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tv   Musica Maestra  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2024 12:15am-12:31am CET

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for local community against us on reporter, after 8 short break and don't forget to send you more news and information on our website, dw dot com. and of course you can follow us on social media. our handle, there is also data with you news for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. i'll see you at the top of the next. the people in trucks in judge west trying to feed the city center. the straight screen, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we
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of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind dw, may feel mine's the a day goes bars kiosks and corner stores. people in germany visit them almost every day, often on their way to or from work. and then there's like a little family here, so i'll give you the feeling good inside. or you don't have company like this at home. it's here. places for social interaction are more important than ever. more and more people in germany are feeling isolated and lonely. society seems to be splintering affility, growing to the small shops, bill, community. what challenges do they face
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the in berlin? the convenience store has become something of an institution. germany's capital is filled with over a 1000 that the small shots, off and on every corner. they offer the basics of daily life and often, much more to check on the lute has run his convenient store for 4 years. he's well known and well liked in the neighborhood. dropping off the lights. we also do a bit of social work for the people in the neighborhood game keats berlin's convenience store concept originated in the former east germany. the idea was to give workers on the night shift a chance to pick up a few necessities on the way home. to injure keeps his store open until 2 am on
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weekdays, and 3 am on weekends. supermarkets in germany often close at 8 or 10 pm and are closed on sundays. the shopkeepers always get the short end of the stick. they sometimes work 1415 or 16 hours a day. many convenience stores offer more than just drink snacks and cigarettes. their owners have to stay flexible to get 5, so they keep finding new ways to make money. as, as more post office is closed in germany and mail order shopping grows, offering postal services can bring in some extra income. as if you'd, i'd like, did you get about $30.00 to $40.00 euro cents per package for depending on its size, weight, and where it's going from about 30 to 40 percent of postal customers also pick up something else. so it pays off one. but davosto business by itself wouldn't pay off the posts visit. how's it going? hey, this is the best man, the best man here. all bill. you may call him uncle on the streets of this
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year to find you always made friends here in richmond, and that's what i love so much about this place has 2 of us time it has a home, a lot of you know, all the employees and they know you so you end up talking. okay, just put me on alta, much as could you please let me know if you want a late night snack. you just pop in here. your beverage sales, especially beer, are crucial to the convenience store survival. we got the new merchandise to our shop is known for having over $250.00 brands of beer vehicle, a chilled beer after work was what these stores offered in east germany to in the summer, they almost turned into pubs or by the it. so if you're on your way to a party, you might grab another one for the road on one of the more people gather outside and sometimes 3040 or even 50 people even in winter when it's
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freezing. people come in for a bottle of beer, not always because they're thirsty. send it so it's uh, it's a social occasion. you mean people can sometimes really nice people when i just wanted a quick ring before the party, what they're doing now, things like that. what you know was thinking that everyone in the neighborhood depends and told you a couple of in his team that mike wiley, nick, and sometimes i kind of, i want to go home, but i can no, because people want to chat here, hear them. they come here, we have problems, maybe with their partner, the kids or the neighbors, the phone, and they just need to talk it out to kids about why or do come video. yeah, one of us will said, medium eyes happens all the time. well does could as of, that's what i think it's the same. it other convenience stores. thank you. by then on the street is, can hold on the kiosk,
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also known as the refreshment standard. snack bar is the counter parts to the convenience store and many western german cities. many people have childhood memories of them. their numbers are dropping by thousands of kiosks are still open in the rear region. and sort of actually divided his dark min kiosk into sections. is closest the german side, the other side is the persian side almost from by on weekends. one side does better do usually because of a soccer game, the and food sometimes on a family from the home country shows. i mean the, the other side does better. these i to one source for raji is from iran. he's had his shop for 10 years. 3 years ago he added a persian delicacy section and made his kiosk a hub for cultural exchange. it's a good fit me. that's what i enjoy. selling things from our culture. take how many people don't know much about us. and then many people mix up our countries thinking that iran is a rocky dock of many 100. 20. don't know about our country. all we can do is i want
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to show our country and culture to as many people as i can to to. but that will take time. it won't happen overnight. i sing 2 or 3 years aren't enough. i voice off more need besides the past me. so excuse me, i've got customers. he works in just over 20 square meters of space. one source proud of his selection of over $360.00 items and his customers like them to of the place. yeah, this gets since he has everything i can get take on friday. i can get groceries every single home. i come here a lot because the atmosphere is very friendly. it's nice. there's always something new. always something to try out once a year, months or travels to around to checking the merchandise and suppliers. he knows he'll never get rich from his business. no matter how much work he puts in new want to have you. and i only take mondays off because i work 12 hours
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a day. we're open every day from 10 am to 10 pm, all i only take short vacation. yeah, i can't close for more than a week or 4 or 5 nights because people wouldn't accept that at least these days. most kiosks are run by immigrants like months or he lives right next door. sometimes his daughter comes by after school. he feels close to many people in the neighborhood shop and field. oh, i deal with lots of people up kids under 10 by chewing gum gummy bears and other things i know exactly. cuz then there are the 70 to 80 year old from a many cultures. to know, i bought some foreigners, i recognized as neighbors. now doctors, engineers and so on. educated people and school children to college students. that's what i like most. and i'm just having contact with so many people and i enjoy coming to work every day for michigan. so i like the ologist paul eyes of age knows why kiosks, corner shops and snack bars are so important. the confirm to in their basic
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function is simple. the convenient shopping nearby, this was especially true for kiosk some of the past. okay, before the internet or television also was these were places that traded in information about email for newspapers, of course. but also the gossip exchanged between the sellers and customers and view . and he's also an amazed at how flexible kiosk owners can be. they have to constantly adapt their offerings to meet changing times, needs and taste of the inside. the business is always under pressure from delivery service, online shopping in supermarkets for longer hours, pipe in the home. or this is altima someone's cheapest business. looks like a bluish of i'll. so the conditions for the business or to open on to the end of the month, and that presents a real challenge from the moment i also the homeless the rear regions kiosks have even been declared and intangible world heritage like the kiosk and the convenience store. germany's pub for another hub for daily social interaction. people usually
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come here after work. but between 20122022. the number of pups in germany dropped by about 30 percent. upon the evening investment in the past, a crowded pub on friday night was the rule. now it's more an exception. when that happens, just once a month have been open for half an hour and the pub is packed. i don't think it will slow down now. they enjoy it. we're to spread and people are coming from other villages. that's great, that's true. just as we imagined that besides the customer with a population of about 3000 isn't through india in eastern germany, your excel. she was born here and he wants to see a lively community. he's also president of the soccer club. gardens. we used to have 8 puds. now we have none for me, and that's the same. and the surrounding towns, i'm talking about the disappearance of pubs, especially in rural areas, is
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a big problem. installation co vid a shortage of workers. there are many causes based months left pub closed in 2022. it's missed by many looking for a solution. local people came up with a new idea. now the former in some goldman lives and comes back to life once a month. 15 people teamed up to launch the benchmark pub east main initial. they do all the work themselves on a voluntary basis. outcomes time on theaters monte light up the jobs differently each time, depending on who's available, serving customers, deploying beers, washing up or helping in the kitchen. and there's all the prep on thursday and the clean up on saturday. so we're back here early in the morning at 9 o'clock. your benchmark has held 22 pup evening since 2023. some gardening lives and opens for business every last friday of the month. for us,
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it was important for it to be an event that happens once a month or something that would work for everyone. something everyone could look forward to discuss the 2 things more life and togetherness of a town. since we don't have a real problem anymore, it's nice to have one every 4 weeks. it's really nice. it's a feeling of togetherness, and it's fun for us because they don't have company like this at home. it's here. and what did they talk about? not politics that would go in the wrong direction. it doesn't belong here. ultimately, we come here to forget our d, o, teens. that's for chess. unless we don't argue here, that's the important part. you might have differences of opinion, but in the end everyone comes together with everyone working. it's all in tears in the town, providing the space. the drinks costs very little. that helps bring people together
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. the prices and regular pods are relatively high. beer costs 4 to 5 year olds. these the vice partly because of payroll costs id. i mean, i hope that's a nice question, but we're selling drinks for 2 years. and people really appreciate that without getting on the best bar pub evening. it's a huge success. now 2 neighboring towns are adopting the volunteer run pub concept actually, and just do it for the front of it because it's our town. and because i live here, it's not a burden we enjoy. and that's what makes it so nice. the, it's time for vision really for
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sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution on dw, and please we're heading on down into the london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world of surprises. so everyone on board please. and of course then for guest 09 in 30 minutes on d w. schools,
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we say there is never getting um of the full size every weekend on the w car repair. com maintenance car insurance prices rose to within the last 2 years. c the new cars, this was one part of the americans, but now it's out of reach for many americans. because this country used cars are quintessential to the american lifestyle.


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