tv Arts Unveiled Deutsche Welle January 18, 2025 6:02am-6:31am CET
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to use the resources of the nazi state, including using concentration camp prisoners is extra to make groundbreaking films that inspired modern music videos, sports coverage in a 1000 perfect and commercials. and this edition of arts on vail, you'll learn who lenny was installed, was how she changed filmmaking in the dark past to try to keep secret the, let me reinstall remains one of the most controversial artists in film history. she is the nazi. so maybe she is a maker of people are like on this object. merican said was she? and orson welles transformed cinema. she is stopper and blind, self justified. an egomaniac and nurses says her legend was, i'm
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a political, i'm just an artist. and i was seduced by hitler such a he never apologized. she said, why should i apologize? i've seen the cheese, it kind of a rough and character. talented, but on the rotten or not, let me reinstall had an extraordinary life. born 19. 02. in the 1920s she became a dancer. then a film start. then a direct to gain fame for mountain popular alpine action romances. she did her own death define stats. she also directed female filmmaker in a maintenance work, the hitler and nazi propaganda minister, years of good. those were fans, color called reinstall the embodiment of german womanhood. they became friends as
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an hitler hired or direct documentary is glorifying the nazi regime including triumph of the will on the 1934 nazi party congress in on the and the sports documentary olympia on the berlin olympics of 1936. we've installed use groundbreaking camera and editing techniques to transform reality. the results were the long after world war 2 brief install was we discovered our style copies in advertising in music videos and even in so many called her a pioneer genius in america, hollywood stars, madonna and jodie foster wanted to play lenny reinstall and movie biopics of her life, which were never me, research to live, to be
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a 101 dying and 2003. she tried to put her not to pass behind, shooting photos on the new via tribe. and so don and making a documentary on life underwater. any german documentary with access to research dollars private archive uncovered his dark secrets about her past. it is sold more than 30 countries and re ignited the recent style debate. what she and i. e. artist, for a lifelong nazi, the documentarian re miller mu. lenny recent stall, personally, he made 2 films with him. he says meeting hitler's favorite filmmaker felt hot and tell me and the hot i saw and i shook the hand that showcase let's see how that just felt a bit strange. this has these done prison metrowood to get free ssl good all as the
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new tide as as the bomb. i'm so she was very nice at the beginning and then is the work continued. it became increasingly difficult because she reacted new radically to political questions about her and her past, which is a problem to political jeff like i'm in height. the acute, the side of the mileage of all push movement coming into this is that the, the tricky a subject says miller was lenny reef installs connection 2 adults, hitler, he thinks reinstall. and the fewer had a few things in common sponsored by me. these were 2 with huge egos who admired each other, but this is she had the artistic talent. she was a field artist on. yeah. and she had the power to help her realize her talent, use her leg. so for the, the
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of these install to document the 1934 nazi party congress, a number, an event designed to show nazi control over germany. reading solve and make a news result. she filled the trying for the will like a cinematic epic with hitler as the here the effect of hitler arriving and run back becomes the fictional presence of god from the clouds. this rather unassuming, man, not terribly. you know, man, they idle stuff becomes this in, on a rock star. the rally was stage like a military parade cross with the rock concert control cuts between wide shots of the rally close ups of hitler. and the faces from the mesmerized crowd. giving the documentary, the rhythm, an emotional pull of the movie drum,
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see how do i own. she had an incredible eye for images, for the aesthetics of images and their impact. but i believe her greatest talent was editing my destiny. i believe that because she was a dancer i at the beginning, she had an incredibly good sense of rhythm and connection with images on. it's a something and i'm repeating the divide the. tell him a story and run a good is no fan of reef and stop, but he says trying for the will change documentaries. forever. how. how soon as you turn disadvantages into a cinematic experience. she created something that had not existed in this way before. and you know, using documentary material to portray and events and heights and it's message and effect for a cinema audience to see the computers came to pick up rooters. but the seduction of genius shows how in trying for the will even stalls talent, serve the darker and it just simply put down the film for the german
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population to now please for all in line or else. and it's pretty much a kind of preview of coming attractions if you will, of house and nazi dictatorship is going to be a. so from that perspective, it's terrifying. they start from terrifying, but effective trying for the will has been called the most successful propaganda film in history. and there was more to come reaping cells. next movie bring the nazis message to the world. the transport of sports were shot after the success of trying for the well, you can stall was given a huge budget $20000000.00 in today's money to film, the berlin olympics of 1936 jews, the money to pay for cameras, lots of cameras to put them everywhere has capture athletes from new angles. cameras up high on platforms,
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cameras down low in pitts mobile cameras to capture the athletes in motion. with such resources, cho sports as it had never been seen before. i left the film i think is, is as seen as a, very much a breakthrough because it takes what had been otherwise a rather static way of recording athletic events and grants them motility. gives them a kind of dramatic rush. does that with, you know, is strange camera angles do you, how do you guys feel free to? she did so many things for the 1st time. she was the 1st to take a camera under water into a pool. so wanted film, how the diversity bridges and re surfaces, how you 1st have to come up with all that is i in 5 recent shells. techniques were revolutionary or solid editing, unlike anything seen before in sports coverage to choose close ups and slow motion
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to increase dramatic tension to turn the olympics into a cinematic event, less a sporting competition, then more the static o to form motion and physical perfection techniques. recent style invented are still used in tv, sports coverage today. but limpy, it was not art for art's sake. this was art for the nazi state, designed to show german superior to the rest of the world, the . it's a kind of like gang to advertising tool world wide of germany is a dick tutorials state announcing the kind of regime of tara they're going to establish and then follow that same state promoting. it's
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been 9 nature to the international community. it's about power. it's about control and that's what it's all about. reason shaw added one other element to her depiction of authoritarian power. sex is on the, on the board chart, there is a message beyond athletic performance and that is one in which the athletes are sexual. i says, attractive, i talk t 622 and sex cells. so when world war 2 became a distant memory weaving cells, sexy athletic aesthetic was co opted by pop culture. the even if you've never heard the name one who can stall, you've seen her copycats. this person commercial from the 19 ninety's was directly inspired by reinstalled olympia. high and fashion ad still use recent styles
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techniques or dramatic lighting or editing style and or a static sense at this time using surface perfection to sell products instead of ideology. the for the 1980s we've install have become pop culture. roxy music, quoted olympia, one of its album covers george lucas deliberately borrowed from trying for the will to the closing scene of star wars. the german heavy metal band ramstein went further copying, reinstalled style for their state shows and even using footage from olympia in a music video. this is lennie. we've installed aesthetic,
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stripped of any cultural or historical context. there is a way in which people are drawing on the reef installed, archive in a very, very big way and doing it. let us say in a kind of post modern, anything goes manner that this is cool. this is interesting. and why bother thinking about the historical bag that comes to reinstall? never managed to throw off the historical baggage of her nazi past. the question always remains what she just an artist who wanted to make films or true fascist, believe the we've come to the venice film festival. this is we're trying for the will and olympia 1st premier back when mussolini is still in charge. both one gold metals.
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we're here to meet the 1st german still makers who got access to any recent shelves, personal archive. andras file and sandra much better spent the last 3 years coming through the recent stall state of the 700 boxes of photos, outtakes letters and recorded phone calls given to the pressure and cultural heritage foundation after her death. the much better go is one of jeremy's top television journalists and news anchors. she interviewed, we finished all back in 2002. but she didn't get the answers. she was looking for. i wanted to know how much she was politically and treat with the nazi party and the id on a tea and she denied all of it. and i, i could feel that this was not true, but i wasn't able to go behind the facade. so this is one of mine with the
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patients to go deep into the estate because i hope to find ons was there. she teamed up with file an award winning documentary filmmaker to find out what really lies behind the recent style ledger. her legend was, i'm a political, i'm just an artist and i was seduced by hitler. despite her close friendship with hitler and with use of goods, let me reinstall was never a member of the nazi party. she claimed she was not the only interested in our art and ignorant of the nazis murderous ideology. we can shells personal archives, revealed a dr tricks the very deep and the lenny reinstall the state was evidence. she had a role in
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a nazi massacre. that was the start of the 2nd world war we've installed, was building hitler's march into polar. she was preparing the scene and asked the soldiers to remove the jews from her shot. and they decided she meant kill those jews. she gave directions, juice out of the frame, and after she gave these directions, so somebody started to shoot at them. so i don't think she intended domestic or she was chucked about what happened, but she was a catalyst. we've been shell 1st denied. she even witnessed domestic violence on a subsidy, 3 others. and each of them having kind of shows these kinds of outcomes can or feature film piece land shot during world war 2. we've installed use prisoners from a nazi concentration camp as extras. she laid her lod claiming all the extra has
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survived the war. in fact, most are known or believed to been guessed at ocean's. i think the bigger the guilt bars, the more she had to deny it, to repress it. to say, i even was not even a witness. she has it, i can to boss, she crafted her own truth. that means she always believe she was telling the truth, even when it wasn't the trough. psychologist often say that when you have a trauma, you bend the truth almost so that you can live with into a big. that's what that means. leaving con, after the war, reinstall, travel to sit on to photograph the rituals of the new. the tried. she tried to leave her nazi past behind, or for some this work refutes the claim to remain a fascist filmmaker forever. she had yes beta.
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i was blown to. i know saying that later as a blond german woman, she lived for months with a very remote black trust, it would have committed nazi or fascist. do that not see the fascist into some of the in the 1970s we've install went on german tv and denied. if you know anything about the holocaust busiest initiative was 70 habits is going to buy when you need to know how much of this list has been. hundreds of yours called in to defend. we finished all east on degrees. refresh and get i see because i lost confidence in my fellow german neighbors. you know, how quick so many of the viewers you know, follow for the lords in the postwar germany,
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she remains a fascist, even in the 60s, seventies and eighties. the question is, can we separate lenny, we from stalls art from her politics? the late american are critic susan sontag solved link between recent styles, nazi films, and her later work, including her photos of the new. but all of it, she says in bodies, the same fascist aesthetic that celebrates physical beauty and a submission to a collective idea, the celebration of strings. it's the celebration of healthy terrorism in the, at the same time as you have the dark side of it. and in the
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connection regarding fascist aesthetic, it's the contempt of the week, the contempt of the sick people, even the contempt of people who are close to that it's a start telling of supremacy. and that's part refreshes. and i am better than anybody else. bible or films and photos might be beautiful, but there's a real danger and being seduced by this fascist a step that either force to now you've notion that something if it's synthetic least successful, is also good in a moral sense. is one we must, i believe, let go of one has to take a closer look of dog. this one, you know, i think today as in recent shows, time, this aesthetic is being used as a weapon. by the far right, the
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filmmakers aren't the only ones who learn from lenny reef installed. when russia or china states the olympics, they use the playbook, she created with triumph and olympia organizing a mass spectacle of bodies. moving in unison all for the glory of the authoritarian state. an expression for the individual doesn't count is just the body of the people, the mass that counts. so that's another fission stick point. that i would say that both pictures, chair and which are still visible today. just take a look at us party conventions. it's pretty easy to see echoes of try and the will, the clients, the will shows as a party congress in a way that makes of the event a grand spectacle. and so that entertainment and
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a political event somehow become one of the same. this is a risk, seems to be odd, i think a party convention, firms were never the same after that and that they blurred the line between 6 and in reality it under his file also sees echo is a brief installed in the political message is coming from the front right today who share her celebration of the strong and powerful over the week. and the sick you have it's in the us, for example, you haven't been from says the immigrants, us boiling our american blood. there's a re nathan's of this aesthetic. when you think about the right wing populace movements all over from the united states to rush out to hungary to italy, it's renee since of it. and so the film is a chance to look deeper into the dismantling the ideology, dismantling the aesthetics and why it's has
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a renee sense at the moment the what story should we tell of lenny we finished all the story of hitler's favorite director who made the nazis look like nazis in the trying for the will designing a propaganda playbook for future dictators. she is the nazi filmmaker she is probably the most important representative of the nazi arch with a 3rd rise always lingering so strongly people's minds. she, she stands out. she is fascist aesthetics incarnate or should we tell the story of recent stall, females still making pioneer the 2 body items the gift she was the only woman in this male universe. imagine a 29 year old woman who assigned well tenuously, producer,
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director and lead actress and a film that was actually a huge sensation. if she hadn't had this unfortunate political shadow, she would have been an icon of feminism coolant display, municipal was. maybe the real story if we can install is we've installed the lyre manipulator. the woman who carefully crafted her public image and always knew how to perform for the campus. when she was 88, we finished all survive to helicopter crash. and so don, re miller pulled her from the wreckage business advisor. so do you know, the 1st thing she said to me that this, did you feel like correctly how we pulled me out of the helicopter? i got some separate character quite well fast. i can hear and cut off their guns, go to something perhaps the story of let me be singed, all is best understood as a warning, a warning to artists everywhere, that art is political, power corrupts. and the empathy is all in the there's
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so many letting the recent style and maybe hidden in us, you know, the question, how would you react, what would you do? give them the chance to, you know, have all this means v to seduced by the leading party. so i want the people to look at themselves and ask themselves, what is the right thing to do? and when is the point to say no, even if i get seduced, even if i get a lot of money to say okay, i don't forget empathy. and this is something roofing style is a prototype for lack of empathy. and i think go, when we lose empathy, we get seduced in the way she did. and of course it's a warning the more than just a filmmaker, lenny reef install, was a mirror reflecting the complexities,
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contradictions and moral dilemmas of her time. and of ours, as well for work serves as a stark reminder of how part can be wielded as a tool of power and propaganda. it continues to provoke uncomfortable questions about complicity the responsibility of the artist as society and the thin line between creative genius and moral failure. as far right movements research globally reinstall store remains disturbing. well, the the
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which grandmother's name is it's the head grandchild with a leg or a foot on its mercury. contamination of ground rules and legal mining causes and environmental catastrophe and gone in just 6 short years in this country, which is so reaching biodiversity could be importing war to the 77 percent. next, on d, w the 3rd generation, it's ready to roll. the news that showed us to move this is alvin
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with dr. multi media know chrome know that the boss confident design. i know the most cost effective in the 60 minute on d, w. the in many countries, education is still a privilege. comedy is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes, the dominions of children of the world. we ask why?
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. the welcome to this absolutely wonderful life production, which is a collaboration between dw and use. and so i'm use, my name is lori. so id be n, and i. e took you money where he had to speak about a very local issue that's been affecting gonna together with join you. yes, thank you. is it this year? lots of guys have come together to fight against legal mind me because it's destroying on what's up with this. you can see even a lot has the sofa because of the legal meetings aside because most of the youth wide, no doing or using this medium to get the source of income to not have any jobs to do or any sustainable job. so if you end up doing this, you can see that the what's her like.
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