tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle March 7, 2025 2:30pm-3:01pm CET
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the future of method, in my opinion, belongs to the women. the german scientists have made an amazing discovery. just seeing someone sneeze or cough triggers an alarm in our brain. our immune system jumps into action and anti bodies rush to fight off. viruses and bacteria to protect our airwaves. let's find out more about breathing and our loans. the sight of mountain family caught a bug that had them coughing for weeks. lisa is on a mission to quit smoking. and who has lung cancer, even though she's never smoked. all that in more on this edition of in good shape the
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in 2004 or the clinic i received an unexpected diagnosis. lung cancer, my lung cancer shapes. i've never smoked and i've always lighted healthy lifestyle and the tough i exercised regularly and i still do so why lung cancer? it just didn't make sense on the one fish dentist for 1st symptom was fatigue, which thing timeless at 1st. but when an x ray raised concerns her doctor center to the hospital for more tests, one of those tests was a c t scan, special 3 d x ray, that captions detailed images of the body layer by layer during a c t scan, the x ray tube rotates taking multiple images from different angles. these images have been compiled to create a detailed view of an oregon or area of the body. skip target that they can be
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switched to sundays. i don't think about it at all if we get them out. other days are really hard and i feel like i'm sinking into a hole. it's very, it's a lot. looks like a ship's models as far as the guns, or does she have this? around 25 percent of lung cancer cases occur in non smokers. patients with advanced disease often ask their doctors the difficult question. how much time do i have left? so if you have guns, because this is a difficult question to answer honestly, because we're dealing with the test stakes and mathematical model for math. if a patient isn't assisting just puts you at this moment. so you start to, if i use the test x to predict life expectancy, i'm actually misleading them. each team individually puts in knock instead i frame it differently and say for example, the obvious, we know it's made of static cancer. so we're going to start treatment. it's missing then and 3 months we'll do a follow up to see what direction things are taking. eventually still desk recent medical advances and new treatment methods and improved patients,
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kansas sight seeing um, how many i know we've seen major breakthroughs and lung cancer treatment over the past decade. cycling and you know, therapy for example, activates the body's own immune system to fight the cancer. ok tv. it's a genetic mutation is found when they can use targeted therapy or tablets or pills designed for that specific mutation. so mit template, these new tools, and there are many of them allow us to keep patient stable for much longer than before. this thing i'm being switched up to high school. another tool of modern medicine is positrons emission typography. a special type of scan youth, a nuclear medicine. during a pet scan, the patient receives an injection of a miniscule amount of radioactive glucose. to scan then detects areas in the body with unusually high glucose metabolism. activities this, this is the left side of the heart. it always metabolites is
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a lot of sugar and so this is what it looks like. but here in the left long, this bright spot is a tumor slick passes to every 3 months to kinda goes to the hospital for a checkup. we pay a visit to a mailer and i know so you have which i know who is also never been. a smoker was diagnosed with lung kansas several years ago. at 1st he didn't even want to tell his wife sha fischbach, his mind, he said, i hope i've always been a good husband to you, and i hope everything will work out. and i saw him on that worried me, but i never imagined how bad the news would be. lung cancer that had already spread, i never imagined that i am tom at his desk. when he was diagnosed, the counselor had already metastasized the tumors and his lunch at spread to his brain, which caused caesar's. his cancer can't be cured,
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but he and his family treasure every moment. good side tongue would move. thank god, i was given the chance to receive modern therapy to come. it's only later that you fully grasp everything that you've been through on the screen this coming up as mom demands data. because we have found, we make sure to live every day to the fullest. so we love going on excursions and just enjoying the time we have kind of how to get my hands on. and it's, we don't let things like lane or very hot or cold weather stop us to bomb. that's out of the question. come with dr. is like andre eichorst's also take special care to involve patients in their treatment and solution as a supervisor with us these days. our patients including this one, are well informed through social media and modern communication platform when we talk so when they are generally very well informed about their treatment via an overtime. they often become an integral part of their treatment and will not be like nothing's behind to t mine. in addition to modern medical care,
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many patients sick support from self help groups. tons of coal mining, um name. sometimes you just need to give someone a hug. medium them these online networks, a great facebook, and you can find them on social media, what's up and facebook, but the personal connection matters to skipped. i'm it helps to talk to someone and exchange that type of member come to go to tips thanks to medical advances. more patients are living longer and living well with lung cancer and research and the new treatments is making progress every day. dislikes years of research, we still don't know exactly why non smokers get lung cancer every year. it claims the lives of more than 2000000 people. worldwide. c o, p d is even deadlier mostly caused by air pollution. this incurable disease effects
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nearly 500000000 people worldwide. but viruses and bacteria are also with wraps. the good news on like c o, p d, the right treatment at a fit of luck usually does the trick. the side of the family is on their way to the pediatrician for checking not long ago they all came down with a myco plasma infection. bacterial illness spread through cops and sneezes. the bacteria settled in the airways causing respiratory symptoms. 13 year old e mail was the 1st to get sick, had to done high attachment. i had a sore throat, and 2 or 3 times i had an erie and i cost a lot on the host and hard emails. 10 year old brother oscar also copy of the section and developed pneumonia. he had some trouble breathing along with vomiting, fever, and a bad cough as a solution to the asking hurt,
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and sometimes it made me gag of us doesn't look like it's been hosting. and my back hurt to in this in know, oscars pneumonia was diagnosed 2 weeks ago today. i just check up his long sound clearance, all right, super contact. over the past few weeks and months pediatrician nichols consented to those as treated more children and adolescents for michael plus infections than ever before. is good, this does do but tom. so one issue is the incubation period ties the time between infection and some 1000. i not those yet, it can be anywhere from $1.00 to $3.00 or even 4 weeks. that means someone who has infected might not show symptoms for weeks, which is why the disease spread so easily. stock. the pediatrician estimates that about 30 percent of people infected with mycoplasma, develop pneumonia, but the lung infection is usually milder than pneumonia caused by other bacteria.
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like name a cox. i still hospital. sometimes the rise and more serious infections explained to micro biologist. johan, is he? but they often let's of, of the last week we had 4 or 5 of older children. hospitalized with mycoplasma pneumonia and blue cross and blue, something we haven't seen in recent years, but can yada find mycoplasma tends to rise and fall in cycles with a few years of lower cases followed by year with the search. so i thought you ought to be gone, but what's been happening this year is unusual means of the job. i'm not as this last was on still can. the good news is that these a typical pneumonia is, as they're called, still find well, 2 specific antibiotics. 2 mice, most antibiotics target the bacterial cell, but mycoplasma bacteria don't have one. so those antibiotics that were um, but a number of antibiotics, the tech rabbit sims, are effective against mycoplasma. so we use douglas,
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and as long as you on to do it to come as well as we can, even though more children than usual were hospitalized recently, mycoplasma infections are rarely serious. adults can also be infected like christian shoebox. at 1st it seems like an ordinary cold, but then he began having trouble breathing at the hospital. a long x ray revealed that he had a typical pneumonia caused by mycoplasma on the on. so i just need to put on this x ray. you can see the area behind the heart of and in front of the spine comfortable. normally it's clear and dark, but here it isn't. your knowledge of suffering. the, obviously that's what it felt like. i was breathing in very thin air on some sort like being on the mountain top without training for it. that's kind of how it sounds foot to the fuzzy sickness. i'm, if it costs young, showed us spent 60 days in the hospital receiving antibiotics and supplemental
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oxygen his lung infection was more serious. partly because he has asthma, which makes him more vulnerable. by for convo in, for people who have a preexisting conditions or any infection has the potential to be more serious issue. excellent. especially, and people who are immune compromised, perhaps due to a medication side effect a cancer. and then you're more likely to see a dangerous inspection for you and from the even then it's not all that common. yeah, the host nominate close joshua has recovered from the pneumonia. his oxygen saturation readings are back to normal until the 98 percent saturation. perfect. take the dr. suspect as the celtic 1910 demick is the reason for the current rise and my go plasma infection is open. i'd say inductive shoots mazda the various measures to be tough to prevent infection like masks, also prevented infections with, like a plasma or immune systems haven't had as much practice with make
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a plasma group testing to you to. so that's why we're seeing an increase in infections that are also clinically apparent design. in other words, the human immune system needs to re learn how to defend itself against my capacity . then experts say the number of people developing pneumonia will drop again. our lungs are surprisingly vulnerable to infection. every day we inhale hundreds of thousands of micro organisms and we bring them around 12 and a half 1000 leaders of a or daily enough to fill a mid sized tank or truck sure juicy fruit and delicious sweets of very tempting. but our appetite for oxygen is insatiable. only very few people can go without it for even a minute. why is that?
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we take a deep breath and start the clock. when you inhaled the diaphragm contracts and the lungs expand, error flows through the bronchitis into the v o, like where it enters the bloodstream via capillaries. red blood cells, things behind to the oxygen and transported to the furthest parts of the body. in almost all cells have their own little furnace is causing mitochondria that produce heat and energy. but they need oxygen to burn glucose. both are supplied by the blood. so trillions obtaining furnaces takes oxygen from the blood. as the amount of oxygen declines, the level of c o 2 increases, but don't worry chemo receptors and the respiratory center of the brain. notice the imbalance. if carbon dioxide levels get too high, the alarm sounds and the respiratory stimulus kicks in. a minute has passed the
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body now urgently needs fresh oxygen because unlike food or liquids, our bodies can't store oxygen for very long oxygen levels continue to drop. there is a risk of fainting brain cells start to die after just 4 minutes. the normally the lungs in hell and x have 15 times over a minute. so now they'll try to make up for lost time as quickly as possible. everyone knows smoking is harmful, especially to the long quitting isn't easy. nicotine is addictive and habits and rituals also play a role. that good news. people who quit often feel healthier, fast. liza quit smoking 4 weeks ago. how's she feeling now?
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i haven't had a single cigarettes for weeks, but today i'm spending time with friends in dublin. fail smoke, so it's been hard to resist or the smell is an issue, but the soap makes my mindful. comfortable. mondale. yes it's i said you haven't smoked in 30 days. yeah, that's true. but i still have that association that was something fun and sociable for them. how a social ritual is one thing, but my health is more important. i'm keen to find out how my lungs are doing now. i'm not smoking back at home, i have a lung function test at the local hospital that will show if my lungs are already seeing benefits. sabrina, in and out. normally. cupboards are to put their mount as well. so no round it, you know, exactly, you know, put the tube in your mouth and set up straight. not a month. now put a clip on your nose. you though. okay. hello 21st i guess instructions through
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a microphone. but so the last excise the doors i'm do you have the read in hard now read how it goes. good. i was on my mind for a moment. p mocks are invited to us. now read in all, i'm a fine hard premium. the embrace, normally again, not the most common. i made it. i'll get the results from dr. mike brenda's. it says one thing that's good here is that when you breezed out as hard as you could for a 2nd, you did better every time you reminded that means your air ways are no longer hyper reactive. do smoke or fumes from smoking? ultimate one of those didn't dumb for those old off. okay. okay, so okay, that sounds good to the email, so you quit early enough to preserve norm along function. lot of them from school to prevent. yeah, that's great because of that, congratulations. yeah, thank you. yeah. so now that i see how much difference it makes to my health, i'm determined to stay smoke. for example, if you decide to go with us instead,
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this time, that's the best incentive. when you notice that you feel better when you're not smoking, when your lungs feel better and you feel better, your motivation to stop smoking is higher than the pleasure it gave you guys why didn't most the mind off on how to. just to months ago i was right where i am now. i'm going to cigarettes. who, who, who, who was it? i'm does he can see as quick as i'm really proud of myself 5. it was hard. yeah, sure. but it was great to see this. i'm getting ready to chelsea. yeah. well that's a good feeling and i'm very proud of myself and the best story to quit smoking preparation is key and don't cut that gradually. it's best to stop all at once. still 95 percent of smokers fail on their 1st attempt nicotine patches. behavioral therapy and ads can all boost your chances for success. other smokers turn 50 cigarettes instead. how does it taste really good,
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like peter pressing fruit like of this maximillian started smoking 12 years ago and later turned to beeping. he says he breathes better now and that somehow the sweet flavored vapor doesn't seem as unhealthy as cigarette smoke. how cold it doesn't feel a time. somebody negotiated i've, i've had to make a change that not everyone uses it, but i do is along with nicotine they being fumes can also contain other toxic and even carcinogenic substances. so what does that mean for our health? long specialist both fung vinnish says the health effects of beeping can be serious . that's been confirmed and studies on animals and in the laboratory. the not show for fun eats, it gives the substances in east cigarette. so tasks that ends in the carcinogenic, which looks and they have inflammatory propagation,
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they can cause inflammation on shade and they can damage oregon's damaged blood vessels, damage, airways, explain. so try and dream lee likely that these cigarettes are responsible for a great deal of harm. often it's a good have a line to happen. so the vapor for an e cigarette isn't just the harmless water vapor. even if it smells, plus it comes in brightly colored packaging. it is promoted by wrappers and influences and social media. for doctors, this kind of marketing down plays the risks, testing of a teeth. the tobacco industry likes to claim that they being has 95 percent fewer harmful substances all for the for that it, for the safer way to smoke me. really good idea that we don't have to worry about its health impact shade from a medical perspective. we now know that's absolutely false. in many places, dates are sold in kiosks and corner store, often right next to candy and chocolate. in germany, there are only 4 adults,
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but under age, teens can still get them easily and are tempting. one city found that east cigarettes are the number one gateway to nicotine addiction for german school children. 25 percent of children under age 18 have tried beeping and 7 percent fate . at least once a month. who? who does it goes out in the kitchen and the kitchen products are usually in health for the point in modeling matic about it is in children and adolescents. nicotine can permanently high and brain development is enough. totally fine playstation, even maximilian and it's it e cigarettes are addictive and they being is a hard habit to kick instead of smoking pollution. why not breathing something nice like steam with a drop of essential oil to relieve bronchitis? the research has mixed, but it might be worth a try. see air salt chronos and for a while. so therapy are set to help with asthma. but if you don't have access to
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that, maybe this could do the trick. the for most beekeepers, it's all about the honey. but here, these are used for healing. twice a week, lisa comes to this farm to visit the bees and unwind the often you're lying right on top of the high, so it almost feels like the bees are buzzing all around. you. of men for the humming is so relaxing that it can even make you fall asleep. and that's how much and how soon it looks like a sauna, but it's designed for more than just relaxation. last winter, lisa cut cause a late in their pregnancy. she's still feeling the effects and hopes this will help though, and that's how overtime i hope i'll be able to pres better and more easily again. yeah, that's hello. become a what's called a beserra beat. is supposed to help to be hives are built into the structures,
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outer walls blowing air from the heights to circulate inside the sky and how tired men learned of the method from a friend from poland where it's very popular being stuff. so the, the high stays at 35 degrees celsius. the bees work hard to keep it warm and them as thousands of bees flap their wings to the air inside the hut is constantly moving and circulating on the go. that's the one you have to be the one. this part of the air in the hive contains traces of others, 50 natural substances, including honey prod, list implant residence. they are believed have beneficial effects on respiratory health and allergies. that's all it is. that's monthly. what's nice is that we're re discovering what nature had to offer in the move to things that people relied on in the past, but it's forgotten over time. that's nice devices and but there's no scientific proof that it works. i found that we should have so far, we only have patient reports, uses the story from a medical standpoint that's not enough to prove effectiveness you split apply. i
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always recommend that people with allergies or respiratory conditions get a proper medical diagnosis and treatment refused. obviously i'm so less than it is finished the 100 and so less than i'm done in group after that, if they want to try and alternative therapy like this, they can. but they should also be aware of possible side effects of that because one possible side effect is allergic reactions. that's why be keep herself casting recommends an allergy test before trying highs air insulation right now who's behind is still in the testing phase. at the moment to be calling the slip here, the name, you know, the v b's here live as they normally would be so cool. but instead this thing inside the hype, the air from it naturally flows out and up. and when you look at the attaching, that's a good sign because the beekeeper plans to expand from 2 to 4 be colonies. then he'll open the be hard to regular visitors. for now, lisa, showing them on
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a family friend, has volunteered as a test subject to as a piece of the settings. the air has a hint of honey and a waxy smell, but then it feels pretty good. she can't say whether it's a hive. air is helping her breeze more easily, but she enjoys the time that she spends here. the rhythm of our breathing can influence whether we feel stressed or relaxed. the good news, you can train it. tim will show us how to use the sometimes. so even more stress in your day to day or even a little bit nervous, then i have a really simple trick and it's called briefing. no seriously briefing is one of the easiest way to listen to attention out of a body out of nervous system. and they're very helpful technical, so called box squeezing. and it goes like this. to stand.
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imagine a square and each side has 4 seconds. now let's do it to get to enhance 123481234, excel, 1234. is the excel 1234 . again, the do this briefing technique for minimum 8 rounds because this is the time our newest system needs to understand that it can relax right now. and this simple freedom, technic is super beneficial because it lowest your blood pressure boost your
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eco india. the seat is swallowing up the beaches. erosion is increasingly affecting the east coast via quantity cherry, the construction on the movement of water. now the hope lies on the coastal protection projects to restore, understand, eco, india. in 30 minutes on d, w. air conditioning systems that fight climate change. researchers and engineers are developing sustainable cooling models for private
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household in city district. the applies tend to use old wisdom about wind and weather, and combine it with bold ideas to create something new. to the point in 19 minutes only dw, the stream is send me an extra ice regression rate and burned in south africa as well with disabilities. more likely to release the job of the lack lives matter, protest china, spotlight racially motivated police by the same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination. we all
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because like, instead of this made that is not at all good size. we see this in full size, big settings. they need to want to come back. we have to address it as a system connected to a motorcycle and a from the side and re paying those 2 broken side. unfortunately, it's just a globally competition is wasted. with no regard for humans from the environment. taking all most important asset water and exporting it for a lot of money. there are merican who are going to go without water simply so we can export our water as grass to feed cows halfway across the world. i can't help but wonder if anybody thinking about the future of this country. where is the water
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disappearing to river is at risk. the global war surprises unveiled? stuffs, march 21st, on the w, the. the. this is the, the, the news coming to live her life. more of monitors, report violence classes in syria between the government, troops and supporters of the hosted former president reports of m bushes and fixed fittings or cubans and merge. and one of the biggest challenges to the new governments since the fall of bushel hello saw. also coming up to europe and commission present warrants to use facing a clear and present danger as us ships towards bruship. you're being leaders free of billions of yours to rearm accounts and that that may no longer be able to rely on washington's protection. and this m 23 rebels advance and the democratic republic of congo to go.
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