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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am CET

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man, because if we lose too much of it all wrong, we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary. good . vigorous exercise, something interesting and meaningful to do. having fun with people we love, we all have different needs, but there's one thing. nearly all of us see convection and affection from others, finding our sole made and rightly so, because love has medicinal power. researchers are finding increasing evidence that love improves our physical well being, reduce the stress and boost the immune system. but it's not all fun and games. there are broken hearts separation, jealousy. we explore the science behind the roller coaster of love work on to in
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good shape. the is a mystery. certain people have attracted to each other as if by magic, like liza and crystal baton and 6 sided. you never upon this, this like a roller coaster. you feel on shot speed, you have so many emotions. you don't even want the other person to guard what is it just hormones or do other factors also play a role like haul genes. so the idea of, of vermont take love that we get from books and movies. henrich volta is a medical doctor, psychologist and philosopher. he spent years studying what happens when we food
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enough for the purpose and cleansing d man love is basically like being an iphone manic state type. look, you're totally happy on cloud 9. need another can't sleep properly. you're hyper sexual. you're always thinking about the other person and so on, and it's almost a pathological condition. and unfortunately it doesn't last forever. ida, it needs to be on that. when you fall in love, your body produces a comp, taylor of whole names. it's almost like being on drugs. that's testosterone, which raises sexual desire, as well as several tonin and opening. then the bodies of opiates and dolphins, which increase your name for the purpose of my not being in love, is like a kind of addiction domain, is involved in desire for a substance or a person. if you didn't have a withdrawal from the substance or the drug or the person, you experience craving
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a very intense desire. so you're desperate to have the substance again, putting things feel free to, which explains why we're reluctant to be separated from the past. and we love, at least in the initial stages and respond to it, has conducted studies into how and why that doesn't mean system is activated stop. i mean system. so i've got the doping mean system is a very old system in the brain and is part of the so called reward system, but it's always activated when we receive or expect a reward. for example, when we see a beloved partner. but it can also happen if we see a desirable sports car, you receive money, the chocolate or take drugs. so love isn't the only thing that can trigger a strong desire. one study showed some young men's brains reacted to sports cars. just like those of people in love. ringback but the delta main effect westoff
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relatively quickly. this applies base to new love. the flashy right domain is only released when something is very desirable or better than expected. but a brain that's in love oversight, but jesus other effects. we see everything through rose tinted glasses and don't judge the apartments so harshly either by the funniest type when we're in love, it's not just that certain parts of the brain grow more active. others are damp. so activity in the temporal lobe or the frontal lobe, which have more to do with thought processes and evaluation is reduced. and the middle uh, which is linked with negative emotions is also suppressed. often the initial phase of falling in love. the temporal lobe is reactivated, and the rose tinted glosses disappear. that's when you decide whether you want to give so relationship a lasting chunk. as all i know,
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one hormone that plays a major role in this as oxy towson. it's known as a couple of hormones plays a role in child for us before the sexuality, milk production and so on. it's released when couples embrace or caress one another, plays a role in both initial infatuation and, and long term love relationships. oxy towson is the bonding whole 9 par excellence . it strengthens our feelings of deep emotional connection. but who do we bond with? research is suspect that this sense of smell plays an important role. studies suggest with subconsciously attract hits upon is because of how they smile in the end. the chemistry has to be right. in this case, the scent. and that can be manipulated as easily as a physical appearance. if a couple stays together all for the initial infatuation, these are present also comes into play and some animal species. it's been shown that this whole loan is linked with monogamous relationships allow
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different deep ties. the initial infatuation develops into loves, as it has a passion, usually subsides a level. that 1st intimacy increases and the willingness to commit plays a key role with a decision. i will stay with this person for better or for worse is which are nice because that would just be a but not old couple stay together. and usually the person who is dumped stuff is much more coma, lovesick. as like a mental illness, a mix of withdrawal symptoms and severe depression. and so it's important to actually end up also. and liza and christoph have been a happy couple for 2 and a half years now. the whole mon oxy towson carries on helping them to bond is constantly being released not just chewing sex pro. so when just showing affection we can describe the science of what love does to us,
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but what it actually is mesa as i remain a mystery. how do you find a partner for life if that's what you're looking for? in some cultures, families arrange the marriage. in china. some people marry a spouse that their mothers have found that a marriage market that might seem strange to saw, but it does save you the difficult search. maybe you can find that special someone at work for through friends. but a lot of people try their luck elsewhere, the internet. good idea these days, almost everything you need can be found online, right? it's designed to be easy. you set up a personal profile, the kind of things you like, where you live, if you photos and you're ready to guide probably to for the sure i've tried it before, but it didn't work, but it's totally normal nowadays. some, it's great,
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especially for shy people who find it hard to go and strike up conversations going to it's because they want to answer this question quite to talk about nowadays, people don't have so many opportunities to get to know others, because everyone's stress style has to have a month i used to use a dating app, but it wasn't great. i met my wife and person insurance. i think that's better than the best of it is because of one study showed that house of own you relationships in germany stops online. often through dashing out millions of people seek happiness this way you wanna take and, and studying why more and more people are using the internet to find the pot. no one told me people struggle to overcome them. innovation is here. they don't want to risk being rejected. in person, we want a relationship photo afraid of rejection. we also want romance, something dating up dark also directly. but so many people,
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the apps are an important way of connecting with office because it's not just young people in urban environments using dining up people across all social groups, use them that are important in rural areas. and in the quick community to going to a lot of meeting places and kind of finding new matches is quick with apps. there is a huge choice and a list of obligation from the comfort of your couch. sounds perfect. sto, joanna day going to has accepted trend towards digital isolation. mitigated by in directly, we lose part of being counted on. if you went to apache, you might say you were relatively unsuccessful. you didn't have sex. but you still listening to music, done, drank with friends a to bob. watch the sunrise on all. if you sit on the couch, slide thing, you don't have any of that. some people really miss that, but also you have a hard dashing app. so equally popular with men and women and more than half of all
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uses are looking for a long term relationship. there are also relationships that remain exclusively online, but most people want to get to know the person in reality after the virtual start, i do notice maybe there will be a serious for the wedding might be on the cards. here to social media is setting the standards found to love their account. this examples on instagram, netflix on facebook, the perfect love life to over a month. sounds like a major dazing platform, fines one and 3 demons are looking for love like an a disney moving from one and 8 question their own relationship when they see the flawless images on social media. yeah, bottom title, they expect taishan sort of proposal and then it really does a broad want to be us quietly. it has to be something special,
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a big deal. and that disappointed if the green doesn't have the coverage or comp make it work all tied to the. busy the media give us the impression that it has to be on the beach is on one knee and with a huge expensive ring. a bell looked at these incorporating and you'll need to believe that's how it has to be on the compass. i'm most. sabina plastic is a wedding planner on speaker. she says pressure around couples has risen dramatically. everything nowadays has to be perfect, done. super romantic seconds of the all palette. i often have bride to look at these photos and say do is i'll never find a dress any way because i don't look like that and supposed to be posted on sunday things. that's the only way it can be. of course it's the same with decorations. they see these huge floral displays that are really beautiful, but of course cost load, which isn't feasible for everyone. buys ronnie and i'm teach. i got married last year when peyton proposed it was romantic, but not necessarily perfect. as
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a new jersey goodness with language helped as i saw one proposal in miami on the beach with a huge flash mob before the proposal. it was amazing. so you think it has to be special multiple funding offs. so investors on the list of the things that you put yourself under pressure to make it somehow unforgettable for the woman as a man, you're more of a pragmatist and think i just have to hold out the ring and get down on one a listen. can you find my, you have your value in the basement during the pandemic, celebrating news saved with the family. and then i realized that he was really tenants and trembling funds. he sat down next to me and said a few nice words and men got down on one name proposed. it was really beautiful and i was moved to t. it also tyson up, but of course it was completely different than what you say on social media. media, american muscle because i'm people to come talk to stage,
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all kinds of things online, then there's the movies and advertising. it seems loving each other is no longer enough money. you want the whole world to see as much of your talk from that puts a lot of pressure on paypal. so we've sat down and talked about what was important to us. what did we want to our wedding? and what was really us also to scan from that 1st school considering stuff that was and then you see things online and we would allow yourself to be influenced. you want to keep up somehow tired kids when a lot of people don't realize that most romantic images have little to do with reality. the cheesy happy ending the perfect lighting, but the movies end of the 19 minutes on the photos on instagram will be replaced by even back to one tomorrow. and the 4th. and then it says that before and after. the
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wedding date isn't always perfect. there are arguments discussions i'm that doesn't mean that you don't love each other or that it's not the romantic piece of this kind of a month or so. but it just means that it's not all sunshine and roses every day. probably one of the items are in the cloud, sometimes i'm and that's what makes a marriage. so that's it. also with, since they say 6 so love doesn't need hash tags on sometimes the supposedly in perfect, actually just right. the love comes in all shapes and sizes, their self love, romantic, love, passion, and sex, and love for parents, children, or friends. there are also different types of relationships. monogamous partnerships that last a lifetime. open relationships where you sometimes fall for someone else or holly emory, where you love to 3 or more people. however big the differences,
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all forms of love have one thing in common. they are visible in the brain. researchers can tell if you have a pet or not just by looking at your brain skin because the knock you have for your pets lights up in your brain. when you left your cat or dog or whatever animals you'd like to call your patch, it activates the reward system and social condition and your brain. recent studies show the same parts that are activated by romantic or parent and enough, just to in this extent, the findings come from the bigger study where researches set out to uncover where is enough happens in the brain. of course it's hard to tell if the measure of the brain activity really represents not. but it's remarkable that what happens in the brain of pet owners seems pretty close to what happens in the brain of people enough find beyond says yes, mos on dw science. oh take talk channel. ringback more that has an incredible
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effect on your physical health, at least if you cuddle regularly, physical touch not only increases your sense of well being, awards off pain, anxiety, and depression. touch decreases stress hormones in the brain. and so does kissing experts estimate that we locked lips 800000 times throughout our lives that 76 days spent kissing the oldest documented romantic, his dates back more than 4 and a half 1000 views depicted on this ancient clay tablets. once humans discovered kissing, we never stopped for many thousands of years ago. kissing was a form of communication, but it was a desire for social bonding to get close to another person bundled in the a full country. there has been a psychotherapist for over 40 years and done extensive research on the science of
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kissing. he's written a number of books on the subject because it is always on the guessing is especially intense because our lips have the highest concentration of sensory sounds. people can have sex without intimacy. it can be very perfunctory, but with kissing your faces are locked together. it's incredibly intimate unless you can get to the point where you feel really blown away. it was actually stickle back up close and personal experts on many ordinary people agree. good thing is good for you. it gets everything rolling and the joy and happiness it gives are always good. and that's hormones that are released start the maine end of endorphins. it helps you relax by reducing your quoted so levels. i'm a nurse, she's a psychologist or kissing spigot is a cascade of neural messages in the brain like fireworks going off. coffee hormones,
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low blood pressure, increases along with body temperature. feelings of stress decrease on the bonding hormone oxy. towson gives a sense of well being with one another. it makes us once more in the immune system, since you exposed each other to terms so you don't get sick as off, i mean like flu and those types of things on those via and if it's like a vaccination, you get 4 and bacteria in your mouth and the immune system is put to work, so it's better prepared when something happens. the most of it can just push the it's just kissing and also reveal it for relationship has a future in value. i think when you kids, you can tell us your partner is a good match or not a the, you harmonize with each other and what are you doing? it's new studies suggest we also subconsciously stuff. sounds all partners. i mean, system wall kissing which illnesses a person in a meeting to is encoded in certain genes. and we sense these to taste and smell
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kissing the more different immunity of 2 partners. the more meaning that all spring will be increasing that life expectancy guessing makes you live longer than guns that spots out by a number of studies. many people naturally integrate kissing into that and for straight lines. low table who kits a lot, mid 5 is the longest and then we are definitely on the right track. the more passionate the case, the healthy of it is and it doesn't need to be for the camera to hurry. u. k. s. is your choice and who you love is up to you too. tall or short, black or white, whether man or women, world genders, or several people, the ones or no one at all, anything goes. but whatever type of relationship, one thing stays the same, harmony for eternity is no guarantee. romantic affection and emotional connection
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can fade away. when love breaks down, what is what gets like falling off the edge of a cliff as the force of it really hits you and from the truck and then the whole, well just stop the i've had to think about whether dig it up in the morning there was no one there and nothing to do between pacer spots a single but not by choice. his wife fell in love with someone else of to 16 use to get that she walked out on the not so nice sunday evening. my wife said she no longer wanted to live with me and had fallen in love with someone else. so i'm interested for nothing's unique. page. thoughts was asked the last questions. no to wait and most people have ever had a broken heart nor the feeling. one is told you feel signs, desperate jokes on like, thankfully i cannot experienced it for
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a long time. i wouldn't wish it on any one of this has to be so it's like a bad stomach 8 on do you feel body physically and so you have no energy inside? no appetite for anything. just the opposite that take your contrast. yeah. so you want to get through the time as quickly as possible, smith's and stuff, and it's usually an ending and bought an ending. i'm always friends with it a beginning to on the as painful as it comes. they decide they can also be liberating. yeah, it's a horrible feeling about the time is that he learned i told you wouldn't. how painful can heartbreak, few psychologist and also lucas put you in ski. know it's all about it. what happens when you hop for i can essentially it's the opposite of what happens in our body when we fall madly in love. classroom i for it. but it can, anyone who's ever been in love knows that we're in a highly ecstatic and do for ex, stayed endorphins, the bodies own hope, yards are released. and of course,
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the happiness hormone doping mean is abundant along with adrenalin. it's like a drug head rushing through your body, right? so if we look at what happens when we're addicted to something, we're driven by getting our hands on the substance. when we're in love, it's similar. we try to be around our partner as much as possible, has begun, and it stops our thoughts constantly revolve around the substance or the romantic partner. and we're prepared to go to great lengths to get them in. and when we don't have that many more, you know, we feel pain an infinitive. smith's that's exactly what we feel when a drug high comes to an abrupt and intense pain. whether it's a long term relationship, initially funded by the cocktail of love, hormones, or just a brief, a said and it had ended, he was putting on when we are loved said, 1st the dope, i mean drops next. the serotonin issue and the symptoms are very similar to those
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of depression, i guess and, and we lack motivation often have no appetite and have trouble sleeping. just asking if the effects are physical because we still have a lot of stress hormones in our blood. and the body isn't in the best state to break them down. so this can lead to physical pain. we have domino pain or a king. lamb is all the symptoms of substance withdrawal can also occur. in the case of heartbreak like you're just giving your hot break space and time helps, but sorry, it is taking action against the feelings of despair, bigger steps, homeowner, you've to exercise helps break down stress hormones. saunas are also good, as are other relaxation techniques like massage those things help physically move on a psychological level. we can examine what's actually going on inside it off. and if i'm heart broken, i've been a band which massively affects my self esteem. skewed i may not feel good enough to
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be in a relationship at all, so as not to take that sentiment, the hard. i need to remind myself that i am a good person, even if on this occasion i've been abandoned by some of the on board. despite the pain of separation, peters thoughts fills up to mistake about what the future holds. if i'm building a new life, new job, new place to live new opportunities, new people is maybe even a new love sunday will say. an engine can always be this task of something you of course science has also looked into break ups. the findings as soon as a couple of start marking each other no longer take one another seriously or begin wiring. love begins to fade. when times are tough, openness and trust constraints in a relationship, but sometimes a break up is unavoidable. it's a painful process with several phases. breakups can be hard.
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people who are less surprised by breakup, often going to denial, a might say, refuge and happy memories. the gift way to grief for even depression, along with lethargy and self doubt when the bubble bus hold. then strong emotions usually flare up again this time in the form of and until the reflection phase sets in providing food for thought. the, the last phase is hopefully the new beginning. the splits has been accepted and internalized. the focus is on the future and you'll ready for new start
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as painful as they are break up. sorry, a chance to turn over a new leaf. all good things must come to an end, including can good shape. but our next step is so just like the next chapter in love is coming soon. see you next time the, the, the
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victim some, please. we're heading on down into the london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world. it's full of surprises. every one on both please. and of course then for guest in 30 minutes, d, w o l,
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enjoying our services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by front bought the this is dealing used live from berlin, former us president jimmy carter has died aged 100 after a turbulent term in the white house. in the 1970s he embark on decades of humanitarian work being eventually award is a nobel peace prize. also coming up a 170000000 people die in south korea's worst ever planned. crushed, only 2 crew members survived. the south korean government declares a week of morning as investigators search for the cause of the disaster.


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