tv Global Us Deutsche Welle February 26, 2025 3:30am-4:00am CET
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the frank, i was gone 5 years off the coast and we remember when the road stood still stops march 8th on dw, the rush of the way, the passion and brilliance of a blind stuff by the prism of life. how somebody brings people together in brazil, the and into the freeze have a truck that braves snow storms and the installation in the fall north of the us the
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you'd have to treat the road like there's a disaster around every corner, the stopper and to the just before leaving the and make sure the truck is in perfect working order. she depends on it. every say, lee and see if one piece is proud to be the 1st female trucker on what some called the most dangerous highway in the us. being bank back. think strands of hair for nickname among truckers, p k. leah takes off into the unknown. oh i
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think it's gonna be pretty good. i'm not really sure. we'll know when we get there . and that's what makes it so interesting for the. so how does she feel excited? i like the challenge. hundreds of kilometers ahead. 11 to 12 hours of driving. mine is 30 degrees celsius solitude. darkness. lea loves the thrill of it all. she says, even though she knows truckers who have died, even though she almost died once herself, when a truck slid towards her while she was putting on snow chains. when i looked up and there's a, his trailer was locked up in dragging in my ditch coming right out. and it was like a wall of dumpsters on this. i was like, i don't know where i'm going to go at the start was no worry go. it was pretty
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scary. only at the last 2nd did the truck regain control. that's another reason why lee a checks are load whenever there is space for her to pull over the thing we checked her load. i had one of these come loose 2 vans and 2 pickup trucks. that's what she's hauling this time around. leah is traveling with ron. he works for her and is driving this 2nd truck the do check the site already. got back to fix whatever. oh okay cool. i put them in the tie from here on it and it gets really low. me for the 2 of them, almost 130 kilometers, be on savings. alaska is 2nd largest city. the dalton highway begins. it is the only road that leads to the oil fields in the north highway, which sounds like a well maintained road is mostly gravel in summer and covered in ice and snow. and
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the winter q at the bridge over the yukon river is one of just 2 gas stations. on the 666 kilometers long road, the appear to me of solitude next to the highway, the oil pipeline cuts its way through the landscape. the 2 are inextricably linked, the highlands like the live point, where the oil field, cars, gasoline, building, materials, food, everything the oil company workers need has to be transported across the, our much of it comes by truck over this one lonely road. if we don't get our loads there on time, then the oil field trips so essentially shut down there is little cellphone reception out here. so leah, ron and other truckers stay in contact via radio, about weather and road conditions that you never know there has to be an avalanche . you never know when the when's going to check out?
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i haven't seen a lot of trucks so that concerns fees. so i'm thinking that something happened up the road. not really sure, but we'll find out. we arrive in cold foot, the only big town on the 666 kilometer root. big means $34.00 inhabitants to gas pumps, and the only hot food on the trip. omelettes, soup and fried food. leah has cellphone reception again and finds out more about the road conditions. our friend was talking to my husband saying last night. it took him like a couple hours to get couple 100 feet so that heal up there can make a break in the thing. once you get started, there's no place to go. but there's danger of an avalanche at the past, whether it will stay open is unclear. that's too hazardous for the rest of your safety issue,
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calling you today. it's 0 degrees fahrenheit just under minus 18 degrees celsius. via protects the engine with tops and makes yourself comfortable behind the driver's seat. her trunk is her home and sleeping and it overnight is free. the trucker doesn't get cold. the heating runs all night. the next morning she calls her husband before she loses reception again. she wants to tell him that he needs to take out the garbage . he's worried about the road conditions. you know, that leaves, husband is also a trucker and understands the challenge that via faces on the mountain task, where there is no going back or waiting
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we drive as soon as he passes us. hope everything goes well in the past. despite the danger lea and loves her job and truckers aren't well. she said she pays our employees about $165000.00 a year. that's well above the us average. she found it's a trucking company to gather with their husband, all the trucking and he'll stay on with the kids and then they'll go trucking and i'll stay on with the kids. so we kind of take there and then they make it out of the wilderness and our bank, among other people we are not allowed to be there for the unloading. the oil fields are sealed off. there's not much in the village apart from container hotels for the oil workers and all that's needed for oil production. leah and ron one to leave quickly it will be
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a while before that happens. the return journey takes a day and a half this time. after that, the a has a day off and run already has his next trip lined up of the around $43000000.00 people worldwide up lines which causes huge challenges for everyday life. and so what do you do if you've lost the ocean, but can only feel and hear it and don't see it. how about plunging it? the but i mean for me sir, thing is everything. although it's, it's piece, it's freedom. it's sitting in the
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place in the water. i'm no different from other people, you know, but on land everyone knows me as the blind girl, the girl with a dog. i'm the one with a disability, but not here. see that the common lopez he is to see. she feels the ways that the acetate from odo northern spain also follows her touches voice in the water. i'm in her eyes. i warn her of all kinds of dangers. for example, carmen, there's a ways coming, i always prepare her because of a wave comes without breaking. she won't hear it. oh, you are going to, i'm going to communicate with carmen and the water. we developed a whistling system that also works in wind and loud wave is going to be the same. yeah. one with somebody is more to the right because yeah, then those need to be those and due to their life, you know, when the case of danger go on along with all the
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something like that common was born with a congenital disease to find it at 15 she took up searching the 1st time i stood up on the board and made it to sure. i said, my god, i love this, this is what i want to keep doing. so i didn't yet know how i was going to do it. and how serious i was about it. but i knew that i definitely wanted to keep searching will say that lucas garcia and common have been a team since 2018 training common was easier than he expected. yup. and he goes to the, i mean i had my doubts at 1st, but then i said to myself, why not going to lose? when i went into the water with her, i immediately realized that the prejudices and barriers one of mine, carmen, made it very easy for me. i realized that i simply had to teach her the same as
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everyone else with her. i just have to look for different ways, you know, i sort of, it, it's, i have been, i'm lucky that i get on incredibly well with arguing the in 2018 common became the 1st blind estimate from spain to continue to the world adaptive surfing championship in california in 2021 to those metals. but i mean for me winning the world cup was like a dream. and because it was what i wanted most, it was like in a movie. and the fact that everyone on the team could be there at that moment was simply incredible. i've had a very bad phone, but i've never been afraid where i felt that i was in danger for that i never wanted to go back into the water. it's a risky sports and the thing not only for me is for everyone else to got up in front of me, but i want to get her delivered. i think it besides the physical challenges of the
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school, common has other hurdles to ever come to see it. okay. we still blinding sponsors is a problem for them because their thing is in general and underscored but, and on top of that it's in my case, it's also women, surfing and adaptive. certainly i brought that up. that will and does that change? and that's gonna be a good visual circle really, because if we don't find sponsors for adaptive sports, if you look at then it will continue to be less profitable. and conventional supports and sounds like and they bought it, they come in here not to sign on to competitions, common sales accessories inspired by the see the beach, the she also ends money training assistance. don't that visually impaired people. the match whenever she finds time common catches this is with her trainer no study. i
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want to encourage others to try anything they want. because dreams can come true. if we believe that they are achievable, there are no limits, only the limits we separate ourselves. most of those everyone should fight for their dreams that i would try everything he knows he yeah, but a lot of the in common. so one wants to never dream. and when even more titles, the mind cook young is celebrating her one hundreds birthday surrounded by friends and family. the more more people in singapore are celebrating high figure birthdays,
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lots of people, lots of high. and today there's even a tv crew. it's all a bit much but boy talk you is delighted with architecture relation, a german newspaper from 1925 during the weimar republic. when she was born, singapore was still a british colony republic in durham. how do you live to be 100? we ask for her secret, but she needs a break. so her daughter answers, lots of friendship. i think just leave simply pretty well. has the family. that's about all she us. so this is a very simple life. you know, i mean, she didn't look for any brand new stuff, you know, all has to have big expenses. news and everything is a simple but never a lonely or don't like 80 percent of people in singapore. ms. lloyd lives in h d, b flats, public housing, but singapore and combine low rates. not especially beautiful,
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but lovingly maintained and with the sophisticated concept people from different social classes live with each other here, not just alongside each other. something that's emphasized by activities and course is on offer in the buildings every day. sarita flores, i'm and che, mike. you are going to take part in today's activity. it's a p lighting session, and it seems very popular with residents 6. so later, after all moving keeps you young, just like social interaction does exercise also improve your mood and reduce the stress. so all of is adjusting gets around here. this around here. we have our shop so says there's still comfortable for us. we have everything down
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a coffee shop where you can sit down and have omeo. the food courts also contribute towards longevity, offering fresh healthy dishes at low prices. stickers point out meals that are especially healthy with more whole grains or better quality oil for rita floors hyman, shame like you don't cook at home very often because it's usually cheaper and better here. they have initial a most healthy as the 2nd type c and other charges. so sometimes the poverty they will come in, they will come into the future just to have a low price, singapore, as government,
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doesn't like to leave anything to chance. not even the population's life expectancy . urban planning here focuses on getting people moving soon. all residents should be just 10 minutes away from a park, a green space, or even wilder nature. public transport is efficient, affordable, and accessible. while driving is expensive. state active city scheme is costing single floor millions, but in the long term it will relieve the burden on the health care system for that's the idea. single bar as national university even has a center for healthy longevity, which is conducting research into how the city can help its citizens live as long and healthy life as possible. very often we think that individuals have to make choices either to do it or not to do it, but we all, all already know that there are psychological notching tech needs needed and that's
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how we do it. in singapore, we tried to not to individuals to words search and actions which are more healthy compared to the choices. somebody would have me. this also motivates the younger generation. we need jeremy in downtown singapore. he's 32 and rarely thinks about getting older. so on his risk is a fitness watch that singapore makes available to everyone free of charge together with a government health app. if i'm in the gym, if i switch on to say to fitness, check the here will come, then you will check my heart rate. and once it hits maybe goes up to a $120.00, it is considered more of an activity and then it comes. so if you do 10 minutes of one of the activities, you get more points as well. you can claim it supermarkets and some fitness, single par, supermarket stock, similar items to those and many other countries. but jeremy takes
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a closer look at the packaging because especially healthy products carry an official government label healthy your choice. find those can literally boost your pocket. the come off and then at the bottom as long as you have one item was held to try symbols, each one will give you 5 points in that and in one. so i believe i had 6 here. so i got a 13 points i think is just gave me to cation an image. it just makes it fun. yeah . i, i feel like sam points like that kind of stuff. people born in singapore today have an average life expectancy of 85 years. another area in which the wealthy city state is once again a world leader the
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spear few by summer heat and the rhythms of some about the hard read of brazil, the drums, the pulse that animates the bodies that 32 year olds, marie braga helps to power we're super happy when we play here together. everyone smiles. everyone is happy. our instrument is extension of our body. it's a passion. when we play the emotions flow marie plays and one of the traditional summer schools that compete with each other in the legendary sambo, drones, they've been rehearsing for almost a year. often until 1 o'clock in the morning. somebody unites paul from those who just learned to stand to those who still can
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stand but will never die out. it's something that belongs to us completely that comes from us and that we explored all over the world. the samba and real belong together. no matter what time of year, no matter where people get together. for us, somebody wrote musician, sit in a circle and sing together with their guest, whether on the beach and import niema or in the bars in the center of town. why the love white, the devotion, wind, joy. one answer is here, says marie, for families compound is preparing for many guests. encore were not to is busy in the kitchen. he's been cooking the meat for the fish. why the for 3 days. the stew may now be a feast, but it was once the food of slaves. marie enjoyed spending time with her parents. her great great grandfather was slave right here. caesar walk as in some are at for
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brazilian. the ancestral heritage and suffering are not forgotten. but here joy is what it's all about. domingo funny, the ridgewood brazilians call it typical sunday. the family goes out each together and enjoy spending time together. the children are playing and the parents are dancing. life is good. people learn some of the music from childhood across generations. it's all about getting together and celebrating, and that brings back good emotional memories of the time when we learn to listen to somebody just recommended somebody speak to. maria is considered a challenge on this. on the scene. she seems. she plays almost every instrument. she can make a living from her performances, and she loves making others happy. one event
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sparks, maurice curiosity. the summer due to about your door draws up to 3000 guests every monday the crowd gets bigger and bigger and it's all word of mouth. everyone is waiting for the original organizer more, sir, who is considered a living legend? and he is ready. but more sir lois's hands won't obey. 17 years ago, the son of a composer realized that something was wrong. that to this additionally, i tried to lift my ring finger when it didn't work, which the man that's weird, i told, told my colleagues after the show, well that was the beginning. then i found out i had pocket some historical box and then you. although more i see you struggles for some, but it also gives him strength to carry on what who is lyrics are cheerful, understanding they're meant to give the hard refuge or the strength to that it all
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out of the pain. do sadness love despite parkinson's, he continues to compose because writing is hard for him. he now uses his cell phone . despite parkinson's, he's about to perform in front of thousands of people. again, this is miss loves to see you suffer and i won't give it a chance. i will enjoying myself with a drink and eat what i want. when it's over, it's over. when i come back, i'm living for some, but in spite of everything is worth more i see here is revered for these now 66 years old, only he says he wants to experience much more. marie is unusually excited. we've seen one of his songs at every performance. he's already given us his legacy
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. it's very special to meet such a unique person when he's 20 years ago, the son. but due to evaluate your was suppose to be a casual gathering of musicians, celebrating among themselves as a counter balance to the weekend gigs. now it's an event that is not only a trex tourist, the rich and the poor. what unites them is the 0, the to we forget social inequality, the one that we all become one. somebody even brings beautiful women together with ugly guys, with whom i don't know how that works equal. more seer, unexpectedly closed marie over to the men circle just to watch. but that's not going to happen. the musicians places to unite and to merge with the audience. it becomes a feast for the heart. somebody can do that, the
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power ask for cop. what's the best in these senegalese neighborhoods about things that residents have to come together to give the neighborhoods kind of gain fame and the process. an unconventional competition with pot expected results in 30 minutes on dw, and empowering the future fast or smart or more innovative. despite a colonial past and global crises,
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future is happening here only for components. and then when you really become curious about all that exists, you start to see it says story. visionaries of driving forward, high tech climate protection as mobility. innovators in africa. in 75 minutes on d w the we compromise the rights of age occasion equal rights and he could offer to you to of work in 2024. ask them women step down with a ton of to demand better. really for the women of us down this time kind of the unique insight into his seemingly focused struggle,
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the, the sharp edge of teeth start smart stuff on dw, what is it really is possible to reverse the age researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to and how smart the more likes, watching it on youtube, dw documentary. what is it like to come out when your married break of gender identity? how does on mental health impact, i love lives? how do we approach money within our relationship? so it is $1.00 of the few sources and can listen to content about sexuality and
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sexual matters. i'm liza modeled as an i'm going to be exploring all listen more in a few things in masses available on all platforms. the . this is due to be news live from berlin, united states and ukraine, reportedly agree on the details of a crucial minerals deal. sources say that washington and keith could sign the agreement as early as friday if you crane's president, lot of it. so let's keep hoping it will keep us military support to his nation flowing. also coming up, israel is expanding military operations and the occupied westbank sending tanks into the territory for the 1st time and decades displaced. post indians are wondering if they'll ever return to their homes.
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