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tv   Never Again  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2025 10:15am-11:01am CET

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this hour, his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, a deal has been reduced to free hostages held in garza, the country's security cabinet is expected to meet soon to approve the next documentary on asking how strong is democracy in germany and terry martin. thank the she suffice. the honda accord is oh no. flushing those rates as a 2 year old it was only much nation that you day to confront to deal with me to embark on that journey. i survived the starts january 24th oh dw the
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84000000 people lived in germany, the each person different with individual interest goals and opinions. which way should they look at their own histories? the country that they share with one another is held together by a strong democracy and some codes and kennedy and how much the young pod, one democracy, just sit down that allows people to say what they think without fear. it wasn't always this way. the microphone developed the wind right in germany. history shows how important it is to protect political freedoms. today, only a few people who lived through the crime of nazi terra,
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ne huston allies. so fewer and fewer people know someone who could bear witness the can. we learn from the past. can we keep history from repeating the ever again? what can we do so that never again is more than just a well intentioned idea. the tennessee river games now, never again is none of us as disease. there's never again, you need to be never again. no, i haven't heard of that. have to do to can never again milk everyday
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things to may be the never again, you know, never again the sweet little something. yeah. that'd be good for the cost, the to and never again. mean somebody was amazing because obviously i don't think it's important was the best way to cuz even today there were so stupid people who tie it down or fall, deny it completely harm noise. no, it all comes it's that's known for 9 and so there's less than fillings, those germans, this are juicy. actually the most to do something if we knew it's happening. um there was some things we must have. absolutely. nasa, again, allowance is never should be repeated. we never exactly know other country memorialize is it's crimes. to the same extent, germany has over 300 official memorial sites and museums dedicated to the honda cost or show and more than 100000 commemorative. stumbling stones, being light insightful in commemoration of the victims is really anchored in german
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politics and society. maybe the ever, again, this every day is thank you very much and also most dodge and cool. i think that if you look at gemini from the outside, you can see an incredible discrepancy, though we have expressions of solid darcy in the political arena. we have big ceremonies. we have lots of empty phrases and lots of talk about juice on that side to find the same time when we look at the street. let's see. when we look at universities and school to small, we see that anti semitism has exploded since september. the 7th of last night and anti semitism that is positive everyday lives has most that's the ones to me. i take this and even the i don't think so new as a when can do for gotten hide when you so you knew the pass ultimate everyone news of item discuss this, this parts of hard. i don't think there's a problem with anti semitism to date. nobody's miss you to i don't think so. it comes from it from once i see everyone. i know people are color and
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a hi doctor here on this. i agree. yeah, they know there's also is, so the thing is if you're most effective, you don't experience in the same way to live on it and just the people who are affected. so yes, it's something exists like to extend that must be something to it wouldn't. but what's the end design? some 8 percent of germans have extreme right wing world views to semitism and hostility towards democracy have both risen shop and recent years. according to the annual report by the re asked information and research center, the number of recorded anti semitic incidents rose by over 80 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year. the us as the for so on did you need to share 3 s as an attempt to document anti semitic insults, assaults, hostility, and even physical attacks. it also looks at which political issues of the day are seized on as opportunities for anti semitism plus the autism. it is most else to leave incidents in germany have multiplying since the highest terrorist attack and
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israel, the increase began on the afternoon of october 7th. according to re ass over 30 anti semitic incidents have been reported across germany in the months since then. every day, a separate from today's will come with the stuff, there's too much months left. so i received the rest of today and i thought i'd give you an insight into the messages that just emails for several minutes. i guess i'm eager. i'm announcing your molds and does the departure from this? well, do you know how you deserve to die? slowly times is there's no safe place for you here anymore. to him? no was right. you are in serious human way to be, but these uh, how much do i regret that my ancestors in 1933 to 45, to go to gas. your was in our shipments. go see it. if i let shina welcome to another day in the life of produce a cubist alba, this is alice lou. he's supposed to take this,
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i guess the president of the german union of jewish students kind of find a campaigns against anti semitism, especially in germany's even the best it is that alone is enough to expose to hatred and harassment your service. this, it might be that's between you this evening dodge then, but i look for them. so i need to emphasize that jewish life in gemini was anything but comfortable. long before of a type of the 7. let's do this. we grew up with that. we used to jewish institutions, synagogues as jewish schools, and kindergarten is having to be guarded by the police officers. it's not that we just carry on that. it doesn't misread co signed. it restricts my life to my home, say if i speak, it's an event where it's been announced in advance. what time i'm going to be that? well, i can only do it if i know police will be present. i have a family history that simply won't allow me to give up. i hope i'm the 1st in my family to have a democratic right to vote. democrat slide this time,
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the 1st in my family who can have a self determined, self confident, jewish identity. he told me it subsides to me sometimes when i imagine that as someone who didn't even have a gym and possible 3 years ago as someone with this family background, do you mind that i can speak for 25000 young jews. it's not just told it is an incredible privilege from this listing injustice to the next level comes. this been after 9 solutions that are simply types gone on. so i was born in fi taps in valerie in 1998. my family came to gemini as jewish refugees in 2005. so i grew up in southern gemini and buttons written back in a small town where i was always the only jewish person in the room. and i have a memory of being home sick when i was 3 or 4. my grandma coming to baby simms, baby son, i can still see myself sitting in my childhood bed. do i put my grandmother sitting
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in front of me and up and starting the conversation with us? and you know, when i was your age, was my family have to flee. and you know, with us on, i minus got one of my earliest memories. but the show was always present in my family, in my family history is on like an uninvited guests who sits in on old family celebrations. besides this, it was i've always been very open about the fact that i'm jewish. i'm the type of for a long time. it didn't play a large role for me. for 7, i didn't know what to make them myself while i'm especially when we moved to gemini the of the 1st few years, the focused on the other thing was i was suddenly an immigrant child. and i had to learn gem and my parents didn't see kids on the face. you political migrant experience this chad define many, many people in this country is also shared by many jews because 90 percent of us come from the countries of the former soviet union account. suffice to enter the district as well. when i was the only jewish person in my class,
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even the subject of judaism was only ever discussed in relation to dead jesus who happens. um, so when we talked about used it was about something in the past because of when i was the one who became my next best home, the sho in cloth, because i knew a lot about my grandmother. so i actually enjoyed giving the presentation about i was just with it because i knew that i could say more about it. the my gym and classmate which mich filled up on this bag. i missed the and i also wonder what history lessons actually look like in a room where most people have never met a living jewish past and independent living because they inhabit them. that's less than that. tell them because the curriculum office is very abstract for young people. 5, if you're lucky, you have committed teachers on how to at least organize a visit to a memorial side on the i the good thing stuff in the organization. you name it is. so it is difficult to reach young people and so was hoping you convey something like this to them because i've,
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how can you make something like this understandable here, you can understand it. that's fine. memorial work is still very important news . the most young people in germany, a visit to a memorial scientist at 1st direct contact with national socialism and the show and experienced the can leave a lifelong impression. politicians support this, but the expectations are higher, says york scrape allied, the director of the flossing bit memorial site. when i bought it in a bag, they expect an educational experience combined with something like an apparition of a holy mary and a good thing to have hopes for catholicism. it's a visit to a memorial site should creates a better person about this. the idea of different politicians come to us where they're gonna come to me mentioned is making sure that the young people feel that
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to, i mean the school children realize to the step more latitude is expected of them may out for often they come here when they leave this place, they come with the idea of, let's not do anything wrong. let's start off the wrong question mostly on and that tends to be a hindrance. and so on this here, on the of the inside that is on for us bar on this entrance gate was applied with the words work to set you free the model. that was the motto under which all constant ration counts for run. it was a belgian prisoner child, the kaiser. yeah. the right here and read up. i'm works that you free at the entrance. he thought to himself, i can work as much as i want, but they won't let me out of here. so we asked one of the guards, what works that you free meant? the guard said to him, there's a quarry over there though you'll be working for us 12 hours
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a day. most of it will be very little to eat. you'll become very weak, very quickly. you'll die working here there, and when you're dead, all that does all you'll be free. i'm in the 4th, 5th, the supervise memorial side pedagogy often chooses a bio graphical approach to generate empathy among young people. as i said, and getting close at 5 spun, a great deal of time has passed since then. and it is relatively difficult for young people to see this time is relevant to them. but at the same time, there is a great deal of interest and, and i believe that they understand that this time is still relevant to us today. and so it the only thing to have the impression that this idea is cleaning them up is if at all you're done not in flossing, bid, the groups look at the past as well as the present from many perspectives via all this work touches on very fundamental humanistic questions uh,
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questions like, how do we want to live together? i can be proud. we accept diversity in our country reactive. how do we deal with people with different identities and biographies with managed? we give them a place and also signed a new coffee and gave me them and thoughts on sort of as of disruptive. come on that on my off the i think we cannot believe these questions can be discussed very well using this historical example for looking at gemini, 90 years ago. ideally, we can provide the emphasis to delve into these topics, resubmit them, typically a trying to do this by using dialogue and all tours on to a much greater extent in recent years. yang full sleep lorenzo that they feel they have being taken serious. think you can express their opinions and you wouldn't mind frequency honest getting on tons that in my no alcohol, i found the on the speaking project we are working on now is the corey and the 3 designs in august. i don't starting the see the flossing boot concentration camp memorial will have access to another historical site. the corey concentration can
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prisoners were forced to perform extremely hot labor will be integrated into the memorials landscape. planning for a pioneering project called a memory lab is in full swing, you're scraping lights and his team of creating an experimental learning space. after all, the aim of memorial work is not simply to relay information very much. somebody huffman strong d. this says hope is the people who leave this place. and they'll perhaps remember this visit yes. or even decades late talking about that because there was something special about interest and i don't because you can respond to the come come on. does a flushing book by heart con, but because of the in town. so with this place on this, i think is what you experienced here. i left an impression in some way. in gauging coloring. i forbade my children to go their phone because i can cause re trauma position. how much it doesn't have to buy the bid. it can miss most of us come up. this is to to come any people say it's too hard for me to be smart,
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but i didn't think so. it was hard for the people by then for us. it's in the parts of dbm to me, but we face it so that we can see what we don't want. what should not have to sort to do it since i think it's good that we've seen it and that we came with school joshua elses. yeah. mackenzie. but sometimes if you can imagine the whole situation but so it's not just that you learn, it's at school. you can also feel it's a bit when you're in the place where it happens to job a heavy everything was still there are the sort of seeing and the missing that st. kim and them. uh, it gives you a different perspective on many things in the living is a, is this a very depressing feeling when you're there and what was when you knew what, how some they act on such a feeling as hard to describe and this is coming to the same as like sky and kind of sonata nice feedback on the home of the happened there is to present the, i don't see it is the take it in on the left. is it in the on my new
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because i live. so because you called the really imagine what happened to the whole mission plus the materials health concentration cancel. yeah. it's mostly the stucco, for example, the nation. unfortunately, i haven't been there. yeah. there's money that i really want to go on by and see it's all about light advice. i'm just going to show you how those when a funeral to come, then we were given a guided tour on and then we were given a brief explanation of what it was like back there. and so. so alice swats on was summit, must eat the small over so that you can see that it was also here and not somebody over there with other people. oh, it happened here in our homeland, in winds on highmark. just a few decades ago, memorial site visits, but not on the agenda. the in minus woodside cups has gone is not that did not exist. when i was at school, the contracts to memorial sites. i thought they didn't even exist as places as memorials and stuff that only came about through grassroots initiatives there.
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because basically there was resistance from the population beyond as well as from all the higher levels of government, institutionalized, remember, it was other sites of hor since the nobody really wanted that and nothing else. and then what this guy wants to sort time with the end of the 2nd world war questionnaire rose was a time to begin to forget. in my opinion, i shouldn't tell the children the whole quail. i think that after 14 years we should let things be. it was not enough to national socialist perpetrators and profiteers were integrated into society and government. the dates for cotton all suppressed fossil book offers a typical example of how history was dealt with instead of a memorial sites. in the 19 sixty's housing estate was built on the former concentration camp grounds. people still live there today in the home to that was little interest and remembering dusty happening spot. i think this content up to
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the fact that the prisoners fabrics, if the concentration camp versus doing habits is to the, must seem inconceivable for visitors to this and tory as a site and the public and lack of tact as obvious as this publish. and dylan operation, some of the thought this police of suffering now hoops on every get together is this disturbing? yeah, we'll see if that the whole and if i got it from the town of count has always done everything rights in recent years. debatable and it's 5, and i don't think there's any point in remembering the pod gets now, but things are on the right track. the end of i fail, it just gets alice of investigate the memorial and doc, how was not opened until 20 years after the end of the war. even in schools, it was common practice. the repressed the past brought it and tried to come to terms with its as a result from 1959 shows. what that must have become when asked about national socialism and hitler. the masses give answers and opinions that are generally based on the very poor knowledge by the who knows how many jews died and the 3rd prize
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come 1333 people's raise their hands on able to get onto, onto the hard to come visit, understand of course today we can say that 6 months later on with dressed as an idealized truth and it wasn't just hitler. they were fighting these notes, but they show that they were against the entire german people that they had been sold so that they would no longer have accepted any democratic german concession to tools to go to then getting them gone, expanding to know mehta tests. and these, most of that i think was what german remembrance was like from 1945 on words. i'm just not remembering the victims were coming to terms with one's own de, the stabilize of it. rather presenting one's self as a victim. but i think there was no interest in wanting to remember one's own murders in any way. there was no confrontation of that kind of demit. but what do you know about hitler and national socialism? if there was a dictator or got an a provided work for the unemployed and built highways out of on by $1000.00 when they come under hand or it was pretty good,
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they would know managers like the taxi minute or as we have now brought out the ship skipped, the tape was quite good, and they gave 7000000 unemployed workers dropped in one fell swoop in the content, but also unclear people were treated cruelly and the concentration kind of a little bit to your email. i don't know if you don't have many choose execute or where i live, but a specific number is no, not a female. what do you think it's cool, but think about 50000. 250000, close to 5000. hitler headed was what black moustache. you built the highways and the pollution, the taxi killer was up the precise number of unemployed. people who went back into work is not exactly, it's been over 7000000. you see this also written in the textbooks. the total number of is killed. however, it almost is very limited. where's the diesel? i mean, accurately. um say, what did you learn about recent history at school? cuz it was given faulty little attention, unique savings. so very little i have to say that actually nothing a toll. we didn't learn and they'll say next you,
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this is what you have to what was covered in history lessons then the next page, next topic of done vonda both fits a few sentences about world war 2. then we moved on to egypt with the youth and put my grandfather was in the world to live in. could you hold all if at all, up to 3 beloved old questions when he was wounded. i have to say we weren't that interested you to input. we didn't really want to have anything to do with in some, to help the collective looking away persisted until the late 19 ages. it was only through survive initiatives and media attention. but the pressure on politicians increased, but young people as long wanted to know more. the 1st tune up, what's entangled to a 100 percent, raise their hands when asked who would like to know more to what do you attribute in the still an adequate education of our primary and secondary school. people's like, that's the charlotte guns i like mine, but schools generally see recent history is just one subject. among others,
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looking, they sometimes attach no more importance to us than say, the structure of a cell and hold the life of a rubbing to the means of this how i can only hope, the political education we really be taken more seriously in the future. and that has in the past as well. so space, this does the for us it's important that we continue to promote electrical education and will continue to develop education around democratic values in our schools. there were numerous programs and meshes, steve style homes, and me is about enabling young people to experience democracy at a very early age. just goes to live, the culture of remembrance, and all school holmes clue to an oil change within sleep and it's consecutively important. that whole of people's visits and memorial science at some point while they are still at school at because only if you know the history just the only if we know about the in human crimes of the nazi regime to ask whom we appreciate the value of democracy comes to of to invest is crucial because then we also understand
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that democracy cannot be taken for granted and will continue. but democracy has to be defended. a new every day loyal so tightest around. most lessons can be learned from history, but which ones are relevant for the present? most i have to be able to answer 3 questions the 1st day is what does this have to do with me and then of what does it have to do with my family history? what do my grandfather do? i have is no cc, but it has to be done. if you want to understand what your responsibility is in the hearing now would be to see and neither you nor i have anything to do with the world war or anything like that one. and our fathers, our grandfathers and grandmothers, so they have nothing to do with it, and we have nothing to do with it, and you have a mix of us to, to, to slice. second question is, what does the jewish life look like today? what is the outside these black and white images?
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what happened of to 1945 associates as opposed to yes. months have been that. and when you hear, do you simply associated with something totally horrible? this isn't listed. i don't think it should be like that because these are completely normal people and i think it's a shame that it always comes into my head as something negative. even though i don't think about it like that, but simply because the past is so bad. and then just to stagger and then this a question, and then what does this mean? so my life here in now is assembly, what does the history of this country made months as someone who lives in a democracy, someone who is interested in maintaining best democracy? it's a bible, what do i have to do? what can i do? what do i want to do? i should not as something i want to do for the jews on, but what is my active role in this kind of actually in this society in this democracy in these are the most of the germany is diverse and multifaceted, with the culture of remember,
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it is mostly aimed at people without a migrant background within like codes. i was born and grew up in norco and in berlin and went to school that played soccer . the mind goes up to mischief with my friends as a teenager. and then later i became most seriously of mine, it sounds and ended as to guy out of the to kind of guns classes, just dust off. i thought my parents came to germany from taki at the end of the 19 sixty's as typical. so quote, guest work as i grew up in the neighborhood between building zone and natalie and comics process, where there were lots of immigrants with turkish co districts. but they will also greeks and yugoslavs. we had a jewish ne, bought up and i know she was a 100 costs to buy the cost involved in the other systems i might have kim tides were supposed to buy just me. so i remember in my childhood when i played soccer, when we went to a white games in the district of michigan bugs,
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and we will always talk about of not there or not. so use that to increase parents . come with the kids in case something happens, call me when did you feel unsafe on this? and that's when i heard the word nazi for the 1st time as we were aware of as children. that's definitely the the dimensions of the timber the cause. when 911 happened in that, i realized that something was changing significantly for us muslims fall of main. they don't know we were being seen as muslims, which we haven't been before in that way, although in the same so shribel the, as the most news was quotes up in the maelstrom of anti semitic conspiracy theories bus. i'd say it was only against muslims and that it was controlled by a conspiracy that was jewish. we did this as the story of this one, little fish viewable. israel was a big topic bank. that is, but i had palestinian friends and my cross that. so i'll just polish them pointing to for some reason you still have to fund these what both of me with the sweeping
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generalizations double. they might be one that because i myself, itself, it from such sweeping generalizations as a must have 0. however, as, as most of them and so i started to look into these issues and i started studying color taking some became more and more interested in not the my portage into the theater. one stop shut off the whole samelle smile. you that. and that's when i decided to get to know some jewish people for the 1st time and i have conversations with them. then i quickly got involved in exchange programs and dying of initiatives. when somebody run the item just looked up and just kept doing the community, the whole scholastic team cavities highs on. she has the intent of the quickbook initiative against anti semitism for key golf since 2011, with its political education programs to job works to enable perspective shift creates empathy and promote tolerance with different opinions. the team works with pupils, teachers, and most of them communities to reach groups that are otherwise rarely hard
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cuz then go to the, so a good teacher is one who considers diversity in their cost in such a way that everyone can have the site. so what com that was kind of where there was no trust was because there was no emotional relationships kind of, there was no education. when can be something that you can impose knowledge just coming up with these days. if you could also do that with good youtube videos, we don't need to school for that. we don't want to empower knowledge, go and mention the unsubscribe. we want people, and we won't people who believe in themselves. we won't people who are oriented towards getting us in community mine. so if you want society, okay, and do want democracy, the physically step papa civilians have moments when it counts the who are courageous. who a curious and boost. that's what we want to equal. our school does not impose. no, they just school makes people often. they want us showing the family to canvass
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print sounds like a thoughts. cool. so offensive edited out. think this and gelatin. so i believe it was a bit slow with the kid us. so games isn't often everyone is accessible. so everyone is open, doesn't just populate children and young people take you out and buffers. that's not appropriate to us inc. i have publicly criticized very strongly what stomachs, but said, i'll throw october 7th. these a can to. these children have closed well, views us just satisfactorily wrong. can dom children can also have a closed will be like calm down because they are still in the development phase and picking those positive shape open to both these and pull, cutting my off provocative. she want to maybe even stupid sometimes, but they, i'm not always the logical to i'm kind of think they thought of a closed fixed. well few that they're open. i'm good is the last name. don't accept this tracy. it doesn't seize this opportunity. next that's up. it's a job,
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you will mention voice in my experience on young people want to play an active role in this is a so it's a name device. they want to be hung on and they wouldn't have voices and the stories to have a place. and i wouldn't accuse young people of having no interest in taking responsibility on how to unplug them to by name or spice. i don't know, you started. i honestly think by default to see protest marches. they need to do more the most most in my opinion on the advocates keep to as it is so it so. so there are a lot of people, especially in austria, in germany, who are quite right wing, as it is not just their political lassitude control is more than just politics. you change the video game against the 2. i hate not to if i may say so open the door of the i as the policy and so on. nothing to do with them by the i asked the are the, and i also have anyone who is against foreigners. how so just hire people like that
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was the one all season stuff like that. they're not familiar with this sort of business. the s p d and the greens to not just the, the party people are voting for the, the because the parties in power are pursuing bad policies they're working on is just like the politic skipped on these images. unfortunately, anti semitism and racism still exist. assessing, that's why i think it's good to all the demonstrations against the right are taking place again, the most come on. i was out the one in munich, a bunch of, of the and mention. so what i would actually disagree because the problem is not primarily v i s t policy 5, the what is maybe i asked the so strong in my, in my opinion is the failure of the current government opened. i am just a total in favor of what the just doing the more they went to voted in the smartest way and mostly about the link to what the young people are doing is finding. where do i have to tack to get them on my side? where can i convince them home? and unfortunately, the other parties simply weren't there yet only on the time i've applied and a
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willingness to listen and providing an opportunity to participate strengthens interest in a given topic. the fulsome book memorial wants to make use of this in its educational walk we visited or if we know going to give you guidelines, you can discuss with each other spaces. but discussion not created in workshops, having the end buildings quick currently running an educational program called we'll see you doing this is it's a simulation gave you. we discussed the civil car, a different actions that could be taken during the nazi era. so through the lens of a desk model, just the went through the tech republicans told us motion. so goes the news spread quickly through the town as applied to the people coming to the station here, coughing and whimpering from the carriages. and bumpo many different voices in different languages. and in between this repeated loud, come on in, jem and which of a few minutes not clear how long the train will stop here?
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it's nothing to say with the information you have. what would you do useful to you the other ones because the person you are but as the person you're playing, the person here on this piece of paper inside. so you're seeing it all through the eyes of another person on the top doors and have you decide you to write you still debating, then try to finish within the next minute. let me try to explore apparently of the applies more than anything else. that's interesting. the my account or my character for me is that on this i'm 73 and i noticed something also. so i'm looking at my window with the document as well, and i just observe it someone to talk about it. and that's why i 1st have to see what it is, what's going on i system and whether i can intervene somehow at 73 years comes to the upstairs as the others display,
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even such as pick deem fights. suffice thinking about civil courage and options to action in this specific case of it usually becomes clearer to the great. the topic is not that far away to buy because they themselves also make decisions in some form or another every day. or what do i do? how do i deal with situations and something doesn't suit me soon, and these are situations that we can address in a completely different way here on this. and that's why i have the impression that it does something to them for some of the machine. yeah. the train stops overnight and restrict the station master delays the own for a journey valuable hours in which to take clear action. the people that she democracy freedom,
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that equality is not something that falls from this guy. you know, something that god given the no matter how you want to explain it, it's something we have to stand up for every day. and that's the task of each and every one of us, this roots this, this will not be regulated by low as the load. it will not be regulated by political statements, even those kind of shorts. but the, the, the total of shots going to give a big speech like ends, roy, to insight people if the well look. so these big stories don't type of furniture as close as i have, but it doesn't have to be a big story. in fact, in my opinion, and i'm absolutely convinced the face of i suppose it's the small things to walk off that lead was big things in the field. each of us has a responsibility to ensure that this country remains the democracy, that old people can feel safe in this country. that we can all live self determined lives and cost when most exposed to in human ideologies. that's,
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that's what i want some individuals mission to not for people to look around for someone else to blame for the fact that they are doing well. it's not who is to blame for the fact that there is anti semitism in gemini said, but rather that we should start with ourselves and to ask, how can i contribute to making this country a better place? i was initially just with the bus to come up. i was just, i was, i not taught at school, but now i have the feeling that something is wrong. then gets off an act to go to demonstrations. if you think racism is appropriate with an off to naples who have suited these routes, for example, with for tech is background off of that one time. how long will you be? i want to get to know you can pick it. switch in the lead was big life is encounter. that's not a quote from me. it's from boob. down. and that's just the point to says dear. so
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in other words, we don't create an account is in order to break down prejudices that we creates and counts as because that's what it's all about. skip full tire pressure. disease prevents in kansas. they make it impossible says beams. in other words, we have to fight prejudice done. so the thing counts is, can take place. come get to do, i'll be right with you. hello everyone. i'm 5. very nice. yes, i think i'll have one of those companies. you know, i'll take it with me right away. perfect. thank you. the sizes are well, doesn't o u h at all as a here for a teen from continue on on the funding. um, these are for storage to get boyd and we started developing this form of assess
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casino as an educational sense of 10 or 15 years ago and back then. we also cells and could we have a cafe here and coffee and to do it if it wasn't been done, input something like that fit in a building like this when it's been and how would i have to be run? i need to open a cafe that is not a memorials, particularly easy and cafe seems poked into the public and it's very difficult for, for states let's you from a to z. and then the idea of arose relatively quickly because let's do something increasing as an intentional accounts appointments. this is miss long time for a long time, but we can still today. it has been one of the most interesting and sometimes also one of the most political places for mason. arthur, once was a got a kid as russia, as a business becomes highest and it's even more illuminating than an educational program over an exhibition on the because people come together here the other would otherwise never meet them. and we without cure writing anything split simply
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opening up a space that made the space available for them. the best send was the go shapes democracy. and so the question of how we as different as we all want to live together. yes. and so, and it's great, and i don't think remembrance was it can have a great to call, you know, it's always going from when you, it might still be mostly it's about the bottom as well. and then we can simply engage in conversation as we're doing right now with the most and then perhaps we can work out certain things. we want to say the for this, some people say you're not somebody to say in that name. well, i don't believe that you have to say everything was so andro low to see everything even look like we have a stable democracy even though some people want it to go to how to move. you have to accept another opinion on some, i run the business, i don't mean we have hundreds of employees and we try to resolve things democratically every day. look it up. this is an indictment. if you have to play the power card to take regardless of your life situation costume, of course you can do that in smaller then you just roll over everything within dialogue, groups to you. if it's much more exciting for you, that kind of life experience and you have to learn to compromise those,
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well have them to shoot the game over you the machine to be each no for my indeed you, but i have to be open inside with the person i'm talking to these i as a teacher in front of my people that is on is mostly for my jewish conversation partners. me is me. i don't know if this isn't a well to egotism, so then done with this phone. so, i mean, just, that's something that works out for me. the, i have to be willing each what's behind the this is never again is to ask nothing if it's not linked to the presence at another . remember in politics, the west, nothing. if it means i praise the commemorative stumbling, stone slug home, but the next day i couldn't care less how to use live in this country and never again as a cold to action to fight against anti semitism. that's our understanding of stuff . and of course it goes hand in hand, was fighting for democracy, fighting against racism,
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fighting against human rights violations of any kind from this is because we also need to understand anti semitism is not just a threaten to jews. of course, it's 1st and foremost a threat to us, but at the end of the day it's reconciled. democratic co exist on the i understand there is not one leave, one screw to change this. if we know that this is complex and complicated, hope it's something that takes time. the thing is, or let's get started, now i'm fine with and if we want to preserve our democratic order, then our children simply have to learn what dictatorship is on for the otherwise we will lose the future remaining. and that's why we can't afford not to be firm on this point. the
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exciting todd costs know on tv's. my fee is and with i'm going to be a good model. always you can defend yourself that you can start off with what like to come out when you're married. how does on mental health impact a lot of life between east to west or the cross is right in the middle and the world around germany is getting more dangerous. we de code what it means senior d. w to the point strong and clear position. international
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perspective, donald trump's comments about annex saint raymond and canada suggests there's no back to business as usual in u. s. foreign policy. what are we entry? a new era of america can expansion at some point, especially on to the point to the point in 19 minutes on d, w. the disruption is the goal tasks is the goal to reckon crew radically. they want to bring the system the stream lines come. so the donald trump will be the next president of the united states. the vision works for him. he wants to increase. polarization. have
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to wait for trump's rise to power. usa to rights starts january 18th on d, w. the . this is the w news coming to you live from berlin. israel security cabinet gathers to vote on a truce for guys. up top security officials are set to be meeting in this building with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the side, whether of cease fire for hosting. just deal with some us goes ahead. as palestinians wait for the fighting and children and gaza, expressed a longing for home. children, i speak to tell me that they longed to sleep in their beds, they want their bed rooms, they want to see what's left of it. the w news speaks with us unicef worker on the
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ground in the gaza spring. and ha.

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