tv Afrimaxx Deutsche Welle January 27, 2025 8:02pm-8:31pm CET
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from music to craft, to see a song. it's got a fascinating history. and now it's a symbol on modern day movies. this will find out more and a bit. but 1st we catch the bus in kenya and meet the man behind all these live in vehicle. make of us that's done into a culture. we meet a talented class because single from ghana who is he think older, right nurse in the world is quite a. and we take a bite of traditional so it's in malawi, which of the of the kids that could be challenging to some pallets unveiling lulu and you watching a free mac. the varies so much to do and to see here. but before we go further, we are all to can, yes, to take a look at how the public transport is. it goes to all any. so imagine
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experiencing your living room on wheels, racing through the streets, gaming, lights, music, playing in the background with bright eye catching graffiti to correcting the rolls around you. the end of the night before the pink left has been the month after me because the feeling is so thrilling. i've been as compared to other types of my thought of when you were done with that for you to have a lot of the feet deep and the crew is fun. and the music is loading, computing. i am fussing the thoughts. we young people like the rule so guessing that my thought is i feel like that really a good way of being a come by fund. ok then. because 1st of all, to get to showcase the ads get showcase even the life fairly behind it. and this brings to fulfillment award winning brand. when emma also and as grass grew up,
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the new rubies we do is state an area surrounded by garages. so it is no surprise, but keep lots of buses runs deep. but how did he overcome the challenges transformed this passion for street and public transport into i'm a clinic culture drive from 2010. i'm a lot of really been a sped by where i grew up. it's had a lot of influences, especially from the factory and the 3 new z at. so somewhere that you had on my bench codes from a young age in my daughters used to, you know, the past due and you know, maybe looking back to school the when school given just the music from them, attaches to something that's really caught my attention. some of it telling you of entering faces when we're trying to document that much because uh those these uh, they got to talk about what happens. so they used to call it to my to monday. so whenever i would go to take photos of videos, the dream i saw the connect as would be, would do
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a skeptical of how you'd use that content through civic education to go to really make them understand our intentions and also the goal so that, that $200.00 or to my to culture in kenya has a reach in california history, rooted in the countries public transport system which begun in the 19 sixty's, the tom, a tech, to come from the key word 4th week. referring to the original affair of $0.03. but what does it take to create the ultimate with that to experience from the both graffiti to the high energy 531. why i started much one of them because i was to run how people perceive my titles and also to be valued in terms of collaborations, leisurely walk with the deputy, and also graphic designers in terms of developing concepts within the creative entry. that's definitely the place i'd be good because it's the 1st thing you'll
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get to see when i might have to approach a z o n c a video or even a fix of them attached to one of the most iconic moments i've had hours to work on a buttons that are provided by then, but it to cycle mission that was for getting south reeves, it's gonna be on the breathtaking landscapes and was like a drill maintenance to kenya. my thought to call to involve an attraction. runing through the street. why the brand leave his work as a shift transform? can you look at the culture a new level vocabulary place to go to the sheriff a lot for why? but i needed something that would bring more fulfillment. that's why i decided to have insight into them and talk to industry and from the associates. they meant to industry for really 5 can i was i didn't see by the add additional care of something that's unique most of the africa by $12.00. and it also
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provides a very huge market for youth implants. so for the future of, um, it's actually the street we're looking forward for, you know, too many partnerships combinations. adjusting can now, my goal for africa and the one in kenya, writing and my touches feels like on a venture, and the journey is as thrilling as the destination we head and look us lots. it's in marissa and it's full. all kinds of innovation. love it. it's a nice walk in space. i absolutely know this piece by august, yvonne soon is created a place on every single level of this building and it really use spirits in the entire place all over experience. it's magical in the metro, the arrows to well, to rates it in on and culture in mind that it's probably gets everyone's creative
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juices flowing. isn't the case. oh, absolutely. when you get opportunity to is to office to create, they always come up with amazing things to embellish and our life and the value to our long. so no experience of the city. fascinating history behind the cities name, how many people look actually always its name to the agriculture of a cookie plant, which was called book. and i gave the name to the region and said, company culture is all about bringing people together. create spaces where people connect can traits together. thank you so much. much is the same as music interested of last play on all. was that done a in plastic clothes thing to finish to see us. yeah. oh, you lose by. she's made it into the welding class. and he's not performing internationally. let's take a listen to this city of yahoo a is from donna and has been singing since she was a child. fast forward to today. felicity is performing the iconic 9 symphony by
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b tobin to do so. she has traveled to germany for the very 1st time. so listen, he was born and raised hearing donna's capital acura. and it's qualified for the world use choir to prepare for the choir, which comprises of musicians from $41.00 nations. she takes the whole list of approach getting fit or through basketball training with her father will help her in the intense time ahead of what helps me to come in. teams coming in and it was a, with a breath calling tool and every seeing the nursing student practices every day for her big performance in germany. but with the she loves so much about classical music in beethoven's 9th and particular piece of is tonight seems a mental lack of the piece is quite challenging. a challenge made for felicity. she's in the university choir every week. and when friends told her about the world viewed choir, she applied straight away. how did your parents react when she passed
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a rigorous audition? she has always wanted to be as that. i'm so happy. and i knew that's one the to be assigned for just a month later, felicity arrives in the small town of bikers time in southern germany. it's the 1st time she's been away from home for so long. how is she holding up? yeah, i'm into channels. i love to compete to which makes this her time to shine the 1st for her. so is the baptism of fire for this thing, years who don't know each other yet? the conductor is none other than oscar winter time do. in addition to his own composition, he will guide them through the beethoven the wonderful opportunity to be with all those phase of this young people, the face of the world and requires different to felicity's university,
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require an acura, but everyone's getting to know each other. so how is the music coming together? my 1st impression, it was a little bit, you know, shaky bed with everyone on the team and with the song of the pieces. of course we, we make everything the 1st concert in the church invite because time is about to begin and the pressure is on. from here, the choir will toward germany in the netherlands quite to feed the, the 1st concert is the success. but how does it feel to thing here in a foreign language, there are some fear is because most of us from different countries do not really know how to articulate and pronounce sudden words in german correctly.
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we meet back in bon, 2 weeks later. it's the most important stuff on the tour, being composer lunatic. then beethoven's birth plays back in 1770 of the beethoven festival takes place here every year. here the world you've acquired gives a concert and sign language for the hearing impaired. beethoven was death in later life. to after all, what was the biggest challenge for from the city? and the biggest challenge was the traveling and slipping over and traveling again on a bus. felicity hadn't imagined life is this thing or to be quite this strenuous but after a moment of downtime, it's time to get ready for the final concert. felicity has never sung in front of so many guest, almost 1000 people. so how is she handling the heat?
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i would say i am so confident now, when it comes to stage thinking can she overcome the stage? try and convey, pull off the 9th, a musical symbol for peace, hope and international understanding the, despite the ovation. felicity seems somewhat melancholic. it's time to say goodbye . so we'll use choir perform one last song, this time hailing from south africa. and despite the trials and tribulations of beethoven's side, so the city has come out on top. lucas, small city here in rivers. this is the place where ideas can flourish, and it's all about smoke and sustainable oven planning. i'm here today, we've often called to manage a metro pc and assessment of a to leave and you all call that. so i'm you telling me sustainability is fundamental to the smoke concept of this city. how did it get people to invoice
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this way of living? sustainable is it only evolved from interesting coupling footprints or reporting. it's really about making sustainability to relate to vote and beneficial to everyday life. be full people who work here who have here all come have fun here. so we work hard to build, tells you neighborhoods and really vibrant communities and the people can see it. they can see how sustainability really improves the quality of life. so it takes time to change, just comes lots of. thank you so much, i'm yelling mess you. let's head over to mother. we for a taste of the traditional and rather unusual. this is what does it taste like to eat, leo? i'm allowing you to join me as i saw him. i'll always most traditional fair hold your head. it's going to get a little weird times it here earlier, fashion design or comedian and gender rights activists going to mix race with
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multiple cultural influences has opened me up to a kaleidoscope of experiences. but traditional food hasn't been one of them. hardly anyone knows how diverse memo we actually is and all the different people have brought their food along with their own culture. is they here ready to taste the real hours? there are some pretty interesting for choices might be for me, but i'm willing to test myself as a man. so i'm going to start with the dish that came last. see my me hear me. hello. we stay for food is the see month. during the rainy season, every 3 centimeter of land is used to grow mays. it is dried, then crushed or ground into powder, and cooked with water, and see what is actually comments throughout southern mexico. so what is the real and the law we attached to it. the thing that makes too much difficult is its green garden vegetables, many malawi, and have gardens for rather fields with
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a good variety of fruits and vegetables. this includes all right, and my son bought india uh green with uh peanuts. how do these with peanut butter? not only does this sound initials its full, so richard voting and is homegrown. not expensive either. so it's actually a win win for the here. if it weren't for the over, because the popular vegetable is not so popular with that here because it's what, it's a slide that i struggle with. i mean greens are okay without the offer advice. i love my me. come by the food that may be because of the south african part of the here we things the voice roles and basics do does normal street food and it's never had the local indigenous man. now we presented home, even though he was born and raised here, but isn't food and the social part of identity. my mom moved here in
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the seventy's, originally from south africa. and my dad is basically a human cocktail. so i'm allowing indian released and scottish. but despite the malawi and for and i never truly explored what it means to be 20000000 or tasted many 1000000 dishes. ok, it's a here's already messed up with the okay. what's next? one thing is for sure. meet has to be on the table now. how about try? all right. somebody that is original dish that's usually boiled to death, but because malaria produces a lot of soil, sunflower and peanut oil, i guess, right? so it makes them actually like it. but usually in the color of the household, you would spice. it's to the max, that's what gives it a lot of flavor. the big gave me, but good. i get and for lucky number 3, i guess not if you're the bird, there is
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a special seasonal delicacy in monopoly swallows. these migratory birds are still caught by boys in rural areas in the traditional way. it looks like they're fishing, but instead of chombo replacement those. so it's one of those. in the yeah, football, these 5 swallows, i've found that almost every market in malawi. let's. let's have a bite. me. okay, that's surprising. oh my god. i was expecting something else. i'm not going to eat the bones who are kinda it's like live maybe cuz like, oh actually like a very small dry duck that you said it would be quite weird. okay, for him to overcome is almost an edible, although the swallows were not without their problems either. and we're only halfway through the list of traditional, i'm allowing dishes. let's see how we're the desk yet. now, 2nd number less than the 4th for me to try is actually a little bit quirky. you say good, bob isn't quirky?
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well, how that's cuz you don't know what's in it. like, that's it. it's just just mice across the region field mice provide for you protein for whoever is quick or cracked enough to catch them. in malawi, there's a whole industry around drying the mice with salt. hold these as in, sold and collapse to take home and cool with furnish. they're served whole t phone tailed everything from you c o 2, your humble labor. you can bring the taste of the village to your villa in a long way for less than a year. oh, wow. so now the t, the wireless device only made 2nd place is a he has missed. what is the 1st place for traditional and possibly with the genuinely traditional malawi and dishes. i've had to set myself up for the next one
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because i have an extra sense or case of or to a pair of phobia, which is the fear of grasshoppers now because inquiring minds around the world want to know if i'm actually going to no no, no, no, no, no. well tasting will always traditional, but to him unfamiliar dishes. so here during the many of these 3 foods are available throughout southern africa. what makes malawi so unique? i think we have malawi is a proud people to give up our simple fare for superficial sophistication. besides the cooked grasshoppers, which definitely freaked me out, i feel much more closer to my mellow insights. and instead of thinking of these things as weird, i'd like to thank you for coming on the journey with me to explore. 5 of them allow we best indigenous flavors. mom a brought home take away. imagine stuff, a freaking office. let's say o c gets that is the multi talented office. she's making headlines, not because of
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a painting or fashion design skills, but because of what speaks to hers. let's take a look why, but this young design is special, not possible without offs. and what does her work have to do with freedom, feminism and identity? when this and you will see the democracy, but our parties are still remembering things that happened like just um, 2 generations ago was not even saying like, you know, crazy, maternal grandmother was still alive. they lived through this and we carry their cnn as, and their trauma, even the strength and it will resist is so i think it's just navigating beds in modern times as an african. and that's very like there's a lot to work with multi, 10 to 29 year old, new single seal kids. i started hooking each of jenny as a visual artist. but we'll get back to odd later. first, let's explore
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a recent and very fast coding collection that aims to create a dialogue between past and present well celebrating the rich narratives of her lineage. so my latest capsule collection is close, but because so my mom is from a small town called peggy and based in cape and she lives in like a 6 in cold blood frequently. so every time i go, they don't know. i've seen that sense of belonging because in, in a sense that's where i come from. and my mom tells me that for her great grandfather's, there are period the so i feel like it's a sides of the information for me, like where i come from. and more importantly, i want to pay homage to my mother's side and to recognize her people. so me typing this collect some, got people is me of knowledge in her role in y m. this
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includes what the quarterly collection tools inspiration from the natural surroundings of her maternal. how. how did she translate this onto the common? it's very dry, very rocky, very. there's long chains and everything. it has these brown as the colors that remind me of the days advise also like the sun saves, you know, and even the st. louis i, i cut out a symmetric phones because i don't believe you. i don't think symmetry is the idea of phasing person and i think how many, you know, things can be significant, but if they balance each other out, i think there's so much view seeing that kind of infection. so i took inspiration from the landscape and implemented it on the fabric. so i used to smoke caused by february compatible and then i died is. hen titus has even spiced obsession icons like a deed of sneak as was hen died. laces, she use
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a traditional kaufman ship to find creative and sustainable alternatives and design and ok. so my work is been said around figuring out how to deconstruct how identity in order to reconstruct political the opposite. why is it important for her to reconstruct identity and how does she do that? i look at the themes of religion, being a girl growing in religion, especially like christianity and the beauty and the pain of christianity. one of the paintings that i'm working on right now is part of an ongoing series called i might leave and likely to is, is a new word meaning meaning hearing. so we know i have to tell that wasn't allowed sweet hearings, or we may kabul just to like, be a girl in that sense was in the loud i think because of the religion at that time, you know, in my family. but, you know, as i'm pulling up, i realize how much,
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how once it's into bed, and i think this is the time for me to express that through the series that i'm working on. and it's still fun because i'm i, i always put these like exaggerated hearings on these figures. and i always make that henry head. do you know, his kind of like, i make it so expressive, and not necessarily like a normal, like black to women. i always make it very fun like just to feel that that's the thing that i didn't feel as a child. yeah. and being a black go, grew up and that's how it says. and then you go to private school, then you just switching those identities because sometimes you go back home, it goes to your grandmother natasha. and the way you relate to the people they compared to how you relate to the people when you go to a private school. it's like it's, it's 2 contrasting wells and it creates different a personalities from yourself. and,
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and i tried to understand that and how to separate and protect my ident myself. from my post the, the performance has solve this personal view of the lives of black women in post a party every day. life makes me think was what unique. but how did she get into art in the 1st place? well, as the school, i think that's where my life was develop because there's a, there was like a module called fashion theory, where we looked at images and broke them down. and we found meaning that's i think for me that's what it is. it's like creating meaning of images part of your life. and so from that module i started creating visuals and started getting i started doing photography and i think that's really odd stuff to it. like my, my life was developed from the i guess it's better from fest and i think fast and fees. it's an odd feed session. i don't think this will can exist without each other. and that's how i move between the 2. sometimes i feel more quotes to be
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a design and other times i feel more drawing to be an opposite. so there's a fluency between the 2 mediums because i, i think they speak through each other as a design and artist new sample has found her very own visual language that makes her stand out as that's it for today. so we hope you enjoy your time with us today . don't forget to heat this up on social from views a fuller is this n, myself smelling released? that was the, this is a batteries. and this is
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a battery. in this old mine or this skyscraper could also store tremendous amounts of energy. gravity, batteries, the total for the energy transitions. but how would they work? and what project already exist? global our next, on del believe. she says on the account, the visa on the 1st an ocean, it's as a 2 year old. the it was only much nation that you day to confront to the life of a shudder by true. what me to embark on that journey. suffice to our sites, the
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assembly are in today's age between geneva and libya. our investigative research shows the crew realities behind the use. refugee deals san w. maybe they hit us, says the migration policy starts february 15th on dw. we will not fade away. growing up in a country with no prospect of us in 2019 before the rest of invasions, 5 young people searching the way the dream vacation to the
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