tv Tsunamis Deutsche Welle December 29, 2024 3:15am-4:01am CET
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to make up your own mind made. 7 cutting me daniels in janesville. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't and 16 bytes full was while your top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all the topics i'm much it to you from, campbell fixed a new culture and then 15 minutes. let's say together, parts of our community life on the surface of this research is now on the sonoma. these deadly waves that can destroy a city in
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a matter of moments until the 26th of december, 2004 very little was known about them. but on that day, it's like going to to nami killed 230000 people in the indian ocean, filmed on mobile phones. images of the phenomenon were beamed around the world. 7 years later in 2011. and you could have power plant exploded off to being engulfed by tsunami. and focusing much upon the weight of these tragedies. scientists have been improving the knowledge of these devastating waves the to sidelines in the future. understanding them is the essential we know that saddam is kind of could, in any region and off the planet as coastal development makes everyone increasingly
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vulnerable. can new scientific developments protect us the the friday, the 28th of september 2018. the indonesian island of to the west. a tsunami tree. good. find us quick. in updates at the bay of pollutes. within minutes. 4000 people lost their lives and 79000. others have to be evacuated. how could a tragedy like this happened again the to
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find out unesco and the indonesian will saw as he's brought into tsunami specialist professor cost us and, and like us at the university of southern california and professor hammond fritz of the georgia institute of technology. quite impressive to see the devastation there now, 3 weeks after the event year, we can try to see why it's important to come up as quickly as possible. or at least once the emergencies over because lot of bulldozing in this area are ready. so a lot of evidence is very last so there is, you know how to look for them. this wasteland holds valuable clues but time is running out the monsoon rains on the way. the worst thing is this phenomena. science is very much like to be a defective when a crime scene. there is
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a multiple murders you really have to piece like in the possible, the sequence of events that you know, i mean, she'd 1st, at least maybe how is this collapse or wherever they collapse because of the earthquake and resumed? i mean, finished them. what were the people doing? why is it that some people die? and some people develop those investigations one to understand how the dissolves to unfold it. they go to trace the tsunami, back to the original event that triggered the ways in the small fishing town of wanting cost us and, and like his goes to meet some of the survivors. abdullatif is one of them. when the wave hit, he was on his bows, $100.00 maces off shore. at the time of the 1st way, when there was a big tremor, i went out on the deck of the boat. could i,
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did you feel the tremor when get the yes, the boat shook because the water had gone down and the boat was ground to look up on what it can do as long as she stayed with the boat of to let you stay with that . but the one of the defense, the in front of them i was holding onto the month. yes. oh, okay. we have somebody sign up. i go back and then i sold a way of breaking on the distance. it was very fast and no time at all. it was next to the bows, pushing a 2nd. i'll drop my daughter on 5 months without that. how hard was it? uh, i had time to see my house at the top of it was almost the same price as the bose have gives the guy the original house. or 5 of the, the wave was about 5 to 6 maces high, the heights of my house and didn't happen to have it might cost us and, and not because it's a mystery when it be like this is usually protected from konami's out of 5 major
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ways. get this far twin taking how much is south of wanting him and freights as conducting research in the town of pollute, with thousands of people died the accompanied by 2 indonesian scientists, him in fritz goes to the parking lot of a shopping mall ever looking to buy ways to better understand the dynamics of the wage, the consult cellphone, such edge taken at the time of the disaster. this is the exact spot that we saw on the fee. do you can see the billboard, you're not away from the people running away. people are running away and that's the 2nd one as a secondary way located. and now we can basically see how high the water is almost
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inside the billboard. here the wave was more than full meters high. the to attend to far the source of the tsunami. and then fritz needs to create some model of the devastating wave body terminating its heights at different points in the city and measuring how far it spread. and i tried this some detail survey years, so you're going to try to get a full 3 d stats. and the purpose of that is if you go 3 d space base, the light stands all the point class and we can see how the wage goes through a ticket and measure how high the wave is. is every given instance and how fast the
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wave is moving across is through the house as washing away the houses. and across the street. after 3 days of field work, the 2 american researchers and their indonesian colleagues of finally able to reduce a 1st simulation of the tsunami. that's supplement the by of putting the wanting to the opposite ations. the most powerful wave spread more than 300 meters and thoughtful cost as an access and tim and fritz. this is just the stones. the next step is to identify the event that triggered the steady wave and to determine how it was able to reach the by the means the polt and nami means the waves. the waves that destroy the colon. this would now universal dates from the
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17th century. it comes from another place on the planet most frequently hit by tsunamis, japan it was coined by fishermen who returned on the storm free day to discover they pulled had been devastated by waves. the most recent phenomena in japan in 2011 caused a new to accident in focus, fema following a 9 point one magnitude s like this wave claims the lives of 18000 people. i mean, not a so no, i mean it has no media or a logical cause cause it's in the primary concepts. anomalies are earthquakes, critics, etc. most sonoma is generated by all planets to comic activity . the cross consists of several logic sites. maxima pushes them against one another, a few, many meters to a few sentences, a yeah,
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actually, i don't have codes slide beneath the continental plates forming subduction. sens. friction between these mass of slabs of rock causes continental plates, deformation, and with it a launch build up of energy. when the stress is released, it generates a huge undersea of clank. comfortable and they are, it's quick displace is all the water at once and assume that kept keep them it. so for 4 kilometers deep, we have 4000 meters of water that moves up to speed up an airliner. very quickly as we approach the coastal, the speed is reduced the way it gets bigger. so can we find ourselves on the coast with waves of 20 to 30 meters as we saw in 2011? i could do saw i told them it come up as well. all the meetings, the
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we cannot separate earthquake signs and cannot assign longer the ration of yours. great, very good indication of how strong basically it's like it's different. if you have a smaller is greg, it's a short or up sure area. and that means the duration is sure, if it's a bigger is craig live, sumatra $9029.00 or japan mag it to 9 plus events. and basically you have a very long zipper. that means the shaking will go on for several minutes. changes crossed by the, the longer and more intense the embassy of quake, the more powerful the tsunami. and that's precisely what happened on the 26th of
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december, 2004. in the indian ocean, 100 kilometer is off the coast of bundle a che, on the indonesian island of sumatra, and is quite rupture to fold line measuring 1200 kilometers. the 9 point one magnitude of quick last it for more than 5 minutes. 15 minutes later, 35 meter waves hit the coast as it continues across the entire indian ocean bits. you know, i mean, ultimately claimed approximately 230000 lives a talk elliptic scenes captured live by hundreds of cell phone cameras. the revealed the devastating power of these deadly waves to the world. previously
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little was known about the phenomena. the events was also a wake up call for to nami science, which advanced considerably in the wake of this natural disaster. the, the of the numerous international studies launched and researched by indonesian geologist natalie is now led to major revelation the 8th. as soon i may reach 30 meters high, up to the top of the hill over there, rushed to the mountains, but very few survived about piece on the thing the coast for clues left behind by the tsunami,
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natalie is now made an exceptional discovery, so she can nominate yourself a bundle, a che i mean the off to the 2000 posts unami, this cave was full of danbury pieces of wood. one moment the young fung, i'm closer to this cave, has a very particular architecture instead of and it is l shaped. and it's entrances, power alone to the kind of walk through, but how about funding? so every time the water i've assumed i'm a, comes to submerge these cave. i, you will not be, it is retained inside. yeah. the problem is that the family by natalie
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is now had a hunch. if this cave trapped the material carried by the 2004 to nami, it could also have stored evidence from tough catastrophes. the cave had another particularity that they've colonized in form, and then the then the silence, i'm not interested in ami is covered by a lack of gone on as i thought it was the fullest love, the sun. well, i know that you can see the layers of guano and black like he is on. i have somebody look on my sounds, but the me over the is the day is of guano or back dropping deposited between each tsunami. first of all is to form a clear boundary delineation each separate event and then it as a buyer. so nami, then a lot of quantum or they have to nami mole guano senate. so nami,
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then more quantum. so now me thank want to and the 2000 and focusing on a a total of 12. so now me deposits make up this settlement overnight with the help of researches from single pose as the observatory nicely is male is able to date the 12 deposits by cub in 14, as they tell the story of the tsunamis in this region over the last 10000 years, the author deposit corresponds to the 2014. i mean the next event as about 2900 years and then photo nomics occurred 25 years, a pause about 3300 years ago. the oldest was about 7500 years ago. not very come from the day to obtain. here we have discovered that to nominates or recovering it regularly. this will be on my back to the i'm assuming to promote the, the, again,
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this is the lesson for both the government and the people that we have to be vigilant. but it could be constantly ready because space disaster can happen at any time on this exceptional discovery is a game changer. now scientists know that where it's a nami has struck one another, can strike again the now the question is, where have tanami is a could in the past, the 1st 2008 unesco has maintained a world wide tsunami man updated with scientists. nitrous discoveries,
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1200 sonata, these have been confirmed over the past 3 millenniums. the least destructive unlocked in light, and the most deadly in rent. that's a non, it can occur anywhere and could potentially strike the same place again. around 70 percent of tanami. so located along the pacific bring a science where subduction zones all have the concentrated, but they have also good in other areas, especially in one region now considered safe from this kind of dissolves to the mediterranean. the nice thousands of tourists enjoy the pleasures of the beach. but not far away. a team of scientists from the g u. a zoo or the bar tree is trying to determine the cause of a forgotten dissolves to trolling
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through local archives. researches discovered that on the 22nd of february, 1887, a section of french and italian coastline was hit by a to me so hard to nami wave treated by an i'm to see us quite from nice to genuine . at least 600 people died on tens of thousands lost their homes. today, vieira is home to, to 1000000 people to the seminary event occur again. of the, do you, as the research team is working to locate the folks that calls the 1887 us click on the says it's condition to see what is it that you know, the, how many to tell you in scientists and the times however, many of mccully recorded in a very precise way, full, the destruction that happened on the coast to records. and we have $2700.00 olds of
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ation points between friends and decently confident that these team use these special graphs taken at the time of the designs to, to mount the quakes intensity. the most significant, the damage the close of the soles which was located off the coast of the italian city of imperialism. but identifying the precise felt responsible for the 2 nami, is a dedicated task officer rule. the seismic zone is one of the most complex and to the african plate in the south, rises to both the raising place and the news pushing corsica and so danny, against the riviera generation numerous seismic phones
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is identifying the fault that calls the $1887.00. so nami, even possible, is uh, montana. yeah, we using sophisticated size make investigation equipment essentially candidates used to create waves. these will allow us to obtain a sonogram of the inside of the us, up to 15 kilometers deep and the waves will be recorded by the senses we have within the line and a line that's 6 kilometers, long drank behind the boat of the up to 5 days at sea, the ultra sound reveals not one but 3 phones below the sea film. the location. so ticket number to is from the coast corresponds to the epi center of the 1887 of quite the. then we'll follow that to you of the fold suggest that
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they are still active and allows the scientists to model to possible to nami scenarios. the point of using the you, the 1st scenario isn't a quake equivalent to vast of 18. $97.00 with a $6.00 magnitude, which would break a full length of about 30 kilometers a wave height so to maintenance. and the 2nd, the strain scenario is to envisage a rupture over almost the entire length of the filter. for example, 60 to 80 kilometer, which would then produce another quank of magnitude 7 and wave heights that could read 3 to 4 minutes is also twice got to make the mediterranean region among the world's leading tourist destinations. is that the risk? but scientists can't predict when an event like this might have come. so since 2012, the area has been monitored 247 by the tsunami warning centers sent out evacuation
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chance have been drawn up with a focus on niece. but one thing remains true, a rupture of the thoughts, so she can nominate his from the coast only in those 20 minutes of these occupation time before the waste breaks. not even a small so no, i mean it can be really devastating by the way of breaking on the beach with the speed of around 40 kilometers per hour will create extremely strong currents. the people come swimming only tenant and he's on the spot nation. maybe the radian beach is just like many beaches in the indian ocean are very high when there is and these, the, in the summer we're going 5 tens of thousands of between. so there's one of each wave impossibility over some, not me arriving, you know, within a few minutes coast lines of popular with locals and tourists
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all over the world. this makes tsunami warning systems molded more necessary in hulu with cost us. and they're like has and him in for it continue their investigation. tsunami warning system was set up after the tragedy of 2004. so we're only where there's still so many victims. 15 years later there are lots of food vendors right here. a lot of people that, i mean it was a run, those are like this. people were shouting all over the place. the boat is rising, the want is rising up. i, i this witness says people here, but completely taken by surprise. no way that reached this area, the, the, the investigation continues at the tanami monitoring center and the indonesian
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capital chicata. this control tower monitor seismic activity throughout indonesia, including the bay of pa, new, here is lot smaller, just can detect any f, click, etc. in real time, advanced algorithms allow them to send the night before mation of a tsunami on one people before the 1st wave hits. since the systems implementation in 2008, 22 and that's have been issued and countless lives have been saved. then why wasn't they revolting received in pollute on the 28th of september 2018 of the size monitors key on putting us think he was on duty that night on the bubble at the time of the earthquake and tell who the magnitude was. 7 for 2 minutes and then just afterwards the magnitude rose to $7.00. that
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was when i ran to the to the west table, which is the so now me simulation table links when i mean in the early evening and as quick as he can. number 2 is north of the bay was cleared it detected by 2 casa, every time somebody at the center is here, a problem. who is there? the simulations assessment was that the escalade presented only a moderate tsunami risk. nevertheless, and the load was triggered within the prescribed time limits, 5 minutes off to the quick so what happened the to answer that question cost us and a lot, cuz consult cctv footage. the
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friday september 28th 6 o 2 pm. the us quake hits the bay of police. the trim is lost a little over a minute. the . the quake feel like wasn't really unbelievable. you couldn't stand on the impossible. i was there under the camera to i was hanging onto the gate. then it come down and i came out to be cross his mind to austin real quick because he's so close to the world there. perhaps it's another week and they've always said to me is a big it doesn't hanson armies that they always are currently open. seeing and yet it happens here. the these images provide researches with crucial
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information on time. the video time stance show that barely 2 minutes elapsed between the end of the quake. and the onset of the tsunami, the speeds like this had never been recorded before. by the time to content sounded the alarm, the wave had already arrived and destroyed all communication systems in pollute. what is very alarming. is that sir? the earthquake? 3 good. this will not meet very quickly. so we need to understand how this happens and also wipers the time. how quickly after the earthquake hits the to normally
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come see. according to the takata center simulation wave born close to the epicenter, ac kilometers north of the base should have taken about 15 minutes to reach. but do not to this tanami defies all known passions. what made this wave so fast to figure it out? the researches take to the air, the x explaining important how the birds i view of the entire thanks to this by being allows us to see how this way gaming in c, v extend innovation. one of sedation is surprising. the devastation alternates between unaffected areas. but that's not all. once we get
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outside of the bay wave disappears very quick. and you're looking at very beautiful indonesian beach. so that already allows to confine to zone read to look for further for the sources to inside the bag. if the waves that devastated polluted headphone to the ocean, it would have hit the entire coastline human fritz and cost to send it like his realize that the epicenter identified by the to cause a warning center couldn't have directly created the kind of wave the source of the tsunami must have been inside the bag itself. him and fritz and his indonesian colleague, god power set to be 10 to the west and backs of the bay. they won to understand how the tsunami could have originated from this sheltered area. gar, power, such has connected new footage films nearby, the body still over there in position. so then you can see also in the background
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of these the events and then this has been discarded. the font size yeah, local landslide. great. you have a small semi circular way that you can even seen the video. yeah. so i think this is going to be a localized the impact and then it is lance lots. and i mean, you have a lot of alluded material. you want to shake it to him and fritz. the low intensity of this says ways sumed at the very moments of its best suggest it was triggered by a very localized phenomenon, a coastal land slide. here we have evidence because we have a close those car. okay. so this car actually is along the shore line, the land went into the ocean. and so we have a post landslide. i don't think there's localized and i mean it's big enough to be the main source of the tsunami that wiped away follow or. 5 vonny on the other side of the bay. the thing the antonia bay,
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researches discover several others, some of the advance lines. all sources of meaning to nami. but when they look further in the full story of the pollute, synonymy is finally revealed. a lot of acid looks nice, but that's pretty amazing. what the honda will be, asa where he is the re do you have to do? the trim is open the then closed it and opened it again. you have to do a few 100 meters away. a 2nd witness has another a newman, a thing story. so i'm wondering, i mean, it collapsed all the way down then all the way to the most can a cry. all the house is collapsed at the same time from south to know, like the slope of the house. so my an immense thoughts on cuts through the town and then extends into the bay for tens of kilometer
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researches finally have the onset, it's this fault that close the polluted so no me after 5 days the field work and months of data analysis, they can find the reconstruct the sequence of events on the 28th of september 2018 at 6 of 2 pm. a 7.2 magnitude as quick. because ac columbus is north of police. the epi center correctly identified by the to cause a control center doesn't directly trigger the tsunami. the quite corrupt should see us at a staggering speed of 14750 kilometers is an outlet. within 2 minutes, this set land slides in motion. all along the coast, creating a concentration of minutes and all of these these ways then combined to form
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a single powerful wave that swept across the city, the ham and fritz and cost us an election have completed their investigation. the reconstruction of the bay of pollute synonymy will help improve loaning systems all over the world. we just the think events phenomena only slide can areas where you have some vaccine results. we now know just like what's happening here that so now i'm is going to slide pretty much any place where you can have and that's great. we are very concerned about this because similar earthquakes could take place in seattle that could take place in southern california. they will take place and they're going to be in big, big placing in the main 3 s clinics sold slips. volcanic eruptions, phenomena is,
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can be triggered by all kinds of tectonic activity. research carried us over the last 15 years, has helped to improve warning systems. and visual, adapt them to each risk in japan, a country at the forefront of tsunami science. the technology is the most headphones g and research has no exactly with the next exhaustive will arise. the. this isn't a scene from a disaster movie, but unofficial japanese public service video festival cost in march 2018. it's meant to prepare people for a tsunami sign to say there's an 80 percent chance that one will occur within the next 30 years. the phone doesn't just offer practical guidelines, it also predicts the most likely scale of the next is almost a $350000.00 victims and wide spread damage that would affect the japanese economy
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for at least 20 years. the possible cause of rupture of the non co fault that runs along the countries west coast from 900 kilometers. and i mean that's done on k 12 . the threat of a non ca trough is very specific task and so we can is it's located in front of all the economic centers of japan, whether tokyo, your sako 2nd or no go. yeah, i agree. yeah. all the cities are ongoing mobile areas, no technology can predict and quake, but japan has an extensive monitoring system in place ready to issue an immediate public warning. it says a matter of listening to the fault of welcome when it will move and being able to send me along as quickly as possible. and for that we have the net system which is just outside of software base. the 2nd, the generic system is the most sophisticated suspect detector in the world. it
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consists of around 50, under most and many of say the trees equipped with precious senses. so as monitors and extend the roommates is install directly on the fall line. so that means if i listen, i would arrive between 3 and 5 minutes and the 1st cities with waves of 20 to 30 meters like then the wave enters osaka, bay and floods. pods of a soccer parts of kobe. and especially all the islands that have been artificially created and we take sale depending on the scenarios, we expect waves of 3 to 5 meters. and that would take between 30 and 45 minutes to counseling. to determine the most effective evacuation chance and test protective rules, the dissolves to prevention sent to appear. so universities simulates the effects of a non kindful tsunami in a pool. collect where we are almost certain that it will be on us. quake with
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a magnitude of at least $9.00 and that it will cause us who nami ok to walk. we need to got the one of us professor united see simulates a wave with a height of 20 meters, is equal to this of a 6 story building, impacting the city directly facing the non kind of fold and slice of seagulls spilled to reduce the energy of the waves, coastal buildings would quickly be submerged under several maces. so for the pole, simulations of supplemented by vigil bonds. this one divided by professor his eyes . she's team depicts the progression of it. so nami, in tokyo bay, the although it's 5 kilometers from the see, the olympic stadium neighborhood could be hit by a 9 meta highways simulation. well simulations
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a carried out to determine hazardous locations a need. for example, a road will be hit by a wave very fast. well, so should not take refuge that you get to this building will have its entrance blocked by the current of this to nami. so you should not cause that. so not this amount of that, and you get to, i can i to cause these models enabled here. so university to creation, into active evacuation in the event of an internet and mobile son application displays ways progression and identifies the nearest sites settings. when i do me session, internet notifications will be pushed out to our cellphones. if you're watching tv, you'll have messages displayed on your screen telling you where to shelter with the soviet. what else? the trouble finding. research is essential, but eliminating the impact of destruction is just as important.
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as the 2011 sonoma showed, ports of very dangerous places to be carried by foss, moving bulls to ships can become shy and projectiles. the full professor, how she most have from the university of colby evacuating people quickly deering and, and this is the priority, the lowest. i'll come on here when you close at so sancho bay is very busy every day. and if so, and at any given moment, there are 30 to 50 boats sailing there for you that i'm ok, guess i will, that we have no guarantee that in the event of a so now me of this situation and many have never experienced everyone would keep their cool and that the ships would evacuate one after the other in an orderly fashion that the human and that's why we're developing an artificial intelligence system and which will allow shift to evacuate from a news or automatically. of course, i won't do that. we'll go through a ok. well saga is the megalopolis of 8000000 inhabitants and the
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country's 2nd largest economic center. especially build over time unimed benjamin's below sea level, surrounded by hundreds of condolences of protective rules. of the you see if i say old dominion, what happened in 2011 was that the earthquake had weakened all the structures, if with 2 part of the walls had fallen with a quake. i think this one that so known me came up with our safety mechanisms were no longer effective if we just need to this up to date, even the most sophisticated technologies con, predict quakes. these artificial islands reclaimed from the sea along with the houses shopping centers and pitcher chemical industries built here could be destroyed in an instant in the event if it dissolves to lock this information,
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campaigns and unexpected public response will be the only way to save lives. the we might think with timing nature, it is always had the upper hand. the show lines have always attracted people. but the rapid immunization of these areas makes us old and move on to the official warning systems are in place in some parts of the world. aside from the us, we should rely on our instincts and our ability to react to natural dissolved as with common sense. we say this worldwide, if you're near the coast and you feel any kind of ground shaking the floss more than 15 seconds, move away from the beach. the,
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the some people say it's like holidays. you know? so i woke up how nice and streamlined off the beaten track, taking caribbean adventure to a star ex sugarcane. try meet fascinating people. and get a glimpse into the past. the st. kitts scenic railway. 30 minutes on d. w. a remote village in western ukraine shortly before the war.
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many here see no future for themselves, but farmer, honda, male carrier, maria, and biologist. no, you are refusing to give up their lives marked by dreams and loneliness. 3 women in 19 minutes on d. w. the most do you do the same to tenants? she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power,
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inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary the, this is the don't even use live from berlin. a deadly prate playing crash in the sides, korea. at least 47 people are dead after a passenger jets gets off the runway and explodes a 181 people were on board the flight at one international airport. syria's new router step up their campaign to track down loyalists of the state regime security forces in b flat takia region tried to flush the remnants of a side loyalist forces and confiscate weapons. and ammunition
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