tv [untitled] October 8, 2022 10:30am-11:01am EEST
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and the line between them is very very thin and fluid and it is never possible to predict in advance with certainty how it will turn out and one effect is solidarity solidarity of what we call a community of experience even if we take into account that it does not necessarily imply that everyone must undergo such incredible losses and calamities, it is still the experience of being in the same time, the experience of belonging to the same society and, what is most important, the experience of empathy and empathy. and the opposite of it is another possible effect when this traumatization on the one hand, it becomes too massive, too strong, and on the other hand, when despair prevails over hope and
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over the belief that the future is possible, there is fragmentation, when everyone stands up for themselves only when it comes to elementary, bare biological survival, when solidarity breaks down and actual fragmentation begins so in order to avoid this, it seems to me that two prerequisites are necessary, one prerequisite is that we must experience each loss, each injury, each pain of our neighbors, those whom we call our belonging to our community as our own loss as our own pain, so that we
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understand in detail the whole composition of this pain, not necessarily having experienced it ourselves, but so that we realize what a huge loss it is, what it means to lose housing and a home, what artem writes about, or what it means to lose parents for children what it means to lose children for parents what it means to lose a husband what it means to lose mental health in war after the horrors seen and experienced what it means to live in constant fear and in certainty and this can be understood this can be understood
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precisely because of our ability to empathize not must be able to survive, and it seems to me that it will be the most important prerequisite for the possibility of creating this community after the appearance. so it will be mutilated, it will be mutilated, it will be made of logs, but it will not be fragmented on the other side . it happens to us the more we see blood suffering a-ah and deaths the more er-er the human psyche becomes er-er inaudible it becomes less sensitive yes to this to the horror of this is this also natural and how is this how will it
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work with us yes, our soul is complex uh, it's very paradoxical and very um plastic, moreover , not everyone, not everyone, unfortunately, is plastic, there are fragile souls that can't stand it, but in general, for the most part, uh, the soul is, at the same time, extremely hardy and uh, resilient, and plastic, and empathy and growth the ability of empathy goes hand in hand, for example, with the dulling or with the growth of what we could call er false cynicism or feigned cynicism which in no case should be confused with real cynicism failed and er above all that yes yes yes the main thing is
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getting used to war also gets used to the doctor also gets used to uh here anxiety gets used to fear gets used to hopelessness gets used again not everyone is the same everyone is different and who can do better who can do worse but this all happens at the same time aggravation of exhaustion but also dulling and getting used to it and then we also have to telling yourself that it is like this, it is like that and it cannot be any other way. i want you in my life as a hammer in my
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life. the nuclear threat is the second one, because that is, with my child in 1986, we survived the first nuclear threat. it was nothing, by the way. less than now er, and i remember how they joked that at the chernobyl explosion, the ukrainians responded with an explosion of laughter. as i remind you, how long it was then, and i was working, and i remembered it now, er, when did this flash mob begin, er, about the orgy on the thyroid gland in the strike, like that what do you say about humor, what kind of phenomenon is it when people just move out, just move, humor is the highest jewel that we are given, humor is
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good and grace, and it is real salvation. by the way, freud was convinced that humor not only belongs to the protective mechanisms of the psyche of a that he is the most mature defense mechanism and offroad distinguished very well in his theory and in his philosophy between touch and humor and he has works both for and against one of his early works is devoted to dotype from a psychoanalytic point of view and one of his later works is devoted to humor and here humor is richer and more mature and deeper than touch because humor is the ability to rise above the
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tragedy of shoes which is not denied humor is the ability to see this tragedy accept it but not break down under it even if you can the ability to preserve human dignity in the face of disasters and make amends, you said about accepting the tragedy of life, i thought that for me personally, the hardest thing is to accept the madness of life , and for me, the best thing is to accept that there is one lucky person who is around i chose the same mad society is capable of destroying the world and here it is
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. it seems to me that this is the biggest problem for me. do you ask yourself this? do you think about it? what are your thoughts, how could this happen ? may to happen that a crazy person can put the planet on the brink of disaster i think about it constantly uh everyday because um it's very very hard very hard to stay sane when you're dealing with a lack of common sense it's very hard to stay sober with the ability to think soberly when you're faced with that the fate of the world is in the hands of beings who
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have long since abandoned the ability to think and are covered by shalom and this is a truly terrible terrible challenge to which there is no good answer , yes, i understand the importance of argumentation, i understand that that the entire list of threats that we hear again and again can be given an equally convincing list of arguments that speak for why this can never happen, i mean at the beginning of this nuclear disaster, but actually considering the fact that we are dealing with insanity ah it would be too
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frivolous and very irresponsible to completely deny such a possibility, and anyone with common sense will undertake to guarantee that it will not happen , and that is why i hesitated for so long whether to accept your invitation or not. answers, and if i were to assure you now that nothing terrible would happen, i, you acted extremely irresponsibly and very recklessly, it's just that for me, this is a question about madness, against which the world has turned out to be strong, the world has turned out to be powerless . e world leaders are powerless e human rights organizations international organizations of the un security council unicef amnesty
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international e-e they are powerless against an insane person and then the question arises and what does my normality mean my efforts my attempts in in the world that where is powerless against madness so in that is, it is such and such a kind of destruction in general of the destruction of some world order in which you are in which you are here and this is where we reach it seems to me to the most important limit and to the most important question i am convinced despite all that that insanity is not capable of destroying meaning that uh-uh it's hard to express uh-huh
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that's exactly what i mean, but even in the face of obvious insanity we don't dare to give in to the sensitivity of our life and the sensitivity of what we created, will create and will be and want to create the madness of destruction, there are no rules to destroy the meanings of our lives even when they are under clear threat from this destruction, someone once said that if i knew that tomorrow would be the end of the world, i would go to my garden today to plant young pits and that is exactly what i am talking about it is said we have no
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guarantee that our senses will not be destroyed but we do not have the right to give them up before they are destroyed regarding planting an apple tree, you personally, yuriy, this will surely be my last questions, are you planning your life, are you planning let's say some things for a year in advance, for six months in advance, every time i plan such things, i also feel such a certain destiny of some kind of madness of mine, so because planning in such uncertainty is also somehow not quite normal, or do you plan some things for the long term, well, obviously e- maybe here we could make a difference between planning and dreaming. because when it comes to a contract , i imagine and dream, and i have no
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doubt that it will be like that. i know another thing that i know. that when we stop wanting the future when we stop being able to see the future, then we stop being and, er, planning, i can plan a little for a shorter goal a few weeks in advance, but i dream. i dream and imagine for a long time ahead. m in view of the fact that it continues er-er plans fights has fun in some way functions er-er do you have the same impression ot how do you how do you
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evaluate this state as well without a doubt yes it is er incredible er this society it is it is extraordinary and it has er completely philosophical is right in the end because if we are destined to die, we still cannot avoid it and we really have no influence on it, but if we are destined to survive, then we will be right in that we lived constantly and we stopped before the threat thank you yuri for the conversation, yuriy prokhasko, a german scholar, a translator, an essayist , a psychoanalyst, was my guest, ah, these were such thoughts, eh, without specific eh, in eh, recipes, but
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eh, but i think they were quite deep and useful. thank you for the conversation. thank you all. who watched us and as always thanks to the armed forces of ukraine that this conversation could have happened, we will see you in a week, stay with us on the espresso channel , see you this week in the program of collaborators, a list of miklushka pseudo-referendums and unification with a terrorist country, who among the traitors is behind their organization, we took a course for st. russia, and let's not turn away from it, what kind of future do the collaborators dream of after voting by hacking the machine, then from corruption and the first sound and what awaits them, in fact, every war gives birth to heroes
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unfortunately, there is no way around the hopeless either. of our fellow citizens who, with the agreement of the kremlin , organize pseudo-referendums, campaign to participate in them and themselves vote for the annexation of the occupied territories to russia, of course we will never recognize any referendums held at gunpoint, the results of which have nothing to do with the terms of elections, freedom and democracy, but tell us about the collaborators who we had to implement this so-called manifestation of will, because after the deoccupation, if they remain alive , they will have two options: to crowd around the stations in russia, or to stay and make excuses. we were forced to do so. we did not want to at all, it was not there so that the second option was impossible and each traitor answered for his act , we show who organized what for the general look at how these referendums looked in general, here is a
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video from mariupol that was shot by the propaganda media , in the frame six pensioners vote in the park in the open air, two drunkards and more some woman in the center of attention, a man in black, probably the head of the commission explains the rules of voting, actively gesturing with his hands. here is him, i ask you to pay special attention, black leather jacket, black cap, black a sweater with a gray pattern, remember it, because we will meet it later, the so-called journalist of the russian propaganda publication kyrylo kurbatov interviews people who have already voted 8 years ago, we had the destruction of our country, but there is hope that good times will come what times are coming there, where is russian peace coming, this collaborator sees every day, because her city mariupol was
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simply destroyed by the russian horde in the first two months of the war, i am sure that many civilians she knew died during the occupation as a result of missile attacks and filtering measures, but everything is still working, give it, it is probably not cured, we don’t have everything, everything is fine, he voted against the origin, we don’t have a single one, that’s all, of course, normal people don’t go to such events, in principle, because they take part in a pseudo-referendum this is collaborative activity in its purest form. and in these shots , another pensioner at a very respectable age, 10, is still answering the stupid question of a journalist. for what kind of future are we voting for?
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in order to future people people in order to freedom of life an ordinary viewer will see here an old man who was brought a piece of paper and told to put a tick on the camera now because that's how they make videos about slander, more attentive viewers will notice another man in the right corner of the screen who meanwhile inspects the apartment of a pensioner, and especially clever ones they will also recognize our man in black, who has already caught the eye of the so-called journalists when he waved his hands in front of pensioners near a bench in the park, and even a jacket, a cap, the same sweater, he is just a genius camouflage, it’s interesting that he was looking for an old man in the apartment, i won’t be surprised if spoons fell from zate’s kitchen on the viewer after the referendum, now it will be possible to recognize them and therefore condemn them with the confiscation of property, and this is cadres from luhansk region, here the ballots are accepted near the banners наше будущество вместе с россией и россия
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свой жилье is available to everyone one female collaborator with a passport of the people's republic of china stands against the background of a bombed-out building and a referendum. when on the day of the referendum they ring your doorbell, there are several women standing behind them and they say vote. and behind them are two with machine guns, of course, from the enemy army, and this is how the voting looked in zaporizhzhia, donetsk region, luhansk region and kherson region, wherever the orcs managed to gain a foothold, i never lived among wild tribes, but i think and in them, the expression of will looks more democratic. to me personally, these referendums remind us of a game of thimble where the players are always fools because the thrower won even before the start, the occupiers provided themselves with information about the turnout, let's say
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donetsk region 97.5%. well, of course, they wrote down the results for themselves in four regions from 87 to over 99% for joining russia. no person with an intellect higher than that of a worm will believe it. the organizers of the so-called referendums have been sanctioned not only by ukraine but also by other civilized countries that understand that everything this is an occupation farce that could not be ignored by world politicians, today's sanctions will apply to those behind these effective votes, as well as to those who continue to support the war of aggression of the russian regime in the sanctions list of bri among the russians, we found the gauleiter of the occupied part of the zaporizhia region , yevhen balytsky, in this video we see how the collaborator was preparing for the referendum, the order of the
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central central assembly commission of the zaporizhia region, and the beginning and preparation of the referendum on the unification of the zaporizhia region with the russian federation, please note that the hall is full, part of those present indeed, the residents of melitopol clap their hands and rejoice at such statements by the head of the occupation administration in the video the faces of the collaborators are visible, smart recognition systems will establish their names, the rest of the mass was transported from moscow so that the holiday was definitely successful, and a few days before the so-called referendum , all the documentation was prepared, there are ballots, there are people on the ground. with russia, we must break fascism and wet haystacks and drive down the
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haystacks, so that never again on our earth does it sound like a fascist the word of the former people's deputy of ukraine from the party of regions who sold out to the occupiers was not only involved in the organization of the kremlin referendum and the issuance of russian passports, the great achievement of valitsky in his pseudo-position is the theft of ukrainian grain, it is about 650,000 tons of grain worth 200 million dollars so that he could choke on that money and his sharers on the stolen ukrainian bread in kherson oblast volodymyr saldo and another former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and ex-meer of kherson were responsible to putin for the preparation for these votes, his first step in the construction of the russian world also included the organization of the issuance of russian passports. i am true. vladimir vasilyevich, the creations swear to observe the russian constitution
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and laws. after receiving a russian passport, the balance began to have health problems. he disappeared from public space. the media even had time to bury him, so they had time to campaign for a referendum. happened to the moscow patriarchate and other agents of the kremlin, and against the background of the successful pre-occupation in the kharkiv region, they stirred the snake's coil in kherson and decided to hold a vote quickly, even the scarecrow of the traitor saydu himself was found somewhere underground, they made a decision to prepare and conduct referents , and the entry of the kherson region into the russian federation, we took a course for reunification with russia and we will not turn away from it, kiev does not say that kherson is
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russia, then we will refuse the full name of the woman is maryna zakharova, she was appointed head of the cec in kherson oblast . which also shines for her lifetime. and this is the former people's deputy of the regional oleksiy zhuravko, he also dragged russian peace to ukraine and personally took part in the voting in the kherson region. i came to the city to vote. and a suitable crane was sent to the forefathers of the traitor, immediately liquidated in the hotel of occupied
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kherson where he was staying together with russian propagandists, clap and the liberation is going according to plan we in the occupied parts of luhansk region and donetsk region, the matter is not new, we remember how it happened in the 14th year, we see that and now nothing has changed in luhansk region, following the process of filling the ballot boxes with prepared ballots and their correct counting, leonid pasichnyk, the head of the terrorist lpr, monitored there is no way back only together and only with russia we will stand and win, i urge everyone to say yes yes for the future for the victory for russia in the occupied donetsk region, the pseudo-referendum ceremony was also nothing special, the main watcher of the so-called dnr denis pushylin, accompanied by tv cameras of russian journalists, scribbled something on the ballot paper, dropped
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it into the ballot box and began to fall somewhere through the crowd - happy russians in general. election commissions , the civilized world will never recognize the results of pseudo-voting. all those involved in the organization of such events can apply for a lifetime who went to the polls can serve from 5 to 10 years ago, we congratulate everyone who got into the lenses of photo and video cameras, in the end there is another option of punishment for traitors, liquidation, i am sure, the successful counteroffensives of the ukrainian military are already forcing each of the traitors to go to bed and wake up with thoughts not about putin and
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mother russia and the inevitability of punishment for your actions. if you, dear viewers, do not feel sorry for the traitors who write to me at this e- mail address or simply on facebook, turn in all the sellers that we will clean up the country more now. less lessons for our children and grandchildren these were collaborators from miklushka's list see you in a week on espresso air death to enemies my greetings to all who are with us this is the news of yana java melnyk and the espresso editors tell about the most important and well-known at the moment
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