels has promised the neighboring countries another for another countries to establish peace relationships, sell already some relationships. so that has to be the stablish since he has said that they will open it again in syria. see the product rich businesses that must be yesterday as well as set that they will open an embassy. yeah, and then we will see if uh the us government is actually taking this promise. so let me ask you about command of the moment. so the rebel leader often without sharah, he has dropped his old name. he used to be known as oper, mohamad out galani. do we know why he did that? say i loved gillati was something like his a fighter name,
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which is not very uncommon for people who were part of the, the opposition. many change the name because they feared that the, that families would experience the consequences or just to hide the identity. so he's now sending to sickness the 1st sick. now he's sending it to the syrian, say, look, i'm going back to my name. so i want to send the signal that everything is safe. we could be free and truly be we are. and so that's like the message, the mind to the, to sending the other hand. he's also rebranding himself a little bit because many people to whom it he's known as alter bonnie, marry him under this name when he was still part of i'll call you to and many people here in syria, all very concerned about his past engagement and the guy the a and therefore you supposed to re branding himself and in but to prove that his
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political ideas have shifted since that yeah. the former is the hardest with a new name and perhaps a new identity, dw correspondents, still a 1000000, damascus. still a thing even is that many syrians joyfully celebrate the fall of assad is a different story for the families of those who went missing under his roof, it's estimating that some 150000 people disappeared during syria's 13 year civil war. most of them were arrested by of sons security services. many families are now searching for their missing loved ones in more x. b is mohammed tray, the reports to night from damascus to my her standing in front of the coffin that contains her son. she tells us he was killed 2 weeks ago when i started pushing forces rated at home. she wants to save her
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this moment. lost. she can bury him and say good bye. they said they wouldn't give me his body and that he's a terrorist and should be buried anonymously. and given a number, i thank god i can finally come to his grave. myers party is just one of many phone and syrian detention centers and presents since assad government collapsed to system mark off the wish to help us put them in central, damascus is supposed to be a close. looks like a lots of house, a bunch of bodies of detainees and people visiting all the time, looking for their relative brothers or loved ones. it's an extraordinarily seen as people inspect dozens of bodies looking for twos or bus marks to identify the relatives. so far,
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only if you have found love on the team, you suffer from an easy ition and mistreatment as they were exposed to cold weather and overcrowding. the let to the death of most of the bruises that may have caused to death because they suffered from internal injuries. you mean science of torture? yes, indeed, especially the ones who died recently. outside the hospital, hundreds of syrians are looking for the loved ones. this is all they have to go off . pictures with just numbers, new needs a verb is desperate. he is looking for his son, so i missing the thoughts and the tore your network of presents for more than a decade. lufkin thought, if i'm there she, you know, i still knew nothing about near you any mobile,
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i asked every security agency and didn't get an answer and i know i'm still looking for him everywhere. so much advertising is up to jump out. so if you haven't been motivated from boosters yesterday, but you can't move now. what did you find here? the money to my phone? nothing. nothing at all. and i said no, no one has answered. okay. i use yeah. i thought of id in the field. i'm still searching that you know, i'm and what, what do you do? said the i'm leaving it to god's will know me. you tell me if he's dead? no, i want his body. i want to know where he's buried. i want to see it with my own eyes, but not everyone here will be lucky enough to find to find the resting place of the ones. after doing so much on the serious, brutal dictatorship or more now i'm joined by leona is india and cove. she's the spokes person for the international committee of the red cross
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rejoices from the root in lebanon, and it's good to have you back on the program. i know that over the last decade you, your organization has registered some 35000 cases of people who have gone missing with a sod no longer in the picture. the. what does this mean for your ability to help people as well, we have been trying to search and find out the whereabouts of the fate of these missing people for the past. yes, the family's right to know has always been our priority and it is still a priority today. now, of course, with the events of the past week, we see the presence of opening up. we see the tv is being released and we are open to default lines for the extra t needs and for the families. and also we visited the have now a prison this week and which we sold that concerned us a lot. because the robot,
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a lot of documents kept to on the floor in different rooms, i need is absolutely vital to preserve these records. for so many families to be able to find their missing loved ones. and what do you tell the families read how? how are the chances, what's the possibility of them being re united with a loved one or at least finding out what happened to their missing loved ones? well, as you said, i'm, i think, and i'm afraid that for many families, there are few chances to be reunited to them. missing loved ones, but at least these families, they need the answers because when you simply don't know whether you are loved, one is dead or life or you just don't know what happened to them. this is what many specialists, a quote i'm giving you, a spain that people just unable to have foreclosure and the suffering continues for
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years. and for some of them even dictates. so we, or has been in touch with the families of the missing people. and now we uh, issue the quote to the authorities to preserve the records, to preserve the great sites. uh mazda can help identify missing people. we have also all the adults. so this is based on the expedite size to provide them the forensic services and help them uh, identify the missing. i'm wondering what the conditions are like on the ground for the red cross to to do its work. and i'll be honest with you we, we've spoken with one syrian woman who was here in berlin. her father is missing, she also leads a campaign to find missing syrians. she has said that the only response that she received from the red cross when she was trying to, to get this help was that the red cross children. they couldn't do anything because they're understaffed. the situation in the past
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week has been full of child and things have been evolving very quickly. so we never stopped in the past. he is a searching for the missing people that we have registered. we never stop being in touch with the families and trying to support with the families and know with the changes that took place and with every new opportunities that we have. we're just stepping up the support. and now we're working to provide the technical support with dsl reduced, but of course it is not easy with talking about tens of thousands of leasing people . mm hm. and we just happen to get realistic about how much time this may take. what about the, the rebel forces that are in control now? i mean, is the red cross? are you able to coordinate directly with this, this new syrian leadership on the ground, or are they offering you assistance?
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it's well, we can, uh, things have changed very fast. and we've been constantly on the phone and constantly using every opportunity to make contact with the for a tooth and to maintain concept and see how we can support, especially with the efforts to identify missing persons. i cannot go into details about the discussions and again it's, it's not easy because it's been a week and things are changing very rapidly. but my colleagues in damascus and in other parts of syria, they're working around the clock until very late at night, every day trying to do everything they can to bring the answers to the people who are looking for their loved ones. and the owners in your ankles spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross. we appreciate you taking the time to
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talk with us tonight. thank you. which are key, has given shelter to more than 3000000. see where you're refugees. that's more than any other country. they celebrated the assault resume, sudden collapse, thousands of cents returned home, but many remain cautious about what to do next and whether to leave behind the lives they built for themselves. inside turkey dw is julia han reports tonight from the town to right hardly on the turkish syrian border. moved highly, is making his way back home to syria, with his wife and their little daughter nodding the cues at this border, crossing me. the turkish town of a 100 men moved fled syria 5 years ago. it's now he says, we can't wait to return to see the amount of data for you guys, a lot of destruction, but we will rebuild. we don't care about that. no matter what masses is it,
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we got rid of outside the country. it will be safe for children and future generations. like my mood and his family, thousands of syrians have rushed to the turkish food and recent days, eager to return home. after many years and next i to most syrians crossing this photo right behind me is a one way street. they have to give back their residents ton, the fatality officials here told us and sign a document saying they are returning voluntarily. and that means they conscious come back. but that's a risk many a willing to take to if you shall. so rich ease of stepped up, efforts to facilitate foster returns, opening border crossings and boosting staff members and president adel and said he expects more refugees to leave. for days, dakota co were subject as syria achieve stability. voluntary, safe, dignified, and orderly returns will hopefully increase as well. so it's my belief and prayer
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for the 13 year, longing about syria and brothers and sisters for their homeland or will gradually come to an end symbol is or add. one is under domestic political pressure to send back many of the 3000000 refugees. turkey welcomed off to the syrian civil war sconces a nearly 14 years later. the hospitality has wings and many tugs struggling with an economic crisis and tie and station wants the syrians to return as soon as possible. get to know, do they should leave. and then, because the homing of economy, they've made us lose our values and our identity, then not doing a country any good for the in color, most visual and vision. the oppressive regime has been dismantled. but this is exactly what they wanted. so i think there was no longer any reason for them to stay here. mr. to on the call mostly have already said
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a lot with them. if they want to stay, they can stay if they want to go, they can go. but i think they want to return that would make you sell it. 31 year old mohammed adina sees wants to wait and see how things develop in syria. before making the big decision. he flip, unless it was a teenager of interest in skills in new life for himself. here in turkey, assembly a restaurant with 40 employees on the it's not easy for us to leave everything behind home. even if the situation stabilizes only 2 or 3 years before things improve. but overall, so many syrian children, like my own, were born here and know nothing about syria to jump on top of that. come the questions over what syria could look like. and how would we be governed we hope to achieve democracy in syria, civilian government, and free and fair elections. i don't know what to do. yeah. we prayed to god that
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the situation in syria improves obviously stability returns and our homeland becomes better than ever. but right now, nothing is clear stuff, but i'm pretty sure she will be back at the border crossing that will tell you and his family are finally going to syria. suddenly everything has to move fast as they stepped into an uncertain future to hear some of the other stories. now that are making headlines around the world, us secretary of state and to the blinking has made an uninhabited stop in the rack, where he is meeting with the wrecking leadership. it's part of a hastily organized visit to the middle east, and that stabilizing the situation in syria and trying to prevent islamic stain from taking advantage of a power back you inside syria. residents of neutrons in the gaza strip are searching through rubble trying to find survivors after is really air strikes.
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government officials say at least 52 people were killed in the strikes, including 12 guards who were protecting aid trucks. israel says the strikes were targeting, there wasn't see we're trying to hide jack the trucks. former us health speaker, nancy pelosi is in the hospital after sustaining an injury. well, on an official trip in watson burke, the 84 year old politician is in europe to attend a ceremony marketing. the 80th anniversary of ward more choose battle of the bulge or spokesman says that she is receiving excellent treatment from her doctors. here in germany and identified drones have been cited flying over the us run, stein, airbase, and other sensitive industrial science and reason. weeks though, according to germany, intelligence and sources. berlin support for ukraine since it was invaded by russia, has made germany a target of possible sabotage and espionage attempts. or russia has launched
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a massive area with tackle and ukraine's energy infrastructure. people in the capital keep solid shelter in the cities metro system currently. and present, involved them is zalinski said $93.00 missiles and nearly $200.00 drones were launched in one of the rushes. largest attacks in the war. explosions have been reported in several regions. a, c, w, 's, nick connelly has more now this was huge. this was one of the biggest, this thing, this is a tax on the energy system, the 12th so far, and it's no coincidence that they have chosen this weekend right now. the temperature is dropping for the 1st time, really kind of severely this winter. it seems like most of the damage was in the west of the country. no major damage reported from k of which still stay as the capital best protected. and the strategy of the granular ortiz, is not to inform, at least close to the events, to not give the russians too much of an indication of how successful they have been
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. but certainly we're seeing the impact, we're seeing people across western central ukraine, dealing with power cups on top of that kind of scheduled power cuts that they all used to. so it is a very difficult situation and is one that is intended to basic grinds people down to get people so tired and so exhausted that they lose the will to either stay living here. they think about doing a broad will pressure that government into coming some kind of deal with items which was due to these be connelly reporting. their france has a new prime minister francois. they took over earlier today after being named to the post by president emanuel microns they were, has a valid to tackle and the political paralysis that has gripped france after inconclusive parliamentary elections last summer of the former prime minister, michelle barney, a resigned after just 3 months in office, after losing a historic, no confidence that it was a lavish traditional ceremony,
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but not to read one of these days. the calls what by who became friends is full prime minister this year. it was the 2025 frontier that broke the last government down. if you have a quote to say it gets to, i believe the issue a state borrowing and debt is also a moral one who's informed me that it's not just a financial issue. no, she said, with the french political landscape split 3 ways. back home defied coals from the far left. at the far right, college used to appoint one of the number preferring to name someone from his own centers to come. an n p for a mac homes really nice songs potty said the only criterion should be what's best for friends and it's people supposed to was all i think we need to start making out the parliament, revolves around the right wing or socialist policies. it's clear that if you leave out the fall, right, i'm far left. that's a pos way open to negotiate the national assembly, the political landscape, and the pos is about of working for the french army for the french in each month
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for the policy. but on hearing of microns new choice to had his cabinet, these people on the streets when not convinced by whose appointment will break the political deadlock in front of his hands with him on honestly it's really nothing. when you sit, if you're the city are here now, it really seems like it's the old name is being brought back. it's super disappointing because we really expected something different from the president too . rather than putting a series of old men at the head of the french government. so yes, it's a big disappointment so we can go to the sip. so i switch the, let's hope that we can get a government that less than can respond to the expectation of the french people. would perhaps a little more serenity, i think would be a good thing for them for forensic constitution fans, fresh elections within one year. and maxwell has vowed to serve useful to him, which ends in 2027 front, still needs to pass a bunch it for 2075 more than 2 weeks away. there's little chance of
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a peaceful christmas for french politicians and french people that lodge with journalists. daniel brown is in paris and he has more now on the big job, facing frances new prime minister as well. first of all, there's into another. so concern over france, is that so that that's higher than greece in terms of g, d, p, and demands from international bodies and banks to apply severe austerity measures are still there. if you remember, the trends is living with a debt. that's the equivalent of 6 percent of the countries d d p. that's the highest among western economies. i am the draft budget such a mission about me. you suggested. so seeking 60000000000 euros in savings to address. they said that to say is what brought same down. anybody who could well, put this on the table again. but i'm, there's these internal tensions in this unprecedented national assembly with these
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3 major blocks. the, the biggest of which i'd like to remind your live your, your viewers is the new popular front, the n s t coalition, which from the beginning has been hostile to by a who's nomination. now already the biggest party in this coalition, friends about l. s. i in french, announced it will vote so no confidence motion. the greetings are saying that the decision to nominate babies simply ridiculous, i'm quoting, denouncing my code for playing with francis the democracy and the extreme right wing the national front. so our end part is saying that so they are going to really be keeping a very careful eye on what she's going to bring on to the table sort of thing around their reporting from parents. this get a quick reminder now of the top stories this, our tens of thousands have joined a nationwide celebrations in syria for the 1st part of the prayer. since the fall
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of president assad rebels, top of the us government last week, bringing it in to decades of authoritarian rule and francois of a room has taken over as the french prime minister after being named by to the post by president mack wrong he is now francis 4th prime minister this year, and after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day tonight, these jihad pills, performance coke, pain, the drug that helps bank grove. this obviously, the
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you can draw the line between the space is because i don't believe that space is, is a morally relevant criteria. and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 or waste humans close to that same pansy, signage and pansy is even to a dog a dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube dw documentary, d, w, travel over the side. 3 food john is with inside a tips. nicole. hi, nice. well, let's go here, we go lower. so when it comes to sustain efficiency information and trying to do that, when you travel, you can have it all on executive. it has to check the bank. so you're planning a trip to make sure you miss nothing about is on the w travel. i hope you enjoy the
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trip here as much as i did. what about you? what's your opinion? feel free to write your thoughts and the comments. this is the 1st friday using trouble forces. toppled the sun regime in syria. friday prayers were followed by st parties and many cities, the largest in damascus, jubilation and reservations, about what comes next. religious minorities inside syria say they are worried along with diplomats from turkey in to the us to we rack the main rebel force now in charge known as h t. s. is considered a terrorist group by the us in europe. it's leader or has been on a media blitz with a message. we did not take down a dictator just to replace them with the hardest ivory golf and berlin. this is the day i.
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