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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2022 9:30am-10:01am EET

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no one put us on pause because of the war , moreover, it cannot even get worse and she asked because a woman came to her and said, listen to my mother , some hallucinations started, she says and what did the occupiers give her? mykola veresni is interviewed by an international financier and investor who has been leading the company since 2009 in the investigation of the theft of tax on the income of a paid-in fund to the russian budget based on the results of 2006 and the search the murderers of the lawyer of the fund serhiy magnitsky, who discovered this theft, so let's see and then we will return. good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen, and we are with you with the help of sofia. sofia is the kind of person you don't see now. maybe she will appear later . translator and talk we will be with william felix browder or a white browser and no financier person
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knows what all of russia is one of the most ardent fighters against russian corruption against putin against everything we ourselves know he is this he has been in business for many years, he is an american, but he also has a british passport, and we will talk about money and putin, i think that putin's nickname is putin's war, it's all about money, they even start wars in order to make a little money somewhere. so i start my interview and at the end and maybe at the beginning i will explain something more about what you will see now. good health, mr. bill browder. thank you for finding time for us. i immediately want to talk about advertising resistance to the putin regime. this is mr. browder's new book, which is free for ukrainians. let's see, it will definitely appear on the screen,
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how can you find this book, resistance to the putin regime, the person who started this resistance since 2006, at least the ato, and before that, a book of resistance to the putin regime has already been published, all these countries are all about money laundering in fact in the russian federation and i would also say that these are all the books about the fight against putinism, these are all the books that are worth reading, and my first question is, mr. browder, and the first is a very philosophical question. can you cure russia? there is a well-known saying that fish rots with chairman and vladimir putin is a criminal, he is a financial criminal, he is a murderer, while such a person is in power,
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there is no chance that russia can be cured . i will give examples from georgia. i remember when i first went to russia in the early 90s, russia was considered the most corrupt country in the former soviet union. after mykhailo saakashvili came to power, he fired all traffic police and all tax inspectors and replaced them with people who were 20-30 years old, georgia turned from one of the most corrupt countries of the world to a much less corrupt one, so i think that this is a kind of role model, if russia is lucky enough to get an honest leader, then he
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will be able to potentially clean up this cesspool of crime , which is the whole of russia. you came to russia in 1990, there in 1996, and believing in russia that the changes are irreversible, you said i will work here. and then putin came and everything changed when we say that saakashvili made reforms in georgia, okay, but now the american government warns georgia that the reforms are very slow or the opposite, that is, how to act for humanity , not only how to act for the white browser to once again believe in the
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possibility of the reincarnation of russia. someone will lose power, so in the end he will go to prison, lose his money and maybe even his life, and therefore he is going to keep power in all possible ways. and there are other oligarchs and corporate officials and all their wealth, their status and security are guaranteed by the current putin system, so there are people who will try to preserve this system for a very long time and they have a lot of resources for this, they have
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huge finances looted in the last 22 years. in fact, i would appreciate that vladimir putin and a thousand people around he stole a trillion dollars from the russian state, that is, 1,000 billion dollars over a 22-year period, they have huge resources to try to maintain the regime, so i have no hope, but i also understand that putin overstretched himself by starting this war against ukraine and now he is completely losing it, a lot of russian soldiers died, about 67 thousand, they lost a huge amount of equipment and he found himself in a situation in which, in the event of ukraine's victory, the russian people can say enough. we don't want our president to be a loser easily
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a situation may arise when putin's regime simply cannot withstand its own weight. if this happens, the question is who will pick up the wreckage, and there are several options here, or another character like putin, or maybe the whole system will collapse to such an extent that no one will want these putin-type characters, instead they will want some democrat or reformer or someone who wants to fix russia, unfortunately this is unlikely and yet maybe because putin is now at our limits due to his fatal mistake by invading ukraine to begin with this is the third question in this topic and it is the last one, then we will talk about your book. and the question is so simple and difficult. it seems to me that you
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personally in the event of the coming to power of some mass or some opponent of putin some criticism of putin, who will come to power under the slogans of democracy, human rights, private property, will you come to russia again and start helping yourself again, well , of course, all investors help themselves, but they also help russia, will you return to russia , you can imagine that, i would never return as an investor to russia and those times have passed for me now i am engaged in human rights activities and justice and i hope that one day when russia, if russia ever returns to normal life, i will be able to return and be present at the opening a monument to sergei magnitsky my lawyer who
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was killed by the russians for exposing putin's corruption scheme i would like to go back and open this monument and make sure that the people who killed him will finally be brought to justice and brought to justice i would like to see that other people are involved to the genocide against ukraine will also be brought to justice, but i don't see that i will ever become an investor for this country again, let's move on to the book, your new book, resistance to the putin regime. it is free in ukraine and in russia although i think in russia they will do everything to ensure that it does not fall into the eyes of anyone, despite its freeness, but what is different about this book even in the title there is something in common with your previous book - it is resistance to
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putin's regime and now resistance to putin's regime this is um this is there is a difference between the previous book and today's and what is the english language of this book account freezing time and my previous book is called red noize red message if you want to get them for free you can go to the e-e website www.bel broader coming download it in ukrainian or russian tig talks about my attempts to find money 230 million dollars the loss of which my lawyer serhii magnitsky exposed as a state crime xs we wanted to find these funds and make sure that they were frozen by law enforcement authorities, therefore, the book in english is called orer rejuvenating
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assets. it is about our attempts to find this money, and when we found it, it turned out that part of this money went to vladimir putin. the book was written in detective style so it is not boring not very exciting it opens the curtains and shows how vladimir putin launders money tries to kill anyone who wants to expose him i think this is a very important book for ukrainians because many russians will have to pay for the restoration of ukraine and it gives you a road map, also an idea of ​​how to find this money. that is why this book is relevant for ukrainian leaders as well as for every ukrainian. and questions and explanations for the audience, what i know about your history, i will not tell that i keep an eye on her all the time, but i
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safely know you and your history in the history of the magnetic field, and i even know volodymyr pastukhov, who are you? he lives in london, and he is my good product and an acquaintance, a very good, good analyst, who also participated. questions and explanations and the story of mr. browder is that he and his lawyers, his assistants, his friends saw that 230 million dollars was stolen from the budget of the russian federation, according to various estimates, we know that putin considers the budget to be russian of the russian federation with your own pocket and you did the work and your lawyers did the work of the fsb, they found the thieves of all the money and made
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public this information and those people who did it, that is, made public the information that 230 million was stolen from putin's pocket, at least all people were imprisoned in a female prisoner was killed in prison, there is some illogic here. please explain what you think about putin's psychology when he just found out. and i, before he knows your story, you are his personal enemy. what does he think? what is it ? what's the point, money was stolen from my pocket, someone is helping me, he says, look, vasya pupkin stole money from you, i'm not putting you in prison with pupkin, i 'm in prison for the person who told me that vasya pupkin stole money, some absurdity, what can you do to say that
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in putin's head, this was the absurdity of my entire story. back in 2007, my office in moscow was searched, the police seized all our documents, and then these documents were used in a very complicated feri in which we paid 230 million dollars in taxes to the russian government the police, after seizing documents, working with a bunch of corrupt officials and criminals, stole these 230 million dollars, it was not our money, it was the money of the russian government, and we thought that putin is a nationalist. he may not be a very good guy , he may not even be a very honest guy, but he is a nationalist, what kind we thought he was a patriot, that he would be very upset if he found out that his
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own officials stole 230 million dollars of the russian government's money, that's why we stole it, published the tour, sergey magnitsky testified against the officials involved in this and then we sat and waited for the good guys to deal with the bad guys as well, but it turned out that there are no good guys in putin's russia, instead of arresting people who committed fraud, they arrested the person who reported the trial of serhiy magnitsky, then they tortured him in for 358 days, the prisons tried to force him to recant his testimony and say that he stole 230 million dollars and did it on my instructions. serhii was a man of incredible principle and honor. refused and the torture became more intense. he lost almost 20 kg, he was diagnosed with pancreatitis , stones in the gall bladder, he needed an
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operation, but he was denied any medical assistance on the night of november 16, 2009. his condition became critical. and instead of being treated, he was placed in the detainee was chained to a bed and eight police officers beat him with rubber cakes until he died, and he was only 37 years old, and that was 13 years ago, and after we made it public to the whole world, putin had the opportunity to attract the responsibility of the people who were involved in this, but instead he promoted them and awarded them with state awards. and we and we heard the backs of their necks saying, why does putin behave like a petty criminal? why does he not do what he should do? we found the answer in 2017 in the panama papers released the panama papers are a leak of data from a panamanian law firm where many russians did business, and we learned from him that
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putin had his own person, a confidant named sergey ralbugin, who received two billion dollars he is a cellist from st. petersburg he received two billion dollars of money from oligarchs and russian state banks everyone knew that this person is putin's best friend since childhood he is the godfather of putin's daughter and it was he who introduced putin to his wife daldukin was an active financial confidant of vladimir putin the most important thing is that we discovered that rollugin received part of the 230 million dollars for which sergei magnitsky was killed, what this means is very simple putin received this money and this explains why putin behaved like such a criminal here. why did he do all these things that seemed to be against
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russian interests, because he was the only one who benefited from it, going back to your question, so the money was stolen from the russian government, then it was given to vladimir putin , simply put vladimir putin stole from his own government, the most important part of my book, my conclusions, which i have drawn during the last 13 years of struggle with putin, lies in the fact that the crime of magnitsky was one of thousands of similar crimes, so we can to determine that putin did not steal 230 million dollars, but 234 billion dollars, we found this money that was in a bear through the danish bank of estonia. i think this explains why putin behaves. this is exactly how i do not believe that he started this war in ukraine because he has something against ukrainians, i think that he started this war
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because he is afraid that the russian people will rise up and he needs an external enemy to cover his thefts, this is an interesting thought and maybe it is really true that honors at least putin started a war against ukraine precisely to hide the theft but here it is my question: what do you think? do you believe or do you think that one day all these crimes will be solved? why does this question arise ? prisons, i think that
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even witnesses cannot and do not exist, maybe they all were killed. and maybe even those officers who beat mr. magnitsky were killed, and just when we dream and they dream. many ukrainians believe that putin's regime will finally break and knowledge will finally be revealed knowledge of what happened in russia in those years appeared, but we also know about the experience of the nkvd, kgbf, fsb, to hide all this, or can we expect that scotland yard or the fbi or all together, interpol, will be able to find and at least specifically point out the people who are guilty of these crimes crimes i wish it was so i spent the last 13 years after
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the assassination of serhii magnitsky tracking the money and then sharing that information with law enforcement agencies around the world from the fbi to the british french and spanish police to everyone but it is a pity in many cases they did not want to undertake an investigation, give only one example in great britain, where they have been living for 22 years, since vladimir putin came to power, there has not been a single prosecution or investigation of russian economic crimes - this is the country through which the most dirty money from russia passes and still none investigation. i think that this is a real problem, because in order to restore ukraine
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, a lot of money will be needed, and first of all, it must come from russian seized assets, which in there is a lot in the world. unfortunately, we do not see success in making proper arrests and freezing this money and one of the biggest future challenges. i , too, where is this money in order to freeze it , remove it and use it for the reconstruction of ukraine? literally, because i look at the clock, we have been talking for 40 35 minutes, but i have the impression that your ukraine is now fighting with russia, now i am at war , now ukrainian soldiers are dying, now everything from ukraine is helping the front, thank god we have friends in europe in the united states in canada in japan but your
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example, if you agree, then tell me shows exactly the difference between the west and the east. bill browder, seeing injustice, began to look for the truth and found this truth in the united states parliament in the parliaments of many countries of the world, that is, the biblical knock and it will be opened to you, it came true on the example of bila browder, it did not come true on the example of magnitsky, right here you can say that this is an example of what the ukrainian people are fighting for, this is me for the people of ukraine who will see it, what the ukrainian people are fighting for to be people who, yes, it is difficult for many years, you
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see that mr. browser criticizes some western governments that do nothing or do little, but still he has achieved success by publishing books, he travels to various organizations, he persuades sanatoriums , congressmen, deputies, he does all this and has any success. if he had done it as magnitsky did in russia, he would have simply been killed, and this is the difference. the ukrainian people are fighting for this, so that the truth can be sought and found, and not for what the russian people are fighting for. russian president so that no truth can ever be found ah very important to remember that the
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sun shines best on the truth and bright light is what makes the world change. i think that it is possible that one of the reasons why ukraine is so successfully resisting a much more equipped let's go to the neighbor because your leader volodymyr zelensky is a communicator and he has done much more than me over the past 13 years, he gives presentations, talks every day, speaks in parliaments, governments , law enforcement agencies and so on all over the world and therefore everyone understands what is happening, it is really very important, it is normal under his leadership, there are many people in the ukrainian government who are doing the same and this is the key point, it is about not allowing the false narrative to defeat the truth
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. i see the efforts of russian propaganda. another story about what is happening in ukraine, and despite the fact that this story does not work in the west, they still continue to repeat it, they do not get tired of repeating it, they did it and in our case they said that serhiy no one killed or tortured magnivskyi. and he was not an informant at all. they kept repeating it only because i had the energy and contacts to go and tell the truth. people believed my version, and ukraine will also have to do the same. constantly repeat the truth, expose the lies formulated by the russians. because they will continue to do so their whole modus operandi is to lie lie and lie again they hope that if they repeat their lies enough times and they eventually believe be and
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well, that's the end of our program, i want to thank sofia, who helped translate what i didn't understand everything, i understood something there, she didn't help where i didn't understand thank you sofia, and i'll just repeat what i said at the end, what the squirrels said in the end it is that it is simply his hope that gives him hope. and how to say his goal is some kind of bright goal that after all is in the bible, it is biblical that it is necessary to punish evil that is not punished is restored unredeemed the thief is restored
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and we see that russia itself and russia at the beginning of the 90s x somehow made it clear that mine is not like that either i am waiting for the tram i am good i am civilized i am european i am cultural enough for 10 years 10 years later putin came now we see a war but all the good people of the world are somehow united and bill brower is on our side of ukraine and the world is civilized on the side of ukraine and we hope for victory and roz and a more careful investigation of russia after this victory it is my dream to be able to shoot a movie about real russia about real russian problems about real russian psychology about real russian history about real russian philosophy and finally figure it out. are they crazy? is this such a criminal group? maybe they are sick or maybe a criminal, but this
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can be figured out only after the victory of the ukrainian nato army by the russian federation with the help of the entire civilized world. good luck, ladies and gentlemen. it was mykola veresen, and in first of all bill browder and mykola veresen asked something so simply sometimes i'm iryna koval mother wife host of the tv channel espresso and i'm also a volunteer our military at the front every day need a lot of things and that's why it's part of my life today. it's helping the armed forces of ukraine, and i'm very grateful to my colleagues for supporting me in this sport during the war. what is it? empty stadiums without fans in the stands, deserted sports halls, and destroyed sports facilities. our athletes lost
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the opportunity to train at home because of the war. and were forced to flee abroad in order to prepare for future starts, those who remained with weapons in their hands heroically defend ukraine in this war, second place for ukraine will not suit us, we need victory each of you, even a small contribution to the support of the army, saves the lives of our soldiers and brings our victory closer the 253 -day war between russia and ukraine continues for your attention news on espresso anzhelika sezonenko works in the studio despite russian nagging the grain initiative continues its work another caravan has left from the ports of chornomorsk odesa


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