tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle January 27, 2025 3:30pm-4:01pm CET
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now we had to sign this was incredibly like, this is very to providing you with free information dw, made for mind. do you practice a sport regularly, but feel like you're making little progress towards mastery? it might be because your brain is getting in the way. targeted training focused on your green matter can tease out a whole realm of new potential. at least according to sports, scientists who study the brain body interface. some top athletes are now striving to reach the next level with a new training concept known as neuro athletics. welcome to tomorrow. today. this time we'll be learning lots more about the brains and hummingbirds
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at the various olympic games, i bet the halls and teammates to bronze into 4 by 100 meter relay thanks in part to help from neuro athletics. trainer louse, lean, nero's center training is about the influence, the brain can have on movement. that's interest progress. ultimately, i always ask what information to natalie to brain needs in order to perform a movement task optimally. in the matter of speaking, we work with the software that runs in the background of the movement. rebecca has of follows. a strict training plan narrows center training though takes a different approach and we will be on the bus them. do you have to try out what works for you? because everyone is different. every brain works differently and laws really, as an expert at finding out what makes each individual tech. the 3 main systems are largely responsible for processes in the brain. the fees are elizabeth the visual
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system. so with the eyes, the balance or vestibular systems and the so called pro prior reception system. ok, sources of information that inform the brain about the bodies position and space a little this cup is this information is incorrect. the brain finds it very difficult to absolve movement tasks. adequate late individuals of copy of a cloud solution has leads like a back, are exposed to extreme loads. every time her foot impacts the ground, it does so with a ton of force. mistakes in past year or technical execution, and therefore affects not only her current performance, but also her long term health despite the risk. so she has to push the envelope to remain internationally competitive. you may need to spot this, this head. so in a lead sports, people have been training for 10 to 15 years and they've reached the limits of performance capacity in terms of genetic states, and they often hit
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a plateau and i can't improve any further my company's fights. but if you're working enduro focused way, you can also create the framework for annotation to take place at up to diagnose back to a video analysis reveals what weaknesses rebecca will work on today. obviously it's a human for her foot is a little too far out in front of her. send her a, grab a call with it. that's the issue we've been working on. getting our feet a little closer to our central gravity. here the foot is even farther out and she just isn't feeling i know for sure i pulled the offer on this and asking for the mental focus. mental focus is best achieved by controlling your gaze. because the name for my problem is that i like to focus on my foot, but i know i shouldn't look at it because then i place of way too far forward and get all the self exactly outcomes. i think the only task i would do again is to prepare only briefly to quotes, to learn. no, you only need a brief stimulus, then chase your days, my break and how lean or schafer bets. a world champion on the balance
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beam is also being coached in narrow athletics. are a current problem is stability. she got an off play, there was an impact here, so the brain doesn't really want to land on it anymore. this reaction is often called a protective posture, figuring fresh injuries, the brain and body conspire to protect an injured area home and we have an old brain and we have a cortex. cortex regulates conscious movement. but we also have an old cord tax that regulates the basic autonomic functions. and it's very important for safety reasons. this is height, sensory stimulation, like rubbing the years. and slowing exhalation activates this area allowing a smooth, or approach to movement for the gymnast learning about new room focus training. a few years ago was a revelation, a show to and the i had risk paying for a year and
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a half and was considering an operation mission of up to and i couldn't even hold a customer and was incredibly limited in my training either to sponsors allows was my last co nice while i'm 20 minutes after we've worked for about 20 minutes, i was able to do exercises again without 10 kilos of tape on my hand, punched on, on the st. you to type on, on the, on my, who in polinos case, the systems that give the brain stability during backward movement are vital. they're trained via i'm movements and activating the cervical vertebrae stuff. so she can last time, just through the stimulation. she was soon able to control the initial phase of a backward movement much more easily and cleanly. and that in turn makes the brain feel secure and all that produces stress on the feet. or does honestly the teeth in stress of conflicts. the effect in training was immediately after the interventions . how do you know was once again able to stand securely on the beam?
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rebecca has also integrated neuro centered exercise. last lean, how to explicitly activated her sense of balance while she activated sensation in her souls. the goals to improve her control over her past year. and then bit comes countries needs to run in a race. i can think about how many centimeters in front of me i should ran my foot into the ground. you can't think that file. so we come on this thing, but with help from a few tools slides, changing the position of your eyes or influencing your overall body position. then you notice that when you're running slow on the mic, my don't know if i'm can slow. rebecca houses improved. pastor is clear, but the most difficult part is still to come. internalizing the new movements sent me indigo. these are mature adult ashley to get homework. it's part of the immediate work they do when preparing through training and that's their job. it's that suspended an alf god and absorbing the knowledge with both body and mind might
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one day put them back on the winters to win in force, you have to go all out and, and some disciplines like boxing, high diving or american football that can be dangerous even light head trauma repeated over long periods of time can be back for the brain. typically she call helped define into your american football in germany and he's paid a price. the former teacher likely suffers from c t. the disease linked to repeated blows to the head, his brain is damaged beyond repair. it's a miserable life. everything goes wrong. that's why people kill themselves. that's why people kill other people. everything shrinks. you're not a person anymore. so home of cows, former teammates died with c t e symptoms,
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scientists, stone. you have to understand the exact mechanisms that lead to the brain dysfunction associated with c t e. but they believe the risk of developing the condition is likely to increase with repetitive head impacts sustained over longer periods of time. you don't get ones on the door. it's like a not have a team, but everyone were engages in context or compet sports such as boxing, american, football, or soccer. anyone who hits or had on a regular basis is at risk of developing the g called 1st develop symptoms around 2020 started to suffer headaches that lingered for months on end to be able to teach. i had about 10 escreen by the time of 11 o'clock. they lasted till at 1 o'clock the school was
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over. and that's where i thought there must be something wrong. before long the former american football player began having difficulties remembering things like names. he was eventually forced into retirement at 54 c, t e, as a narrow degenerative condition associated with repeated blows to they had even lighter blows can damage what are called microtubules, which are important for the structure in brain cells. during this process, tell proteins are released, they usually stabilize the microtubules. these tell proteins aggregate and clumped together having an impact on brain function. the most common symptoms are memory loss changes in personality, depression, and mood swings. unlike concussions, repetitive head impacts don't cause acute symptoms. so no one knows how long it
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takes for the brain to recover from them. this poses a major challenge both and research and in care. it is very likely that we are suffering are going to compare just to smoking cigarettes. we don't know how many cigarettes it takes to develop cancer, but we know that they're not good for your health. and this is why medical sciences advisors to not smoke awful stuff. more than 300 former national football league players have been tossed to mislead, diagnosed with c t e. the real number of sufferers is likely far higher. that's present an official diagnosis is only possible after an autopsy. but researchers are now working on ways to determine whether someone is developing c t e, while they're still alive. many things about the condition remain mysterious, or their risk factors or a predisposition for it could individually taylor treatments one day help suffers
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treating the disease at the moment only involve is addressing the symptoms it causes. we do know that every factor that helps to bring to the healthy and functioning may also be preventive here in c t. so that means being supportive, you know, working out, keeping your team, i am checking and making sure that you don't develop diabetes. awareness of the dangers of c t e among players, coaches and even doctor just remains the limited american football reach. havoc on english clause health and that of his former teammates. but his family workouts and coping strategies and helped him keep his life from spinning out of control to people. the c t. e. it's very important to control their lives, mentally and physically. because if those voting fall rose to the right or
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to the left that might in their life what just the size of a brain have to do with intelligence? is there a correlation among primates? humans have the largest brain in relation to body size. in other mammals, species too large brains are often associated with smarts. what does science have to say about the role bigger people's better? what factors influence brain size and therefore intelligence in mammals at the university of zurich, evolutionary biologists designed by hedge dobbs is looking at that question and others to do so. she studies the brains of various species to measure the cranial volumes. she feels scolds from different animals with lead shot. a tried and tested method for should 7 and my cock coach abby. this is in the cocks go to
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in the middle it, it has a volume of almost 100 millimeters. so man, that's much more than a marmot scale, for example, which only has about 15 milliliters, she's 10, meet the car that's associated with the 5. so the difference in brain size is a factor of 8. so in this done, i'll enter it in the database. the brain sizes of around 1200 different mammals species have now been compiled into a database with help from a colleague design to the hedge measured most of them herself. for months, the 2 researchers traveled in the us from museum to museum filling a wide range of skulls with bird shot and recording the results. that's what am i supposed to get the thoughts most vouchers and what i was most drawn to the wheels goals that we measured have a quick look with him. we had to use
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a 10 leader bucket to fill one sperm whales, brain case with a lead shot key on the experience itself. and then we could only fail half of it because we ran out of the ship austin yet. and that was fascinating. it asks the golden sconces the whales, skeletons filled, half a garage and made off. we're close to knock and we were putting the pallet down to us. his go. that was bigger than we were. they know how quickly enact for you to send their page stub once to find out under what circumstances from an evolutionary perspective. a brain might grow. what's clear is that in terms of energy costs, brains are expensive. they've job a lot, lots of it. and to grow, they literally have to be fed constantly in books on the topic. the biologist books for factors that could influence cranial size and animal species that can also help establish evolutionary relationships for questions include ones
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like, what do the animals eat? how do they live? but they also address social factors such as group behavior and dynamics. and how the young are weird. for example, animals that hibernate as a rule have smaller brains. while carnivores generally have larger brains than herbivores. several studies have shown the brain size really does correlate with intelligence like this one which compared 39 carnivorous mammals did clearly indicated that the larger the brain saw his in relation to body size. the more cleverly animals acted. so calorie rich food as well as slow development and social learning are all factors that contribute to brain size in different species and us their intelligence as well. humming birds, brain is tiny but still quite large compared to its overall size. no wonder when
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you think about the birds. fantastic. flying abilities are of your frederick b from gone. i had a question about them. how come hummingbirds are able to fly backwards? coming? birds are acrobats a v a or they can fly forwards sideways, backwards, and even to hover in one spot. other birds, or nearly as a hedge on their agility is partially down to their small body size. but above all, it's made possible by some anatomical peculiarities. hunting birds have very flexible ball joints in their shoulders. in addition, the upper bones in their wings are very short, and the ones that are in us form hands are unusually long. this allows the little lavion to move their wings in practically any direction. when hovering in the air delicately to sit knocked or they can beat around 80 times per 2nd. that's what
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makes the hummingbirds hum. it resembles the way some insects fly. other birds can also remain in one place in the air, but only for short periods. that's because no other form of locomotion in the animal kingdom consumes as much energy as hovering flight. the hunting birds don't give it a 2nd thought, because their heart plugins and wing muscles are chewed compared to their body size . but even more important is that they have faster metabolism than any other vertebrate. their high energy requirements are met by the sweet nectar they consume, which they are also able to absorb very quickly. hummingbirds have highly reactive enzymes that allow them to break down both fruit toast and glucose at the same fast rates. something humans and other animals can do. one study looked at how disability effect stuff like muscles scientist sequenced genomes from different
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timing birds and compared them with those from other bird species. the results show that all hunting birds lack a certain gene experiments on muscle cells, allowed scientists to reconstruct what it does and they discovered that its absence improves the metabolism of sugar. the gene also causes the activity and the number of mitochondria to rise in the muscle cells. might a condo are called cellular power plants because they play a key role in energy production. so, hunting, birds, oh, they're flying skills to vote, their physique and their genes. do you have a science question, then send it to us as a video, text or voice message? if we answer it in the show, then we'll send you a little gift as a thank you. so go on. just ask are you watching this show on your cell phone?
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many people send and i'm learning the amount of time on their mobile devices, especially members of the younger generation. what does that do to your brain? and at what point does normal use turn into something that could be called the diction? tim, who is 14, let's as peak over his shoulder wiley scrolls. so he does want to remain anonymous whose favorite apps, snapchat spoke, defy what said then stuff. if his parents don't limit his screen time, tim can spend up to 8 hours a day on his phone or even more the show that's a lot, i know, but that's puberty. and i think it's the same for many others. i think it's actually pretty normal and you know, some people who spend 15 in or 16 hours
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a day on their phones compared to that my 8 hours aren't much. so the next to the statistics show that on average young people in switzerland spend around 3 hours a day on their devices. many exhibited problematic or even addictive behavior. experts estimate up to 300000 people in the country are effected in this way. the topic of cell phone addiction resonates one event at a hospital in bozza, drums up a lot of interest. parents and teachers are concerned if things that seem to, she'll be v c. i teach the children how to use word or do research on the internet . but it's hard for me to convey the consequences of excessive tech talk consumption each and for too much screen time live it plus the wireless. so it's not easy to deal with everything that's thrown at years. the images i for the to, to, to old own. what does this mother think suffers most social life?
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she says the number of boys who can no longer control their need to be online. bryan's is year by year says martin, my, he's a psychiatrist for behavioral disorders. there's still no official definition for a cellphone addiction, but science of it are unmistakable to some of the source that are the design. so from a medical point of view, addiction is always about loss of control. this means i can no longer stop, even if i really want to draw pictures that harm myself and others. that's when you can speak of an addiction, also the damage it causes are things like constant arguments with the family, problems in school or sleeping issue resolved mutual. another important aspect is that cell phone use suddenly takes priority over something else. i used to do like a hobby or a past time when you have these 3 aspects and social media in the mix as well.
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i speak of addiction like use of what a to a specialist would have to clarify whether tim is also addicted to social media. the one thing is clear, the young man is a big fan of short instagram videos rios that are a matter of taste and best. some are clearly have sold to people with disabilities, or discriminatory and brutal. there is glorify actions that are illegal or life threatening. what does instagram have to say about this problem at content? all of our requests for a statement go on, answered. it's striking how much time 10 spends on his device. his smartphone keeps track 6 hours, 7 hours, up to 9 and a half hours in a single day. how does it happen if from any cause i ask my friends if they want to
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do something and if they don't have time, i lie on my bed and get board the person have thought it all. however, screen time is just one aspect of an addiction to make a diagnosis. psychiatrist mounting maya needs more information. then most of us, i'd kind of feel, but if it's in therapy, i would for example, ask, are you aware that you spend 3 and a half hours a night on tick tock? do you realize that i often hear? no, i don't notice though the affected people realize that they should actually sleep, but they don't manage to do it. with them, they wake up again and the spiral continues of control for both. it's a vicious circle. some of the law school be interesting to prescribe too little sleep is a serious indication that things are out of hand. when asked why it's sometimes difficult to stop. 10 says it's the flow
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a has to keep scrolling. sometimes 10 hours go by the see how does he feel then tired. he says his eye is hurt. he has but he's gotten kind of used to that. the long hours he spends on his cell phone or a problem for tens mother if seen destiny. i think he spends way too much time on that dentist sometimes no longer acts like himself. brain research or i don't think i've had, she's not as familiar with addiction mechanisms. she says they're linked to psycho active hormones in the brain among other things. each short video leads to the activation of a reward system and the release of doping in this process isn't affected by how interesting the video is. the mere prospect of a reward activates the system. it's also essential to behaviors like gambling by
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the satari with social media. the idea is that you get a reward word every time you open the app and over even longer periods. and in time we simply learn to repeat things that originally led to the reward. and so the behavior becomes automatic. a habit type, the brain adapts to the release of doping me and before long to achieve the same effect, the dose has to arise. but as so, one of the key aspects of addiction is that you need an increasingly larger doseover tile. this is because the brain a dies, especially the dope. i mean system. this applies to all types of addiction, including addiction to social media. what dependence on social media does to teenage brains in the long term remains on clear terms. mother has seemed disquieting changes in her son's behavior. though evian, he gets so involved that he then forgets everything that's going on around them.
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if you like history, but with the side of culture, travel and control to see this one. i might just do it and i'm a single focus that will affect the wow side to back into everyday life. we're going to dig up to the on the everyday things around us and where did they come from when? why did they have all the time? we can just search for the day increase the amount whereas unison to fuck somewhere in the deserts between 2 nations shapes, if it is to have a whole list stick approach to the migration policy rooted in that respect for human rights. our investigative research shows the reality behind the use refugee deals. what is happening to migrants on the african continent?
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the contents. 9 dodge your journey. been given by the this is dw news live in from berlin, special coverage, 80 years after it was liberated, remembering the horrors of the documents, death camp of these are live images from the site of the former nazi extermination camp, holocaust survivors, and will leaders of gathered to remember the more than 1000000 lives lost in the murder machine. that was our shift. our special coverage begins right now. the
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