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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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losses were seen only in 2014, we did not know how successful this process was or not, the fact that ukraine survived in 2014-2015 showed that these previous decades were not completely wasted, that is, russia came with the idea that if you speak russian, you are russian, your loyalty should be to in russia, you have to greet the russian troops on a motorola hill and so on with flowers and some of the population did the same, but the majority refused to do it. and this model of linguistic cultural identity and loyalty was opposed by the idea that we we do not unite around one language, we do not unite around one religion, despite the fact that the symbolic value of the ukrainian language is extremely great, but the war is fought in at least two languages ​​and there are no nationalities, and loyalty is to this
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state, about which many, at least positively, have never i thought because it provides the basics of freedom and liberty, which for us are absolutely natural, and which we understood after the 14th year, they are not guaranteed by any other state, that is, on the contrary, another state comes and takes away the 22nd year is the next next step on this path, the role of the ukrainian language in ukrainian culture is growing. this is absolutely obvious, especially in the conditions when the language was used as a tool for destabilization to destabilize the state. the question is how to
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preserve the political cultural and so on pluralism , i.e. internal freedom, which today the ukrainian army, ukrainians, ukrainian society protects, tell mr. serhiy, what parallels do you see with that war in recent history, the president of ukraine quoted the prime minister of great britain during his speech in the congress of the united states, the youth of churchill, his famous speech in which he emphasized that great britain would never lay down its arms before the reich. and you really see the parallels between the current war and second world war by the way, these parallels are drawn by the president of russia, vladimir putin, now only with a different sign, so one of the russian correspondents called president zelensky churchill with an iphone, that is, these there are parallels, these parallels exist not only in the person, in
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the person, let's say, of the leader of today's leader of ukraine and then the leader of the leader of great britain and this war is the largest military military-political conflict, a military conflict in europe since the second world war, since 2014, the annexation of crimea and now formal annexation of the territory that even the russians control in the south in the east of ukraine - this is also the first example of the annexation of the territory of one state to the territory of another state in europe after 1945 , that is, look at the number of refugees look at the number of troops at the amount of suffering look at the level of war crimes we have nowhere else to look and look for parallels than the second world war so
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this is absolutely clear it is absolutely clear even if you look at the rhetoric used by both sides of the russian-ukrainian war - this is on a certain level - this is an attempt to use the rhetoric of the second world war. that is, you are fascists, you are not fascists, you behave like a fascist, that is, the sidewalk of historical memory, the repertoire of historical comparisons leads us to otherwise, before the second world war, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, that is, it is now devoid of, let's say, the narrow, narrow, radical national sound that was the interwar period, but this is also our attempt to look for the so-called usable pass, that is, the past, which may be necessary to help us today, this is again and again the second world war
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ii and the question for e and for us and for the world is this war, which until now remains regional but is so large-scale that it can really become such a trigon a harbinger or a trigger for a general european or global conflict, but the parallels are extremely clear. we have not been in a similar situation. europe as a whole since the end of the second world war in 1945. of the ukrainian people and now this is such a special moment, for sure, when we look at the historical contribution of various population groups , including those whom we count among the ukrainian elite of political, cultural
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, scientific, whatever, there have always been people who defended the idea of ​​ukrainian sovereignty , self-reliance, the right to one's own statehood , the right to one's own language and culture, and there were always people who, relatively speaking, wanted to take place in empires , these are parallel processes. in ukrainian, both of them could of course work there, one in russian and the other in ukrainian, i.e. change places if they had different human and cultural philosophies and were ukrainians who were part of the imperial apparatus suppressed everything ukrainian. they are still in the russian federation. there were ukrainians who were part of first of all russian and then soviet science, and this can be continued for quite a long time, but the most important thing
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is how we will perceive people who consciously worked on it over the years so that there would be no ukraine and at the same time there would be some prominent representatives of the civilization of the imperial civilization, not ukrainian, but representatives with monuments with busts and museums in ukrainian cities and towns as will the descendants of such people appreciate the contribution of such people , will we fully perceive ukraine as a state that should honor those who fought for its independence, will it still be some country that will not try to find a balance between those who fought for it and those who fought against them conditionally saying we started this conversation with you would live such a word truth historical truth and this is precisely a very important word, a key word quite problematic because it
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is determined what truth is, it is, it is, it is a process, and it is also sometimes achieved by not deriving certain formulas as a result that of joint dialogue and public social consensus, but eh hmm historians find themselves especially in conditions when there is a public demand for historical knowledge, they find themselves in a very difficult situation, there are standards of their own shop and their own profession, there are demands of society which simply cannot function otherwise, any society and think about history in addition to mythological, and this is where the extremely important task of historians is related to the fact that social mythology was, as far as possible, still based on, let's say
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, historical truth, not historical truth, as and understands as and as today a professional professional shop has formulated for itself well, if you are not based on this truth, this mythology will also be very vulnerable and will not break through, will not last long, and here i actually approach, after this long introduction, to your specific question, i.e. there is a question of social perception and social mythology, there is a concept of the concept of some landmarks of social heroes. are these the heroes of ancient greece? televisions and social media and so on and so on and in this context, let's say the same mykola gogol is not
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given as a conditional hero, but mykola gogol is an extremely important part of ukrainian history is an extremely important part of russian and world history he got into the world it was through the mediation of russian and this is the representation of the completeness of our history, it is extremely important, i.e. our history is important when not only hrushevsky is there, but when yuzyfovich is there, who was the initiator of the creation of the monument to bohdan khmelnytskyi who for us today is the personification of ukrainian statehood, the cossack e-e protection of our country, the president presents orders to bohdan khmelnytskyi and so on, but this monument , this monument was created on the initiative of yuzef maloros, who had other ideas and other representatives and he has an idea about khmelnytskyi and the idea of ​​khmelnitsky
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, why why is that mace directed at moscow, or is he saying that we should go there, or is he threatening to go to moscow, that is, these interpretive things continue to remain with us even without this complete representation of this history without this honesty in relation to who we are, we will not understand ourselves today. and if we do not understand ourselves today, it is already a much greater evil, you just do not understand history, it means that we will not understand our trajectory correctly and we will not correctly plan our steps for tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow. so there is a dialectical relationship between e-e history as a science and the completeness of this science and the mythological way of thinking of society, but you understand that in the situation in which we are i am not talking about the situation of crimes in russia of all these
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bombings killed rape this this that that became the facts of this war but i would also say in the atmosphere of disappointment in russia in all of russia people for whom for a decade russian culture language and history by the way were the air they breathed and those people now it is also clear they are trying to distance myself from all this. i am at a much greater distance, and this distance is also, as you understand, unlikely to give an opportunity to objectively perceive the past. i.e. imagine a person who is undergoing an operation and they took off the painkiller and started talking about what is right and what is wrong in this body
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, that is, this is us now, we are now a society that is in a survival situation, but these processes are coming to an end and they end and it's all na- all its time i absolutely agree with you and the time will also come to look at how we ended up where we ended up and what is with us and remains with us despite the fact that we can somehow block it in some way and say what we don't have it she it we have it it must be understood it must be spoken er it was spoken yes not today but but it is very important here to press this pause button and not the delete button and tell mr. sergey russia for 100 years said created a historical narrative for ukraine, including a historical narrative for ukraine itself, and
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there may be a situation when in the future ukraine will create certain historical narratives for russia itself, at least with regard to the perception of ukraine, poland by and large can create provide a historical one in poland that is listened to by the russians. finland can create a historical national one in finland that is listened to by the russians. 50-60 years ago , this practically did not exist . only its acceptance and acceptance or imposition with the help of propaganda inside the country, but this is also its recognition by its neighbors, that is, or by the world community and in order for russian or any ukrainian or
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someone else gave birth that met these requirements and you, he was recognized by the neighbors. he should be in vkontakte dialogues with these neighbors and with those narratives that are created there, that is, can poland write a narrative for russia and in fact it will become russian, no, but can it normally for a longer period of time to function as russians without taking into account how russia is viewed by ukraine-poland and so on and so on and not to enter into a war in a conflict with these neighbors no, that is, he has to take it and he has to listen to it and one more historical historical well, let's say the president is a problem and issues, maybe the tragedy of ukraine is that this narrative of the great russian nation was created by ukrainians for russians
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, they created it in kyiv in the kyiv-pechersk lavra- i apologize in the kyiv-pechersk lavra it was called a synopsis because it was published in 1674 under the leadership of the archimandrite of the lavra innokenty of geezer , it was transmitted a large number of times and became the first printed textbook of russian history in the entire russian empire of the 18th century. its reader, supporter and popularizer was mykhailo mykhailo lomonosov and this narrative put kyiv as the center of russian history, in part we are experiencing it, that is, we are paying according to those bills of the 17th century, according to the bills of the sleeve, and this is imposed on us, probably also the historical responsibility of the fact that we have to rewrite russian history once again, offer it in a different, different vision, a different way of
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thinking with kyiv no longer at the center of this history , but with kyiv as the center of a separate state of consciousness, culture, identity, if on civilization his last articles for the times were just spektey, then in the former secretary of state of the united states, gen. called ukraine the most influential country in central europe. this is the first time in my memory. when ukraine is generally called a central european country, you now perceive ukraine as a part of central europe. sergei, i perceive ukraine as a part of central europe, but it all depends on what kind of map it is. what kind of map do we impose, that is, over the past few months , ukraine has become a central european and european state in many respects, from the formal application
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for membership of the european union to that we are well, probably the most nato-integrated country in the world, even compared to nato countries, because they all still fight with their national standard, we have mastered the standards of many, many nato countries. that is, this is what happened and what kissinger is actually recording today what kissinger says is extremely important because it speaks not only about the personal evolution of what happened to him when he wrote about the end of the soviet union. in fact, he is a person who thinks in terms of the standards of the great powers and the policies of the great powers in the balance of power in this world and so on, all these small countries, even such as poland, not to mention ukraine , only caused some kind
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of irritation in kissinger and his parts, that is, they confused the big big game, big picture, big big plans, what kissinger is saying today means that extremely important processes of rethinking have taken place in the world and for this rethinking, there is only one reason, it is ukraine, the ukrainian people and the ukrainian resistance, ukraine will remain a frontier country, in fact, a country on the border between worlds and civilizations still hopes that one day this european democratic civilization can expand to the east, now it is difficult to talk about it, but many have always had such a dream that ukraine will remain on the border. but there are various different ideas about the border, that is, from the frontier to throughout most
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of its history as an independent state in the gray zone, and what this war brings is actually the elimination of gray zones in europe in the center or in the east of europe, this applies not only to ukraine - it is only this also moldova to a certain extent we can talk about belarus because there were also corresponding hopes that this war will actually lead to uh the chances are extremely high that it will actually lead to some form of reproduction uh iron iron curtain iron curtain is a situation in which uh gray zones do not exist or almost do not exist, well, that is, there was finland, there was his slavia, but in principle, the symbol of this iron curtain is the berlin wall, and this is one of the consequences of the war, as i see it
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, the disappearance of these gray zones and the opinion of ukraine is clearly on the western side of this new border, which will be formed, this border situation is much more safe, much more productive for ukraine than that existence in a hole in that series of geopolitical zones that existed until today . so, then ukraine will really become this border europe from your book and it is like the meaning that i put in the gate of europe that it is not only not only a fortress, that is, gates open and gates close and that what i see for the future is such a closed gate
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but again, my metaphor is related to the fact that the frames are opened and closed, it is extremely important for me who makes the decision or whether this gate is closed and opened by ukrainians and we open or close it taking into account our own ideas of what should happen or are we being manipulated someone else. that is, it is even the most and even more important for me the question between whether it is closed and open today or whether it is completely open for cultural, social, social and so on contacts. are you sure that the ukrainians are already in the hands there is this key he is he is because er hmm actually what is happening today in ukraine and in the world
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there is only one reason for this for these events and that is er it sounds pathetically pathetic and so on but these are processes that are taking place in ukraine, this is the will of the ukrainian people, that is, they absolutely waved their hand at us in 2013, when yanukovych refused to sign the working conditions of the association with the european union. europe , despite the silence of the united states of america, pushed us as much as it could to sign - to actually implement the minsk agreements under according to steinmeier's formula, the world of europe was in no hurry to help us militarily and so on before the start of the war, partly to a colleague, it is about the united states of america or simply no one knew how the ukrainian people would behave, the
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ukrainian government, the ukrainian president, the ukrainian army, which few people knew about, what we do changes not only our life changes the world as a whole and again it may sound hmm too pathetic but i simply cannot find other words to describe the processes that have been taking place over the last 10 months thank you, mr. serhiy, i would like to remind you that our collaborator was the historian professor serhiy plakhinov of the university of galicia, i wish you, mr. serhiy, that 2023 was also a historic year, but you can say that in the good sense of the word, because historians, i think, also need positive events, just like us journalists for example, join these wishes and congratulations to you and to the viewers, you are the listeners. thank you. and to you, dear viewers. happy new year and christmas.
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i want to wish first of all a peaceful year. it is important for all of us. the best is our first room, the registration room, here we have a cooler, tea, coffee, er, the possibility to recharge er, gadgets, here we have a room for children, we arranged it, it is so bright and cheerful, there are books, toys to have so that you can also lie around, including eh pencils to draw, and in this room, in the next room, we have a room for the elderly
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so that children do not disturb the elderly. if they want to rest a little, this is one of the points of unbreakability arranged on the basis of a school in the shevchenkiv district of the capital. it has a separate entrance so as not to interfere with the educational process at the same time, it can accommodate up to 100 people. despite this, there are not many visitors here, this is my drawing, the flag of ukraine, they are walking, an embroidered heart, a hotel, this is a heart, and here it dripped into ukraine, well, i have it, this is me, mommy and daddy, daddy, i have now in the war , well, i miss nothing, well, he used to come, well, sometimes he comes, arina is almost the only visitor here, she came on duty with her mother, it is school employees and representatives of the terrodefense who receive 24/7 there are no people here, except for air alarms, during
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an alarm, the point does not work , both the staff of the point and visitors must be in a safe place in the shelter . therefore, we are closing and everyone is moving to the shelter. such a small number of visitors is due to the lack of long-term blackouts in this area of ​​the city but there were no lights in the districts and near kyiv for several days in a row. so the gostomel police support point was visited by several hundred people a day. in case of power outages, people can come here warm up drink tea have a snack and charge your phone gadgets in case of no connection here you can always turn to the police for help we are here 24 hours a day and work 24 hours a day we provide all police services if people want to make any statements so we accept them here in conditions
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of long power outages light points of unbreakability turns into a working office half a day i work at home while holding the battery and half days i work at the point of unbreakability charges all gadgets for teenagers electronic devices are also important, so the schoolchildren of bohdana kyrylo charge their phones here and can rest a little and play games. there was no electricity for two days , we had charged power banks. and now everything is discharged, so they came to charge it, and i see you playing games. some. 412 unbreakable points have been deployed in the kyiv region, 530 more in kyiv itself, but in the event of a long-term power outage, there will not be enough of them in the city of kyiv, there are millions of people, so let's
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calculate for ourselves how many such points are needed in order to satisfy all needs of course it is physically and even technically impossible , the points have their own functionality, they are not present there for, say, permanent residence, but, nevertheless, they are popular among the residents of kyiv. the list of these points includes gas stations, pharmacies, shops, post offices that have generators and provide services exclusively from recharging , and most utility points do not have sterling, which makes it impossible to connect to the internet in the event of a blackout, however, despite russia's constant attempts to damage our civil infrastructure, the kyiv region and the capital are holding on, the situation is now stabilized and there are so many people coming due to shelling due to russian attacks, on the one
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hand, we will do everything to ensure the operation of all systems but uh, objectively, everything depends on the utility workers, the enemy of the energetics is methodically a whole tuner in the capital, precisely in the civil infrastructure, however, the disconnection of residents, in particular, gostomel, which was occupied by the russians near kyiv, the vast majority of the townspeople were forced to leave their homes, so now, despite all the trials, people want to stay. i have already been at home as a refugee. i don't want to go anywhere , even though there is light, water and heat. i lived for 5 months in austria in vienna, i am very grateful to the austrians and everyone who helped me, but i think it is better even without light even


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