tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle March 5, 2025 8:02pm-8:31pm CET
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lots of it to grow those muscles. but how much protein do we really need and what are the best sources? are expensive shakes the key to pumped biceps header athletes. the only ones that should monitor a protein intake. no need to watch thousands of videos to get the answer. what's just one, this one. welcome to in good shape. the a table full of high protein products. patricia this isabel has been. is a main step. what's available? this protein enriched rice. pudding width shakes. even a coffee talented as high protein and plastic chocolate phones with extra protein provide high product. when you see high protein, you think it's no longer as we treat as something healthy. one of the that's the
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idea money factor is even higher fitness influence sense to per month, that high pricing chocolate bonds as a, remind your spot if you were accounts and then pull out a bar and think you're doing something to build muscle and improve your health i'm afraid i have to disappoint you. this is just as sweet, highly process of product full of sugar. most of i as the light rings on palm oil submitted to the holding time. most of these products have a lot more comp hydrate, some protein, different in madison high protein bonds that have twice as much protein as carbohydrates on fat point. that's actually the best mix and a good guide on i don't have guns and people. many if that supposedly healthy products contain found too many cops including sugar, but they sell well, even if high protein bar costs more than twice the price of a normal life, the protein label makes it attractive. not because proteins into with
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a standing reputation. what is the change of the building blocks of life? the origin of the web says it will. the greek word protests means the 1st most important and tiny, it's true. there's no life without protein and pots in working with 21 different amino acids. so bodies combine and build various proteins. proteins are important for muscle spittles, so, so the immune system, large formation a maintaining, stable blood sugar levels of the 21. 9 essential amino acids can't be produced by the body. so we need to get them by each protein rich food. the kind of what's in on this we can store protein that's important to each enough every day, once new protein is considered a big deal among people seeking to build muscle mass, most supplement flight training with high protein products. maria works out 3 times
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a week. mean space, unhealthy is a priority. she's a single parent of 3 who austin lex is a teacher. so days on long and busy. and i talked this daily, life is tough with a job and kids when you always have a tight schedule, not in the afternoon time, it's hard to make sure that you're teaching enough pricing. i just don't know if i'm doing enough of the folks all sized. ringback so maria came to isabel for advice. for a week, she kept so wrinkled of what she ate on the same raft without she sees lots of protein rich meals lentil soup, simon broom, bowls with various beam and protein shakes. but on the go. but how good a day maria has tried a few and often drinks them that practical promising a quick shot to pricing. but it's irish, how will i change them when i'm in
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a hurry on the way to with co before or after training? what it has to be quick, what do you think of them? that it was? that's what happened. well, 1st the list of ingredients is quite long, lot, lots of ingredients and some sweetness. that's not so good. feel got are so sweet as can damage your intestine. unfortunately, that increases your risk of getting diabetes or cardiovascular disease as well as obesity. so i would advise against drinking protein shakes every day over a long period of time. but if that's a specific reason, if you're working out or you want to lose weight in a healthy way, then protein shakes can be useful. and here we have 70 full grams of uprising a 100 rounds, as if it ends about this good type us point. i would always recommend shakes with over 70 grams isaac. this is a bone that wants to measure how much muscle mass maria currently has that simpleton to determine how much protein she needs to be taking in the muscle. i'm
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using the b i a method which measures body composition b i a stands for bio electrical impedance analysis. it allows us to determine exact levels of muscle mass on something less often also how much muscle is in individual parts of the body. so when the legs and um for example, that i left, i think so now for the results in with us, we can see that you'll slightly below average in your ride tom. surprisingly you have a little more muscle in your left on the top. yes, i've noticed that doing training on that. yeah, i'm maria has a very good results from, but there's still room for improvement on her goal is to build more muscle. so she goes to the gym a lot with targeted training and a little more protein. she can do to muscle gross. oh, so now let's go back to resolve them. so how much protein does maria need each day?
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gentlemen, nutrition society recommends no point 8 grams per kilogram of body weights to maria . that would be 40 grams a day unless blessings. this, but you need to know that this is a minimum requirement. this is an item. so if you can see this much that you'll just about avoid approaching deficiency as an initial and i live at odds of new studies, recommend 1.2 to one point full grams per kilogram of body weight onto the mall for people who work out a lot that's we have, in your case the 80 grams a day on talk on. you can get that from natural sources. unable products, generally a good including ex fish is great to meet good plant. they still says most is not on c on this is what isabel suggests. for breakfast protein shake with strawberries. milk, you all get on almond visa audit in the form of creamy and box up protein content
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of the shake around. so 2 grams. thoughts about the same us with a store broad protein powder, pony without the additives. now we've been cut out a female store brace. yeah. a couple of them law. but it's delicious or isabel's tip for a quick lunch. a protein bow is keen. why? so you know to the beans minutes you'll get dressing on you know? oh, 2nd, around 30 grams. of protein, incidentally, it's best to spread your protein intake over several meals, so it's $25.00 to $35.00 pounds each. and that was more than that can lead to gastro intestinal problems. and how does the bowl taste? any boy, it's delicious. this is the 1st time i had came on myself,
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fit super tasty, especially in combination with the juno in the knots on for dinner, potatoes with eggs, lo fi, you'll get on pumpkin seats. a simple dish packs with pricing, a protein which die. it is perfectly possible. we've just natural thieves. it's not always quite as quick and convenient as piled is all balls. but at least you know it's full of good nutrients. in addition to hundreds of minerals and vitamins, your body needs 3 essential macro nutrients. first of carbohydrates, they're basically fuel providing the energy that your muscles and brain need around the clock. then there's fat fit to provides energy, but also cushions are oregon's and keeps us warm. it's also used to build cells and produce hormones. and last but not least, protein fit to is essential, but proteins have many tasks. the eggs are
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a nutritional powerhouse. those, the oaks and the lights are rich and protein. it may be hard to imagine that the compounds floating in this dewy mass can become everything from the tip of your head to a part of your heart to see the just like with a white foam proteins can also bind together in our ability to get the protein building blocks conform, i like this one that's both stable and flexible bones and muscle and soft foamed in this way, the heart and the brain already. so i made up to a large extent of the soft, yet strong. not to say the delicious
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but proteins can also move around a lot. they can transport other substances through the blood. red blood cells contain of pigment code hemoglobin, which is also a pricing. it transports oxygen, which every so lead designs. these proteins deliver oxygen around the clock from the brain to the soul of the foot. the but proteins can do even more. for instance, they help him show we remain in good health. many proteins work function, bacteria and viruses. one guides the team to the source of the problem with the information infection or injury. the next wave,
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comprehend the culprits? yes. other food teams with the around $20000.00 different proteins has been identified so far, each with its own special costs. and they can only function properly if they are food correctly. that's why on dna needs protecting. it provides the blueprints for making protein. that protection is once again provided by you get this protein. if they support a problem, they some of the other protein feeds with having affected stretch of dna by replacing it
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so protein can do a whole lot more than you might think. neat is especially rich and protein state for example, is around 25 percent protein. you don't need, there are vague and vegetarian options. 2 thirds contain all the amino acids that are bodies and especially our muscles need one egg has on average 13 grams of protein, but don't over do it one to 3 eggs a day is ok, but no more full fat yogurt is a good source of protein to 100 grams contain up to 10 grams of protein pulses are also an excellent alternative to meet kidney beans or nearly one 3rd protein. it's the same for peas, but soybeans are the front runners with a whopping 40 grams of protein. then every 100 grams of saw it. so even athletes
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can build muscle without consuming meat and muscles don't just look good. they're essential. it's how like guys, sometimes some people have celebrated both of those the, the real work behind the scenes. and all these, it's all muscles that do the heavy lifting. i leave with that. how can the hot come floods the lungs require and the digestive system process food go my face control of facial expressions. they allow us to link can smile and they can make all has thumbs on, and i'm, thanks to powerful skeletal muscles. we can move our entire body and all kinds of objects. muscles are made up of bundles of muscle fibers. and these fibers consist of what the quote myers 5 roles and these my of 5 rolls into a made up of proteins like mice and, and actin. and they, what,
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like tiny motives that triggered by electrical signals which are transmitted through is another system. the headset, the mice and proteins bind to the accent and leave it alone. the muscle begins to contract and because several waste, several 1000000 of these little muscle might who's working together, it creates points to force. unlike machines, all muscles tend to immediately fail when subject to too much strain. quite the opposite. mind a damage to the 5. this is because a new myers 5. both strands are even formed in the process. muscles grow bigger and stronger as a result. and that's good for all health muscle training. also strengthens binds and joints keeps the metabolism going, prevents muscle loss in old age the muscles can be trained in
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a targeted model. however, that's because molten hoff it's done because control consciously in many organs, the muscles are primarily controlled unconsciously quite the ultimate make novice system. so the vital both of these functions always remain active. these muscles do also benefit from exercise indirectly. for example, sauce to pluck slowly trains the health and blood vessels and deep breathing trains . the muscles of the respiratory system the muscles keep the show on the right. so they just apple the price, they can get the but muscles have a problem. overtime they shrink in size and strength as we age are bodies gradually lose muscle mass. you can counteract that though with strength training. and with a protein rich diet holes are people need to eat plenty of protein. at least one
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gram a day per kilo of body weight. so have you ever checked to see how much protein your parents or grandparents each johan whole month is $86.12 states. he goes to the gym twice a week to do strength training. a full my, i'm a to hung bolton, i a exercise in school to always been a big part of his life. i see only came on when we, when michel sports with the only of to school activity on of the so if you the mucus, we didn't have all the different options that people have to day loc money. so, so that's how i go into exercising regularly. and i just kept doing it between the has been sick on occasion, but on the whole, johan whole month is generally very healthy. talk to call nice new checks, his blood sugar and distress so well training results. 4.8 x. and then finally,
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it's also because he and his wife takes to eat a healthy diet. utah is millions on every day. we have no good for lunch or a cup of milk. and in the evening, cheese and cold meat, sunup levels, fish to choose fighting. so the school she's senior is already doing a lot right. plenty of healthy protein at every meal. unhealthy thoughts from fish, generally a good recommendation. plus eggs lean, meet, preferably chicken, also not single diet every day. they fill you up for a long time from time to time, cheeses that are not too flashy. over 65 year old cit eat more protein generally. but you don't need a protein shake of to training and no expensive lifestyle products either. despite all the advertising. because it was hiding from the high protein your system. so why those is a few of them?
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i listen as much as we can. the guide is that these products are usually highly price as to contain sweetness that can cause you to crazy food and are expensive to the protein needs to be a key component in your dieting. old age to store muscle loss and maintain existing muscles. but without exercise, that's of less lease. so johan hoffman is doing everything right. going to the gym twice a week. that's the best we time of time. and not only elderly people looking to maintain muscles need protein. anyone wanting to build muscle also needs more, folks, don't overdo it, too much protein is thought to be bad for your kidneys. all those studies are not conclusive. what's clear is it's important to drink a lot. another trial indicated too much protein good lead to vascular
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blockages, but it only had a few tests subjects. yet other studies looked at additional benefits of protein. what is it makes you feel fault? that's especially helpful if you want to lose weight in they spread clearly, you can change a lot of different grains. it looks pretty healthy stuff on cold, aged every day as part of a study. and it had a surprising effect shop spending time when i last and 7 and a half kilos in 3 months and it just tasted so good and fills me out. the study was headed up by diabetes specialist stuff on math in the van lines. the bread is a key cause of weight gain and patient with diabetes and obesity coordinate the water carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, past remembering, contain starch, which activates insulin production. insulin stops your body burning fine. so you count these weight. so insulin promotes font that and that's why they k josephine
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cole created a healthy alternative to bread and the doctor, a good friend. some bread often came up in that conversations. i think it was the thing we've been friends for years. i used to teach and know that his bread was killing my patients, which he didn't like. so one day he came to me and said, i've developed a new bread. can we put it to the test like this? the bacon a taken his friends accusation to halt, unexplored, and then the result was a fuel grain. bread made without flour stuffed when it seeds on flakes it was a low comp, old protein bread, in other words, lower than carbohydrate, some high in protein on fiber. so would stuff on mountains, patients lose weight if they aged? the doctor was keen to find out. he and his team started a bred study stuff on cool and was one of those who took part. he weighed
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a $122.00 letters at the time. but didn't want to restrict his diet, it's been voted as i'm a bred a to i just love it. with me for eating bridge to lose weight was a whole new idea for me was interested in wisconsin, was an percentage the trial participants were examined before the end of the study weight height, body mass index, waste size, blood pressure. unplugged values went o recorded the study last 23 months during this time stuff on cold book bread from the bakery once a week, old participants would totes to continue eating exactly as before. the only change was the bread. one group was given a mixed rye bread, the other group, the protein bread. the participants were not told which groups they were in. stuff on cone go, the protein bread and sing realized he was eating less. modifies as
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i normally eat. not just slice nice, but with this bread 3 slices more now after that i didn't feel like snacking on things like potato chip. this the grantsville fix. i was to stuffed up to 3 months. each patient was way to get the groups that 8. right, right. i've lost almost no wait. the participants too late. the protein bridge, most an average of 1.7 kilos on subjects age 55. and over the last an average of 2.6 kilobytes. a surprise through the width is 7.5 kilos. stefan cool. one is among those who lost the most weight of the diabetes experts had expected a little of weight loss due to the g secretion of insulin. but even he was taken aback by the results of the story, opt out of the study shows that especially for older and significantly over white people,
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you will need to change one component in your diet to lose weight. sometimes it's not as difficult as you might think that the monthly stuff can you get the same results with bread from the supermarket, jet and supermarket. so for a wide range of low cob, high protein and protein breaks. but we found most of these products were only around 25 percent protein and significantly more expensive nutritionist mathias results studies the ingredients for us. almost all supermarket breads contain flowers, but he can sit as flour, free grain breads to be more beneficial by guns. when do you have whole seed or not read, the whole grain is used and nothing is fine, the ground and there's no flour and this is for you as a result you. when you eat and there's a much to me, the blood sugar cut off. nothing good north aunt and i took a 4 times the other advantage on that all seed bread without flour contained up to twice as much fine. but yeah, by that stuff or much he
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a speedo sense. some supermarket breads have bonnie mt flour added to make them look down. okay, and in some cases they contain too much salt. a number of manufactures of southern rich that brads with industrially isolated proteins like wheat protein concentrate . his tip looks a natural sources of protein by sourcing bought bread like this one from the bakery, the rates of protein content to comes from whole foods. obviously i don't just have a protein isolated next, but actually the whole island, i know is it contains a range of minerals, which means in good fatty acids. so i'm going to cut on tests on like these supermarket brands. so is the right kind of protein bread, an easy way for everyone to lose weight and you see that, but not everyone will be able to lose weight with this pricing. but i don't need those whose bodies produce more incidence and depo these of people who may have type 2 diabetes in the family. on the more of a way to all,
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the more insulin you projects, if you have a body mass index of while over 27, you have a good chance of losing weight of his bread. if you want to try it, pay close attention to ingredients when buying your bread, all by yourself. you can find recipes for flour, free protein breads online. if you then add healthy toppings, you have to fix not versatile, and really tasty. whether eggs, fish, or salad. it's important to mix it up. that's why we always have a wide range of new and interesting stories on in good shape. thanks for watching. see you next time the we want to talk about how much history particularly put in their history still matters today. you need to know where you're coming from. what happened in the
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nice story and for my green, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be the hello there and welcome to the 77 percent. we are in the media. we're going to find out how much history, particularly colonial history still matters today. and so we, i am going to hope to talk about the conference historically past, but most importantly, drummond is rolling wood for then we decide to refresh a video for you for a better understanding of german is historically passed in the media. the concentration come here, it's welcome on to mocked one of many violent aspects of german rule in and it may be from 1894 to 1915. it began when merchant adults looter, it started acquiring land through intermediaries in southern and.
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