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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2022 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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and with the organization of the united nations, the agency emphasizes that the state of the russian federation acquired membership in the un and received the seat of a permanent member of the security council bypassing official procedures. thus usurping, according to the ministry of foreign affairs, the place of the soviet union, and russia's actions discredit and subsequently destroy the entire system of the organization, they say in kyiv therefore, the ukrainian foreign ministry calls for the exclusion of russia from the zones as a whole, while in moscow they are sure and the russian minister of foreign affairs lavrov stated that this is impossible, and what do experts think about it let's talk with my colleague ostap yarosh who joins ostap vitaya's broadcast. this is not the first ukrainian government to voice calls to deprive russia of its status as a permanent member of the un security council. now it has been officially formalized and it is also now transmitted about the exclusion of russia and the un in general. tell me more what arguments does kyiv have and in short the ministry of foreign affairs claims that the actions of russia will be discredited and later may even destroy the entire un system as a
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single international global organization which , in fact, can gather all the countries of the world under one negotiation village as an example of the ministry of foreign affairs cites the fact that russia is constantly blocking resolutions in the security council and radio security regarding the condemnation and full-scale aggression against ukraine, while the majority of un members have expressed their condemnation of such steps and actions of russia, and yet yulia, in addition to occupying part of ukraine and attacking ukraine, russia violates the statute and therefore does not have the right to be in the security council, and even more so to have a legal right, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine gives another important argument , in fact, they convince that russia has acquired membership among the permanent members of the council security is not legitimate, what is it about, it is about the fact that according to the un charter, such a step should take place under zhenya of the general assembly and the members of the security council, but they say that everything did not happen the day before, the goal from america
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spoke with yuriy lutsenko, this is a member of the initiative group, the public hub that together with diplomats, in particular, with the former permanent representative of ukraine, pereun volodymyr yelchenko, he is working on suspending the powers of russia. he very well told us in more detail what concerns russia itself on ukraine's persuasion, it acquired membership in the security council. let's listen to his explanation of the case for russia's stay in the un, and as a result, there are two mothers in the security council, two pairs of papers. year where, by the way, yeltsin is a representative of a non-existing country, even after a tired letter he calls russia three times by different names. that is, there is russia and the rsfsr and
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the russian federation. he says that we used to be the ussr, now we will be called russia because it's called the name plate was changed yes ostap but are there mechanisms to exclude russia in general from zone i? were there any precedents at all regarding international organizations of depriving membership of international organizations, in particular the predecessor of the un league of nations we remember in 1939 after the soviet union attacked finland decided that the ussr no longer has a place in the league of nations . the south african republic and its apartheid, and we remember that from 1969 to 1984 , due to the decision of a-a-uon, the representative of the couples did not have the right to speak at the general assembly, in principle,
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as the experts with whom we also spoke convince, the procedures and mechanisms for deprive or at least suspend membership in the security council and the un general assembly. this was explained in more detail by the international expert, lawyer, professor of the university of cambridge, thomas grant , we can listen and he explains in more detail what procedures this step actually involves of procedural law of the un which is open to the state to deny the presence of russia in the security council then there must be a procedural vote against the presence of the representative of russia to approve the decision a majority of nine votes is required and since this vote is procedural it cannot be vetoed if nine members voted not to recognize the powers of the representative of russia, then he should leave the meeting and his place will remain free for all ostap ole, is there support for this idea
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, in short, we need to hear the words of the reaction on such a proposal of ukraine from, in particular, from the permanent members of the un security council, today in the united states is a day off because of christmas , so we are waiting for a reaction, and we remember that in december, a group of american congressmen from the helsinki commission published a resolution calling on president biden to initiate the exclusion of russia from the un on capitol hill, at least among the group of american legislators, there is such support. as for the members of the un themselves, i think we will hear this reaction yuri soon, we will be careful we will definitely monitor it. thank you, ostapa, my colleague and you were in direct contact with the studio. the un general assembly is one of the important platforms from the point of view of creating a special international tribunal on the crime of russian aggression. the approval of the relevant resolution there can
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start this process . in the past few weeks , the ukrainian authorities have stepped up their efforts in this area, delegations of ukrainian high-ranking officials are actively working both in european capitals and here in the united states, in new york, our spokeswoman spoke with them iryna solomko found out at what stage of preparation the resolution is, which model of the tribunal ukraine is currently offering to the world, and when it can become operational. at the end of september, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, signed a decree on a working group to work out the issue of creating a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against ukraine, a few days later in the president's office the project of the tribunal was presented to the ambassadors of 30 countries, but the leading eu countries there commented reluctantly, the situation changed at the end of november when about the creation of a special international court has spoken. the european commission, its president rosula fonduline, has clearly stated that the special court must have the support of the un. ivana hardlichkova, a well-known
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judge of the polivanu tribunal, says that international criminal justice has considerable experience in creating tribunals. yugoslavia forex . the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia, for example, was established by a security council resolution. the same the situation was according to roland, at the same time a special court for sierra leone was created according to the agreement between sierra leone and the oun, the special tribunal for the left was also a resolution of the security council, and i think it is important to look at different models and see what works and what may not work, and also take into account the specific situation . of the special tribunal for the crime of aggression, which is planned to be submitted to the house of representatives, as well as the statute of the new tribunal, he says that both documents are based on the experience of the special prosecutor who convicted the former president
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charles taylor's liberia, we have to fight this aggression because it is what caused all the other terrible things that happened to ukraine , war crimes, crimes against humanity and even possible genocide. so i think everyone agrees that a special tribunal should happen. created a special court, which at that time was called the court for sierra leone, which had the authority to prosecute the head of state, i was the person who gathered and brought charges against this head of state, it was a precedent for the creation of a new special tribunal that should deal with vladimir putin and his publicists in accordance with ukraine's position for the creation of the tribunal should be voted by gena samley, who , accordingly, in the resolution should recommend the secretary general to sign a bilateral agreement with ukraine on the creation of a new institution on the text of the draft resolution and
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future statute of the tribunal, crane worked together with irovin kotler, the minister of justice and attorney general of canada, as well as the former deputy secretary general of the united nations legal issues by hans kourel, we have the judicial practice and experience to deal with this, the challenges lie only in the political angle of securing this issue. for the world to fully support such a tribunal, it must be done , if we do not do this, the question will begin to arise. why do we need the un, the un general assembly , since we are not we can use the security council should take this step, in fact, we need to do it quickly because time is running out and we are distracted and move on to other things, we have seen, for example, in syria anton korenevich an ambassador with a special mandate and one of the members of the working group, he worked for more than a week in new york with the permanent missions of a number of countries, persuading them to support the resolution and the creation of a tribunal, there is a need for a resolution
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of the general assembly that will fix the need to bring to justice persons who have committed crimes of aggression against ukraine and which will also contain provisions regarding the fact that in order to ensure this responsibility for crimes of aggression we need a certain new mechanism in which currently does not exist for many international partners, it is important to see the involvement of the un, in particular, the involvement of the bending assemblies in these processes, korenevich, in turn, adds , for a number of countries, the question of what exactly the model of the creation of the tribunal should be , it is difficult, therefore, at the moment, we are talking about the adoption of the first resolution, which would declare political support for the process because we need to look at alternative ways, which could be alternative ways, for example, the general assembly recommends to the secretary general of the secretariat to have an agreement with ukraine regarding the creation of a special tribunal, this is one way, then it requires a second
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source of resources. e mechanism is the creation of a tribunal on the basis of an agreement between ukraine and the european organization, the european union and or the council of europe. again, legally, this does not require a separate resolution on the ground but it seems to me that regardless of how and what model will be chosen, and i think that it was said about this, including the president of the european commission, in the von der leyen courts, that in any case we will need the support of this tribunal from the un from the general the assembly still has a clear position on supporting the creation of the tribunal, an example has not been heard from the government of the united states, but the countries are convinced that it will
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of the tribunal regarding the crime of russian aggression, the usa supports this, in addition to questions about the direct model of creation, a number of ukrainian human rights defenders have reservations about the crimes that will be considered by the tribunal, as explained by alle more, an expert of the ukrainian legal advisory group, only one tribunal for ukraine can be created and this tool can only be used for one type the crime of aggression is impractical, there are numerous facts of war crimes, potential alleged crimes against humanity, which currently with a high degree of probability will not be effectively prosecuted and considered in courts why because most of them, if we do not create any additional structures, will be considered in the national system, that is, ukrainian courts, ukrainian law enforcement agencies and prosecutors' offices, a small part of them will be considered in the icc and what other part will be
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considered within the framework of e-e mechanism of universal jurisdiction. yes, in different countries , depending on the peculiarities of their legislation, we observe and see that there is a great risk that the system will not cope and all other existing efforts they will not be able to help to a sufficient extent that at least most of these crimes can be investigated prosecuted in the courts the question remains then how to close this gap in justice our organization for example some other organizations support a-a hybrid model of a hybrid court and which would have the authority to consider all these most serious international crimes combined national and international elements, but korenevich does not agree with such a position, according to him , there is currently a sufficient structure which are engaged in war crimes, but there is no institution that would consider the crime of aggression , therefore it should be created in this position, it
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supports countries in accordance with the statute written by them, the creation of a new structure will cost 25 million dollars, it will be a hybrid model . both ukrainian and international judges will work, crane is convinced the vote for the relevant resolution of the ghana assembly should take place already in january-february. if this happens, the creation of the tribunal should end in the summer from new york iryna solomko pablo terekhov voice of america we we continue to talk about public organizations in the usa that help ukraine next. our story about the chicago-based halprazan charitable association, the organization was founded at the beginning of the full-scale invasion by young entrepreneurs of ukrainian origin, volunteers assure that they are trying to squeeze as much as possible out of their small monthly budget to help ukraine, met the benefactors my colleagues iryna matviychuk and pavlo terekhov when czech entrepreneur volodymyr slyusar heard about a full-scale
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invasion of ukraine by the russians. he got into a car and went shopping at military stores. he says that on february 25, he didn't know what to buy in ukraine. i was guided by intuition. i just went to some meletari stories with such a plan to buy something that could help our guys there . and we had one place, anabel mandevenyu, where everyone took all of this, and from there we sent, as it were, humanitarian aid to ukraine, and at the time when we all met there, there was a great need for the organization of the processes themselves, and somehow it turned out that a bunch of people gathered and we started to organize it all called as an appeal hulk together in a few days of the war they remember that more than 3,000 people joined the community telegrams, mostly residents of chicago and the city's outskirts, this was the beginning of the creation of a charity organization that left behind the same name hulk together i said so everything started to boil and
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everyone collected help, and when we were developing a logo for the organization, i conveyed this idea to our designer, that is, military people with an infinity sign, that is , together to infinity, they began to collect funds in the ukrainian community, we focused on small projects and fast delivery, we try to use any money we receive from people as efficiently as possible, one example would be our first-aid kits, we just showed people that a first-aid kit for a soldier can cost $150 if you buy it and if we put it together. it can be sold twice as cheaply at this warehouse in the suburbs of chicago . they pack thermal cars. such a small promotion is annoying. warm up a soldier and set a goal of collecting 1,000 sets of thermal cars. that's it.
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those who want to join in, we sort thermal clothing by size. it goes into extra large large medium small and separately for women, because we have many women soldiers who protect our land. we managed to collect 1,000 sets in a week. people give in more easily when the goal is small. as it shows practice, because if you set a very big goal, it is very difficult to gather people , the idea begins to coalesce. oh, this is a lot, we will not collect anyway, and it is much more difficult to collect when we have now launched, for example, promotions, take away a thermal coat, one thermal kit thermal underwear costs $11. where we are, we buy it compared to coffee and a donut, and it is very easy for a person to refuse it and help today, they collect funds during ukrainian events in chicago, in particular, they organize sports games among the diaspora, where participants make charitable contributions, in addition, they call medical centers and fire departments parts with requests for help,
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i have a bride, we got engaged quite recently , as in the process. for help, call fire departments and try to find things that fire departments are ready to give to help ukraine so that we can later send them to firefighters and fire departments in ukraine who need it hell together, as the benefactors say, this is an example of a volunteer movement where they try to squeeze as much as possible out of a small budget, we also cooperate with our e-e local such credit institution, it is the selfie-lines credit card or samopomich, they help us from time to time provide funds to send aid and so on average age the volunteers of this organization are 25-27 years old, they are mostly emigrants from ukraine who
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came to the usa in the last 10 years, many of them already have their own small businesses. i really like the idea of ​​this organization . that i have already met here a lot of friends from organizations and diasporas. that is, we are all young people, we have all been here for a relatively short time and we have met often by accident, and i am simply pleasantly surprised that many young people are connecting, seeing our example. so i am not in i'm in the trenches and i'm holding my weapon, but i'm doing everything possible and impossible, or exactly what to speed up our victory, we still by sea, they sent to ukraine at least 12 containers with
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humanitarian and medical aid or equipment for firefighters, their volunteers transported in airplanes more than 3,000 suitcases with help, each bag was there was a full set for a soldier there, from a first-aid kit to personal protective equipment, a warehouse in ukraine was organized in the city of kovel, volyn region, there they found free premises for rent and volunteers ready to work for free logistics in ukraine it was very difficult, accordingly we had to work with some organizations and deal directly with the transfer from one place to another, we simply decided that we need to find a place where we will be based in ukraine directly and where, in principle, all the containers that we sent they will come to be sorted and sent to a point already on specific requests, we do not cooperate with the military with different brigades there, the 95th brigade, even with the regiment. maybe we cooperate, well, sometimes if there are any requests
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some of the volunteers spend 30-40 hours a week at this warehouse on the question of where they get their strength after 8 all wars, everyone has their own story, when the war started, then i think volunteering this there was such a way for everyone to somehow distract themselves from all those constant thoughts from that stress of following the news at the beck and call of the soul. first of all, during the war period, i was in ukraine twice with a charity mission with a humanitarian mission and just when you see that it happens there, how it all happens well, you can't tell me, i have a long family history, i would say personal, also the refusal of my great-grandfather, including my grandmother, my grandfather
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, my father is fighting, he is a tanker in the east, my family has suffered for many generations, and it seems to me that it came the right time and the right moment to finally put an end to all this in this confrontation between ukraine and russia iryna matviychuk pavlo terekhov and from chicago voice of america as a result of a full-scale russian war 361 ukrainian schools were completely destroyed more than two and a half thousand educational institutions were damaged, this is the data of the ministry of education of ukraine, while the war continues, philanthropists around the world are working to help restore educational institutions , students of the university of california, berkeley, for this purpose founded the ukrainian club organization, one of the educational institutions that they
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undertook to rebuild was chernihiv high school number 20 how exactly they help a student, krystyna shevchenko will tell in march, russian rockets hit the roof and yard of secondary school 20 with an explosive wave knocked out all the windows from the facade of the school, one of the affected classes was the computer science class, when a liter of katy broke out the windows and destroyed the heating system, as well as damaged the walls , people from the ocean took up the task of helping to rebuild this particular class, namely students of the prestigious university of berkeley, which is in northern california, one of them is yulia deviys initiated the creation of the organization ukrainian berkeley club under whose auspices fund raising was launched our our main goal and actually speaking what we are doing is uh we are starting the movement for reconstruction schools in ukraine in the usa and we see berkeley as an ideal springboard to start this movement because berkeley was historically the place
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where the freedom of speech movement for freedom of speech began, where historically many different movements were born, yes yulia, entrepreneur, innovator and her colleagues vira and daria scientists in the field of neurobiology are co-founders of the club, they found the ukrainian non-profit saivet, which offered to raise funds for the restoration of a high school computer science class. 20 we were able to become partners of the berkeley half marathon annually which is a very popular event among runners and we called this project because with the help of fundraising a-and during this virtual and physical run we collected money for the reconstruction of one of the schools in chernihiv so by connecting the runners the girls collected $6,000, and also decided to start fundraising to
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collect another 4,000. and this project is important because many people do not know about the extent of the destruction of schools in ukraine. well, even more so in america, for example, more than 2,500 schools are completely, not completely destroyed, they are damaged and more than 300 are completely destroyed . save digi organizations tell from 34 schools in chernihiv that 27 schools were damaged by targeted artillery shelling, just such donations help, given the scale of the destruction in the city, the city itself is simply extremely difficult to cope with, because we are talking about dozens and tens of millions of dollars that are needed for recovery, and we are extremely grateful that the community in berlin, the ukrainian community, our students, graduate students, who study there and actually
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live in california, decided to help us with people who have not seen the restoration say that the next projects will not only be the restoration of schools, but also the construction of new innovative educational measures and the involvement of the world's most powerful organizations from berkeley . from the canadian border all the way to mexico victims of abnormal frosts from blizzards are in 12 states, including colorado , illinois, kentucky, ohio, and the largest blizzard hit the northern and western parts of the state of new york the local government of erie county, centered in the city of buffalo , reports 25 victims of the weather some people died of heart attacks during snow removal others were found dead in their cars snowfall in erie county does not stop and
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some roads have become impassable, unusually low temperatures continue to be recorded throughout the country, in particular in the city of washington. christmas eve became the coldest in history. on december 24, the highest temperature in the american capital reached minus five degrees celsius and the lowest is -13, usually the temperature in washington in december is around +10° celsius, the abnormal frosts did not prevent new york ukrainians who arranged a festive christmas carol and nativity scene under the main christmas tree in the metropolis. on sunday, dozens of people gathered near the rockefeller center in manhattan or to share festive carols with locals and tourists, the event was initiated by the ukrainian cathedral of the holy trinity in new york, the location for the carol was not chosen by chance, because the rockefeller christmas tree is real a magnet for tourists every year and is visited by half a million people this weekend, they had a unique opportunity to hear traditional
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ukrainian carols oh, rejoice to the earth, the messenger was born, populate the stars and that's it, we 're done. 00 a.m. kyiv on the youtube and facebook platforms, this is a voice of america briefing where we talk about the most important things that concern ukraine there and we will see each other well . take care, dad, christmas
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a time when ordinary things acquire miraculous properties, a time to gather together to celebrate and we will decorate our christmas trees even in times of war, our christmas trees will become places of strength, we will celebrate christmas together with our military , all together we will become even stronger, and as in carols, light overcomes darkness, so in the life of ukrainians they will defeat the moscow zayas, look with a sincere eye at the son of god, on our land , on ukraine, a gift came down from heaven, brought so that it will glorify in the eternal ages, merry christmas andriy yanitsky keeps the economy under supervision
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yes, we are talking about economic news on the espresso channel, but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms, it is about the economy, it is accessible, about the ability to analyze, forecast and profit , about what the exchange rates of salaries and pensions will be, and how product prices will change, information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed , see the project of news of the economy with andriy yanitsky this afternoon at eight in the morning on expresso , the war is going on and not only for the territory, it is also a war for the minds of russia, millions of petrodollars throws at that


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