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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2025 10:02pm-10:16pm CET

10:02 pm
a big you go a car from the communists world that even one over hollywood it made its mark far and wide. when i see it in a over how i feel like the whole thing you have sold like the they were not the just regular cars. say you go the socialist volkswagen from yugoslavia. not a bit, but these are the maybe they you go a car that socialism concord, america with the 12 months i mean is, are sold. and ronald reagan's america americans have voted this car. the worst part of the millennium, the worst car in the world, became a scar and hollywood movies. and that's where it came in. i caught it in a pop icon for failed the. it's boring when everything works.
10:03 pm
that you go. the tragic hero of history invented in yugoslavia before the multi ethnic countries split into a nation states and just send it into war lights. it's all 6 republicans where we're working on the same it's maybe a simple often country who doesn't exist anymore. the. this is the story, but we need the new story. the story, if you will go on and haven't changed from the serbian capital build. great is a die hard fan of the solid, affordable people's car from the bulk or a decades he's only driven, you goes what i see. and i over how i feel like cold. we always get the meaning of our family when the war was in, in,
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in our farm or country with lobby. a. my mother with us in our hugo that was 3 years old in and the me and my brother and my mother. we came to the survey and then it was a more time and we were so sound. busy busy the wrong side of the board with a song that describes leading the yugoslav wars of the 1990s in a you go, the band does that run, you know, of course and yet still fails. huge concert halls today. you know, 451 of the most successful hits in the history of bulk and pub, is an anthem to a simply timeless car. right, before you like you're driving. so i think that that was the 1st major you mean in the early eighty's? so and, and there they were, they were always the same. you know, there was like a small changes that they were produced for 3 years. but hugo is a disaster of,
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of plants incorrectly gave us had been producing fios since 1953 cause like disaster of a 7050, a version of it, the 600 were intended to make the people immobile. the goal of yugoslavia led by use it, but it was tito from 1945 because the communist country wanted to build a successful independent economy. a research and development center was founded f as asked of a factory at the start of the 1970s. we understood that the effect today must be for independent fleet, having its own r a d. that's why oh, 1st got size to about one o one was g, a t, then c. mueller. you? well, and finally, the 40, the model that you go became vast of as most of successful products in 1980, the 1st hugo to roll off the production line was presented as
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a gift to you. this lab president t 2 in a festive state ceremony. the to this day, the hugo is a spots and car within the $45.00 horsepower and a very special driving experience. and you feel buy it because it's a bit noisy and but that that's, that's all the, all the parts of the experience with that these are the points of the car. i like the feeling that you have always engaged when you desire these type of cars because you always have to take something serious over here, your shift to do everything manually. but the, you go did get a few small look serious details. very simple. inside here we kept the back, the rear defroster, where you can just the warm up your hands if you need to pause to call your
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chemical or in a wheel. it works. and of course you have a lights are too light up a cigarette and the context of this car interior is the, it's a small car, but each has 3 x rays. so everybody needs to smoke. but the heart of the you go is under the hood. we hear of a google engine 90903 cubic centimeters. also the, the transmission is also here so you can fix it on every parking lot. it's a very cheap got a chip to maintain the image. chad, it's regularly takes part in the outings organized by the exhaustive effect club in bel. great. anyone who owns a car produced at this asked of a plant is welcome. thank left members, loved the balkan style of car construction. makes it good that i would have since you don't have the a, b, and c like a database and look at anything. so is basically you and the costs,
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and you need to feel it's still understand from the beginning i was in love with these cars. these cars bring together all generations means a lot to me because the, to the same model that because of the, as a, as in victor, when i was a child, i want to get through, you know, the old feelings of themselves. but i want to make new a new memories really if you the car that really made my life the way it is now because the, the and my brother, which we do somebody's vacations and we had a great time. how so i met my husbands this way, so i always say that this is the reason why my doctor exists. it goes without saying that using tools is part of every hugo owner's daily life. you need is a lot them to take good care of them in order for them to take care of you and to
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serve you properly. it's not coming out of it from this asked of a thing that works as a tour guide for the hugo verse agency. in belgrade, in his festival, one o one which was sold under the name hugo scholar, he takes taurus on a tour of the former yugoslavia. in these cars, this is simply something unique that you have to experience, especially while we're driving and you're looking at those buildings that were built in communist period. in virtual ism, you can simply, it's like a tie machine highlighted to everyone at marco's tours is the gen x tower. the 36th story skyscraper, which opened in 1980 was one of president tito's pet projects. he had a stablish to come in a system in yugoslavia that was very open to the capitalist west and also had successful trade related since when i would say this is peter peter wanted to show
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how big and strong we are. so he made all buildings in new velvet big. so this is the biggest building that you can see in your slide here. is the building symbolizes the legal, flavio and it's also captioning, which you will as i saw $100.00 once a year ago, has been exported to $74.00 countries, including the united states, introducing the new hugo paramount engineering achievement from yugoslavia. busy in 1985, malcolm bricklin, a philadelphia born entrepreneur, founded the hugo america company to bring the compact hugo to market in the united states, dependability in his book, the rise and fall of the worst car in history. american historian jason view, it will tell us this exciting story in a communist car sold and ronald reagan's america that alone. you know, the,
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the answer seems obvious. but americans, again has no idea where you, this lobby was. so it was it the communist issue. but what drew everyone's attention to the car was the price. it was $3990.00. brand new. the 1st you go advertisements, it's the model t, the volkswagen and the you go and it says introducing the same old idea. the hugo was one of those people's car that we've had in our history. every body needs are used though, sometimes. online you go because now i can afford a brand new car. and the cars sold like hot cakes, non lines of people formed in front of every hugo dealership under $4000.00 and unbeatable deal. you know, like any new bad people rush to look at it in the buy, it may be kind of it'd be the 1st person on their street to show their neighbors.
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you know, i'm, i'm the crazy guy with this cheap car. i don't care about, you know, uh you know, consumer culture and america and the you go change the entire us automobile markets such a small and cheap vehicle had never been for sale there before and its 1st year in the us and the compact car from yugoslavia sold around $40000.00 units in the 1st year the hugo was the fastest selling european import in us history. so once the you go entered the low end of the market, it showed you know, the car producers around the world that there still is a market there and it, it may be viable that hyundai, jumped in. i had to jump back in suzuki came back in. uh, you know, all of a sudden there was, you know, an american journalist who covered automobiles called that race to the bottom. but
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then more and more american car experts began to take a closer look at the cheap car from you. best love. yeah. it became clear it couldn't always keep up with us. standards and america's most important consumer organization also turns a spotlight on the you go, the consumer reports can help you get better value and they review the you go and consumer report said, don't buy the you got the review alone was enough to be in the national news, you know the next morning, dear with the news, said you, you're at work and then pretty soon it's on david, letterman, and jay leno and, and from there it, it, it went from, you know, you go mania and consumer fad to national icon and national joke j, how do you get a you were to go 0 to 60 in 10 seconds. i don't know to drive the class, she's wanting freight
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but well, the hugo became a media star with sales fleming. that was partly due to developments back home and yugoslavia with a strong personality president. tito had always managed to unite the different peoples and religions in the country. but after his death in 1980 more and more tensions and conflicts flared in yugoslavia leading to war in 1991 swaby was starting to france and we use lobby. it would serve be a goes under un sanctions. as a business, you will, america is sanctioned and now was really b. s. and finally, and in, in 1999, a nato bombed the hugo plant, the soft of a plan. it was a arms manufacturer. and so, you know, this is like, the final question though, of my, you go offer a, can you have it, you go without, you just lobby a. and the answer was no. the country split into 6 separate nations. the employees
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of this asked of a factory, fought to continue producing a small series in newly independent serbia. but on november, 11th, 2008, the last hugo rolled up the production line, the end of an illustrious chapter in european automobile history. with 800000 hugo, it's built over almost 30 years. how did these people will this day? exactly? 16 years ago? the honest the will be very sought and very emotional. but even if you go so no longer being built, they're more alive than ever in arts and culture. the story of you'll go on it's, it's what is the story that kept you good life? it's not the car, just kept you. but like me, the story say you go to successful product of a communist country has won over the globe, played a role in creating a sense of ideal.


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