tv [untitled] September 6, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST
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various elites, political business elite, media elite, including those that were related to russia or russia contributed to the development of their well, counterparties, i would say so, because business , big business and politics have been making money on russian gas for a long time, because media resources come here they also came to russia, they did everything in order to create powerful media resources here and influence ukrainian society on our main tv channels, there were always new year's lights and various concerts there with the participation of kirkorov gutin baskova - this happened over a long period , that is, everything was done in order to disintegrate ukraine. i only remember one case when the ukrainian authorities responded to the russians quite harshly, and it was precisely during the time when you were in charge of the
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ministry of foreign affairs, when you mykhailivska in the ministry of foreign affairs black and white warned him about the inadmissibility of his actions and, er, his statements, er, in principle, we should conduct such a large lustration. well, if we already missed in the 90s an illustration of those who worked the communist party and those who worked for the kgb, we did not have such a zeroing of power, well, at least after the end of this war after our victory, in principle, it is necessary to draw an illustration of those who worked for russia, because there are a lot of people, i am even in the only telethon in which now broadcasts on all channels, meets people who worked on medvedchukiv channels and people who advocated pro-russian views, now they say that everything has changed and they are completely different and very, very many people did not answer for the fact that they are very long
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period, they did everything for the arrival of the russian occupier here. is such a law possible and do you believe in this nullification? i believe that the ukrainian government will gradually become similar to the european government. and ukrainian society will become similar to the average statistical a european society where the public has the right to vote, where the opinion of the public is listened to government where the public decides what this government will do and not the other way around, well , that is, we are going along this path, unfortunately very slowly unfortunately, with very big zigzags, and unfortunately, the kind of corruption that we are talking about, regarding the ukrainian elites, it is actually terrible, it started from the first day of the
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restoration of our independence, when the former communists seized virtually all economic power when they began to quickly establish ties with their communist friends from the first capital. when did the first gang -like unions of ukrainian-russian businessmen who were not engaged in the development of their countries but at their expense and so forth begin? they mentioned gas corruption eh well, only lazy no no no no no how many of our prime ministers sat on this pipe day not only eh that's definitely why russia succeeded in this policy of corrupting the ukrainian elites eh to create this very p i saw a column and it's a big deal, because it's very simple, you
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took steam once, you sat on a pipe once, and you're already in a trap, and there's already a file on you, and the fsb is keeping it. in your closets, but you are constantly reminded dear if you do something wrong, you will do the same well, we have all the daddies in the face uh and this and this works , unfortunately, and it works in all directions , it’s not only politicians. it’s the same, and there are corrupt uh, there are so-called experts, unfortunately, they are corrupt the journalists you are talking about, but they are given the same instructions. and now, please, guys and girls, change your shoes in the air quickly and tell us that you are normal, wonderful pensions and patriots in the game. and when the time comes, you will work for us again as needed, and for now, let's introduce the topic and start breaking it inside, it's like that
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to say banal things that are used by the russians, er, where you can and can’t. well, they are doing the same thing now all over, well, they did it all over europe, when they got into the er, information, first, then the economic field, er, then the political circle and that’s it. and they created whole parties, which they financed whole social movements, whether the extreme left or the extreme right is of no importance. the main thing is that they were and so that the right moment could be pulled by the rope and, accordingly, a politician or a politician would not sing the song about the army that them written, do you think that these are the last pro-russian attacks and kenny - it's just that, yes, definitely, no, definitely, that these are orchestrated, coordinated actions that may still have
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a continuation because, well, russia has tools and this tool is called one money bribery is corruption, that's why they will use it, but we must draw conclusions from this that as long as we pretend that we do not notice it, such as these scumbags from the ukrainian parliament who called russia here will continue to be there and it is considered normal well, it's good that they changed their name well, that they changed their political position, that they stopped being what they are, that's the bottom line. are there any mechanisms to eliminate these calls from the political field, or will we tolerate the same them only under a different flag or under a different name. therefore, this is a question again for us as well as for soviet society and the government, and we will
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force this government to act, then it will act, if not, then it will be wonderful. around like that these are the very scumbags we are talking about now . we, vladimir, mentioned these protests or pseudo-protests, well, in any case, they were live people who went to the center of prague and cologne and called on their leadership to buy russian gas , who called on them to help ukraine less it is clear that in the russian federation there are a lot of agents in the west, in particular in europe, and not only at the hmm e-e purely human level, but a lot of supporters. i understand that there are a lot of russian emigrants in cologne and in the top management in the highest to the leadership of the european states, is it in this
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situation that is developing on the eve of winter, are we not, or are we not going to find ourselves in a situation when europeans will be forced to respond to these internal challenges that will arise in germany, the czech republic, italy, and france and they will pay less attention to russia's war with ukraine, and well, russia will actually open another front. well, like that according to the plan of the kremlin to uh, under uh, to set fire to uh societies in european countries from the inside, that is to say, look, uh, your
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electricity bills have doubled and maybe even tripled and why because uh, your government supports ukraine and this well, it's really easy to sell because people, again, do n't really connect russia's war against ukraine with what's going on in their household, and very few people understand what's really going on . the reason is that uh-e sanctions must uh-uh so they will beat both on their own so to speak, the economy, but they will force russia to stop this war and the root of all troubles is not helping ukraine to defend itself, but helping
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ukraine to defend its own security, without it , the security of europe will be equally threatened because where if you want putin, it’s the last hope. if he failed here, he will definitely fail . well, there’s nothing left. nuclear blackmail doesn’t work anymore. remember the taras forest, which today is becoming a test piece. the question was, which one will i use nuclear here? weapons uh if there will be a need for this if russia does it, remember this of the same sun, that is, you know, she has been really surprising me in recent days, who said that we will not receive russian gas from the end of december, we germans ourselves will not
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do this regardless of whether it will be russia wants to sell it or not, remember the application for the services of the fund , which clearly and clearly states that we will endure, we will offer a number of measures that will help the people who will need help in europe to get through this winter and so next that is, well, that's it remember these numbers, er, already on september 1, in fact , er, europeans have accumulated 80% of gas reserves in storage, it is not yet 100, but there is still until november 1, well , in fact, one and a half or even more, almost two months . and things are moving, there are programs of a social nature, that is i think that the political class concluded for itself that it will no longer work with this russia. and now you are showing what
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russia is doing now with gas, it is actually burning it because there will be no need for a little more in russian asia and it will be forced to burned subtracted figure every day she does it by 10 million dollars. i think that these sums will grow because, in the end , gas is not a weapon . because of this dependence although the winter promises to be really very difficult and we europeans are coming but i think that this is the last winter when russia blackmails the world with its energy carriers and in a year or two believe me, will this regime in russia or some other one run after europe and ask in order to
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she bought something from him, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our social networks on youtube and also live on facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video so that it is promoted in the trends youtube and facebook, and subscribe to our social networks. we work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, vladimir. we have already started talking about gas, we know that the russians have stopped nord stream-2, they are talking about this turbine again there are some details from siemens - this is not an issue - there is not enough from the siemens company, well, that is, putin is doing this in order to show europe that it was and remains dependent on russian gas, of course , of course, this situation will change in a few years, europeans also understand that it is a big risk to stay on to this gas needle from russia, if the
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germans, who have a powerful industry and a prime minister who takes into account the interests of german industrialists, are already talking about the fact that they will get rid of energy dependence by december states at the same time, the president of turkey radjeta and yordagan stated that europe itself is to blame for the fact that they will face serious problems in the winter due to the reduction of gas supplies from russia. there are such advantages from communicating with putin, trade with russia, tourists, etc. it seems to me that turkish business is not suffering any bad consequences from the russian-ukraine war
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it is possible to accept in general what erdoğan says, does he want to please putin or er, well, a very strange position for a country that is a member of nato is a candidate if i am not mistaken for joining the european union or is it true they have been a candidate for a very long time hmm why why erdoğan is trying to reprimand europe, although in this situation it is absolutely obvious who is right and who is blackmailing whom and who should behave. i think that this answer is a very simple general statement. that is, this is the statement of a cynic politician who thinks first of all about himself and not about principles and thinks about economic uh, dividends for your country, uh, uh, look, mr. sergey, uh, well, the latest figures i saw on the uh, turkish economy say that
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inflation reaches 80% per year, uh, uh, well, i don't know, i'm not an economist but it seems to me that this is almost a disaster, despite the fact that the turkish tourism economy is developing and it is not in such a bad situation, the situation is too difficult today, but the trend is very, very dangerous, so for him, for his political survival, and there seems to be the following another election will be held next year some positive information about the economy is absolutely necessary, about some elementary economic progress, i don’t know if we can talk about growth, but at least about what can be sold to the turkish population, at least some economic results
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that's why he will grab for everything, he will grab for tomatoes for the south and russian tourists for anything you want, if only to er give er to his turkish population some positive information about what on thanks to his stay in power everything is going very well, at the same time, it cannot be said without a doubt that thanks to the position of turkey, including the army, we are getting the weapons we need, which are very effective, as i say, very useful and the position of the head of this company which produces bar hectares, well, she is simply fantastic, sober, obvious and positive, he clearly says that i understand who putin is. i understand that he is the person who organized and started this
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wild, terrible war against ukraine, so i am on the side of ukraine and will help them and we will create such in ukraine has a plant for the production of new e-e bikes of a new generation, which are powerful and will help ukrainians destroy the enemy, that is, there are absolutely different approaches, the same in turkey, there is this cynicism e-e and there is e-e what people see e objectively and what will they do to us, of course, it should be sad that president erdoğan takes such a position. although, on the other hand, he says that he is in favor of restoring the territorial integrity of ukraine, including crimea, but the question is again, at what cost that is, you can to restore the territorial goal of becoming a semi-colony
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of russia, perhaps this is what ardynand means when he offers his mediation services for putin and ukraine. but he must also understand that we will not make those concessions that will make us semi-colonies. so, unfortunately here we have to say well, let's say a cynical position that can't suit us in any way, but uh, we have to use those positive moments, well , at least, about which we can talk and about which we are actually talking about during the last for several months, we quite actively discussed the topic of the possible recognition by the united states of america of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, and in june, i think that the peak of this discussion was not only in ukraine, but also in the current
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united states of america. in june, july, the president of the united states of america was asked whether to recognize russia as a sponsor of terrorism, the head of state answered negatively piskov, commenting on this negative answer of biden, said that it is good that the president of the united states of america answered no why do you think the united states of america is delaying the recognition of russia as a sponsor of terrorism, although this is a legal concept, after all, russia is a terrorist country after all. who in the world has no doubt that russia is a terrorist country, that it not only sponsors terrorism, but there is the very business of this country , and remember how many times the same guy called
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putin a war criminal, and this is the position of me it seems that he has not changed in any way, there is another, there is another dimension, the dimension is practical. look , if today the united states of america recognizes russia as a sponsor of terrorism by ukraine, it means that they should impose sanctions against all those countries in the world that work with russia. well, what this will mean, as of now, for today, this means that washington must introduce sanctions against berlin, asks paris against the entire european union, well, to one degree or another. well, and so on . in in the interests of the americans themselves well, i think that until now is the key word here until now is the key word
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until now it is not realistic because it is not possible to implement it and both of them the question is when it will be possible to do and here i think that we have some hope that if this course of sanctioning moscow will be extended, then for a certain period of time i think that it will not be too long, after all, hmm, well, cooperation with russia will be increased or to zero or almost to zero, and then such sanctions will be realistic let's not forget one such thing in the usa, there are even two branches of government and the executive, i.e., the administration, and the legislative, i.e., the congress, which very recently we heard statements from the congress
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that if the administration does not do it, it will do it. well, let's not rush ahead, let's see how things will develop. but i think that in the political plan, even discussing the topic of russia is useful because everyone understands it, but they also understand certain disadvantages in the immediate introduction of such status today, the new prime minister of great britain takes office lis tras she used to be the head of the ministry of foreign affairs in boris johnson's government and is an ardent critic of russia, eh, russia obviously, when she criticized johnson quite often, had the exact goal of bringing down johnson's government and they expected that
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someone a more favorable one will come to the position of prime minister of great britain, what should we expect and what should we expect from the tracks, because great britain during johnson's prime ministership became, well, quite a powerful player, they were and have become a more powerful player, especially in the context of the ukrainian russian-ukrainian war. it seems to me that this story with listraz should remind all kremlin criminals of one simple truth: don't dig another's grave because you'll already end up in it, because i think that the new prem the leader of great britain will not only continue the course initiated by boris johnson, but she will make it even tougher and even more unpleasant for russia.
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this is really the iron lady and even her manner of communication, even the way expresses his thoughts leaves no doubt that she will very resolutely defend her convictions, her convictions are very clear convictions that the aggressor must be punished and severely punished. and for this, the victim of aggression must be helped in all possible ways so that he can do it, you know i i remember when she was still the head of the foreign ministry of great britain, she was also a few weeks before a large-scale war, she made an official visit to moscow and i watched the press conference with lavrov. you know, i got a great deal of pleasure, because i'm sorry for the words, i'm trying to drag lavrov, how did
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she do it, but i haven't had to see her for many years, so i'll be honest, she has charisma, she has character, she feels responsibility, and really her position with regard to the nuclear threat from russia, this is also one of the important elements of its foreign policy. by the way, it is not a coincidence that recently, we hear less from zay about the nuclear shakhtar from russia, so i think we should welcome this appointment as well raz - johnson in fact, a great friend will not disappear from the political sky and will appear again in some very responsible places, whether british or european . so i think that we
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are establishing a really very, very positive cooperation with britain, which should pass even a little more time. well, you mean about the possible union of great britain, ukraine and other countries, including poland, about the so-called upa , including and yes, and i think that it is not final, because it is a lot of countries in europe and not only in europe, by the way, and let's forget about connecting the americans, who understand that the friendly position towards russia is a threat to europeans and who want to help continental europe to form countermeasures against them that will be effective, because with people like, say, prem you can't build such a structure in hungary or with others who grab their hearts and shout that it
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is necessary to stop giving weapons to ukraine because it continues the war without understanding that it does not end in this way, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for conversation i wish you good health and all the best i will remind our viewers that it was a biting politician diplomat minister of foreign affairs in 2007-2009 it was a program verdict brought by serhii rudenko tomorrow we will meet at 1:00 p.m. i will be visiting general major of the security service of ukraine, viktor yagun, let's talk about the situation on the eastern-southern fronts and putin's statements. tomorrow, putin will speak at the great eastern economic forum , let's hear what he will say there. so, until tomorrow, take care of yourself and your loved ones. goodbye. watch on the air. of our espresso news channel and espresso euro programs
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for ukrainian refugees in europe, joint broadcast with the atp channel, radio svoboda programs , voice of america time-time programs, inclusion of public television journalists, bbc news ukraine and franz 24 news programs, as well as the broadcast of the informational marathon, the only news, together, we are the power of glory in ukraine , some creatures hunt washing machines, and we from ukraine insure our machines online on hotline finance hotline finance insurance of course online war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians
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victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, serhiy rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of serhiy rudenko from monday to thursday at 1 p.m. :00 repeat at 9:30 p.m. how to get compensation for employment of the vpu you employed internally displaced persons get compensation for their labor costs compensation is 6,500 hryvnias for each employed person and is paid for two months of work
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