tv Planet A Deutsche Welle January 28, 2025 12:15am-12:31am CET
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has been actually impacted because his house has received a bump this morning. fortunately, on no one date, the decision is uh, it's really concerning and you're up to date, but to stick around, we'll be back with more international news. i'm just a couple hours time until then you can always check out our website dw, dot com for more headlines. thanks for joining us. the gentleman with c w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level, learning gem and has to go the
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today. i'm in also it's book, you know, the largest nazi extermination can between 19141945 at least one point. 1000000 people were murdered to year. more than in any other camp. the it was the nazis largest death factory, men, women, and children were murdered systematically and in cold blood. they were deported here from all over europe. the overwhelming majority of those murdered about 1000000 people were jews. allister, which became synonymous with the whole of cost and genocide. there was hardly a place more awful then i'll shoot the book and now nevertheless, about 2000000 visitors come here every year. it is one of the most visited memorial sites in the world. i will visit the camps i wish with one and 2
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policy barracks in which the prisoners had to live tightly packed. and i'll enter a gas chamber where people were brutally murdered. 2 i also meet the volunteer from germany who supports educational work analysis. it's the, it's early in the morning and i'm surprised at how busy everything is already. more and more visitors are coming to visit us with one, the so called main can see no missing. boom. if i hear names in the entrance tongue that in the names of people who died in auschwitz a needle so many last fates fence was above the entrance gate. there were 3 cynical words all by its modified work sets you free polish, which is located between the polar cities of cut,
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the beats in rock hill. the nazis built the main camp in 1914 in a form of barracks. it initially consisted of $22.00 blocks. later, there were $28.00 watch towers, bark wires, and the electric fences made escape almost impossible. was ritz was initially established as a concentration camp, like many others setup by the nazis across europe. it was later expanded into an extremely nation camp because it was centrally located in the middle of german, occupied europe, and was well connected to the railway network. the main camp had space for 20000 prisoners, although the space is the wrong word. the people were cramped together here at 1st, it was mainly political prisoners from poland. van transports came from all over
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europe with soviet prisoners of war, members of the cindy enrollment, queer people, and later, mostly, jews, denazi's told them that they would be relocated and that they should only take the most unnecessary luggage with them. that was taken from the people immediately after they arrived analysis of its not just gold or valuables, but also glasses. prostheses, clothing, shoes. nothing was left to them the in the evening their hair was changed off. this was used to make fabric for mattresses or uniforms
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out of respect for the dead, we're not allowed to film in this block. tons of hair can be seen here. the prisoners had to work in the surrounding factories under the most difficult conditions. most of them only lasted a few months. they died of exhaustion, hunger, disease, torture medical experiments for they were killed on this death was with a shot in the back of the neck. many of the victims here were polish resistance fighters. in 1941, the new method of murder was tested in honest with mass ex termination in the gas chamber using colombia. it was the suitable method for the nazis to implement the so called final solution to the jewish question, which means the system method,
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extermination of all jews in europe, 6000000 people. so victim to this murder is madness. the, the gas chamber in the main camp is still preserved. it's unimaginable here in this room. thousands of people suffocated anatomy. the crematorium is right next to the gas chamber. the bodies were burned here. the ovens were especially developed for this purpose by the german denise. hopefully. sooner in 1947, the former camp commander who to a test was hang next to the gas chamber after he was put on trial in nuremberg and warsaw. the gas chamber
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in the main camp was shut down in 1942 instead the nazis opened 4 large new gas chambers in the neighboring book. and okay, it was a factory if this built solely to wipe out the jews of your house, which was liberated by the soviet army. on january 27th, 1945, there were about 7000 survivors. 200 of them children. the living were cared for. the dead were buried. b l spits memorial is now on the unesco world heritage list. and the 27th of january has been designated the international data from membranes for the victims of to all the cost. so i have an appointment with an jacobs logic, the deputy director of the oldest wits book, no state museum, is in,
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in hope on and on some of its best buys to explain the class to do the meet. there's a cost and that's what this district has to stay are coming out and begins the damage on here the gun. so the order of by t of the $6.00 from keen to the babies is loading the own sure dish the facing isn't so citing onto dust mice in mine and my new my new ones are going to come to clicking on to send me to some of the sites sheet and the feeling yachting via this mocking vita minus is that so but a home the liberty supervisor, immediately liking this new side or mission that side of the verdict. so good in, defend the game and look like that's kind of run almost them past and stay in
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austin. i was to move on. austin taught the next day i'm visiting also. it's to the book, you know, extermination. can't hear the nazis installed a vicious, sophisticated death machine that had only one goal to kill as many jews as possible . the beauty now with huge labor can hit more than $300.00 barracks for around 100000 prisoners. there will also for large gas chambers and crematorium, they were in operation day and night. this is the only way to explain the scale of the mass murder committed to your hundreds of thousands of people were gast into the canal. just because i am accompanied by lias, who called the high school graduates, comes from germany and is working for
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a year as a volunteer at the international you've meeting center. i was fits of the i y m c. she shows it to me later. we 1st go to the place where the s s carried out the so called selections for keeping your system. hasn't us come mentioning of sting phone, done. i'm the tier calling of to didn't because i took him on his he, it went off. if i decide to inspire, i'm just getting most of them for the decent for you by the fucking sun, whatever it is to is that it soon. this wouldn't need not to mention things about snack. i see that come with the directed me goes, come on in, in towards getting, getting some tragedies have taken place here. families were torn apart. never seeing each other. again. this all happened right here. and that is bonding women with children, the elderly and the sick were usually taken directly to the gas chambers. those whose labor, the nazi still wanted to exploit, were herded into the barracks. they were completely overcrowded with $400.00 people
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in each hunger cold illness. epidemics the death rate was incredibly high. as the soviet army advanced in november and 1944 b as s began to cover up traces of their crimes. that's why the gas chambers and crematory were blown up. leo also shows me a place that is somewhat hidden on the extensive grounds. he's in that i'm should ties. he wouldn't be a show, some commercial windshield phones. um. yeah. and so yeah, on to me, just the odd and i'm going to call it okay, it's free to for 100 us for him kind of kinds of feelings about the interest structure for and for me on this but you mentioned you were, comes into my sap presence and for myself and fish to go or disconnect
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the, the whole area is a huge mass graves. in total, around 1000000 jews were killed in auschwitz book and now this number is outrages unimaginable. the lia often accompanies youth groups to the memorials. will it ever become easier to visit this place? a script tag and dentist is what's the national mission? you guys wanted us to move the costs for electric machine talk. the stick went up. we started perfect. some of us could of talk on do you have a scale of to sense to dim can come as a, here's a about what's the image. so i know what i'm dismissed of and kind of just given the rest of them, you know, so i'm good for him to finish this. i guess it was the central subject, the, at the end lea
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a takes me to the small town or for she and she, which is the police name for alex spets. this is also where her temporary workplace is located. the international you for meeting center for highway and c for short, every year around $150.00 groups from europe come here. they live here for a few days, are being prepared for the visit to the memorials and then have the opportunity to talk about what they have seen and process. it says, i don't know because i mean not by law, defend hm. so she can go to construct a quick soon school. nothing was in the canal and i'm just, i'm now go about the workshop. i it just cobra shown here for the vendor humans in you written is complete. comes thing, the not but i don't bus come those will for far. no. i know course of hard to visual condition. you not to this beat me continents. i listen to help us here until the off defendant essentially is sasha. and now my son's get to help me fair
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soon. this i'm get mentioned photos yesterday of about 12 months to come to scottish. i'm a dozen. they are awesome, gainesville summit in here and kind of the whole time. the whole meant to be was the flight. so few boot photo, i'm just going to advise you to here. you're going to, yeah, there's a moment to get this of the entire and then know to them, i'm from to violence of stuff for mission. and what's the nation's actually average him of, of times, and on sentinel flies for message question? hang on, just to have an flush, the cutoff is easy against the, the versus the studies. and if it doesn't tied on this photo, which of these and yeah, the tiny my in. so i can give us, i'm viewed in like an extra to of name. when dominic santoro just some of us all should see is the but i touched to us as soon as taking them above into unimportant, tiny and buddhist must be offended. this confirmation of questions of okay. and then i should,
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i should be able to talk to the end of the the i've got a german passport, but does that give me security? it's do you know, integrated people always see the foreigner in me and they just waiting for me to make a mistake. low on the just waiting for the moment they can say and say he's not one of us does kind tell you for the rooms as no fee. the lots of people say you're totally integrated. great. that's what we'd like to see. what the hell was born here? so how am i integrated? i'm not from anywhere else.
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