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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CET

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the thank you so much for watching the de leon use the big oil. the secret behind the us oil boom. drilled, drill, drill. what will trump means? the climate protection and green green, a green in power rings. so the solution, the
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gold never before has so much crude oil being drilled for in the united states. around 3300000 tons are expected that every day, on average in 2023. the us is now the largest oil producer in the world. it was unseasonably hot on the drive to west texas close to the new mexico border, random oil wells and use in a band and dotted the landscape. i look, there's some right there in august of 2020 for texas producer and 5000000 barrels of oil per day about the production capacity of canada. the nearly half the oil produced by the entire country comes from this state. so oil ripples throughout the entire economy here where we're headed, the university of texas over millions of acres of land and the more boilers pond to
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the more it adds towards the dominant museums or from the state, also live from oil money that's including the petroleum museum in the city of midland, part of quail country, everything here sits on top of the permian basin and oil field that stretches from west texas to new mexico. the. there's a bunch of old oil equipment here because the texas has been at the center of the us oil booms for decades. and all of these behind me are old drilling rigs. they did back to the 1920s, did the 1st step invoice extraction, drilling and well, then come to pops there. sometimes we can go look at over there actually. so when they 1st oil, it basically explodes out of the grounds due to changes and pressure. but after a while, it doesn't really explode so much anymore, and you have to actually pump these are the ponds to do exactly that. but it's not a simple process to hear more about it. we spoke to brian grant, the executive director, the oil is actually trapped with in layers of rocks that are in these different layers strata. so we have to not only drill but then we have to crack
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the rock. people have been cracking the rock to get that oil for more than a century, mostly with explosives. and after that, they're going to inject the sand that will hold the fractures, open. this sand along with water and chemicals is a key component of modern fracking. another as horizontally drilled wells which are more productive than vertical once since the tracking took off, the us has increased production by nearly 3 folds. it's been a part of every well junior field engineer hollis eubanks, has worked on how this has worked in oil and gas for nearly a decade and directly oil extraction for the last 5 years. we will send in a, we call it a gun and it's just an explosive to barrow. and we'll perforate polls. so you do the, you do the explosion. yes, ma'am. it's not the explosion, the museums, how us took us around to some work sites near the city. why did you start working
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in the oil and gas? the big bold towards it was. it's money, it's a lot of money. no gosh, they don't even have a high school diploma. they make 6 figures a year, most hard to go back to a normal life just because it's it's one of those things that well, once it gets in your blood, it's kind of an addictive. it's a lot of money for the industry to this major oil and gas find is that its 2nd highest points and this creation? chevron c. o. mike worth salary, rose 12 percent and one year to $26500000.00 in 2023. some of this money does stay in texas in terms of well, the university of texas is 2nd only to harvard, and the industry paid the state over $26000000000.00 in taxes and 2023 of the money has went up. but as far as if it was like, is a little bit harder now since everything else is there's are so there's more to the story than the oil boom, creating many good jobs. this route here is going to be
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a back to the job site active job site, okay. maintenance side of things. these guys work in rain, snow. he go everything, there's a lot of sacrifice with it. i think a lot of people are hesitant to do that. recently, there have been massive layoffs in the industry, some of which have been triggered by fracking induced over supply. on top of that, new technology means fewer workers and wells are necessary to keep up production. we reached out to companies around midland to ask what this means for future job creation, but never heard back how it says more people are leaving than he's ever seen. that mean western water would just go back home to work at whatever they can find. or a lot of guys, i know i've left him upright crying as now for wind turbines and solar. he's considering switching as well because those jobs offer more time at home. nationwide, renewable energy jobs are going twice as fast as the rest of the energy sector and
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the us economy. the. another more complicated claims that more drilling will mean us energy independence for rock crude oil to be used. it's often turn into petroleum products like gasoline. this is done, and refinery is around the country, many of which are in texas, but most of us are fine. these are built before the fracking boom, which turns out a different type of oil. the last full capacity refinery in the u. s. was built in 1977. this means a lot of facts, crude oil as export it mostly to europe in china. the us been in parts different oil mostly from canada to the oil boom, has decreased in parts slightly, but the system isn't set up for the us to win itself off in ports entirely. and more drilling doesn't directly equal lower prices as proponents clean. even though it does play a role, it's just one piece of a complicated global puzzle. more over
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a companies want the price of oil to be high. that way they can offer competitive salaries, investing new infrastructure, and theoretically plug old wells. that's just as important as drilling because you have to when you're done with something, you've got to make sure that is not going to come back and talk to you in the future, which has happened to a lot of places around here. those unplugged wells are quietly causing massive damage and could seriously threatened oil companies bottom line. they can leech chemicals into the ground water and methane to the air, methane emissions from only around a 1000 us well, they've been studied. but some individual wells have been found to emit as much methane as $4000.00 cars and one year. and companies are leaving tax payers to deal with the problem. we're headed outside midland to some ranches that had abandoned wells on their properties and they're causing big problems for the people who live there. hi. hi, amanda. this is me. yeah,
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i'm a nice to meet you. like many in the state. lor briggs has deep ties to the oil industry . my grand power for and co ambled. uh so exxon. my dad worked for exxon, but partially due to the fracking them. she's living with taking time bumps this well, here was one of the old orphan wells, the blue august, 1st blue, like it blew up blue blue produce water everywhere and produce water is the waste water that slept over after they trill an oil and gas? well, so we don't even know what's on it, it's in the, on their trade secret. what they frack with is what they're injecting underground that's causing these old wells to make trouble. the produced water got on laura's animals and when she touched them, it felt like drain cleaner on her skin. other than causing these old wells to blow those wastewater injections can also cause earthquakes. another well and her property hasn't blown yet. many wells are in rural areas,
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which makes them easier to a nor laura has to wait for this well to blow before the railroad commission, which oversees oil and gas and texas will plug it hoc. dunlap is one person drawing attention to this issue, to fix this problem that equals for a living and noticed how big the problem with a band and wells really was. so this is a, the chevron. well, that was plugged in 2010. the chevron we've, we've escalated it run out about a month ago. so what you see here's the remnants of, of the well that supposed to be plug is you can see there's crude oil leaking outside of it. it's a google blood cruise. it's got, it's got gas, it, it, we tend to do the oil. it's also going to produce water in it. 2 years ago we started digging it well. in the 1st 7 we dug up, we're leaking, they were like this, all of them. the 1st 7 that we did. wow. so soon we dug up on this ranch a 100 and i would say $95.00 of them are leaking. and the
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other 5, i'm not for certain that they're not there 8375. unplugged wells on the official texas list and an estimated 783000 inactive wells in the state. that doesn't include improperly plugged wells like this one. properly closing them is going to be expensive. so you're looking at several and having to pay half a $1000000.00 to a $1000000.00 for every well like this for every well sure. there are state and federal cleanup programs, but they don't have nearly enough money. the goal, the suspect that the majority of the wells that has already been plug are going to have to be revisited at some point. and that's like trillions of dollars that you can, you can bankrupt and oil company. hello,
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sarah gardner's also publicizing the issue. she and hawker planning to take short run to court over these abandoned wells between badly plugged wells like bees and the damage done. sarah thinks that companies have too many liabilities for future revenue to cover sharon hawk even found a spot on the property with oil in the ground water. we're subsidizing the clean up the money that the industry, payson, and taxes then gets turned around and used to clean up their mass. a major stated reason behind more drilling is that it keeps costs low for tax payers. but the hidden costs of plugging old wells and cleaning up toxic chemicals are not being calculated in a study by the oil rich university of texas. done that the state could get to net 0 emissions by 2050 and the economy would actually grow. that's partially because of the strong growth and jobs and renewables. texas is known for its energy, and oil and gas are deeply connected to people in the state. but despite the
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promises made, the industry isn't living up to its claims. the . for centuries, the sioux tribe in north dakota lived in harmony with the natural resources around them. until european settlers sold their land and destroyed their lives. our language was a cody to bears is a descendant of a famous chief. we've visited him in 2022 or a plan in witnessing the increasing environmental degradation caused by oil and gas extraction motivated him to found a non profit organization indigenous to energy and raised money to build a solar plant within a couple of years. the facility and safety impoverished community thousands of dollars in energy cost. when you're a part of a fossil fuel,
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a lot of times the policies within the state are all pro oil pro cool. and it makes it that much more difficult to do these types of projects within the state that's created that way. where every time we do things like this, it takes that much away from having to rely on fossil fuels. that was 2 years ago, shortly after our visit in august 2020 to us president joe biden passed the inflation reduction act, or i r re the largest green investment program. in the country's history. it means hundreds of billions of dollars being channelled into industry and climate protection through subsidy programs and tax breaks among the beneficiaries, native americans and the intention, ised energy initiative. what does cody to bear is now make of developments? so the changes between back then, you know, to where we are now is really, really picked up and digitize energy. now we're really since been growing,
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you know, we're looking to be at about 70 employees versus the last time you saw me. it was only about 5 or 6 employees. so we have grown significantly since then, and continued to kind of own bulk up for the need up to point this $136000000.00 across. you know, these travel nations here that are going to be awarded that $136000000.00 for indigenous to energy and therefore sustainable, decentralized and affordable solar power for indigenous americans. it was awarded by solar for all a $7000000000.00 grant program funded through the aisle re. north dakota is one of the country's top oil and gas producers. many here supported donald trump. in the recent presidential election. we will drill baby drill. we're going to drill baby drill. we will drill baby drill trump's campaign slogan, promised the oil and gas industry a rosy future. and, and, and try to reading development programs that will most likely affect states with
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the pro trump majority from solar plans to electric, vehicle production and infrastructure projects. so far, republican states have been the main beneficiaries of climate investment, including texas, florida, and arizona. 8 of the 10 states with the highest iran investments have republican majorities here in red, texas even leads the country when it comes to wind energy generation. so when he looked at that $130000000000.00 and investments from private private sector investments in these clean energy projects, about 80 percent of the money that's been invested has been in republican congressional district. about the same 80 percent of the jobs are in republican congressional district. car manufacturer, bmw is one of several major investors in electric vehicles in the us. the company is putting $1700000000.00 into the manufacturer of batteries and electric vehicles, edit spartanburg plants and republican lead south carolina. and it will benefit
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from tax breaks, funded through the i already with demand and political developments, difficult to predict. the production lines can produce both electric and regular car models, 2 thirds of which are destined for export. a major aim of the i. r rate is to encourage international companies to move production to the us a policy that's in keeping with donald trump's agenda. if this new administration, if this new congress is truly interested in creating jobs, driving economic growth, bringing down energy prices because we know the solar and wind is the cheapest power that there is available in america. if they care about these things, if they care about american competitiveness with uh, with china in other countries around the world, then they ought to be supported about these policies. until 2 years ago, there were no incentives for renewables in cody to berries,
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oil rich home state of north dakota, but that's changed despite the powerful oil lobby. the benefits of green energy are becoming clear that i really feel like renewable energy should be for all. but fossil fuels is only for a select few, and it's only for the select few that really want to fuel those pockets with their self interest and why they're doing it for. and it's really important that we start to look at policies and things for the future that benefit all and not just a promising step forward. but it remains to be seen if the support for disadvantaged communities and clean energy production will continue after january. the the young woman not easily a wait, but it's no visit by neighbors or relatives shalom canyons. the indian m would you have an order with a customer to,
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to so the technicians installed a sort of more to here a little while ago. now the light bulbs of flickering probably due to the intimate flow of electricity. we have to find out where the problem lies. the job gives them new prospects of good some money from the, from the system, like to is. so then they what says enabled us, that we have really, really limited the, this process of for you to the main, the 1st seals you will as into the main. so that's fair to initiative this susan, the tool also benefits from solar energy put in a different way. the 15 year old school go onto the backpack with an integrated community, solar panels. it can charge a lamp. this helps the study at night in turn, the lumpkin load for, for the cell phone. this bad safety treated may
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looks like you don't have a list. yeah. to him as you see. so. so have me to send my baffle nice. i'm going to pass my exams, the 3 young woman we've introduced concentra, mula, my, and just social interest premier from the yukon and capital compiler. for the experiences with solar energy. my andrea self gets involved when the employees look for plastic bags on the side of the road as a solar backpacks, a made of recycled plastic. garbage is a big problem in compiler. so we try and make a difference in using these recycling these plastic words. i'm showing the community we have coming from very easy to recycle with then that then we'd be in the system. after the plastic bags happened clean, there turned into solar backpacks with cute water proof material on the outside. about 20 women i employed for jamila,
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my and jess condition. they receive about $5.00, but backpacks. some of the backpacks a sold for more than $20.00, but for women and girls can get them for free. as more than a $1005.00 parts have already been sold for, donated the backpacks allowed the young woman to be able to discreetly brings permanent hygiene supplies to school. many teenage girls would otherwise stay home during that period, causing them to suffer academically the disease. you must a should be on the bus to that part of the school. so the us to get a better school performance back to susan. she often has to do work around the house after school. and she's only allowed to study once it's dark out,
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which would be impossible without the solar lamp. the next morning on her way to school for solar lamp in her backpack is recharged. susan has shown improvement, according to a teacher, will also cause scientific and environmental subjects. she's pleased at the solar backpack is a convincing practical example of plastic recycling. but what use a good grades default is to look for to unemployment. as so often the case for young women in uganda, but there is another way, goes was tools office a solution, a program set up by social inter for nurture. mueller, my younger young woman, can you see vocational training certificates for supposedly typical meal?
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okay. patient sure. loan can use uh, his personal receipt. so modul training here. now the 22 year old, so the technician started up her own business. and she has no solve the problem with a flickering lights, all of the cleaning up the solar module enough. and it tricity is now, so we do it. then after a minor difficulty, the night reliably stays on. the business is booming for renewable energy entrepreneur. now one teen less, his team of employees all working, flocked out with some of the power in growing demand. and the le dock region for the last 2 years, the government in delhi has been subsidizing. so the power systems for homeowners
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across the country. so i did ask you, did i started installing the units around 3 weeks ago? you see, but nobody's been there. i've had since then i have installed 13 rooftop units. i'm getting a lot of inquiries from customers because we can do much got inc. ready to like a few customers like abdul got for of the bodies rooftop solar power system with the help of a subsidy of 55000 rubies. the equivalent of almost 600 years around a 10th of the total cost switching to green energy was important to him. but in the long run, the system is going to save the money to. and every lord says a bowler, appliances run on solar power or in the evening. we use electricity from the grid. any sort plus power generated by the sol, the rooftop units fell into the grid, will have no more electricity bills. so we'll save money. lock dock is known by
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some as the roof of the world. even the bodies here are over 3000 meters above sea level villages of few and far between the region including the capital a is owen to a population of just $300000.00 people. the village of sun, the almost 200 kilometers away from lake, is located on the shores of lake more, really in the past, people have relied on diesel generators and wood burning stove. now their energy needs are met by this some of the plant. it was paid for by the government, but locals take care of maintenance themselves today. it's still not savings to the 38 year old mother who runs the restaurant, spent a week learning how to repair cables and maintain batteries. she says the system has huge benefit. did the village go say, i'll be moving. there are 13 buildings here and around 70 people living in the
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village, you look and solar power benefits. all of them comes out in as the government plans to further increase the country's rooftop solar capacity payment a lot that many schools hospitals in waste incineration plans are already running on solar energy on farm. this throughout the region has been using some of the pilot in the irrigation systems. entrepreneur, the contract, know a guy has made his home completely energy efficient. he's been using a solar panel system for the last 15 years, mainly for environmental reasons. it's for polluting. otherwise, if you use a, you know, of fuel getting all the, you know, if you use the bushes from the mountain people use and the gall dongs and all that i use, which i not supposed to be used to bone up here in the mountains where the air is
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so sin, pollution hasn't even greater effect on with 300 days of sun shawna. yeah. and love doc plus state subsidies. it's never been easier to switch to solar energy the the
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the, this is he is hungry for the future. in south west china. says he, 2000000 people live here. many of them are young and under my parents want him to become a civil servant, but i didn't like the idea of getting such an old fashioned job and being stuff making money, having fun with nice schools and some change. in 15 minutes on the w.
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i denies this ties the international celebrities from back to the hotels to the us to is casey overbearing attention, samantha, and i know from the teenage hops world to create a role model here, hotel and the engines on pop culture in 90 minutes on dw the surrounded trees and they use and they to great adaptive. nothing's because you're at 3
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soft jenny reset on the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota. so little surprised. hi, irish, and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window to talk to me before you go to this boss and the i'm expected sides of slides. hey, you welcome to d w. so your total to our channels pick train is on this says the weight is the problem phone areas.


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