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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2022 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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so that the two sides can continue the discussion with each other, this is the help that ukraine needs that taiwan can provide very soon your parliamentarians will visit that ivan the head of the foreign affairs committee in the ukrainian verkhovna rada will arrive in taiwan very soon i hope to have the opportunity to discuss our support for each other and the rest of the world. how do you see the prospects for economic relations between ukraine and taiwan in the future? you have already talked about the need to rebuild ukraine, of course, rebuilding is connected with investments investments are related to the normal economic climate in the country, to what extent the european integration of ukraine can affect the level of investments in our country, what else do you think ukraine should do to attract the interest of your entrepreneurs and to
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be a safe region for investment. thank you very much for this question. i think in the long term we will be able to do business with ukraine we will be able to improve trade relations with your country we are discussing the creation of a special office for this in taiwan in fact we already have is a trade representative, now he is temporarily living in poland, but he is going to return to kyiv, and he will establish contacts with businessmen in ukraine. i am sure that the economic sectors of taiwan and ukraine will complement each other
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. technologies so i think we complement each other if we think about the future both sides can get mutual benefit from cooperation but we have to wait until the end of the war, we must wait until ukraine defeats the russians so that we can discuss in more detail how to work with each other, but believe me and ivanka are sincerely thinking about starting a business with ukraine , i know for sure that it will be mutually beneficial. our viewers to the ukrainian people what would you say to the ukrainians today after 8 months of this grueling war that the ukrainian people are going through my dear ukrainian friends i know that the war is still going on and i
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i know the pain and suffering the russians have brought to ukraine the government will stand firm with ukraine we have seen your courage and determination you will win the war in the end i see you are driving the russians out inch by mile i love city by city you will definitely win this war and you will be able to rebuild your beautiful country with the help of many other democratic countries and ivan will always support you taiwan will be your true friend who will contribute to the process of rebuilding your beautiful country thank you mr. minister i want i sincerely wish peace to the people of taiwan, thank you very much, all we want here in taiwan is peace, thank you. the minister
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of foreign affairs of the republic of china in taiwan , joseph, was in our program. a global issue almost everywhere where authoritarianism tries to strengthen, where people's rights are disrespected, where people are excluded from participation in free elections, where they are not given the opportunity to make economic choices in the end, the idea of ​​war appears everywhere, and this is absolutely logical, because if you want to rule forever, you have to prove to your compatriots that you are this person who solves global
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political problems and also prove to them that they can not oppose you because it will happen to them exactly the same as what happens to those against whom your brute force is directed, it is obvious that people are always afraid of such leaders and that is why the most disgusting of them, such as joseph stalin, let's say, managed to rule over their own people for decades compatriots because they simply lived in a state of shame and were aware that all these crimes that occur in the territories of others or these crimes that occur with their friends and neighbors can happen to them at any moment. now we will answer your questions, which are already here i will start right away with a question that concerns china. iryna ozlova asks us this dian-ping, re-elected general secretary of the communist party of china for the third time, putin congratulated the first, how will relations between
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russia and china develop, will china put pressure on putin to he stopped the war, what support from china does russia count on, relations between russia and china, these are relations between strategic allies, these are two authoritarian regimes, and they follow the same path, these are regimes of one-person leadership, and this is not just a regime of one-person leadership, these are regimes in which the first persons passed the path from balancing clan interests to single-person leadership was the case in the russian federation. vladimir putin came to power in russia . the proposal of the relatives of the then president of russia boris yeltsin, oligarchs connected with the yeltsin family, and the president of russia boris yeltsin himself also agreed with this choice, the main condition of the rule of vladimir putin was the idea of ​​clan balance, however, during these 22 years, putin became
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the sole leader of the russian federation, clan balance completely destroyed all those who had their own point of view on development and in the state were actually removed from power by vladimir putin himself, the regime can do whatever it wants with those who does not agree with him, and we are talking not only about opposition leaders, but also about officials of the regime itself, who often appear on russian television in handcuffs; we are also talking about the former minister of economy ulyukayev, the heads of russian regions, and the former minister of defense serdyukov, so that in in this situation, of course, we understand that nullifying the terms of vladimir putin's reign became a direct path for him, and until the
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current congress of the communist party of china and the plenum of the central committee that took place after the congress became possible to say a kind of congress of winners means, of course, sid he and his closest entourage in the standing committee of the politburo of the central
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committee of the communist party of china, there is practically no one who could say these dian pinu, no one could disagree with the point of view of the first person, as well as putin sitin is going to rule forever today leading chinese media designed for foreign audiences emphasize that there is no heir in the standing committee of the politburo central committee there is no company of china, that is, there is not even an idea that the president and the head of the people's republic of china can be replaced after the third term of his government, and this is the usual thing that also leads to thoughts about a war in the taiwan gulf, so that relations between russia and china will be relations between allies who will be together to fight against all those whom they consider opponents of authoritarianism together to dismantle the practical world together to wage wars and in this plan, of course, these
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bells are beneficial for russia's victory in the war, and vladimir putin's war against china will be beneficial taiwan and the chinese victory, of course, here you have to realize that when china, as you say, will put pressure on putin to stop the war. this is not quite the right verb. he did not stop. he won the war. to want from putin why you can't deal with them for so long why do they still exist will you come then when you say that the word ukraine is not on the political map of the world and will never be again here, repeat the zelpin - he spoke on putin will speak my opinion, and this is why china and russia are natural allies. this is why the people 's republic of china categorically opposed the sanctions against the islamic republic of iran. china needs iranian drones to crash into
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ukrainian infrastructure, so that ukrainians leave their territory so that they have no way out . - this is a word that every activist of the communist party of china understands when it comes to enemies. and of course we are enemies because we are not communists. i am not talking about what is on the territory the communist party is banned in our country, what fate do you think the people's republic of china wanted for such a country, the usual complete destruction, i will show you decommunization, said vladimir putin on the night of february 23 and 24, 2024, these words, of course, are also addressed to siedenpinu , he will show these ukrainians decommunization not there will be no country where it was banned by the communist party, now russian propagandists are also calling for the killing of ukrainian children, this is absolutely clear to every authoritarian leader it is necessary to destroy all the children as a punishment for the people
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who do not want to accept totalitarianism. so do not doubt that china will help russia even if this help leads to economic sanctions against china and to the decline of its own chinese economy. i always said that you can save yourself only if the economic crisis in china destroys this regime if the economic crisis in russia destroys this regime if the economic crisis in iran destroys this regime only chinese russian iranian peoples can help humanity to survive at all or to disappear from the face of the earth, there are no problems, have you worked in russia for a long time in moscow, or have you felt that for several decades, russians are also beasts and that they will go to war against ukraine, how did this manifest itself or vice versa, there was no evidence of this, how they treated ukrainians and non-russians in general there to be honest, i don't really understand when they tell me that the russians became such beasts in a few decades. i am very sorry. the soviet army behaved like this in
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all the territories where it started the war or even in those territories where it came as an army the liberator is the story of the crimes of the soviet army in germany and in all those countries through which the soviet army passed until it reached germany, this is what we have evidence of rape, murder, violence against women, violence against children, you just don't know this, this is news for you, they always said that this is a soviet soldier who behaves that way that he is taking revenge on the nazis who killed women and children in the soviet union, and i have no doubt that the nazis killed women and children in the soviet union, it is enough to look at all the places of these mass shootings on babyn yar are facts, i have no doubts about the
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person whose closest relatives died in babyn, but i have a serious question, do you think that a person who kills, rapes a fifteen- or ten-year-old girl, then tears her into pieces ? grief do you really believe in this or can she do that because she can be done that way why did the representatives of other armies not act like that the british had nothing to take revenge for now the bombed cities for the destroyed destinies for their relatives who died under the bombing the german occupation of aviation, the french had nothing to take revenge for, no one had anything to take revenge on, only the soviet soldiers. and what happened in afghanistan, you can find out that they did not kill the civilian population
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. the russians suddenly in a few decades also became wild, you don’t want to notice that the ukrainians were always just on the other side of this drama as part of the first russian imperial and then the soviet army, no one was wild, it was always like that, it was just the ukrainians now turned out to be on the other side of the theater curtain, they are no longer those who are close to murderers or take part in crimes themselves and those who are killed are destroyed and that is why we are in such age and why am i apologizing when here in lviv the soviet army came in 1939 , which was not here mass murders well, i am surprised by all this, so the question of whether they felt then that
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in a few decades the russians would also become beasts did not stand for me. i thought that i live in a country with a history of brutality and i was very happy that my own state was leaving this circle brutality and that we will never act like that again, but that the war with russia will begin when ukraine finally chooses its own independent path of development, i said at the beginning of the 90s, you know this not conversations in the kitchen, this is what i wrote, that the russian army will for ukraine to behave exactly as it behaved, let's say, in the north caucasus, i had no doubts, just none. i'm just surprised because there are some
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emotions in this regard among my compatriots, of course, when you and i hear about what happened in buch let's say in other towns of the kyiv region, only the kyiv region, everywhere. and we are emotionally stunned, it's clear. and how can it be emotionally proclaimed, and i am emotionally proclaimed by this, simply as a person, as a person who cannot understand how it is possible to act like this, but as a political analyst, i do not see anything new as a person who studies history and i do not see anything new as a person who spoke with russian servicemen who served in chechnya i do not see anything new as a person who spoke with former soviet servicemen who served in afghanistan i don't see anything new i remember as academician andrii sakharov this year the
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ukrainian people received the sahara prize sahar was literally bullied at the first congress of people's deputies of the soviet union for the fact that he allowed himself to publicly say what crimes the soviet army committed on the territory afghanistan, who harassed him, you can ask where the deputy who spoke out against academician andriy sakharov was from. it was a people's deputy of the soviet union from the ukrainian ssr serhiy chervonopysky very respectfully in our country, a person who for many years later headed the veteran organization and mr. serhii, then comrade serhii acted as an instrument of this harassment of the communist elite, a person who allowed himself to remember the atrocities of the soviet
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soldiers of the soviet army by the soviet team. i'm not even going to look for this check, i'm just sure of the horror of the crimes of the russian army on the territory of ukraine. i just know it because i know him, but now mr. sergey the red-lettered man found himself on the other side of this story, just like all of us. that's all, and now he sees the army in which he served in a completely different way than the army that existed during his service in afghanistan, because then he could have a completely different attitude to actions. i do n't even i'm talking about my own among the soldiers. like today's russians, so there were always people in the soviets who did not commit these crimes, obviously, but he does not treat the actions of his servicemen as the
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actions of his servicemen. and now he treats the same people with their children and grandchildren, children, grandchildren, those who were his comrades in afghanistan, like strangers, and i would like to know now, you won’t know, but if possible, you will see mr. serhiy chernopysky one day, and i would ask him about his heroes, he is a hero of ukraine, by the way, and how are you now now you consider these testimonies of academician andrii sakharov regarding the war crimes of the soviet army in afghanistan, maybe you have now overestimated something, maybe now everything is looked at in a completely different way, so what other questions do we have, do you believe in mystical knowledge, astrology, numerology kabbalah cannot be trusted and can be studied, perhaps
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this is guided by intuition and whether to believe that the powerful of this world use the services of people who help with consultations based on mystical tasks, what do you think about the fascination with shamanism, what shoigu and shamanism, what about him and putin, i do not believe in mystical knowledge astrology, numerology, and may madonna forgive me. i am referring to the sky of this singer, whose work is an example of professional skill. i do not believe in cabal, although if cabal helped madonna write her songs, then let the person finds inspiration in any source, if it is a creative person, someone is in the church near the icon, someone studies kabbalah, someone sees their inspiration in a mosque, and someone goes to an astrologer. the main thing is that a beautiful work of art appears later,
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and the reluctance to start a war about what i am guided by i am guided by intuition by a cold mathematical calculation. perhaps i can also use intuition to confirm this calculation, but i am absolutely sure that politics is definitely a science, history is definitely a science if you look at it absolutely calmly, knowingly, not hiding the circumstances from oneself, everything can be calculated, nothing unexpected has happened in the history of mankind since the flood , and believe me, it will not happen because of people who are fascinated by mystical knowledge. i think of people with an insufficient level of education and insufficient levels of empathy or faith i know that the powerful of this world use the services of people who help with consultations that are based on mystical energies. i don't believe. i know that. i'm not used to believing at all.
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had educated dark people who don't really understand politics, military affairs, the only thing they understand is bribery and robbery, such people always go to shamans, to some astrologers, people in the midst of prisons, freedom of people who are ready to believe in some mystical things much more than free, these people of the same kind are not alone; they are on the staff of the security council of the russian federation, various other institutes of the soviet russian federation, there are full-time astrologers of this type of things , another poorly educated politician who viktor yanukovych was elected by the majority of ukrainians as their president. yes, this is a tragedy, so what can you do, but if you vote for those who admire
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astrologers and shamans and or allow them to be in power, wait for trouble to fall on your head. veterans of the state security committee of the soviet union and the federal security service of the russian federation. i don't know if you know that this is their main saying when they talk about something, fortune-tellers don't walk because they all walk in berlin 80,000 went to a protest against the suppression of protests in iran, the core of the protests are emigrants from this country. why don't the russians go to the protests in berlin? hello , they are afraid of the war in ukraine by ship, but what are they, the migrants? does this show that they all support the war? i think it shows about the fact that russians are indifferent to the actions of their own country, iranians who go to speeches in
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iran think about iran there is little common ground if you are leaving from tambov or vologta or some er-e goose of iron is visiting crystal and something of some kind of goose to moscow and already about this moscow you live in a one-room apartment on the outskirts but you have a residence permit moscow street stroiteley house 5 you spit on tambov on a volokhda on an iron goose on a crystal goose on all the thickets you pass on the way to the dacha spit the main thing is that we had a good time in moscow, it has been so since soviet times we have butter here, there is milk, there is bread, there is cheese , there is dutch cheese there is russian, what the hell are you they came on their electric trains to buy our moscow products, you bastards, if you leave
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russia abroad, you start living somewhere and you had no political convictions before you left . you don't feel responsible for her actions, if she drowns tomorrow, you won't even notice because you have completely different problems. you are already building a completely different life for yourself, and that's why russians, unlike iranians do not even understand why they should go to such demonstrations, although among the russians, were there people who help ukrainians who oppose this war that is being waged abroad, this should not be a secret either, but it is true that there are not so many of them, unfortunately. that's all and these are absolutely obvious people in london, thousands of people went on a march and called to return britain to the
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european union, for whom the hell did they even organize a brexing and didn’t we manage here without putin, who seeks to weaken and collapse europe ? i don't think the question is putin's. the question is that populism has become a huge trend in the political development of all states of the modern world, and any vote for a populist slogan or for a populist always leads to such ordeals of tragedy that the people who vote do not even imagine what trouble will fall on their unfortunates. heads even when they are told this the next day after the vote you don't even know what awaits you nebraskans to kharkiv and then oh yes. the same is the case with the british. they did not really understand how their life would look like after brexit, so they made up some
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illusions at which everyone around them laughed in europe , they continue to laugh, but now the moment of truth has come when they tried to embody these illusions in life and everything immediately collapsed literally in a matter of days, they actually tried to implement a forest of tracks exactly what the people who voted for brexit wanted, this is exactly what the brexit program is, it's just that the previous prime ministers did not dared with ice scales and generally tried to soften it or growth, johnson tried to do it with slower steps, although all this cutting christ to pieces already led to a serious economic crisis and now the moment of truth great britain will continue to slide down the crisis path until that moment, until a responsible political elite appears who will ask the british why you voted for brexit in the first place if you do not understand what
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will happen well, if this summer does not appear with a political maps of the world in the next 10-15 years the kingdom of great britain of northern ireland itself will disappear, its constituent parts will leave it and will join the european union, and also in 15-25 years a small proud england will join the european union, which will simply not have much of a choice, which will be all surrounded by european countries , we are scots, wales will be reunited, ireland will be a united state, northern ireland will leave the united cross, this will happen if there is no political responsibility and when people do not adequately assess their country's role and their own role in these countries, this always leads to such things, listen, the british still live quite well in comparison with what is happening to many other hostages of populism all over the world, what we will consider the british are fists to think that they came out of this
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crisis so that great britain remained the flagship of democracy as it was and is and hopefully will be in the future, but this does not mean that there is no need to correct their political mistakes. every nation deserves to correct its political mistakes mistakes and drive out populists who have the only place in the garbage pit of history. of the general staff, be with us , ukrainian soldiers repelled the attack of the occupiers in donetsk region, in particular in the areas of the settlements of bakhmut, klishchevka, novomykhay


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