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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2025 8:30pm-9:01pm CET

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trying and why are they willing to risk everything? avon faces of the anger starts march 19th on d w. the way it came together. it's a great starting point when it comes to talk, clean, the menus social and environmental issues with face today. whether it's in our own communities, all with people from further afield. cooperation belts understand that. and that is something we all need these days. welcome to echo africa. i'm present lives in lagos, nigeria, and i'm delighted to have my colleague, my lama would come today. it looks like as of the i work in with me.
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welcome everyone. i'm same to you, chris. let's take a look. 2 coming up in today's show, how is helping sciences learn more about the space of the core reason why women in the gambia have seen the transform boy harvesting. and we need some audits in uganda who is reading new life into old web 1st, something a little different. we often report an echo africa about projects to help people to deal with climate change or protect nature from home through human activity. we want to show you now a special report we filmed in kenya. i bought a project that is supposed to help big companies like meta, i'm that cut their cover footprint. as our exclusive investigation shows less common off that scheme needs to be carefully set up. i'm one it says to avoid causing more home send goods can use already know this among the countries pores,
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then most environmental, the vulnerable landscape, the semi nomadic hurting communities with migrant cure for centuries have seen their pastor dependent livelihoods threatened by climate change. a crisis, not if there make but a lucrative new natural resource has emerged that could spell the reverse for their flagging fortunes. corbin offsets are bringing in serious money. western tech companies like netflix and middle have invested millions in a project in that sucking c o. 2 from the atmosphere by controlling where and wind livestock and the northern tenure range lands. carbon project says it's the largest of its kind on the plan covering an area larger then it's what teen it seeks to remove greenhouse gases from the air and find them to the soil, through a process known as planned, rotational grazing. the idea is that keeping livestock off a certain swats of pastor will allow plants to grow and store more carbon from the atmosphere. it's meant to reduce overgrazing and give grasslands time to recover.
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the project was launched in 2012 by the northern green plants trust or in r t. the organization has been consolidating indigenous land into conservancy for more than 20 years. 14 of these consistencies are taking part in the carbon project under the n. r. t's that they've hired range, lance coordinators like francis hot who oversee how many animals are allowed to a given part of community land over the course of agrees and sees and make reports to calculate the amount of c o 2. this helps absorb the money earn from offset sales, can go to fund wages for conservancy staff or community projects like wells or schools, the n r t and coordinators like francis and see how the process is participatory and transparent. we have boredom, static dust, and the i looked at the way the community. we go to them, i'm sailing these, the tight is daylight time. now we start to think about getting plenty. where do you want us to, to take over that stuff. we, i notice 3 things i spoke with the right to forward to the left of it to the
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additional existing. nothing, not more than way. so the radically big companies in the global north get to take their emissions off their books and local people in the global south benefit from the money invest community control with no course restrictions on no mass movements . sounds pretty great. but the reality on the ground is not so simple. michael chart has been traveling for 2 days with his camels across the wilderness. he says, grazing boundaries imposed by the carbon projects implementers have forced him to come north in search of pastor ration that we would on with this would life in this place is hard. the grass has been scarce and is only getting scarcer. and then we have forced to, to migrate almost up to the fence line that when it was, it's such a close distance. the gross is just that are not cause a here, you know, a capital dive drought. and the gross is just, that'd be on defense. it's not right to to, and you know, per know, we wanted to see the expenses for ourselves. so the next day or team sets off for
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sarah conservancy where herd is, tell us a well fortified barrier is blocking past orders from the pastor that their animal screens are drone, reveals exactly what the headers spoke. a long middle fence stretching for miles across the expansive wilderness. we asked to be in our tea. they said dispenses an empty poaching measure aimed at reino conservation, but maps we built inside the conservancy office to show that land within the fence is included in the carbon projects grazing parks. and analysis of satellite imaging shows that vegetation inside the fence line is indeed cleaner. and more lush than the comparatively parts of the landscape. without this imaging technique is called the normalized vegetative difference index in 2023. the same to reveal that much of the carbon project self reported c o. 2 reductions were not matching up with vegetation. changes on the ground, concerns like these lead to their, the world's largest verifier, of voluntary carbon offsets suspending it certification of the projects,
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credits. the certification was lead to reissued, but not the for an 8 month investigation. pro, issues of methodological shortcomings, and raised serious legal questions in order to be considered valid for commercial use. very requires land based carbon offset projects to obtain the free prior and informed consent of residents. the in r t says they held meetings with community members to explain their plans like boots shown in these promotional videos and posted brochures on notice sports, but residents we spoke to complain that low literacy rates, high mobility, and limited access to mass media among nomads rendered many of those efforts moved many herders we interviewed, did not know that carbon offsets were being generated on the land. as those who did . so the only heard about the past 9 years after it had already begun when processing and started being generated for the conservancy. so if these indigenous residents were not asked for their permission to extract and market carbon offsets whose consent was given, the northern range lance trust says their authority to sell carbon credit comes
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from the conservancy themselves. entities that they helped establish across millions of acres of indigenous lance in 2021, 165 residents of community land took the energy to court. a legend, the organization established conservancy is on their territory without consent. human rights will you innocent? my kaka is lead counsel in the case most of these abortive agreement. why not subject it to public participation, but he's not seen anything further that indicated that in this community, members, our clients, what involved yet this concept, once he's out of established in their community meeting their land use one way or another. their suit cited cases, a violent killings and enforce disappearances in a region already front with persistent ethnic conflict and the lives that the n r t was using armed rangers as a private army for coiling any opposition. solomon the impact too does not know what the carbon credit is. he tells us he's never heard of them,
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but he says his father was shot dead for grazing the family's animals in the wrong place. and that he watched it happen. a vice news and usa of him by a boy and so i didn't know that it was wrong to take the capital, the people i wouldn't know him, nothing about the area being of limits and took the capital inside the me. i saw it as long as i remain with a capital, it would be all right because i was still young. and then when that included, instead of going to, when my father came, he found the castle, the as he was running to take them out of the unwanted side of the boundary they arrived. and before even asking why he took them in. but he was simply short, that's how he died, give them, give them the 17th end of the allegations of legal force. again, printers is nothing new. human rights organizations and researchers have documented dozens of extra traditional killing surpass store lists and conservation areas throughout kenya's north, including on territory managed by the n r t. in the northern town. if we're really
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local, you wanted to speak out against the energies carbon project in conservancy system. ask dw, to conceal their identities for fear of reprisals. i am asking those contributors for giving money for this problem, not to send any money here. i get our leaders obviously using about money. our father's love of elbows away natured people. nobody knows about couple of heard about the carpet, but they don't know what that is. i want you to change my voice and hide my face. so all he does not know why you can look after you do my taking me to court or even you gotta be kidnapped, or even cute. in the capital, i wrote demonstrators or more to department to deliver a petition, demanding that their community land for the protest. her poke is all says any procedures for treating carbon officer should
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benefit indigenous residents. first and foremost, they should bet 3 tests that you know, we are equal, you know, puts and actually, but at the moment, whatever they're giving us, i see the dcfs. but no, we add on that's of the law of the will all the revenues from the northern kenya range lands, carbon project going market rate estimates suggest that somewhere between $19.43 euro so worth of credits had been sold by 2022, and some of that money has gone to fund student scholarships, water points and poorest infrastructure in the projects area for a place is economically marginal, is can use remote north. that is some serious money, but very little of it is actually getting to the community according to project documents, up to 30 percent of this revenue, a stipend off right at the start by a us based for profit company called needed in the form of marketing fees. vera the body who validated reviewed and liter re verified the all sets also takes a cut for their truck. after that, consultancy piece for social scientists and a 5 percent cut for can use come to governments. from here,
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the remaining funds go to the energy itself, which retains 40 percent for what it calls operations costs. what's left is divided equally among the 14 participating conservancy. but here's the kicker, even from this new group portion, not a penny of carbon revenue is, is distributed directly to individual herders households or settlements. instead, it's retained and a common fund that conservancy is must submit. it's due to funds specific projects in 2025 residents of the northern kenya range science carbon project. and another in our tea conservancy. fine had their day in court judges losing their faith, declaring that a conservancy which covers roughly a 5th of the carbon projects area was established. i'm constitutional and ordering the energies wages to withdrawal. i was so that's what that's gotten with express what they've been to do. if they invest us, we really need to buy a couple of credits from the community. they come directly now to the community, a lot of management for me. and we had expecting a,
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it's to be faster and the ticket and that plus spot into a lot of the really good spelled the start of a new direction for africa's lucrative carpentry. the one that centers the interest of indigenous risk, rather than multinational middle if you want to know more revolve box theory, you can go to the youtube channel of the w planet, a for the full reports. now, slippers of flip flops are popular all over the world. once the plastic sandals have one out though they're open just through the way. i like all plastic they take hundreds of years to decompose, which is a huge problem for uploaded. and you can, the young artist has found the creative way to make use of that island level kenya is combining a passion for ox. was careful how environments collecting discarded, flip flops is the 1st step to process. she has invented to turn plastic pollution
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into something useful. uganda, like many places around the world is listed with hundreds of thousands of plastic slip slopes. this one, this farmer pulls out of his field is about to be given a new creative purpose. newman, there was some surprise, this girl collection. we see her guessing our beautiful things will die, so never can. he attends the flip flops into paint, which he uses to make works of art and other objects for the office. it's a way of coping with the mess. people have been making of the world around them besides the saving of the environment as we are promoting the cultural recycling in our country. so this would be, could be something very interesting if either of these can actually come on and try it out. as her flip flop collection points,
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never kenya begins to reclaim the original bright colors that's entice people to buy the food with in the 1st place, scrubbing the flip flops by has and leaving them in the sense of dry is a laborious job, but it's crucial for her project transforming them into art materials. back in the studios, she uses a bell, sends the machine to reduce the food with to a fine dust, which she collects and mix these with a bind to. to make paints. with such as a variety of discarded slip slopes, never kenya has been able to create a pallet of both colors with which she express herself. she has also brought in other materials into her artworks such as stripes of discarded vehicle tires novel kenya is making a name for himself and looks impala all 12 and internationally, with the auction makes from flip flops of slippers,
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as they know locally hot technique is so unique and there is and that's why i love, i love it because of that text. yeah. and another thing is um, sure. cause of that environment. so by using the past and t as, yeah, instead of binding and, and, and i'm filling them my way back to that, that she turns them into life. never kenya, hurts that. how often raise awareness of all effects a nature and change people's attitudes towards per adults that we no longer have a useful tool to save nature. people have mismanaged with a lot and we're here to tell them that this can be twisted around and after the functionality that they actually know about, they can maybe do something else on these. this is an ending life and ending life.
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besides her paintings, allen, the kenya also designs and adult inspection items. the uganda and alters is located at more useful, higher recycled pain. with so many flip flops still to be removed from the environment. she says she could produce house things as well. car res, are among nature's most beautiful works of odds to mean would live the vibrant ecosystems home to thousands of different species of bar in life? well, global warming and other human activities of threats mean these by diversity, hold supporters of extinction. by 2015 scientist, fee of most of them crude up disappeared. the gently need protect to unbox become an easier thanks to a i like
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sounds very different and a water technique cool. passive acoustic monitoring allows researches to listen in 247 of the island of a you and your the method is being used to measure the impacts of human activity on carl reeks to assess the health status for those are the challenges to detect when things are going well and when the notes how certain areas are evolving, i meant to respond with management measures. these measures can be as simple as restricting access or preventing fishing in certain areas, etc. the marine biologist use underwater microphones or hydra phones is that cold, plenty close to the coral reef. the recordings allowed them to detect when great to numbers of set and species, and to the re assigned that they asked phoning
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the back on dry land. the research has evaluate what the microphones have picked up. it will be practically impossible to listen to this amount of data in real time. when i was always, you know, go to of 100 terabytes of data. this is a huge amount of information and expanding his audio is and which humanly it would be very difficult to listen to all of it. this is where a i and our traditional signal processing elder dumbs can help process years of data in a few minutes. so hours, depending on the tools and analyses we need is one of my sales. they can then use the information to create sound maps at the reach, showing the spots where humans create the most disturbance. when marine life is most active. the data could also help local authorities setup protected areas. oh, to cub tourist activities. shipping, when the fishes spinning, for example,
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the team plans to take the project off the indian ocean islands one step further. in the next stage, recordings of ambien, sam from healthy reeves will be used to attract more life to degrade forms by broadcasting them underwater of, except for c. acoustics can also help to bring back small fish, lobby and corals. and in this way to restore the ecosystem, to i think the system so from when i head to the via the west african countries, atlanta coastline is abundant with oysters, harvesting all of these prize. shellfish is usually done by women and it can be hot and dangerous. so it was great to meet a team of women who are working to make always the harvesting, not only more sustainable, but much safer as well. horses flourish in months of forest, a tie type,
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the amount of roots of covered by the water. the oysters attach themselves and throw. nourished by marie them both and how soon to always disarm was what inspired by this natural to abuses. when they set up the last of funds on the gun in coast there, constructions, use bumble sticks, and the ortho shells to imitate natural conditions. so the closest you said, the oil says it says, well, i'm yeah, processed ooh, from like bubble wrapped and tied them with the most inside the c. that'd be by side to the vin. yeah. well, by these, this most of or stuck on just attach 130. if asked if this i'm going to be uh, oil around 8 months. in fact, if i'm outside the village, of course tom is near the bunks of a titled visit. so it's relatively easy to keep an eye on the voice to
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the women used to go into the monger forest to have this was always to which they really do today was always to a how does to connect, they are smaller and the damages the trees in the process, what's more casual, swelled can i make it very dangerous for the women? for marie them to the new farming technique only has advantages. when it is time to have as well just for the dental, you put it inside the bus, gets it, and you come on your way. and then sunday process, my read number is one of the patch of women in the community of setup to funds. they always walk together and also share they have a fuss. the women cook the oysters, then they remove the meat. of course, the funding is part of a 5 year food and agricultural organization project that ends in 6 weeks. the price
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is designed to these people here, sustainable sources of income until now coastal inhabitants have often encroached on demand for fishing and looking fantastic. studies have shown the crucial ecological role. that's one group of forests play. one group i was the most uh, one of them would play spaces on the one of us being on the loss of mung roads. you're going to have a huge effect on the biomass today within the, the, for us, those and as to any, one of the impacts we're going to have is that in among, of their continued issue, chris, that didn't come on. so when we lose the money was initially i wouldn't have moving out effects, reducing coupling dioxide levels in the actual see what's new global warming. that's why a sustainable relationship with lungfuls is vital always to apricots of phones having to get my thoughts on the incomes yet. but the hope is that what of mouse with this interest in these high value,
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half of the project also includes the regular training for the remaining will be setting up the funding or how to sell the oyster. and they have access to a solar powered freezer to store their produce release from a capacity building showed on dick on how the associate economic benefit of why it did to big data in regards to that benefits going well unfortunately, because the system is not that much organized, they don't know what day is going to investigate, use, and lucrative industrial. the women not only benefit from the project, they also give something back by planting mangrove seedlings. i think you would go to mother's plan treat as much ok, but we are more focused on mangroves, but they do not that well it's harvesting oyster is we pay attention to the main groups going out from time to time and we also go round to find out if people are
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cutting them or not, who i give you for moving you to the women of custom that have not another code division method in which the ortho is google in. net, but by using apple coaches instead of explosion, demand growth, the women also on to protect the local environment. they are building their own lives. they allow us to funds have another way to benefit of the zip code. we would have to take to you for destiny by ensuring that this place to read, you know, in conditions that i should have went to us is going to help in improving uh, the new production as well. and then we will be able to fit a set of with the fees. and of course you have bundle and that'd be one. so obviously not a quote, closure is an official for set sufficiency assume already done, but on the other women, they can already do more than just feed themselves and this on the order some business is very nice from. you'd have your home goings. i'm so mean
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this is the, the, the order on board line for themselves. a way to people, homes, consumption. yeah. to it is a very good business. because to project ok, the example of how environmental protection can succeed is to people effective. but it's also been and now it's time for us to say good bye. we hope you have enjoyed what he has seen and maybe even feel in spite to go out and make a difference in the world. and if you do, tell us about it, right to echo ad d w dot com, we'd love hearing from you. i'm, i'm, i'm will conduct, it looks like a see you next time. and i present legs a leg goes. if you ok and to watch more insightful stories, just search for eco offered online. you find a lot there to keep you going until we're back next time. see you that
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the . it's the
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the biggest church stage. it's construction a company to lies of the christian church to this day. it's mondays of to conclude the secret behind the holy city in 75 minutes on d w. the
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we are all set with what seemed close to him to bring use a story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased and from ation. 3 mice. hey, you looking for something. welcome cdw. your portal to pick trailers and clips from us docs. and in the story here, oh, just a click away watching this video. see what's going on. hello, and a warm welcome to you. would you need unusual people? yes, i am very easy. describe this fascinating places. you have
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a global perspective. explore great ideas. let me show you check out contains your journey. been given by that is no good size. this is a simple size which says they made the rules and come back. we have to address it as a system connected to a motorcycle and a from the side. and root payables to grow from side. unfortunately, it's just a drop in the bucket. globally, competition is reset with no regard for humans or the environment. and some of the most important asset voltage and exporting it for a lot of money. export our water as grass to feed cows half way across the world. i can't help but wonder if anybody thinking about the future of this country. with
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this address, the global voice of crisis unveiled does most 21st on the w, the business, the news life and above that 5, it crashes reports this very serious government troops that supports us. a bit ousted fullness presidents or thoughts of bushes and executions. emerging sit is the new government faces its biggest challenge since the fall of the shot i sat also in the program of russia launch is more rocket and drone strikes across the ukraine. keith describes it as a massive attack with targeted critical energy infrastructure. the latest russian to tax on ukraine's buck a strong reaction from the white house president trump threatens must go with sanctions besides ukraine is making a peace deal difficult.


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