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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  December 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CET

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that we said there was never giving up every weekend on d. w the every minute. $150.00 babies are born around the world that's over $200000.00 to day. so haven't children may seem to be quite easy. no, no saved millions of couples world wide because they remain childless even though they want that child. why is that? can modern reproductive medicine help? and when the baby is 4 and there are new questions, for example, is it bad if the mother can't or doesn't want to breast feed? her child is bottle feeding, just as good tips for parents and couples who want to become parents know on in good shape the
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take all the ingredients wet and dry and put them in a bowl. add a dash with confidence, a pinch of magic and mix. well, let it rest for a while about 9 months to be exact. and that's how the baby is made. or maybe not quite so simple because getting pregnant can be much harder than you think. for the longest time, girls and women try not to get pregnant when they have sex. and when they do want to get pregnant, it's a bit of a shock when it doesn't work right away. this is going to college is laura trust? she knows all about what options are eligible to people,
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trying unsuccessfully to have a baby. there are many factors that affect getting pregnant. there's age menstrual cycle sports, just to name a few. we talked about this in our episode on fertility. so there's no need to panic if it doesn't work out in the 1st try. of couples trying to conceive should be the 1st year as a kind of training faced. experts recommend having unprotected sex 2 to 3 times a week is 12 months passed without a positive result. it's time to look into why. if you're over 35, consider having a medical checkup after 6 months of no luck. according to the w h o one, and 6 couples worldwide is involuntarily childless. interesting, and may get pregnant easily the 1st time, but then have trouble conceiving the 2nd time. that's called secondary infertility
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. and it's the most common form of female infertility worldwide. but for to the problems aren't always down to the woman to of, so they are no natalia and women physician 1st populated this way back in the 12th century on think about at the time today. scientific evidence shows that men are the cause of a couple of infertility problems up to 30 percent of the time in around one 3rd of cases. the problem is shared by both partners. however, sometimes despite a thorough examination, the root causes remain unclear. that's where assisted reproductive technology for a r t comes into the picture. make sure to chose the for tentative clinic here for comfortable with. sometimes treatment can take several years and it's not always a walk in the park. but it can be worth it. according to a bridge of studies, 2 thirds of couples using ivy s had a baby after 6 attempts, on average,
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the kansas increased even more. up to the 9th round of 5. yes. the life birth rate known as the take home baby rate is currently 15 to 20 percent per try. that may not sound like a very high rate. but when couples have 6 around the day of your nation, the chance of getting pregnant is only 25 to 30 percent. so actually a pretty good number. unfortunately, the treatment plan should follow stages tailored to the patient's individual needs . at the start of any a r t procedure, sperm is collected from a mail donor, then it's processed and checked for quality during an insemination procedure the same and has been inserted into the cervix or directly into the uterus. the good starting point because that's the least invasive method for the woman. the average success rate is about 5 to 10 percent per attempt after several transfers,
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pregnancy occurs in about 10 to 30 percent of cases. however, sometimes the insemination option should be skipped. for example, if the local chips are blocked, then it would make sense to start an idea of procedure right away by injecting stimulating hormone. it's usually one egg matures and human ovaries each month. after hormone stimulation, those there can be far more. additional hormones help ensure ambulation, which means the eggs are released from the ovaries. now they're ready to meet the sperm. ovarian stimulation can cause some side effects, things like headaches, abdominal bloating, or irritability. there's even a condition called ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome, which is an exaggerated response to excess hormones. symptoms of that includes nausea or vomiting or severe abdominal pain, and they have to be treated immediately. once the egg is released in the body,
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it must be fertilized within the span of about 24 hours. the. if you retrieve the x just before our relation, you can extend the span of time, thanks to this procedure. a woman can get pregnant also later in life. as an egg retrieval procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia retreat . eggs can be frozen in the lab for later use or place directly into a petri dish along with a sperm. this is called in vitro fertilization, or by via the previous joint. brown was the world's 1st test to be the controversial sensation back in 1978. to date, an estimated 12000000 people have been born using assisted reproductive methods
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like are the yes, it will allow sperm and egg to find each other on their own. well, in a procedure called dixie, a single sperm. so it's selected and injected directly into the egg dixie. it's nearly newest when there's a problem, what's burn, what to the t. so there is a slight risk that the needle might damage. the ext still exceeds the most common for to the treatment used today. accounting for around 70 percent of all treatments worldwide. you have this percentage varies greatly from country to country. i, the f and x e have similar success rates, but whether you have access to these technologies is a question of where you live. so with a lot of science and a little luck, more than half of all previously infertile couples will end up with a button in the oven. big to perfection.
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if couples are unable to have children, naturally, there may be a wide spread cause obesity. according to studies, overweight, men have fewer sperm. these are also not as low miles as the main man. obesity can also cause the temperature in the testicles to be higher. this can change the sperms dna. over weight, women sometimes have an irregular menstrual cycles. as a result, population is also very regular or does not occur at all. the x are generally smaller and less capable of being fertilized. they're also less able to implant into the lining up in uterus. but even if conception succeeds to problems or not over being overweight is dangerous for the pregnant woman and for the growing child playing and exploring the world together. nicole schultz enjoys being a mother and spending time with her son vincent. she was already overweight when
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she became pregnant with him. her attempts to shut the excess pounds failed to have enough time as possible. i tried a lot of things to find them as a couple of we tried to plan our meals together and consciously pay attention to many things that have other thoughts with the names, the dentist, but it just didn't sit with my lifestyle and my daily routine. and that led to even more frustration furnished the past. so i don't in the course to learn a lot. so it was clear to me in advance that the excess weight there to stay. and then i couldn't do much to change the percentage to she experience. no complications during her pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby. but that's not always the case just says munich based gynecologist, mariana rubel match you. she warns of the risk for mother and child. for that what talk to me from others who go into a pregnancy overweight. there's a heightened risk of miscarriage. premature birds of developing just ational
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diabetes and a score complications due to high blood pressure. for example, going into a who and for the child having a mother who begins pregnancy overweight and which means we have a higher risk of deformities best as and who to sleep in the cities equal hot. that's is, as well as a higher risk of coming into the world with an above average weight, which count and turn lead to complications during the 1st come to cut soon, invite or get bored football and assign kind. what role obesity has on pregnancy is being evaluated in the long term study. yolanda ill, kavitsky and her 9 year old son davi had been taking part in it as one of more than $1700.00 mother child pears. since diabetes birth researchers have collected data on his health. ready and physical development of and to show us often at the end, we also take their blood pressure and blood to test back to see what the values for sugar and lifted metabolism look like. all of our abnormalities already process. we're mainly examining cluster all of this triglyceride levels,
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as well as glucose and insulin for the sugar metabolism and so far. dobbins values are good, still yolanda ill convicts remains concerned services. yeah, so this gets extremely important to me that my children lead healthy life supply who owns that they stay healthy and don't wind up looking like their mother who also she fits mama needs to be fixed on this as it's important that they do everything better and even so that their lives are easier later on out and they don't suffer from illnesses over nutrition in the womb can be to a faulty in printing. and the child says, professor regina ends in our she has the long term study called peaches, docket, storm destiny. so it's about this fetus, this unborn child being subjected to a variety of nutrients that change things. the change the gene, my son, and also the organ structures of the still unborn child. so, so that after birth,
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it's susceptible to developing obesity and other dietary related illnesses sooner occupational. i'm glad they all intact cold. so intake to that means these children are also add an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. gynecologist marianna rubel met you also speaks to her pregnant patients about the importance of weight and tries to raise awareness of the risks. but it's a sensitive topic. this was men see it. you have to do it in a very individual way. that is, you need to watch out that you're not over whelming the woman before that well, at the same time trying to keep her motivated and knowing what to view it. the good news is, even after the birth, it's possible to turn things around. because nutrition is say that the 1st $1000.00
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days from the start of pregnancy until the end of the 2nd year of a child's life. our decisive breast feeding place and important rules says regina ends in our association to enable for the charlie. it's not just about nutritional breast milk contains bio active substances seem to back to certain bacteria to certain anti bodies that makes the child's fit for the conditions. they'll be exposed to after pur, people, and it's, it's almost as it is gnostic aboard. that's why nicole schultz breast fed her son vincent right from the start. and now she insures he has a healthy and balanced diet. but without forcing him to eat, that kind of physicians i'm, he can discover fluids at his own pace. and i need as much as he wants to get up. there are days when he eats a lot and others when he eats less. but we're okay with that. the cold schultz is
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convinced that her son's development isn't solely determined by genetics. she plans to have a 2nd child and do things just the same way she has with vince once the baby is born, there is a lot to do. know the father also faces challenges soon thing and cuddling outings, changing diapers. but men can't do everything. the mother is responsible for 50 because breast milk is still the best and breast feeding just even healthy for the mother. mary ellis road became a mother. it's 6 months ago. she's best friend her daughter, ariana since birth. which i'm anxious. mother's milk is the best thing you can give your child, and i just wanted to give her some past year. and so the best, the best possible start in life in best nutrition, stats, and see my nutrition for the 1st few months that wasn't
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a problem. the teacher training, you took a break from her studies, but now she's back at school, which makes breast feeding tougher. testing for the losing it for now my solution is that my mother drives me to the university and i press feed her just before hand . and then my mom baby sits for the 90 minutes. so tries to amuse her 10 percent visits to wish by the world. health organization also recommends the bbc breastfed, exclusively for the 1st 6 months. then solid foods can start to be introduced. ariana is increasingly fascinated by her parents food. she now it's fruits and veggies to, to help them. plus um, if she showed interest in food was supposed to be everything we had in our hands, food drink glasses. she snapped up and put in her mouth. she knew just where it belonged, almost him. good. because ariana can now eat solid food. many people can't understand marios decision to keep breast feeding her to see this and lots of folks think. and
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as soon as a child can you talk to you when them and switch to bottles. your breast feeding is thought to have many health benefits for both child and mother the mats, reuben, or institute in cross for regina ends in our heads. it's department of child nutrition. she's also the chair of the national breast feeding committee in germany and as long conducted research on the effect of breast feeding on babies and mothers too. i just want to investigate it. so we see what we now know from the science of data is that we can see a reduction in the risk of contracting breast cancer home disease and he's a very and cancer conklin on true. i still keeps even the european code against cancer mentions breast feeding mothers risk of breast cancer decreases by 4 percent
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for every year. she breast feeds compared to mothers who don't breast feed. initial studies suggest that the positive effects are as a result of changes in the press structure. during pregnancy, the memory glands and the breast tissue become enlarged. in the memory of your life, little facts which clustered into groups called lobby walls, breast milk is produced and stored. when the baby sucks on the breast, these lobby ols are pressed together by tiny muscles, so that the mother's milk can flow through the milk desks. researchers figure that during breast feeding cancer causing substances are removed from breast tissue through the memory glance. since they're slower to river to their former state during a link the lactation. breastfeeding moms enjoy this protection for longer. in a clinical study, swedish researchers even found a substance in press milk that can kill certain cancer cells along with the reduced
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cancer risk. current research shows that breast feeding also brings a host of other health benefits from others. standing at the office should breast feeding also has a protective effect against the development of type 2 diabetes. in other words, metabolic disorders. so i wouldn't be especially women with a higher b m. i have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes during their lifetimes. and we've seen that breast feeding protects against the should stuff in view of that. so it's really important for the women themselves as it reduces their own risk of building type physical. so they don't see him. but breast milk is health benefits for the child to be seen. some buyers should be that, for example, we know that especially in the short term, breast feeding lowers the risk of infection going into like ear infection, the ones on some buyers. but they often occurred very early on in the 1st years of life and,
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and this reduces the risk significantly the home of all from the lease. but there's also a lower risk of the child developing asthma to inter before us becoming over weight . um, as well as for metabolic disorders, like diabetes have bullish to fix switch to only diabetes. babies also profit from the unique composition of breast milk, along with a high percentage of water, contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and various bio active substances like hormones, growth factors and zines and living cells. but what's really special is the mother's milk adapts to meet the specific needs of her child. studies prove this is why it has such a positive influence on a child's development. how great the health benefits are for babies also depends on how long their breastfed the w h. o recommends the children continue to be breast fed for up to 2 years of age or beyond. the,
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the seems to count those. we even see in effect based on the dose, that means if you press feed exclusively for the 1st 6 months and then keep on breast speeding. and which is actually what's recommended by touch, you'll see a much greater reduction of health risks. and then if you just breast feed boy part of the title in from concord, squeeze it can i'd, spanish hits no tightest dealer, industrially produced, baby formula is sold as an alternative depress. now, in europe, some of the ingredients are prescribed by law. these include various omega 3 fatty acids you on game tonight from the university of live c has conducted several studies on these products designed to replace breast milk. as i look to replacement products are largely based on cow's milk, and the composition of cow's milk is simply difference. then human mother's milk. is it what? so from that alone, it's logical that breastmilk could have
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a certain advantage full tire, designing credit. that doesn't mean these replacement products are basically bad. it's just that we should only resort to using them when it's really necessary. no. ongoing research aims to make the composition of formula closer to that of mothers milk. but from a medical point of view, breast milk still has a clear advantage. let's keep it there are epidemiological studies which compare these groups. plastic children raised on bottles of formula and kids who were breast fed just because on the show, the health benefits of breast feeding all that. they've also met to certain ingredients having to be present in certain concentrations and replacement products . that means formula can still be improved, and for that we need to do more research, dr. pulses, all or from others, deciding how long to keep breast feeding is an emotional decision. the social
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pressures also come to bear mariel and doesn't want to let those influence her the special ed as he is on the address feeder for as long as she wants to f. i want to skip them for no meant. there's no reason for me to wait her, so she'll show me when it's time. you can contact me maybe at some point. there will also be a health reason on my side, but also, but i figure will keep doing this until somewhere between her 1st and 2nd. birthday she'll be wings at the latest when she goes to daycare woodstock. to be the since done lindsey in kindergarten, and it's the system of students in emergency situations formula. it provides an adequate source of nutrition for newborns. like given the choice experts, a breast feeding is best for both mothers and therapy every year around 60000 children worldwide are born before the 37th week of
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pregnancy and therefore prematurely breast milk is especially important for a premature baby. however, such premies are often still far too weak to feed at the breast, and mothers also have problems. their breasts still don't produce any milk or far too little, now or press. no bank can help. little maya was born prematurely in the 28th week of just ation. she weighed just 680 grams at the time. the stressful emergency ses arians left sandra bish off on able to breast feed her daughter for the 1st 4 days. so myer received milk from the breast milk bank supplied by other women who given birth at the same hospital. these abuse, these kinds of can you recognize the importance of the baby getting this milk from day one? because right after the 1st, when you start pumping, just a drop would come out and comb with them you can just on a cotton swabs and put it in a vial to be brought to the new needle unit. to this one drop of breast milk would
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be brushed over the baby's mouth. so she could at least that one draw must be reverse. but everyone in the neonatal unit cares for the premies and their mothers around the clock. specialized care and couple sessions helped him relax, which promotes milk production that allowed maia to double her weight in 5 weeks. just to be successful, it's vital that the parents bond well with their babies and that we sent them home breastfed. but the use of this donated breast milk is also decisive in preventing serious illnesses. we've managed that with maya. typical illnesses, separate by premies, include inflammation of the bowels. to accommodate the breath, no bank, the hospital upgraded. it's no kitchen here. the donated breast milk is proved. for bacteria, as well as to determine it's exact composition. the head doctor. so special software currently used by just to hospitals in germany, allows them to precisely analyze the milk,
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the dum couldn't be then we can meet the child's needs. whether it's an ill premature baby, or a child with an abnormality that requires an operation. and ad precisely the substances they need. that could be sugar protein or electrolytes like calcium, which is crucial for bone metabolism. sounds good. the hospital is also taking part in a nationwide study on press group banks. the goal is to create medical guidelines in this area. since maya was 2 weeks old, sandra bishop has been donating breast milk for other babies. do not go out, this is nature made. it so that mothers give no escape. we don't make it for fun. this is extremely important to speak. since other mothers feel the same way. 3 quarters of the roughly $200.00 premature babies born here each year are being breast fed. when they go home from the hospital. almost
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4000 women have become mothers during this program. that's why they were excused today. but they can definitely watch the next edition of in good shape all the past until then the
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i'm afraid i'll never see him again. when oh, you lost under the stops december 18th on dw, the this is the, the new sly from berlin. south korea slow make us votes to impeach the president. the decision spock celebrations of the capital, solace, thousands, gather to coal for you use. so can you all to go? he says he will step aside but won't give up. also coming up, protest this and police gather inventory and capital as a form of foot for the 10 right wing politicians, such to be appointed as a countries you president, the
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